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  • Fresh Goods Friday 719: The Jewelled Skeleton Edition
  • oldracer
    Free Member

    Right, now we have a completely screwed up parliament, looking really strong and stable! WTF happens now!

    There’ll have to listen & talk to each other & bear in mind the result.

    For once, we might actually get something half decent & not railroaded by one parties cr@p ideas!

    Free Member

    Major sh1t storm if it does….

    Free Member

    Comedy gold this thread watching the Leavers twist!

    Free Member

    May is playing a blinder

    Gleaming JY.

    Free Member


    That way you won’t cry when you scratch/destroy/lose a £100+ pair of glasses!

    Free Member

    Wearing a pro cycling jersey?

    Bit like wearing the shirt of a PL football team IMHO….


    Free Member


    The Torys & Labour are both just as bad as each other.

    I still can’t forgive that knunt Blair..

    Free Member

    F me…he really did look shook up..

    Free Member

    Does a gun suddenly compel you to murder?

    No, of course not.

    Having seen upclose & personal the damage a high velocity round can do – my concern is that your p1ssed up boyo will have little or no grasp of the consequences of their actions….particularly in the heat of the moment.

    For that reason alone I’m against the police being routinely armed – the lack of education regarding firearm use.

    There’s no reset button & you don’t get 3 lives.

    Leave the firearms to those who’ve shown the profiency & aptitude to have one.

    I, for one, have known plenty who had access to firearms & in no uncertain fing terms should have ever been allowed to have.

    Firearms are not to be taken lightly & given out like sweets to the old bill. I’m very glad that the standards, now, are as high as they are.

    Free Member

    How did Dixon of Dock Green die?


    That was a film – not real!


    Free Member

    I’m not the only one who finds the thought of routinely armed police scary** rather than reassuring


    After living in the US for a few yrs I’ve come to the conclusion that more guns in society are a bad thing.

    The number of mall cops with a sidearm was frightening, not to mention those who might be carrying a concealed weapon.

    And I’m not squeamish about firearms – 10 yrs in the Army.

    Free Member

    I see the gun fantasist is still getting all frothy.

    My word, does he ever look at the evidence & the opinion of those whose job it is to understand these things or does he just make sh1t up for the hell of it…..

    I can only imagine he’s still got his Action Man PJs..

    Free Member

    I’ve some of the XC 650b wheels – seem fine.

    Basically, they are Hope – you’ll be fine.

    Free Member

    Imagine if the Mayor is a Tory there will be massive street protest innit …

    You make less & less sense – how do you do it??

    Free Member

    we start locking people up on the basis of suspicion and risk despite them having not *yet* actually done anything provably illegal under current law.

    When are you going to realise internment doesn’t fing work?!

    Free Member

    And we all saw the uproar over control orders – the same people now screaming that more police are needed to ‘investigate’ terror suspects are the ones who were screaming that control orders were a breach of human rights.

    Are they?

    Or are you projecting your screaming about everything at the rest of us?

    Free Member

    You have rampant speculation and the short sighted idea that you can fix everything with guns and prisons like an ape swinging a rock.

    Coffee everywhere!


    Free Member

    Possibly the only person in power that says what people think and want?

    Who are these people so I can run the other way?

    Free Member

    I’m calling for the police to be armed

    Yeah, cos more guns has always worked.,,.

    What happens when one side gets a new bigger, deadlier toy than the other side?


    The other side goes & gets a toy that matches or is bigger….

    Just what we need: an arms race on our streets..

    You haven’t thought this through have you..

    Free Member

    I’ve no specialisation in law so I can’t say, but I can say internment et al does not work.

    That’s been proven.

    What’s your suggestion ninfan?

    Free Member

    which I guarantee would have you lot up in arms about his human rights being breached)

    If there were reasonable grounds what’s to be upset about?

    Rather strikes me it’s you whose thong is getting all twisted..

    Free Member

    Not my opinion, but according to the former METsenior police bloke interviewed on Sky, we need need the community policing levels (the ones that were cut) to go and investigate as many allegations as possilbe. Given that all the perpetrators of the three recent UK attacks were known to the police but not sufficiently investigated that makes sense to me.

    Succinct enough ninfan?

    Free Member

    As Binners said…..

    What you need is boots on the ground.

    Cameras are cheap & give some a warm glow, but they can’t kick down doors & interview folks.

    Free Member

    To be fair, we are already one of the most surveilled countries on the planet as it is..

    Free Member

    Yes, but as said….you’d need the stars to line up, so many variables!

    Free Member

    Look at the way EU bureaucratic system is enslaving the future of the Greek children now. They (Greeks) cannot even survive and live in the land of their birth but need to disperse and to beg for jobs all over other EU countries … sad innit.


    It’s all the evil EU’s fault – nothing to with the Greeks own chronic mismanagement of their own country…

    Tax evasion

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Because that’s what they believed they had

    Yet, that has been proven to be inaccurate.

    Why would you use something that you know to be inaccurate if it’s not in an effort to imply the opposite.

    You could have caveated it with an admission that it was wrong but you chose not to.

    Bias much?

    Free Member

    I’m sorry but that call was a shite one. It’s obvious there were no weapons.

    & I only quoted you..

    Your words….”positive identification”.

    Clearly it wasn’t, yet you chose to use them. Why?

    Free Member

    positive identification of group with weapons (00.59) and mistaken belief that the camera was an RPG (01.24) cease fire and no shooting at wounded.


    So the worst you can attribute it to is honest mistake but genuine belief (within a war zone) rather than murder.

    You do get the difference between the two, right?


    So, initially you try to pass the incident off as a positive identification – which professionally, I can tell you, they didn’t look like weapons in the slightest (previous life as a trained observer in the British Army. Look up STA patrols if you’re bothered)…

    Then you admit it was a mistake.

    Do you know what you want??

    Free Member

    That Peter Hammond chap is a little questionable….

    “Frontline Fellowship is a Bible based African mission that has pioneered missionary work into neglected mission fields and areas resistant to the Gospel”


    I’m sorry, but “resistant to the Gospel”? Get over yourself Sir. Ever thought those folks might be quite happy?

    Peter Hammond

    Free Member

    given how ultra-PC the general population, police and politicians have become


    I’ve resigned myself to the fact that Islam will become the dominant religion in this country


    Free Member

    Best to just go where the wind blows you..

    Free Member

    A little background on internment last time round with the IRA:

    Op Demetrius

    As I recall it was quite a useful recruitment aid for the IRA.

    Free Member


    Ignore him.

    Free Member

    What a load of rollocks….

    Free Member

    we just need to define the offence, e.g. ‘Involvement in the foreign military campaign of a proscribed organisation’

    That’s a whole lot of law that needs changing – basically redefining the definition of a combatant. Not that easy..

    Free Member

    Free Member

    If it saves lives dannyh why not?

    Last time we tried it, it proved to be a great way to alienate even the more mild mannered of folk.

    Free Member

    but it’s the general response when anyone brings up these points on the BBC etc.

    Not sure about that either TBH..

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