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  • Fresh Goods Friday 722: The Autumn’s Done Come Edition
  • oldenough
    Free Member

    5 for me, bit surprised about that. They can stay on there, looking at them just now brought back some good memories.

    Free Member

    I’d say you can definitely purse this. But I’d have wanted my mum admitted to hospital rather than a nursing home at the families expense.

    Free Member

    42 front and 45 back

    Get the tubless set up done, I’m 10kg heavier than you but ride 10psi less than that. Should transform the offroad ride 👍

    Free Member

    Gave up having a hairstyle during lockdown. Bought some trimmers and give myself a no.2 (6mm) all over every couple of weeks. Saves a fortune and everyone reckons it looks better so win win. 62 by the way.

    Free Member

    My Citroen is red and so is a Ferrari. I reckon my wife would never tell the difference. 

    Reminds me of the story about a chap who raced MX. He’d by a new Maico every year but as it was just another red bike his wife never twigged. When Maico changed to blue he switched to Honda. Wife thought he was marvellous keeping the same bike for 10 years 😆

    Free Member

    My Sniper T came with Forecaster’s, their my go to general purpose tyre now. Only come of for a couple of months at the hight of summer.

    Free Member

    it usually does. Neanderthal genes are a disadvantage apparently.

    Daughter has more Neanderthal genes than 96% of the population, probably explains why she’s now just recovering from her 4th confirmed bout of covid 🤔

    Free Member

    That’s nearly £800, let your imagination run riot. Me I’d put it towards a watch or something.

    Free Member

    Mate of mine did a huge amount of work about 9/11 and the collapse of one of the buildings. He even produced a film about his findings and he certainly had a pretty solid argument with plenty to back up his thoughts.

    What were his conclusions and arguments . It was all a government plot to start a war on Muslims ? How did it differ from the findings reached by multidues of proper engineers.

    If you want to arrive at a particular conclusion over a complex subject you can always find “evidence” to support a particular narrative.

    Free Member

    Came to find this to see how you were getting on. Few pub pints washed down at home with a few more beverages, never a problem in a million years.

    I suppose its a problem if you think it is 🤷‍♂️ but the quantities of drink your describing are pretty low compared to what I drink and most people I know who are regular drinkers. Stop beating your self up OP your being a bit hard on yourself IMHO.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    I’m a big fantasy fan and GOT was probably my favourite all time TV. This has got just enough going on to keep me interested and hopefully it’ll pick up as the characters and story develop. I’ll definitely stick with it although it’s not as good as rings of power or Wheel of time which I thought was great. Those who think it’s rubbish obviously aren’t Terry Goodkind fans and eagilly waited for The Legend of the seeker to come out 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬

    Free Member

    I’m not sure that’s how things work. Completely pointless.

    The petition, or the current government?

    Both ☹

    Free Member

    As nice as that would be,I’m not sure that’s how things work. Completely pointless.

    Free Member

    I understand, but unlikely the person you paid will give you your money back.
    If I were them and the slot was open I’d fulfill the service. If I’d filled the slot so was effectively getting paid twice I’d refund your money or at least part of it. But that’s me not people in general. Your probably going to have suck this one up.

    Free Member

    You’d also be left with the meatheads who rant about it being the best place on the planet, end of

    There’s a fair few in between extremes though, most likely the majority. Overall the UK is an ok place to live, for most people anyway. Doesn’t mean you can’t find a better life elsewhere. But seeking a political utopia anywhere is going to be a big ask. If I was younger I’d consider moving abroad, even if it was just for the adventure.

    Free Member

    How do you know whether either/both bikes fit you?

    Some people aren’t that fussy about size, if it’s got large, 56,57,58 or 59cm written somewhere on the frame it can be set up to fit me just fine.

    Free Member

    Come on out next year, what doesn’t kill your makes you stronger

    I’d give it a go, but don’t expect me to do a turn and you can stay right in front of me. A 95kg wind break would be my only chance of hanging on 😂😂

    Free Member

    I can only dream of riding 30 miles and stay under 500ft of climbing 😂😂 But 23mph+ on any route is good going I’ll give you that.

    Free Member

    its plenty fast enough for 23mph club rides 

    What club is that, and is that on pan flat roads without traffic or junctions ? Never seen a club ride average that anywhere close to me.
    If you can keep up with a 23mph group that’s down to you and your fitness, the bike is just a small part of it.

    Free Member

    An average of 8.5 pints per day. Even if it was a weak beer, to allow it to be cancelled out by time would mean constant drinking through most of the day, so no working, no driving, etc. If drunk through an evening, then means that the drinker shouldn’t be driving the next morning, and probably not doing anything that requires concentratio

    Without getting into driving 8 pints is 3 hours after work in the pub for some not an all day session. People who drink like that build up a tolerance to alcohol, 8 pints and to look at them you might not even think they’d been drinking. 20 pints is a good session for some . I agree long term it’s very probably going to have a negative effect on their health but not everyone is prepared to give up what they enjoy for what in their mind “might” hapen. Effects on your weight will be down to your metabolism, activity levels and how much else you eat. But with a few exceptions most heavy drinkers I know have impressive beer bellies 😱

    Free Member

    60 pints= 8.57/day that’s crazy

    Not that crazy for regular drinkers, I know plenty of people who drink close to that if not more. Their not degenerate alcoholics either, all hold down sometimes high ranking responsible jobs, it’s just what their used to.
    Me varies week to week but probably averages 30 units a week.

    Free Member

    How do roadies survive British roads? I brought my road bike back from Spain where I use 22mm tyres.

    I ride a fair bit in Spain and they’ve got some shockers over there as well. But when it’s good it’s absolutely brilliant, some absolutely fantastic roads. But here in South Wales there’s a some pretty good roads as well. Use 25mm over here the same as Spain. Never felt the need to go bigger for normal day to day rides. Got a gravel bike but only use that with gravel tyres if I’m going of road.

    Free Member

    Swans are responsible for 47% of broken arms for those under 16

    In my youth (I’m over 60)having a birds egg collection was almost obligatory. The holy grail was a swans egg. Nobody I knew ever had the bottle to try and take one, everybody very much believed in the above 😬

    Free Member

    I think it would be hugely beneficial — a rethinking of the relationship between people, power and state

    That’s just wishful thinking, no doubt your sincere in your belief but personally I doubt its true. Most people don’t really have a relationship with power and the state. They just want to get on with their own lives and aren’t really interested in change. Many value the monarchy as as a symbol of security and continuity. IMHO most people don’t see the UK and is governance as something that’s broken and needs fixing. STW isn’t representative of the British population as a whole.

    Free Member

    Looking at that link to Wilkinson’s they have a Marantz pm94 listed. I’d seriously consider that if it’s still available. Very tempted my self 🤔

    Free Member

    “As it turns out, the medals Viscount Severn were not anything to do with military. He was in fact displaying one medal for the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee in 2012 and another one for her late Majesty’s Platinum Jubilee earlier this year.

    These were also worn by eldest grandchild Peter Phillips.”

    Free Member

    If you enjoyed going road cycling and want to do more of it why do you want to buy a gravel bike?

    This, get a proper road bike and you’ll enjoy it even more. Right tool for the job and all that.

    Free Member

    So here’s a question, say we were all I’m rabid agreement that the monarchy should be abolished, then what?

    If that were the case I think they’d pull the pin themselves. If not being a vote winner one or both major parties would put abolish or a referendum in their manifestos.

    Free Member

    Self employed so no pay if I don’t work so might do a bit. Probably won’t though, 364 other days I can work, a cheeky day of is always good. Girlfriend will be glued to the TV so providing the weather’s ok I’ll be out on my bike.

    Free Member

    Merlin have 26″ nobby nics and racing Ralph’s in stock. NN front RR rear is my go to day to day XC combo.

    Free Member

    BREAKING: You will be pleased to know hospitals are cancelling appointments for cancer patients on the day of the Queen’s funeral as a “mark of respect” and no, this one is not satire either. This island is getting a little too sinister for my liking.

    Not my local cancer hospital. Interested to see an actually list of those that are ?

    A note to patients: All scheduled appointments at Velindre Cancer Centre will go ahead as planned on Monday 19 September.

    More information here:

    Free Member

    British Cycling strongly recommends that anybody out riding their bike on the day of the State Funeral does so outside of the timings of the funeral service and associated processions, which will be confirmed later this week. Once published, we will share the details of those timings on this page.

    I took it to mean avoid riding during the timing of the funeral, if where you were riding came in conflict with the funeral processions ect. Not that you shouldn’t dissappear up a mountain somewhere during it 🤷‍♂️

    Free Member

    People who were preparing for the funerals of their own loved ones on Monday have been told they can’t take place.

    Is this for real??

    I wondered, but apparently not.

    As for going on a ride just please yourself, nobody is going to stop you.

    Free Member

    In before the thread goes very downhill.

    I agree with Kelvin 100%

    Third post in, sadly right on the money ☹

    Free Member

    Don’t confuse enthusiasm with resignation. We can’t change the outcome, can’t even influence it right now, but maybe there is a glimmer of hope that she won’t be quite as disasterous as we have come to believe?

    Definitely this, most of us have to live in this country and would prefer it not to go completely down the pan. I’ll clutch any straw on offer at the moment.

    Free Member

    Have a look at the JRA web site, you can spec some wheels that get pretty close to your requirements. Good people to deal with as well.

    Free Member

    he good old constitution sets out the requirements needed to be president, and there’s no requirement regarding fines or imprisonment, so does the constitution override the other legislation?

    A quick Google does in fact suggest this might be the case. A supreme court loaded with republicans might very well agree ☹☹

    Free Member

    When it comes to Trump and legal matters, only one question is worth considering: is he locked up?

    Very much doubt he’ll get locked up, but it doesn’t matter. What is important is that he doesn’t get to run for president again. A wrist slap penalty will be enough.
    Section 2071 of title 18 of the United States code includes.

    “The code states the person shall “be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both; and shall forfeit his office and be disqualified from holding any office under the United States”.

    Free Member

    wow, just wow. I’ve done the same

    Ditto, I really hope the mum just goes into the sunset and grieves for her son in private. If a fraction of the stuff is true She’ll be ripped apart.

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