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  • Freight Worse Than Death? Slopestyle on a Train!
  • oldnpastit
    Full Member

    Cold potatoes slathered in home made lemony garlic mayo.

    Full Member

    In addition, for all his tough talk in China, all he really did was slap a few tariffs on them

    My employer is ramping up production of a thing designed in China, but it’s going to be manufactured in Thailand specifically to get around these tariffs. They are definitely having an effect.

    Full Member

    All these AI things are just fancy Markov chains.

    What is the most likely thing to come next based on the thing you give me, my training data and some fudge factors?

    Is that what is really there? Don’t know, don’t care.

    Full Member

    I use github copilot for writing code at $WORK. It’s great for Python, JavaScript and pretty decent for C++ and is useful when you’re starting on something.

    But it can get quite annoying quite quickly – especially the way it guesses comments wrong, so I often have it turned off to stop it distracting me with it’s inevitably-wrong-guesses.

    ChatGPT has an annoying habit of making up plausible sounding – but non-existent – functions.

    We’re also using chatgpt for code reviews. Because we’re coming from using Coverity, it has quite a low bar to get over. Not sure it’s useful though.

    Full Member

    I would be tempted to do it all in JavaScript.

    Full Member

    I put all my important keys under the doormat. I don’t think anyone would think to look there.

    Full Member


    Anyone got positive MCT stories to share…?

    Our springer developed this. We first spotted it on her leg when it was already quite large. Had it removed, but it came back later. Tried some fancy medicine which didn’t touch it. Then she went on steroids which held it off for another 18 months or so, before it eventually became too much for the old girl.

    My advice is spend as much great time with your dog as you can.

    I was going to put a photo in here but the photo upload isn’t working, so I’ll try to describe it instead: my wife, eldest son, his wife, on a beach in Harris, blue skies, daft old Kara (harbinger of death to rabbits) looking back at the camera.

    Full Member

    Buying on specialist cycling websites is what I’ve done in the past – retrobike, pinkbike and of course STW. There are of course risks with this as well but it feels a lot less sketchy than Mr V. Dodgy from ebay.

    Full Member

    Still, I’d like to leave the phone and passport in the accommodation whilst I’m swimming.

    Hotels often have a safe in every room. They’re not very secure (see Lock Picking Lawyer) but they are more secure than leaving in a drawer.

    Personally I’ve never bothered – I’ve just left my passport in my room in a drawer and never had a problem, but my youngest son *did* have his passport stolen (travelling alone, and he was staying in a very *very* cheap hotel). He got a replacement from the Consulate in Alicante in about 48 hours.

    Full Member

    Sorry to hear about your injuries, sounds nasty.

    Another Soul? Could reuse the hubs if going from 27.5 to 29.

    Full Member

    Initial root cause analysis:

    On July 19, 2024, two additional IPC Template Instances were deployed. Due to a bug in the Content Validator, one of the two Template Instances passed validation despite containing problematic content data.

    It still doesn’t answer the question of why they were not doing staged rollouts of these new named-pipe templates.

    The first template for spotting named pipe usage went out in February, and the named pipe monitoring itself is just another way to possibly spot malicious programs – it wasn’t actually handling some kind of 0-day attack – i.e. they could have done a staged rollout without impacting their ability to protect customer systems.

    It also seems like a poor design choice to put so much complex code into the kernel – is it really not possible to do the complicated stuff in userspace? I don’t know anything about Windows, but in Linux all of this could have been in userspace (auditd, apparmor, etc). Maybe there’s some reason I don’t understand.

    Full Member

    The side bar cookie thing is back. It is somewhat distracting.

    Full Member

    That’s pretty sad.

    There’s all sorts of toxic junk we’re dumping into the environment these days.

    Full Member

    Not for me

    [MOD] Closing this thread, tech are aware but please report any issues in the main, stickied, thread.

    Full Member

    Thanks for fixing it, much appreciated!

    Full Member

    Like is back!

    Full Member

    I’m really missing the like button on this thread.

    Full Member

    That medium article is interesting. Sounds like they rolled out some new and broken code without testing it.

    Very poor. And nothing to do with urgently needing to fix threats as soon as possible (not that that is an excuse anyway).

    If the building’s on fire, do you say “well, the hosepipe is still in Alpha so we’ll get to you in a couple of weeks?

    The hosepipe had not been tested on your fire. Hard to believe there even was a fire.

    Full Member

    I was near loch Lomond last week. It was fine. Some midges around but did not stop me doing anything (apart from standing around outside in the evening). I did not use any insect repellant.

    Full Member


    Full Member

    Genius move to push an potentially bricking update to every single client machine in one go!

    My employer has many millions of embedded (not Windows) devices with updates of one sort or another going out pretty regularly. All of those updates go through some kind of “Canary” phase – deploy to internal alpha/beta, then to a small population, and then rollout to the entire population while monitoring various metrics. It’s not rocket surgery.

    Anything that ends up affecting code like bootloaders – where bricking a device is a real possibility – gets huge amounts of care taken over it – everyone’s nightmare is waking up to a slack message from someone you’ve never met before asking you to join an urgent 2am call.

    On the one hand, I do feel a lot of sympathy for whoever it was made whatever change it was that did this, and I’m sure it won’t be much fun being that person, or writing the RCA.

    On the other hand, they’ve got a huge market cap, and insane valuation so they must have huge amounts of cash sloshing around so surely they could afford to do a better job than they did, and foresee this kind of thing and defend against it?

    As a wise old engineer once said to me when I was a young whippersnapper, “If it hasn’t been tested, it doesn’t work”.

    Full Member
    Full Member

    As others have reported, I can’t like posts.

    Android Firefox. Seems to have started about a week ago.

    Full Member

    the defense was removed on the whim of a hard right politician.

    A democratically elected hard right politician.

    If you don’t like the laws get yourself elected and change them.

    Full Member

    I just make it by hand as well, don’t need a machine. Just a bowl and one of those non stick silicon bread spoon things. Makes much nicer bread than I ever managed with a bread machine.

    And with the machine I lost track of how often I forgot some vital ingredient (eg water) and came down in the morning to baked flour or a solid lump of baked play dough.

    Full Member

    How can a company like Crowdstrike possibly be “worth” $80Bn? That’s an insane valuation even without this. What kind of secret snake oil are/were they selling?

    (Posted from my work Linux laptop).

    Full Member

    Wikipedia article updated!

    On the 19th July 2024, a Crowdstrike update crashed millions of computers worldwide and allowed AI to take over the world and get rid of snowflakery and wokerism!

    Full Member

    My work Linux PC seems fine, as does my work Linux laptop.

    Full Member

    Reading that BBC news article about the trial it almost sounds like he went out of his way to maximise his sentence. Maybe that was the purpose of all those theatrics, I don’t know.

    Full Member

    I was in a massive traffic jam on the M25 thanks to JSO. On my way to get the Chunnel. Fortunately we had several hours spare but there must have been a reasonable number of normal people who had their holiday plans thoroughly messed up that day. Astonishingly selfish. The ends justifies the means argument is garbage and leads to a bad place.

    Full Member

    Related, I don’t seem to be able to like posts anymore.

    [MOD] Closing this thread, please report any issues in the sticky thread.

    Full Member

    Enjoy it while it lasts. Falling populations across the world mean no one to look after us when we reach our dotage apart from robots.

    Full Member

    Drink some “British Wine” and reset your expectations about just how bad wine can be.

    Full Member

    > However, look at the gormless pillock here, standing like a sort of robot on standby. No emotion, no flicker of humanity behind her stupid eyes.

    British politics will be a lot better off without her. She’s really got a screw loose.

    BTW, what happened to the edit buttons?

    Full Member

    > The election rule is that only the winner gets to make a speech (thank God!).

    Quite a few outgoing Conservatives have given quite thoughtful speeches, e.g. member for Swindon.

    Full Member

    > Lucy Fraiser gone ?

    Oh yes! About time too. She was my MP for years until they moved the boundary.

    Full Member

    For the first time in over fifty years, I’m not in a Conservative seat, it’s amazing! St Neots and Mid Cambs.

    And my eldest son who was also in the bluest of blue seats is also now LibDem (Ely).

    It is historic.

    Full Member

    Sunderland South, that’s a cracking result for Reform to come second.

    Full Member

    I’ve just come back from a trip to Les Gets. It’s excellent. I was on a FlareMax which was fine, did not use any body armour, but with a bigger bike it might be a good idea – there were a few injured people around so it’s worth considering.

    Full Member

    Tomorrow might be the first time in over fifty years that I have not lived in a conservative constituency.

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