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  • UCI Confirms 2025 MTB World Series Changes
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    Throbbers who turn their car fog lights on in the rain, thereby creating a blinding glare.

    So much this. It’s even worse if you’re on a motorbike with rain all over your visor. Utter ****. And it’s illegal, but I very much doubt that anyone has ever been done for it.

    Full Member

    OP, hope you don’t think these comments are out of order.

    You’ve posted a lot  over the past few years about how you can find and stick to a plan – it’s there again in your post starting this thread. But as you hint at in that post, your life is not really at a point where you can make a plan and guarantee to stick to it. When I was at a similar stage in life, my work was completely unpredictable, so I couldn’t commit to any weekday activities, because I simply didn’t know if I was going to be around, and even if I was at home I was likely to have to take a child somewhere or collect a child from somewhere. So forget the planning. Relax. Forget the targets but be better at grabbing the opportunities. Be less prescriptive about what you want to do. Don’t say ‘I haven’t got time for that 40 mile ride I wanted to do’, instead say ‘I’ve got 90 minutes, I can do 15 miles and get showered ready for the next thing’. If you can find one spot a week that you can keep sacrosanct then great, go for it – I used to get out for 2 hours every Sunday at 08:00 with my riding buddy for a muddy bridleway ride, and anything else was a bonus.

    And I know we live in the same town, so I’m still here if you fancy a road/gravel/mtb ride any time.

    Full Member

    Why Google can’t put a refresh button on the toolbar I don’t know

    Er… Because it’s not really necessary?

    Full Member

    Buy a Volvo avec the Shopping Bag Flap of Elasticated Sensibleness

    I came here to say that. An excellent feature.

    Full Member

    I wonder if the people spreading this theory also claim that ‘human activity cannot change the climate’….

    There seems to be an almost 100% overlap ?

    Full Member

    “Schools told inspectors that the “consequences of lockdowns” meant that “children were starting reception with delayed communication and language, poor self-help skills and emotional difficulties”.”

    Full Member

    I’ve been carrying carbon bikes quite happily on my Thule 591s, but I did get a couple of these

    Full Member

    Mrs owg works in a primary school reports that there are two year groups going through school at the moment who have significant behaviour and resilience issues, the worst affected being the current year 7s. My neighbour, who is a secondary deputy head, says that they have seen a big spike in behaviour problems, mostly in the younger end of the school. Whether it’s COVID that has caused this, who knows? There has also been a rise in children arriving in Reception who aren’t toilet trained.

    Full Member

    My first symptoms were 2 weeks ago. I had 5 days of hell, but I’ve been much better, no temperature, just an occasional cough since then. So I’ve been walking 10-12000 steps a day for a week. Yesterday I went for a 34 mile road ride trying to keep my heart rate sensible. I’m feeling ok. Today’s my first attempt at my 1hr workout/stretching session – it’s the stretches that are a struggle, everything has tightened up a lot. I think the thing is to be prepared to stop if you’re struggling, and don’t go absolutely flat out until you’re sure you’re over it.

    Full Member

    This isn’t particularly wrong, but neither is it useful in any way. Maybe it will get better with more training.


    Full Member

    I had the same question last week, needed some rotors for my gravel bike. Ended up with the Ultegra RT-CL800. They are very nice, nicer than the older Ultegras on my road bike.

    Full Member


    The CMS detector at the LHC. Got it from the Science Museum a few years back.

    Full Member

    It feels like a lot of people have been really ill recently, anyone else noticed this?

    I’m 10 days in to my first ever bout of covid. The first 5 days were really grim, I can’t really remember ever feeling that ill before. I’m feeling more or less OK now, but still testing very strongly positive. Almost everyone I’ve told about this responds with something to the effect that they know a lot of people who have it at the moment and all of them are finding it non-trivial.

    Full Member

    That is really quite an achievement. Kudos.

    Full Member

    So… He has experience in IT project management, but he still thinks fixed price projects will solve all his problems. Lolz.

    Full Member

    This is an easy one to solve. Don’t buy anything from Amazon.

    Full Member

    A Racing Ray up front and a Racing Ralph on the rear works well on my XC hardtail.

    Full Member

    I had mine done last week at Specsavers, having done as I was told and using olive oil drops for ten days. A couple of large lumps were extracted, but it made zero difference to my hearing.

    Full Member

    The number of folk I ever see spinning at 90 rpm is a close approximation to zero

    My last road ride was at an average of 86 .

    Full Member

    you can tighten up properly

    0.7 – 1.5nm is the same whether it’s applied by a plastic nut or an alloy one.

    Full Member

    My Scalpel HT has a top gear of 34×10 which is good for mid-20s mph at a 90 rpm cadence – quite a lot faster than 22kph. The biggest handicap is the 760mm bars, but if you grip them closer to the stem it makes a huge difference. The gravel bike is faster on the road, but not by a huge amount, a lot of which is probably down to the tyres. The MTB is much more confidence inspiring on anything even vaguely loose or technical. Which is why the gravel bike is now mostly used for touring and as a winter road bike, or just occasionally off-road when I feel like scaring myself for fun. I still love the bike, it’s just that living where I do there aren’t many gravel tracks to ride.

    Full Member

    But she hasn’t thrown her seat away. She can happily sit in it, collecting the money, until the next election.

    Full Member

    You know how mountain bikes aren’t just for mountains? And road bikes aren’t just for roads? And touring bikes aren’t just for touring?

    I guessed

    they do make excellent tourers and winter road bikes, and they are well suited to the somewhat unpredictable surfaces of the average NCN route

    Full Member

    Unlike the US and Canada, we don’t have a whole lot of gravel roads to ride on. So gravel bikes were always something of a solution looking for a problem in the UK. However, they do make excellent tourers and winter road bikes, and they are well suited to the somewhat unpredictable surfaces of the average NCN route.

    Full Member

    The 34% that Labour received in July was the lowest ever for any party which has won a general election.

    And for most of the last 100 years we’ve had a right of centre government on a mainly progressive vote. Our electoral system is fundamentally unsound. This isn’t news, but the main parties seem to be quite happy with it.

    Full Member

    Nobody runs stock android as it’s utter crap as an OS and is terrible to live with.

    What a strange thing to say.

    Full Member

    Pixel 8a would be my choice. 20% off until the 29th too. I’ve got a 6a and it’s been great – the 8a has some useful upgrades.

    Full Member

    ACTUALLY BECAUSE THEY’RE Different FROM YOU And NEED TO BE stopped at all costs

    More bollocks. I’m a motorcyclist, so they are the same as me. I pay vehicle tax, buy insurance, have passed a test, and wear an approved crash helmet. If I didn’t do these things I would expect the law to deal with me appropriately. What makes these people exempt from these laws?

    Full Member

    I’ve just got some new 24 spoke carbon 50mm wheels for my road bike – the recommended max weight (bike, rider and kit) is 129kg. Given that there must be some safety margin in that, I don’t think you need to worry.

    Full Member

    Education is a good in itself. This Tory idea that it has to have a monetary return is so damaging. Arts and Humanities are being squeezed out because they aren’t ‘useful’. An educated population builds a better society.

    But then they don’t really want an educated population, because on the whole educated people tend towards the left. We would never have had Brexit, and Trump would never have been President if our respective populations had been better educated.

    Full Member


    This is just bollocks. These things are not bicycles, they are motorcycles. We are fine with that, many of us ride motorcycles. We aren’t actually asking for anything extra to be banned, we would just like the existing laws to be applied. If you are caught riding a motorcycle without a licence, helmet, insurance the police will charge you appropriately and usually seize the bike. No new laws are needed.

    Full Member

    Interesting in that if you are an old man

    I’m enjoying my first bout at 65. I think slowoldman is a bit older though.

    Full Member

    We will need to wait 5 years to see if anything has got noticeably better

    And even if things have got noticeably better, there will still be a substantial number of people who won’t believe it.


    Full Member

    Never ridden by delivery riders that’s for sure.

    Sure they’re delivery riders, it’s just not food they’re delivering.

    I have a car with full insurance,

    You’d still need to insure the bike separately.

    Full Member

    Generally, no.

    Thanks. However, I’ve just checked and the guidance has changed – used to say you couldn’t have the jab if you’ve had COVID in the last 6 weeks – now it says that as long as you’ve recovered there’s no need to wait.

    Full Member

    Apologies if I missed it but I don’t think the OP has told us what subject his offspring is studying (reading). I’m a boomer, and even when I was at uni there was a huge difference in contact time between subjects, ranging from the engineers who had pretty much a full week, to the philosophers who had a two hour tutorial once a week. My physics course was somewhere in the middle.

    Full Member

    The C6 V10 is probably a bit of a red herring. All RSs are expensive to look after, but that one was the most expensive car to maintain, full stop. More than any of its contemporary supercars.

    Full Member

    I’ve had a couple of pairs of Kiwi Pro for years. They’ve been fine, but I recently picked up some half price Rohan Bags off Sport Pursuit and there is no comparison. Really nice kit.

    Full Member

    Never use the lift or the escalators, always use the stairs.

    Full Member

    If I’m reading this correctly,  the government are in the wrong for not doing things that should be covered in a budget that hasn’t happened yet?

    also, this makes them as bad as the Tories. Or possibly worse.

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