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  • Fresh Goods Friday 707: The Spot of Bother Edition
  • oldbloke
    Free Member

    Is there anything preventing us doing that regardless? Ie, does membership of the EU prevent us trading with India?

    No. India just makes itself hard to trade with. Prevarication, contradiction, bureaucracy etc. It was easier to push more through EU. Not looking forward to having to start on all these harder markets once our EU relationship is burned.

    Free Member

    A colleague has one. And as soon as he can he’ll get rid of it. Reliability poor and the fuel tank is a thimble. Pleasant to do miles in when it works though.

    Free Member

    As an aside; the Gaelic school in Embra is massively oversubscribed. Must be migration from the Highlands eh?

    On the other hand, it could be because of the high level of facilities and grants automatic out of catchment places to James Gillespies High. Which this year caused a shortage of spaces for catchment kids and much gnashing of teeth in some quarters. Not sure how it was resolved but there is pressure to review policy now.

    Free Member



    These one line responses without supporting basis are easy, aren’t they.

    Free Member

    Which bit of “the Gov will implement what you decide” is difficult to understand?

    Being a bit unnecessarily rude there THM. It is because I do understand what we decided that I link the official campaigns to the mandate.

    We have a referendum. There are official campaigns for each side. The one that wins has a mandate for delivery. That is what we decided so that’s what the Government has to deliver. Not anything else.

    Free Member

    What does an advisory referendum have to do with “democratic process”?

    I’d also argue that the democratic process means the only mandate the government has is to deliver the promises made by the winning “official” campaign – “hard” or “soft” definitions becoming irrelevant. So either Vote Leave’s fantasy needs to be delivered in full or the whole game needs to be reconsidered.

    Free Member

    Winter – it is thinking about it. Long trousers have just replaced shorts. Although I drove down from the NW last night through the snow & not surprised at the A9 being shut by an accident.

    Free Member

    Curriculum for Excellence is…

    My wife, a Primary Teacher in Edinburgh, would agree with this, in part.

    Other contributing factors I hear the teachers discussing are the reduced resources to cope with the kids who might previously have been in special schools; the increasing volume of great new ideas which have to be fitted into the week at the expense of core subjects and the reducing effectiveness of formal disciplinary policy in dealing with misbehaviour.

    I don’t know what the answers are but I’m glad I’m not a teacher.

    Free Member

    Before you were banned TJ we were involved in a discussion where it was clear you didn’t understand pensions funds, their funding and their liabilities. I’m not going to bother trying again. I was a Trustee of a public sector pension scheme in a past life. The NHS pension fund accounts tell the story.

    Free Member

    Nonsense Jamba – just pure nonsense. The NHS pension fund is and always has been in surplus

    2013-14 is the most recent year Google throws up, but two lines from the NHS pension fund accounts:

    As at 31 March 2014 the pension liabilities of the Scheme were valued at £337.2 billion. As the NHS Pension Scheme is an unfunded scheme, these liabilities are underwritten by the Exchequer.

    At some point that liability will have to be settled by us.

    Free Member

    Anyway – Monday they lose appeal.

    Not so sure. When an Attorney General appears to tell judges that the referendum vote should weigh on their interpretation of law, I would have through that would be more likely to encourage the judges to reinforce the independence of the judiciary.

    Corbyn has said Labour wants to play with the words. 3 lines might not cut it.

    Free Member

    Dad, Daddy, Papa at various ages. And I seem to have accidentally trained them to say “Daddy’s a God” when I do stuff which surprises and impresses them. They seem to be impressed easily, so my wife is not happy about this development.

    Free Member

    Please find me some detailed analysis of this. Quota, tariff, no freedom of movement (who’s going to pick the veg?)

    And not just UK : EU trade, but UK trade with rest of world done on terms derived from EU membership. We export c. 70% of what we produce and only half that goes to the EU.

    Free Member

    700 notes to sort

    Try somewhere else. Just did this on our 55 plate Saab diesel. Parts, Labour & VAT were about £250.

    Free Member

    Recently had to make this call when not wanting to lose everything I like about a manual for all the highland roads I drive. Test drove the VW DSG box for long enough to get happy, which is just as well as manual isn’t an option on the car I’m going for.

    Free Member

    This is sounding more and more like – we, the “chosen we”, dont like what the great unwashed have said, so we will ignore/frustrate them

    More like we’re aware of what leavers voted against (the EU), but not what they expect to replace it other than the promises made by Vote Leave. Parliament is the right place to scrutinise the discussion beyond that. Not necessarily in frustrating exercise of A50, but framing how negotiations will be managed and the acceptability (or not) of what can negotiated if / when all the Vote Leave promises cannot be met.

    Free Member

    The “before” pic looks little different from when I first started visiting in about 1980.

    It seems odd as a priority though – after the recent floods there are many places which need to be rebuilt / repaired. For this to be done now when so many other places are in greater need of money spent on them is strange.

    Free Member

    Years ago I did similar, but to deal with the old varnish I took a handheld electric planer to it first (after punching any nails in a bit). Did it with a 3″ De Walt handheld one that had previously and since done days and days of work.

    Free Member

    As an extension to Scotroutes’ recommendation, you can take the junction to Invernahavon caravan park and routes through the forestry south of that to pop out at falls of Truim. Not technical in any way but the views are good.

    Glen Banchor is entertaining. Corrieyairack pass also close by.

    Free Member

    His stance is let’s sit down and work out how to help people. That’s something I can vote for tbh

    It would be admirable and possibly workable were his actions supporting the line. But when the complaint listed by several of the departing shadow cabinet was that they couldn’t get time with JC to discuss anything, he’s missing out the obvious resource that any leader should mobilise to achieve results.

    As a constituent of Scotland’s only Labour MP, I fear a switch to the SNP who nearly grabbed it last year. Our MP is a good one and, if he’s not happy with JC’s leadership, I’m going to have to accept there’s more to that than spurious point scoring.

    Free Member

    I go there a fair bit these days because of where I end up travelling. And it has taken my kids on leaps and bounds because they feel it to be challenging without being intimidating.

    The orange bit is great fun on the berms but as others have said it isn’t that big – if you put your mind to it, you can get round upper red, lower red and orange in an hour(ish). The trails over the other side are worth looking at, but mostly steeper, looser and unwaymarked. Looked like a few more lines being worked on when I was there a couple of weeks ago.

    Free Member

    Yup – as a kid nearly 40 years ago. With spending most of my free time on watersports at the time, got the op to have it fixed and been fine since.

    Free Member

    As it stands they know elderly parents will not be banged up even if their ineptitude kills someone

    Have you tried to get an elderly relative’s licence removed? It isn’t easy. GP refused to help confirm the lack of physical capacity. It took until we managed to get a formal diagnosis for my Dad from a consultant looking at him to notify the DVA and get a formal driving medical test done. Without the formal diagnosis of alzheimers the DVA was not interested in what the family thought.

    I believe the GMC is looking at changing guidance for Doctors, which may help.

    Free Member

    No one on the Leave side promised points based immigration

    Well, there’s the inconvenient truth that the promise of such a scheme still sits on the website. Along with other fine promises such as the saving of £350M per week.

    Free Member

    ok thats it there is no way i can vote for a man with a stem like that

    I’m slightly more concerned about the presence of a rack whilst he’s got a bag over his shoulder. A man who isn’t consistent over how he carries his luggage is a concern.

    However, I’ve seen photos of him with other bikes, so maybe he scores well for having n+1. I’m torn.

    Free Member

    I wonder if the leavers thought this was what they might get: Nigel Lawson

    to finish, in a word, the job which Margaret Thatcher started,

    BBC linky

    Free Member

    I think you’re right with Place Fell – a few yards away from the summit cairn.

    Free Member

    We’ll be fine, probably a few bumps in the road for a bit but you guys need to have a bit more faith in the people around you

    The problem is that I know some of the people around me. I’ve had to deal with a number of politicians across different parties and there isn’t one I would wish to have negotiating anything on my behalf. I can only hope that the civil servants who will be doing the bulk of the work are leagues ahead of their political masters.

    Free Member

    I also think the Inverness to Perth A9 is improved with the cameras and trucks at 50 mpg

    I think you’re the first person I’ve seen to agree it isn’t the cameras alone. The 50 mph for trucks is also key.

    The 40mph convoys are gone and with the trucks knowing they can do low 50s the minimum speed has gone up, reducing the desire to overtake. The cameras put the maximum speed in place, reducing the benefit of overtaking. Instead of a range of speeds of 40-80, we now have about 50-65. It was scary just after introduction with tailgating and near rear-ending but has settled now as almost everyone has learned how to drive the road.

    Free Member

    Years ago now we used David at off the rock. He’s still at it as I saw his van the other day and we’ve still got the garden pretty much unchanged from how he left it.

    Free Member

    All the above plus

    The Percy Arms in Chatton used to be and I think still is decent for food and beer. That’s a handful of miles towards the coast from Wooler
    If you like your rock, grab the Northumberland bouldering guide – some of the best crags in the country nearby.
    See if anything on the Ford and Etal estate appeals

    Free Member

    Joss Naylor.


    Bonnington could also make the shortlist.

    Free Member

    And see if you can get everything you need to carry into a decent saddlebag, like the carradice ones. Much better than a rack and pannier for balance and catching wind and better than a rucsac for comfort.

    Free Member

    In the Scourie / Kinlochbervie area:
    On the way up, Kylesku Hotel might cost a bit more per night but it is your best bet for food in the area.
    Scourie has a few decent B&Bs. Quality is less important than being able to get a room. The Anchorage (at the campsite) does OK food and the Scourie Hotel does a bit as well.
    Rhiconich Hotel is, em, basic, but the food is OK.

    Free Member

    Just over 10 years ago I had a similar scenario although it was a bus lane I was riding up and in which bikes were allowed. I was fortunate it was witnessed by a traffic warden. Driver got a conviction and his insurance paid out for my bike and injuries.

    My witness was crucial so good luck getting somewhere without one, but from what you’ve outlined fault lies with the driver.

    Free Member

    Back off before pains arise, so don’t push too hard too fast and risk the pain. If you want to do more, walk rather than run. It is still mileage and better than not walking or running.

    Lots of flexibility work – might reduce risk of injury.

    Run some offroad while you’re building up – grass hurts less to land on than road, certainly in today’s weather the going will be soft.

    Free Member

    One of my colleagues has one on which he’s done about 16k so far.
    OK-ish is the view, although it was back in the garage early on for a couple of faults.
    The fuel tank doesn’t seem to take the claimed volume so range isn’t good enough and he won’t be getting another after this for that reason alone.

    Free Member

    Anything structural you want to do.
    Check there are as many electrical sockets as you want in every room and where they are in the room.
    Put in mains powered fire alarm and any burglar alarm you want, just because that’s as bad for mess as rewiring.

    Free Member

    Turned up, waited half a day, name didn’t come out of the ballot, went home.
    Same again a few days later.
    The trials I could have ended up doing were 2-3 day each.

    You’ve more chance of not doing jury service than doing it, such is the size of the pool of jurors they want to pick from.

    Free Member

    Done Hull – Zeebrugge several times & the kids have been fine, so it is our default option these days. There’s a wee playroom for them and some other activities some love, some hate. Our driving has been just over 600 miles next day and always been there in time for dinner.

    Breakfast on the boat is buffet, so you can grab some extra bits for lunch & fill your water bottles too.

    You could do dover ferry or tunnel, but all the time you save on the journey you’ll lose catching up on sleep

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