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  • OmarLittle
    Free Member

    Yes, clearly.. 2 million people are right-wing football hooligans.

    No one said that. Its about how the wider Yes campaign and Salmond got repeatedly linked in the media (and directly by the No campaign too) for a very small number of idiots on the fringes whereas the No campaign and Cameron weren’t linked and associated to their lunatic fringe. The coverage gave impression that Yes were full of extremists and No were just a silent, law abiding majority.

    Free Member

    The Yes campaign keeps getting referred to as being insular, small minded, inward looking. That IME is not the case at all, it was really quite internationalist in its outlook. Yes being rejected has been portrayed as being petty nationalism being defeated. It wasn’t, it was just a different type of nationalism that won.

    It wasnt Yes that was having marches in support involving sectarian organisations or demonstrations with neo-fascists turning up and giving Nazi salutes and so on. None of this got much coverage in the media though, and the likes of David Cameron were never asked to condemn the idiots on fringes of Better Together in the way that Alex Salmond had to answer for the idiot fringe in the Yes campaign.

    Live from George Square right now, the all inclusive, outward looking No support in full effect.

    Free Member

    The amount of money spent by some of the big tech companies in the last couple of years has been crazy – minecraft, beats, instagram, nest labs, whatsapp (i still cant get over the $19 billion for whatsapp) and the valuations on the likes of uber, snapchat, buzzfeed etc surely suggests another tech bubble.

    Free Member

    Bummer, road season over then 🙁 Track season begins!

    Free Member

    +1 for leg or knee warmers

    Free Member

    Try bike and roll, they should have some road bikes

    Free Member

    Just copy this big baldy guy, you’ll do alright

    Free Member

    I can hear daft shit too.

    I dont get it if im passing through an airport terminal but if im staying at a hotel next an airport (presumably less background noise than the terminal) i can “hear” what i assume to be radar. 😕

    Free Member

    Sad news about the guy who died 🙁

    Free Member

    Flew around the first 60 miles or so then got a puncture, rather annoying….sort that out then get going again then a group with Marianne Vos passes (and presumably crazy legs too) and latch on. Wooooo this is great i no longer care about the missed time im flying along with a world champ and cycling legend. Get to Embankment and the thought crossed my mind that i was lucky to get a puncture to get to experience the run in with Vos….no sooner had i thought that than i go through a huge puddle and get another puncture with some debris under the water. Arse!

    Literally happened within about 20 seconds of thinking id been fortunate with the first one. Didnt know whether to laugh or cry!

    Free Member

    Well good luck everyone 🙂

    Free Member

    Decisions decisions…ive had the saddle bag on and off about 5 times….im afraid i might just have to take the sensible choice for a change. I feel like such a fraud! 😀

    Free Member

    The latest email from the organisers doesnt sound too promising with the talk of cutting out leith hill and box hill

    Free Member

    Jamaican sprinting is rife with doping scandals but for some reason (perhaps naively) i reckon Bolt to be clean

    He was winning world championships as a junior so he’s always been amongst the best of his peers so the career progression is there. Wish i could find footage of it but i remember Michael Johnson talking about him years ago (probably about 2005 or 2006) saying there was a young guy coming up who if he could manage to improve his start and transition would go on to dominate sprinting for the next decade.

    Free Member

    good day out and some exciting racing.

    One criticism i’d make is that the course could have supported a bigger crowd and its a shame that it was not generally known that you could watch parts for free.

    Free Member

    Been many times and liked it. Could happily enough live there, although in saying that if i had to live in a big European city then London would be behind the likes of Paris, Berlin, Barcelona and a few others.

    Free Member

    Lovely evening here so managed to get out for few hours – started off with a hilly route then finished off with some hill repeats. There were 3 others on the same hill going up and down too so it added a bit of a competitive element, trying to catch the guy in front while remaining ahead of the guy behind. So much for my pacing strategy!

    Now up to about 6500.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Its been in decline a bit the last few years (i dont think its just me getting old) but its still a bit of a rite of passage for Scottish youth going there with a big group of mates and having a good time with them. This has its good points and its bad! However for seeing a band you are already a fan of then the atmosphere and crowd interaction at T in the park is usually better than Glastonbury. For overall festival experience and variety of music then it doesnt compare very favourably.

    Free Member

    Quintana v Froome at the Vuelta could make for some great viewing

    Free Member

    A couple of years ago there was a 20% discount code for completing the Rapha Rising challenge which is starting soon, i cant remember if that was the case last year though.

    Free Member

    hope this photo is accurate 😀

    Free Member

    My crap team selected to be the worst….is doing better than my proper team 😳

    Free Member

    im sure the picture was great but the speakers at each side would annoy the hell out of me!

    Free Member

    Wiggins will always have a bigger profile in the UK due to being the first British tour winner plus the once in a lifetime event of a home Olympics a week afterwards.

    However Cavendish will have the bigger profile elsewhere from cycling fans around the world who will already consider him one of the best sprinters ever, even if he wasn’t to win another thing in his career.

    Free Member

    It sometimes takes a while for the leaderboard to fill up.

    Free Member

    name sounds familiar pretty sure he had a similiar link bait article about joggers recently.

    must have a problem with people exercising and trying to stay healthy

    Free Member

    What are they all doing advertising the Sun anyway?

    Miliband is a hopeless leader but the PM, deputy PM and leader of the opposition should not be getting involved in a publicity stunt like this

    Free Member

    Meerly sleeveless is a bit over dressed for Cipo these days

    Free Member

    Both are good but for a first time visit then Glentress – the red is the obvious choice but after that give the blue a go, it is alot of fun despite it “only” being a blue.

    Free Member

    I have a 50/34 with 11-27 cassette. I initially switched from a standard double for a trip to the Alps but have stuck with it since and its perfectly fine even for road races and crits – Have never felt like i’ve needed a bigger gear on a downhill or in a sprint.

    Free Member

    that’s well weapon

    Free Member

    where is the segment bit on garmin connect? ive had a look but cant find it

    Free Member

    Great stage!

    Free Member

    Oh FFS…i know half the **** in the video 😀

    Free Member

    Surprised at how sad this has made me considering i was never a student there (although i was in the union regularly back in the day). Even if it can be rebuilt it will never be the same, not just in terms of loss of the archives which is a huge blow in itself, but more generally too the loss of history.

    Free Member

    Wiggins has said he intends to ride, i think Dowsett has too but other than that i dont know.

    The Scottish squad hopefuls are getting told if they are in this week or next so presumably the English team will be getting told soon too.

    Free Member

    Which airport please? I want to know if mine are at risk of being lost

    Ive been going through all my airport located ones making sure i dont have any 1.4 km long and timed at 1.39! 😀

    Free Member

    If you look closely about 1.50 onwards the guy in the Kelme top seems to have a clipless moment

    Free Member

    I have a removable one although the only time i ever bothered removing it was the week i got it….But then i am exceedingly lazy bastard so my experience is probably not the norm!

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