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  • BikePark Wales: New 33 year lease to bring many benefits
  • onlysteel
    Free Member

    Had me puzzled, Sandwich!
    We’ll be walking when we’re in Garmisch & B’gaden. Currently studying relevant Kompass maps and the Cicerone guide. Looking forward to getting away.

    Free Member

    Thanks for suggestions.
    Augustiner in Arnulf Str is on the list, Alpin.
    Also Mikes bike tour.
    Interesting comments re Dachau. Not sure I could cope with it, frankly, which is why I thought the 2 museums I mentioned in the original post might be better for us – if it all gets a bit much we can walk out into the light again.
    Dunno how I feel treating the camp as a stop on a tourist itinerary. Confused feelings on this.
    It was our intention to visit the Eagles Nest from Berchtesgaden, Ecky.

    Free Member

    B&W 805’s here. Feel no urge to change.

    Free Member

    Unless I’ve missed it, surprised Louise hasn’t been mentioned yet.

    Free Member

    Oldest is 10 years. Very occasionally pop the bearings out, clean, regrease and reassemble. Race face and shimano are disposable, imho, which goes against the grain.

    Free Member

    Sitting in the office with erect nipples. Just how I like it.

    Free Member

    Start with an RP3 for vinyl, best speak to Cougar re streaming. Suspect it isn’t snot.

    Free Member

    You do realise vinyl and streaming is the future…….

    Free Member

    Toss up between Thunder Road – Born to Run or Janie Jones – Clash 1st

    Free Member

    Slim pickings in Perth, Concorde in St Johns Square, until Goldrush opened up on the Old High St. Move to Edinburgh in 78 was a revelation. Cockburn St, Phoenix Records on the High Street just round the corner, then on to the small narrow shop on South Bridge, before going across to Greyfriars Market. Once in a while down to a shop on Henderson Row, to feed my passion for Springsteen boots.
    Edinburghists should check this out:
    Nowadays spend too much in Musicbox, Wallingford & Rapture, Witney……

    Free Member

    FF appeal completely lost on me. Quiet bit, fast and loud, shouty, slow it down a bit then speed it up again: repeat. Naw, not for me, though I did try. Stormzy tho’, yeah I can see the appeal & I’m 57 ffs!

    Free Member

    Poor. Lacks random capitalisation and insufficient bad language. Use of bold a nice touch, though suggests over thought.

    Free Member

    Damned if you do, damned if you don’t.

    Free Member

    I’m pretty peeved by it all, frankly.

    Free Member

    Good running socks = balega in our house. Not cheap, but last an eternity, and don’t lose their stretch or softness. Never had significant blster problems, though 40 years of running has toughened my feet up! I’d suggest a smudge of Vaseline on the susceptible area.

    Free Member

    I watched ‘The Cowboys’, John Wayne, the other week. Thoroughly enjoyed it! Yoof didn’t even look up from the iPad.

    Free Member

    4×4 for ladies who lunch.

    Free Member

    You’re still here…….START PACKING!

    Free Member

    Folk horror? I thought my rigid, singlespeed, steel, 26″ was increasingly niche but wtf is folk horror?

    Free Member

    Guessing Lance took the pic of Shezza?

    Free Member

    Describing them as ‘masterminds’ is pushing it a bit, tho’ I can appreciate to a degree what they are doing. Shrouding it in bollocks doesn’t help.

    Free Member

    Mrs is on her 3rd Mazda 3. 2 litre petrol, 16 plate. Prefer it to my 17 plate Golf………

    Free Member

    Pitt Rivers, Oxford. Especially the occasional torchlight evening visits.

    Free Member

    Hit a large muntjac at 70mph, early one Sunday morning last summer. Shot out of a heavily overgrown dual carriageway verge, with no chance to even start moving my foot towards the brake pedal. Made a helluva mess of the front of the Golf – bumper, grille, bonnet, rad all totalled, flesh & skin all over the front of what was left. £2,800 repair bill.

    Free Member

    Strewth! I was going to go Alice Roberts, but Jonny wins the thread.

    Free Member

    Also thought it was a retro Klein thread……

    Free Member

    Great tits in the box have already fledged. Shirley summers here (and the time is right etc.).

    Free Member

    Look like black 1/2 frames. No class. Everyone who’s anyone goes tortoiseshell.

    Free Member

    You’ve only just realised……..yup, you are.

    Free Member

    Agree with the ‘don’t over think it’ opinions. Been at it for 40 + years and never give a thought to paces vs breaths, even when racing in my prime. Maybe that’s why I was never more than a good club standard xc runner……..

    Free Member

    Loads of vinyl of no value other than as memories.

    Free Member

    I’d never noticed them until last year. Lots on our lavender. As above, not good for them. Don’t run fast so easy to catch and make for a satisfying squish……..

    Free Member

    Link doesn’t seem to be working?
    Been dipping into this thread over preceding months & really enjoying it. Great pics up above. As a wheels on the ground type of guy this is a lot more appealing to me than much of the gnarr stuff that often features!
    Keep up the good work.

    Free Member

    Had detached retina around 1998, which was dealt with successfully. This made me susceptible to an early cataract and in due course one formed. Actual op was pretty straightforward though still around -2. Was due to have other eye done to balance sight – was pretty myopic previously, but first certainly wasn’t an unqualified success, so won’t be done unless/until I need it. Also suffered a secondary cataract a few years later which was easily dealt with. It’s actually a cloudy membrane which forms behind the implant.
    Long and short is if you need it you need it. Actual op is nothing to be afraid of.

    Free Member

    Linn Sondek LP12, 30 years old. Admittedly it’s only the plinth that’s original now. Lots of vinyl from late seventies.

    Free Member

    As a child Jago was dressed exclusively in Boden.

    Free Member

    That Rodius thing is brute ugly with no cred, but looks like it’ll swallow an elephant with room to spare……..

    Free Member

    Not being sarky, but have you thought about sticking a couple of tubes back in? 7 months down the line and still not working reliably for you. Must be costing you a fortune in time and money.

    Free Member

    Good shout, Jekkyl. Used to regularly youth hostel on my own in the lakes, albeit 15-20 years ago, while Mrs took school kids to outdoor centres. Used to really look forward to it, planing my walking routes, occasional wild camping and a few pints in the pub after dinner, all at my own, please myself pace.

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