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  • oldboy
    Free Member

    Oh, and keep trying with the quote function, it’s bound to work out for you eventually

    All suggestions welcome! :-)

    Edit: Hey, just realised I got it right!

    Free Member

    [/quote]Don’t worry, it was just a general cheeky comment and not an age or username dig. I spend my days in companies were cat6 is still a dream and cat5e is the bleeding edge.

    For most uses, 1Gpbs is more than enough. I don’t think the cost vs benefit is really worth it to go cat8 right now, especially for home.

    Cheers, mate! :-)

    Free Member

    Nah, it’s your sanctimonious twattery that touched a nerve.

    I love this forum :-)

    Free Member

    I live on a hill so flood warnings don’t bother me. It’s the gale force winds that cause me sleepless nights. Each to their own, I guess!

    Free Member

    Possibly, but at least he can quote properly!

    Agreed, I just can’t sort it on this Nexus :-)

    Free Member

    You sound like a right laugh.

    Let me guess, you don’t own a TV either, and enjoy telling people about that fact.

    Oh dear, have I touched on a sensitive issue there, sugar dependant fat boy?

    Free Member

    What’s wrong with you guys? I’m currently fitting the entire house out with Cat6.

    Pfft, Cat8 will be where it’s soon at old man ;-). 40Gbps

    Oh really? And BTW, don’t confuse my user name with my age.

    Free Member

    Meridian DSP5200 with a squeezebox touch – simple but stunning

    Running my ATC SCM50 Active Towers through a Benchmark HDR Pre/ DAC and a Squeezebox Touch – a magic little box considering its budget price!

    Free Member

    I’m not surprised – aren’t they £20,000 or something?!

    Not quite, but getting there when you add up all the other bits of kit.

    Free Member

    What’s wrong with you guys? I’m currently fitting the entire house out with Cat6.

    Free Member

    Why do you need to eat refined sugar? Sorry, but it’s a complete mystery to me!

    Free Member

    Sorry guys, can’t be bothered to watch all those YouTube clips, just type out the name of the recording please!

    Free Member

    Haven’t wasted my time reading this thread, but +1 Mr Woppit anyway!

    Free Member

    ATC SCM50’s here with the ATC C4 sub.
    Good enough that I don’t have any desire to upgrade.

    Speakers for life.

    I was a compulsive Hi-Fi upgrader until I got my ATC SCM50 Active Towers.

    Free Member

    …… and my wife gets to put her feet up in the nice room when she watches SD Made in Chelsea and Hollyoaks.

    :-) Exactly the same sh*t my GF watches in SD, and she’s actually quite intelligent!

    Free Member

    20 years + NAD 3020i amp through B&W DM110s here. Still using my trusty Technics MASH CD player from the same vintage and a newish Pro-Ject turntable.

    lamb chop, you have just about described my first HiFi system. The one I have now is much better (in £ terms), but doesn’t give me the absolute thrill my first one did. Hang onto it for another 20 years, mate!

    Free Member

    Must admit that I am privileged to have a wife that does appreciate good picture and sound. When I moved up to be with her I brought up my collection of 90’s hi-fi qoon after we got married and bought a new house she suggested that the black speakers and components were not the prettiest and did suck the light/life out of the living room. She even came to audition A/V amps and speakers with me and did comment on the palpable nuances between those we tried.

    ..err, any more like her at home, househusband? Maybe I could trade my GF in for a newer model.

    Forget that, she’s just got hold of the tablet and read my post! :-)

    Free Member

    They generally don’t get HiFi or AV stuff.

    My Mrs cannot be bothered to use my Roksan pre and power amp to play music and uses the blue ray and TV

    Thanks for that, winston_dog. I was beginning to feel like I was the odd one out here!

    Free Member

    We have a spare room I’m thinking of converting into a AV man cave, and buy some cheap sh*t for the living room/GF :-)

    Free Member

    Try searching a dedicated HiFi site like Pinkfishmedia or Hifiwigwam for recent selling prices. The Rega and Linns would definitely be of interest, I think.

    Free Member

    ATC SCM 50 Active Towers + Benchmark HDR Preamp/DAC + Squeezebox Touch + FLAC.

    Free Member

    In respect of the height you’ll find that the Council will have an adopted planning policy in respect of this and that this normally restricts the maximum height to 4.0m within 1.0m of the boundary, but check with your Planning Dept to be sure

    Kirklees Council’s planning website specify a maximum 4m height, but without any reference to proximity to boundary. Checked it today and it measures 4.75m, so I’m stuffed!

    Free Member

    Interesting about the drains, wobbliscott, because somewhere in my back garden is the rainwater soakaway. The house is only 10 years old, yet I’m struggling to find out where it is. It would be sods law if it was where the extension will be.

    Free Member

    You’ll need properly drawn plans to submit to the council to confirm the proposed build conforms to building rega and conform to the rules on planning permission confirming planning permission is not need. I had some questions back when I did this relating to the standard of insulation and structural calc details for the steels as well as confirming requirements for a wood burning stove flue and drainage. Once my architect answered their queries I got the green light, got some builder quotes, choose a builder and my build now starts in March, assuming the weather over the coming weeks doesn’t delay the builders current job. Now for the important decisions: what mortgage to go for and what home cinema system to get!

    Pleased to hear it’s all worked out for you. How did you go about choosing an architect, and is the architect overseeing the work?

    Free Member

    Thanks everyone. So it looks like that extra half metre of roof height will mean properly drawn plans, then. Can anyone recommend someone around Huddersfield/West Yorkshire area please?

    Free Member

    I haven’t read any of this thread, and my local club is Huddersfield Town (!), but I loved the flowing football that Manchester United played over the last few decades.

    Free Member

    Root canal? Oh dear! My dentist put me through two unpleasant sessions, broke his drill bit on my second and left it in my tooth, then gave me three choices;

    1) Go private
    2) Go to the nearest teaching dentistry university
    3) Have the tooth taken out

    Go figure, as my American friends with perfect teeth would say!

    Free Member

    Checked the local council planning site, and my ideas are fully compliant with those regs requiring no current planning permission, except for one thing; their maximum height is 4m and the house projection I wish to have extended in nearer 4.5+m in overall height.

    Free Member

    [/quote]Where are you?

    Huddersfield, West Yorkshire.

    Free Member

    Can’t relax in a messy house. Have minimalist decor and like everything to be in its place. Just as easy to be tidy as messy. Same goes for my desk at work!

    Free Member

    University academics might just sneak in here! I was one once and many of my colleagues, though relatively competent in their own subject area, were completely useless in every other respect.

    Free Member

    I once went to my bank (in the days before there were cash machines on every street corner) and withdrew £50. Got back to work and found I’d been give £100. I took the £50 back, realising the poor bank clerk would have been in serious trouble if I hadn’t done so. So, OP, do the right thing here.

    Free Member

    Hello you other over 50s. Sure, each to their own and if you enjoy it just do it, but not for me. I’ll stick to a comfortable aerobic pace. Enjoy your racing guys!

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Again, what are you trying to prove, and to whom, and is it worth putting your life at risk to do it?

    Free Member

    [/quote]I blame Thatcher

    She saved us from people like you.

    Free Member

    Live quite close and it’s p**sed it down all week. Going to be a bit soggy, I think!

    Free Member

    I can’t understand why would anyone over 50 would actually want to race? What are you trying to prove?

    I was once a useful club runner (I even won some races), but gave it up at 50 realising it wasn’t sensible to keep stressing my body in this way. One of the club members was a heart surgeon and had similar thoughts. Cycling for me now is for recreation and pure enjoyment.

    Free Member

    Try stove enameling some bike parts in the kitchen oven if you really want to bring an abrupt end to your relationship :-)

    Free Member

    High gloss black.

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