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  • oldbloke
    Free Member

    Some of those who used to hammer it on that section of Old Dalkeith Road just changed where they do it.  Sections of Dalkeith Road and Mayfield Gardens have got worse.  First time I ever felt the need to report another driver to police recently for nearly running me off the road in his desperation to pass.

    Nice to see some credit given to the higher speed limit for trucks on the A9.  It definitely isn’t just the ASCs – many of the crazy overtakes have disappeared because the trucks are doing nearly 60 instead of 40.  A9 may be boring now, but I quite like that in a trunk road journey.

    Free Member

    ;”>I will be able to sue those who told blatant lies to being us to this point.</span>

    I had discussion along this line with the Electoral Commission.  Short answer – advisory referendum = up to the government what it does with the result.  So those on the official campaigns could lie without accountability and blame the government for what it did later.  Still, apparently that’s democracy.

    Free Member

    In our drive there is an 09 plate Panda with 32k miles on it waiting to go to the scrappy.  Snapped axle which is apparently a fault so common I can’t get a replacement from a scrappy.  More to fix with new bits than the car’s worth.

    Free Member

    The mine entrance looks quite like Goldscope mine in Newlands valley.

    Free Member

    Why would I do that?  I’ve got kids who are off on a snow day.  They did it and made a snowman with what they’d cleared.  Everyone happy.

    Free Member

    One observed this morning.  The “must pull out of this junction before the truck” type person.  Except, when the truck is a snowplough & gritter and you’re going uphill maybe, just maybe, it would have been a good idea to let the truck go first so you didn’t get stuck on the hill stopping the snowplough getting past.

    Free Member

    Not biking cos the bike is in bits at the moment, but went out for a run early doors.  I now know what Edinburgh will look like in the zombie apocalypse.  No traffic and small groups of people shuffling slowly up the road on foot.  Spindrift plume blowing off the top of the crags like the films of Everest in winter.  But brilliant fun.

    Free Member

    “I’ve got four wheel drive so I don’t need to slow for the reduced grip because obviously four wheel drive helps you to stop when you put your foot on the brake pedal in snow”.  edit – clearly a common one then

    Most impressive was the bin lorry.  Bloke driving inside cab – Hi-viz coat.  Bloke emptying bins in the back – T shirt.

    Free Member

    There’s been a bridge repair running just south of Inverness on a dual section of the A9 for a month or two with a 30 limit past it.  I’ve seen a police car sitting just after the works a few times mopping up drivers quite regularly.  They could stay there all day and never not be busy.  It is like people are prepared to drop 10 mph from what they were doing and no more.

    Free Member

    There’s a mix around us, but enough people sticking to 20 to slow down most of those wanting to go faster.  And as stevenmenmuir says, the state of the roads makes 20 seem ambitious in some places.

    Possibly as well.  Someone stepping off the pavement into the road without looking is a daily occurrence.  Students heading to KB a particularly suicidal group.  Mind you, they also seem to be the biggest sources of cycling ninjas (dark clothing, no lights) so perhaps self preservation isn’t a strong point generally.

    Free Member

    Aye. Better not to think about us spending the money & lives to stop Operation Sealion. Perhaps we better thank those pesky Europeans for letting us mess up their countries to defeat Germany rather than face a land war on British soil.

    Free Member

    If you look at ODG further to the left as you look at it, there’s a slate built bit which sticks out. That’s the posher bit of the place. So it won’t be a window above the Hikers bar, but a bit further over – maybe above residents Bar. I’m probably wrong on the room number but they’ve probably got photos of each room on the website to narrow it down.

    Derwent water answer same as Whitestone, but narrowing it down a bit. There’s a landing stage Dawes End where the hipflask could be on top of one of its posts – Google images will probably show you what I mean.

    Free Member

    Boot pic definitely Borrowdale YHA
    ODG room – probably 9 or 10
    Bottom one – possibly Dawes End ferry landing on west side of Derwent

    Free Member

    Get the train to Plockton then head Achnasheen / Gairloch / Braemore junction / Ullapool / head west on the road through Inverkirkaig & Drumbeg to Scourie. Then to Lairg & train back. Google says 225 miles.

    Free Member

    With the export benefits of a devalued currency whilst retaining full membership of SM & CU, you’d have to hope that manufacturing would be doing well.

    Post Brexit? Who knows.

    Free Member

    I doubt it does and as the Canadian law is only a couple of hundred words long it won’t take anyone that long to check. Don’t know if there are circumstances where it could lead to an offence – there’s usually someone who can work out a really contrived situation.

    Free Member

    I work in Sutherland a fair bit. As others have said, accomodation is proving hard to get. Also, watch out for the fast car strava type people who can go from not visible in your rear view mirror to past you in a few seconds. And the tourists who swerve across the white line or stop dead in the middle of the road for a view / photo. And the ones who don’t know etiquette for single track roads and don’t know how wide their car is. And the ones who park in passing places and wander off. You’ll be fine as long as you allow plenty of time.

    Free Member

    What crime, in which country? Point me to the law please.

    This whole subject is a bit of a novelty to me, but Google says Canada has done something like that. JP is Canadian.

    Free Member

    In this company (and previous), salaries were controlled by HR

    It may be that they do the controlling. But your negotiation is with your line manager. It is up to them to negotiate with HR or whoever sets the staffing budget.

    Free Member

    not a bankruptcy

    it’s a liquidation

    totally different Presume that’s a response to my reference to the Official receiver. It is a liquidation, but Official Receiver was appointed as EY etc wouldn’t touch it.

    Define ‘not a lot’

    Same as other employees on redundancy and unpaid salaries.

    Not when some Tory says it’s going to happen

    Not sure who you’re referring to. I used to do insolvency work. I don’t do political parties. But BBC reported the stop on pay an hour ago.

    Free Member

    1) still being paid a £660,000 salary for over a year by the company who’s bankruptcy you presided over?

    This won’t happen. Insolvency service will eventually (if they haven’t yet done so) tell people the rules. Anything still o/s will be treated like other employees (at best).

    More likely directors will get not a lot and be reminded their obligations include working with the Official Receiver to recover assets etc – should be able to get them to do a fair bit of work for nothing. Used to do that in the days I worked in Insolvency / restructuring.

    Free Member

    Yes – the rebound in UK manufacturing is one of the most important pieces of domestic economic news in the past ten days.

    Because we have a weak currency and are still in SM etc etc so exporting is great.

    When we’re not in the SM etc and are trying to shift short shelf life products (I’m in food) across hard borders life will be substantially less pleasant.

    Free Member

    Question formed through growing up in NI through the Troubles:

    If Protestants and Catholics are both supposed to believe in you but argue over minor differences in “the rules”, do you not think it might have been a sign of good leadership to drop in and sort the confusion out so they could at least have argued over politics instead?

    Free Member

    Average speed cameras such as those on the A9 from Perth up seem to do a good job of calming people’s driving down

    Speeding was never really the issue on the A9 – it was lots of insane overtaking on convoys led by 40mph trucks.

    The A9 is better now, but not just because of the cameras alone. The rise in limit for trucks to 50mph (most seem to sit at indicated c. 55) means there’s less desire to overtake and the cameras then reduce the benefit of doing so. Either cameras or faster trucks on their own wouldn’t have had the same effect.

    Free Member

    Large parts of Edinburgh now have a 20 mph limit and whilst it is seldom adhered to, traffic speeds (appear to) have reduced

    I’d be very surprised if 20mph zones increase travel times.

    Slight contradiction there. It is slower round parts of the city and there’s usually an aggressive 4×4 or van up your back when you stick to it. And driving slower = lower gear so not sure if that will impact emissions. Undoubtedly better for bikes though.

    I’d just like to see more of Maxtorque’s point 5 enforced. I’m not worried about those speeding on any of the routes I take over Scotland. But dangerous lane changes, tailgating all need a bit of action. Rear ended twice and seen a few more similar shunts.

    Free Member

    My problem is that you are all idiots

    Given the Government’s record I guess we’re in good company then.

    Liking David Allen Green’s comment that this is BEANO – Brexit Existing As Name Only. It certainly feels like we’re in a comic strip sometimes.

    Free Member

    I was blighted by similar for years and eventually had a maxillary antrostomy done – a bit like having a bigger hole drilled in your sinus to release pressure. It made a world of difference and I’m barely troubled by sinus issues 20-odd years later. Brief operation, c. 1 week recovery with negligible exercise then fine.

    Free Member

    TR – I had a colleague at the time who phoned his dealer to see if it was too late to get it added to the co car he’d just ordered. The circle of laughing faces watching him put the phone down…

    Free Member

    BMW can do better than that AndyHilton:


    Free Member

    So much of it depends on the scheme rules for the car you can run for cash. If it lets you run older cars or you want a higher CO2 car, it can be worth it. If you have to keep a sub 4 year old car, possibly not.

    I get to design our car scheme so have tried to make it work for both co car and cash users. Crudely, those that want lower BIK cars have gone for the car whilst those wanting higher BIK vehicles have gone for the cash.

    When doing your own maths, don’t just look at the cash you have in hand from the cash allowance. You also have to look at the cash you’d pay out in tax on a co car. So if you’d pay £100 / month in tax on a co car, as long as you can run your own car for no more than £100 / month more than the cash allowance gives you, you’re no worse off.

    Free Member

    Aye – terrible the way they abandon those vehicles. A couple blocked my drive and the neighbour’s one day.

    Still it got them a bit quicker to the roofer who had fallen off my roof and was trying to run out of blood quite quickly. I’m sure he could have waited a bit longer whilst they circled the block a bit – what’s half a pint of blood in the scheme of things.

    Free Member

    have the choice then of including an overnight at the pleasant Ruigh Aiteachain bothy

    I was past on Thursday and the workmen were saying it is still a few weeks off completion. No date on MBA site for opening.

    Free Member

    Yup. I did lots of sports and other stuff in and out of school so something must have counted towards whatever behind closed doors discussions the teachers had. Was never quite sure what counted.

    Seemed to be a way of attracting more work on school events and leaving a greater catalogue of (now) embarrassing photos for public consumption.

    But it did make a difference in what employers assumed about me in the first couple of jobs I had.

    Free Member

    I did, years ago, get out of it for valid reasons – lots of international travel booked for work. And then later I was unemployed for 8 months so thought that was a good time to try and do it when I hadn’t much else on, so wrote to them and offered.

    They waited until about 3 years after that when I really couldn’t afford time out to do it. And it took a battle of wills to get it changed from being at High Court to Sheriff Court.

    So, offer all you like, but don’t expect any sort of sense to apply.

    Free Member

    I need to check the AdBlue concumption so that I can refill the tank at Halfords rates rather than main dealer rates…

    Don’t even need to do that. My local BP garage is cheaper than Halfords which has the benefit of not having to go out of the way to get it.

    Free Member

    The one between Newbridge and Browburn is great apart from the bit past the motor dealers at Newbridge and the petrol station at Broxburn. The bridge over Newbridge even better. Used to use it daily and wondered why the guy on a singlespeed holding up the traffic felt the need to stay on the road.

    Gogar to Newbridge, not so good. Poor surface in places, but generally ok as long as you’re not on 23mm tyres. Still better than being with the traffic.

    Free Member

    Roughly a litre of adblue goes with every tank, so the 10 litre top up lasts 6000-6500 miles. That’s on the BiTdi 2 litre.

    Free Member

    A4 is almost as big on the outside as a Passat (2 inches in it) but has much less space inside. Passat Allroad / Superb 4×4 will give you more space.

    If you don’t need the ground clearance but still want 4WD and power, the BiTDI covers that.

    Free Member

    One of my sons decided this summer that he wanted to play. The pain of the first few deliveries was acute, but it turns out I can bowl accurately enough off a 2 step run up for kids practice. Better than not being able to help out, but not by much.

    Free Member

    My wife teaches in a primary school where lots of kids in P6 & P7 have them. The variety and extent of bullying carried out by kids via phones is horrific. All those mistakes we made as kids which happily time forgot are recorded, distributed, picked on again and again. Words in anger get written, not spoken, and kept as justification for later retribution.

    P7 was where we let ours have phones, mainly because that was when they started to walk to school and wanted to arrange going to friends / wanting to invite friends home afterwards and so needed to be able to ask. Gave them rules & it seemed to work.

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