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  • Megasack Giveaway Day 17: Cannondale Extremely Useful Bundle
  • ononeorange
    Full Member

    Ours (partially) fell down…!

    Full Member

    We had a ceiling done in a large room, reboarded, repainted and all cleared up. It took them best part of a week and cost us a round a grand I think. Don’t underestimate the most unbelievable amount of s**t that falls out of a lath and plaster ceiling. Still finding dust over a year later.

    Full Member

    I feel very small….and will stick to my small man’s Soul! Cheers all.

    MrGreedy – post up your views as you say.

    Full Member

    They’re all part of the family.

    Full Member

    How tall are you freakish giants riding Solarises (Solarii?), above please?

    Full Member

    Yeah right, vote for one who doesn’t get in then incredibly find that you’re in breach of some convenient piece of catch-all anti-terrorism legislation – hmmmmmm.

    Full Member

    From an English perspective for a moment if I may, my understanding of a successful “yes” vote means that it would be an absolute unmitigated disaster for England in isolation. The only reason that Westminster isn’t far over to the right at each election is due to the moderating effect of the Scottish constituencies. It makes North Korea sound an attractive option to move to to me.

    Full Member

    IHN – if open to all, we could be interested, although I suspect that one of us would prefer to wait for more a clement season!

    Full Member

    There’d definitely be a crown race in that scenario.

    No idea if there’d be a headset though.

    Full Member

    Sorry, am just fuming after 4 weeks of mayhem. The upside is that we have only paid 40% and they are dumb enough to have left stove and everything else on our property…..I think we have the upside somehow.

    I keep thinking they are going to turn up and just do the job, but every time there’s something else they haven’t thought of…..

    I see now why the lowest quote isn’t always the best – they were a grand less than anyone else (they really did tuen up with no tools the first time and asked to borrow off me)!

    Full Member

    “It really shouldn’t be a two day job unless you have a house made of cheese”

    Or the “installers” have never done it before, have no tools and are just making it up as they go along.

    Full Member

    Just an update – Our disaster fitting saga continues. I think we’re on visit 8 now….! Top tip – if you turn up to fit the slate hearth, always make sure that you have it with you……aaaaargggghh!!

    We were however most worried about the flue liner, as our roof is hanging on by its fingernails to say the least, and so we insisted on using our own chap who is aware of how bad it is and has been up before. He came on Saturday bang on time and had the liner down in minutes, all done. If only the rest of it had gone that well, and it’s bizarre that the bit I was most worried about turned out to be the easiest. I still don’t think it’ll be done by Summer 2013, although the stove is now plonked in the middle of the front room carpet. God knows what it’ll be like when done.

    Full Member

    OK must be t’ other one.

    Full Member

    Any bloody musical. The mere thought strikes terror into me.

    Full Member

    Jaws as well, or some awful werewolf / zombie horror thing that my brother forced me to watch when he was babysitting me at a very young age and was hugely amused when I was frankly terrified. Didn’t sleep properly again for years and was forever checking outside the windows.

    Full Member

    Good spot.

    Is this the magazine that will say the handling etc is almost perfect but as it doesn’t say Specialized anywhere it only gets 4/10 or is that the other one? “The Specialized we rode broke in two and had square wheels but it gets a perfect 10…..”

    Full Member

    Did you sock-et to ’em back?

    Full Member

    Quality title though, piemonster. Good effort.

    Full Member

    What tyres for a putting green?

    Full Member

    My mrs encourages me. The only time I engaged in this “sport” was when I built her a bike for her birthday, so had to smuggle the bits in then. The frame was the hardest, naturally.

    The lucky lady got a dropper seatpost for her birthday last year, too.

    Full Member

    For our cooking, we are delighted with Le Creuset. Quite a few years old and just getting into their stride.

    Full Member

    Duel is indeed a top track. the anthem of the 1980s.

    Full Member

    Very good here too – although be warned, their courier insists on a signature – they won’t leave it (even if you ask them to).

    Full Member

    They want to have a war to stop us buying Japanese
    They want to have a war to stop Industrial Disease.

    Full Member

    I’m with kayak on this.

    Full Member

    You are TJ and I claim my £5.

    Full Member

    My Uturn coils which I love are just about finished now. I wuill have to replace them next year as they are missing big areas of coating on the stanchions. If you speak to TF Tuned, I think they can convert the dual position Coils to U turn. It’s the way I want to go.

    Full Member

    Watching this I realise what an abysmal rider I truly am!


    Full Member

    Top thread. Faith in humanity = restored.

    Full Member

    Crown race or magic cat?

    Full Member

    We were quoted £7,500 to fit one in the kitchen which was straightforward but for the sloping roof! Same mob quoted £3,500 for standard fireplace fitting in front room. When I asked them to break down the costs, I was told “it’s difficult” and then they stopped communicating wth us.

    Now halfway through an intensely long-drawn out and shambolic installation that was a grand less. I’m hoping it will be finished before summer next year.

    Full Member

    I started SS for the same reason a few years back, ie, I was curious. I also got fed up with destroying geartrains in mud.

    I ride both now but a lot of riding is on SS, I really enjoy it. As above, terrain is very important – around my way there are (sadly) no really long hills to climb, which does mean that it is very well suited to SS. Surprisingly, I am often faster on any given stretch on the SS, partly I think because it makes me ride with much more momentum.

    I found that I took to it from the word go, I think because my riding style has always been out of the saddle. Like someone above, I can’t stand spinning away.

    Give it a go.

    Full Member

    I was there yesterdray – had a brilliant ride. I don’t claim to know the area at all well, but I went up from Marshbrook up the road to Minton, turned left then right at the end and went up the track through the woods to the glider field (I do like that climb). I went down Cardingmill then back up the road and down Minton Batch. Then did the first climb again just as I enjoyed it so much the first time.

    Full Member

    Well done Karin, really happy for you.

    Wish we could have dogs. One day.

    Full Member

    If it was really Smurfhat there would have been a picture of him without a shirt on awesomely driving a speed boat or something.

    Full Member

    Not been up for ages but remember in the Chilterns if there has been any humidity in the air at any time in the last 6 months it will be claggy as hell.

    Full Member

    I think Tucker is right. The last two chain changes I have done on my bike have been when the chain wear thing just gets to the 0.75″ area, then as soon as new chain is on it’s slipping off the cassette under load and chain sucking at the front. Grrrrrrr – two new cassettes and two new chain rings in 12 months Grrrrr grrrrr grrrrrrr.

    I will be using the ruler method (ooooerrrr missus) if I can ever remember the sizes quoted above.

    Full Member

    “Ps am off out on mine now.”

    Sitting at work. Envious.

    Full Member

    I took the Simon Side approach (above) and agree that it is the way to go. She actually tells me to buy myself bits if they are getting tatty etc.

    Mrs O is indeed awesome!

    Full Member

    “A bloke I used to work with claimed to have ‘done the business’ with Celine Dion in the crudest of ways possible “

    Is that why she makes that terrible racket then?

    I went to concert once with a girl and Dave Vanian (lead singer of The Damned of course) was in the queue for the phone in front of me. My life really is that lame.

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