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  • Move Over Chris Akrigg, Hello Leo Smith
  • OmarLittle
    Free Member

    arse….just spent about £500 there earlier this afternoon

    Free Member

    I ask but most of the time people are ok.

    I really regret one time i saw someone fall off their bike while i was on my way back from a hard ride. I was shattered so not totally with it but i still slowed down to ask if she was ok, she said yes but promptly burst out crying but for some reason i cycled off thinking about drinking raspberry jam from the jar. It was only as i was putting my bike away when i was home that it registered that she had started crying despite saying yes. I have no reason why i did it, total brain fart and i keep hoping to see her again to apologise.

    Free Member

    thanks for the link cheapest i’ve seen it for sale at a UK site

    did it come with the attachments to stick on bars or helmet or was it just the camera and case?

    Free Member

    Free Member

    What gets me about triathletes is that that virtually all of them seem to start off in the wrong gear. Presumably they put it as big a gear as possible to prevent the chain skipping off but is that really a problem?

    And the time saved with having shoes already clipped in seems to be lost with the all the faffing around when on the bike trying to get the shoes on!

    Free Member

    I’m considering getting a Garmin 800 but first of all waiting to hear how people get on with the OS mapping

    Free Member

    That the last 60 years has been peaceful in western Europe (with the exception of relatively very minor conflicts in Northern Ireland/the Basque Country) is remarkable considering European history – you would have to go back to the era of Pax Romano for a comparable time without major conflict and that was about 2000 years ago.

    That is not all down to the EU but it has played a huge role in it.

    Free Member

    saw a few of them on bikes in the summer (a trek hybrid of some sort i think) a couple of them looked like it was their first time on a bike the way they were wobbling about all over the place!

    Free Member

    If you start from Dunnon then take the road to Strachur and Glenbranter is just at the north end of Loch Eck.

    Argyll and Bute is great for road biking too, some really tough climbs (the one between Glendaruel and Otter Ferry is one of my favourite climbs in Scotland) but generally good surfaced roads and pretty quiet and spectacular scenary.

    Free Member

    A few years back I was given the freedom of the city of Hazard in Kentucky an honour which comes with the title Duke, so I am a bonafide Duke of Hazard. Damn right that gets used! 😀

    (Although the tv series had an extra Z in Hazard and was set in Georgia rather than Kentucky)

    Free Member

    I did a 10k in the summer with virtually no training and didnt find it too bad until the next day and about a week after that. Not just muscular but my knees, ankles and shins were in agony.

    Going to be running my first marathon next year so should really start the training plan now, but it is so hard to find the motivation…being on the bike even when working hard still feels fun and like playing, running is more like a chore.

    Free Member

    Its the DX ones with the cage / platform so probably a bit more prone to ice build up than the others.

    Free Member

    I think generally drivers who drive and act like arseholes towards cyclists also drive and act like arseholes to other drivers too – it is just when i am on my bike rather in my car i am alot more self conscious about it happening and also much more on the lookout for the bad road behaviour to try and take evasive action if needed.

    There does seem to be alot of cyclist hate in some newspaper columns and particularly comments on articles – partly this is a result of a few bigots stirring it up – they are self aware enough to know that ranting about “****, **** and poofs” is going to make them look like ****, so they find an outlet for their inadequacies by hating on a group that it still deemed ok to abuse.

    Free Member

    The recession and cuts have still to hit yet for many people largely as a result of the initial global response to the crisis which was the adoption of Keynesian policies throughout most of the developed world – policies which seem to have worked to prevent collapse (in the short term at least). The cuts in spending and attempts to balance budgets that are now taking centre stage is likely to lead to a deeper recession.

    Free Member

    i think it depends alot on what product as i’ve found their bibs to be a little larger sized than some other brands – usually i go for a medium (sometimes even a large with some brands) but the medium in the dhbs was too big.

    Free Member

    their new US Army style pisspot with the ace of spades on it looks completly ridiculous.

    So ridiculous i have to get one when they come out!

    Free Member

    Great video

    Free Member

    A day in the life

    Free Member

    It might be a case of you eating too much at breakfast prior to working out rather than not getting enough fuel.

    I spent years doing early morning swim training and always found it tricky to manage eating enough beforehand to get energy and eating too much with not enough time to digest sufficiently before starting the exercise. At other times during the day then it is not usually a problem but for early morning training there is usually less time from getting out of bed to eating breakfast to getting the training in. For what its worth my ‘solution’ for a 2 hour session was to get up before 5.30 for some breakfast before starting training at 6.30 or if it was just an hours session i’d skip breakfast altogether and just have a banana before i started.

    Free Member

    i sometimes use mine (661 dirt lid i think is its name) and it is great for cold days.

    On a cold day if i wear a buff or underhat with my normal helmet if i am pushing hard then when the sweat cools i get something akin to an icecream headache. doesn’t matter if my underhat is merino or windstopper, but with the pisspot i dont get that problem and if its really cold then then adding an underhat then i can be toasty warm without the cold sweat problem

    Free Member

    the Tour de France organisers don’t consider him the winner anymore but the UCI havent formally stripped him of the title so havent been able to declare another winner.

    Zabel also admitted to doping in 1996 too so the green jersey is also sort of ‘vacant’

    Free Member

    It is partly designer and developer led but they are also probably shifting to what gamers are wanting too.

    From my own perspective I’ve had my PS3 for about 3 years now, never thought i’d ever bother using it to play online (and didnt even try it for the first couple of years) but after dipping my toes in last year i now rarely bother completing the single player game and head straight online with it. That preferance is probably all to do with the type of games i like though – football and first person shooters – games where in the single player games the computers ai can become too predictable making it a bit easy.

    Free Member

    I lie to mine all the time. Probably not the healthiest basis for a relationship but i just cant be arsed with the inevitable drama that would come with telling the truth and them finding out about each other. 😀

    Free Member

    there is the glennifer braes which is just on the edge of the town and a bit further afield (down the sustrans route so probably about 40 minutes cycle away) then there is clyde muirsheil park and the greenock cut. If you have a car then there will be lots of good stuff within an hours drive away and lots of great stuff within a couple of hours.

    Free Member

    nowhere, got a back injury. already had a week off the bike and getting frustrated 🙁

    Free Member

    5 days in and ive still not progressed beyond my normal scruffy unshaven look 😀

    Free Member

    It is brilliant. One of the best things i’ve ever watched whether tv or movie.

    Of course these things are always subjective but i cant understand how anyone can find it – and particularly episode 6 (the one set in Bastogne) – to be dull!

    Free Member

    I was about £250 for a detachable one think it was about £180 ish for a non removable one.

    The detachable one i’ve only taken off once so if i was doing it again would just get the non removable one and save a bit of money

    Free Member

    It is a desktop, fairly newish too so it came with windows 7.

    The crashes seem to be entirely random – can happen as soon as the computer turns on or after a couple of hours of use so i dont think it is temperature related. It has been kept pretty dust free too.

    I’ve had it on safe mode since i posted this thread and it hasnt crashed yet. Probably a stupid question but do i do a system restore from within safe mode or do it from ‘full’ mode?

    Free Member

    i hate being overtaken if im out for a ‘proper’ ride rather than commuting. Actually it still rankles somewhat that someone overtook me in august while i was eating a banana and not paying attention. it took nearly 40 minutes to catch up with about 2000ft of climbing and then just before i was about to pass him at the top he stopped to make a phone call. The worst thing though was that i could have had him before the top but had held back a back to recover to make it look more effortless as i passed. I bet it was a fake phone call too….bastard!

    Free Member

    Will give that a go thanks

    Free Member

    Eeek that doesnt sound good!

    I’m just following the advice of what the guy on the dell hotline told me to do after ‘passing’ the hardware tests!

    Free Member

    saw it taking off after the pedal for scotland this year (had been at an airshow the previous day) and it was a magnificient sight

    Free Member

    Would be near the bottom of my list of places to stay in the developed world!

    Im sure it could be a nice lifestyle but i’d rather live elsewhere in Europe, even with having to learn a new language, if i was to leave the UK

    Free Member

    On the playstation for online play FIFA is streets ahead. PES is unplayable for me due to lag and that is just 1 v 1 matches.

    Haven’t really started the single player game yet so cant compare the two, online 11 v 11 is too addictive.

    Free Member

    i had one. really good car, think the reviews which called it more like a mini grand tourer than a hot hatch were right. Practical car, good performance and torquey engine (i’ve never driven a petrol car that pulls so hard from such low revs – comparable to turbo diesel), decent handling but also pretty refined as well. Can cruise on the motorway for hours and not feel uncomfortable unlike a few hot hatches i’ve had in the past! Fuel consumption is pretty bad though like ziggy says.

    Free Member

    That’s terrible news, condolences to his family and friends.

    Free Member

    I tend to yield whether i am going up or down. Seems the sensible and polite thing to do.

    Free Member

    Good shout with Once Upon a Time in the West, awesome opening.

    Betty Blue. When i was 14 i was reading the tv listings saying this was on C4 about 2 am with the key words ‘erotic drama’ that would have me staying up late to record it on vhs. I eventually wore out that tape rewatching the first few minutes over and over again 😀

    Love the start of Apocalypse Now too. The End by the Doors, the napalming of the tree line, the chopper turning into the fan, captain willard in his room, the fan turning into a chopper again…”Saigon… shit; I’m still only in Saigon….”

    Free Member

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