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  • SRAM GX Eagle Transmission Review Update
  • oldbloke
    Free Member

    I can’t see how potential Bugatti or Lambo owners would have their heads turned by an entry to F1

    I get your point, but with the demise of the Veyron, it may well make sense for Bugatti to mirror something like the McLaren F1 / road car link. VW comments on where they see the brand as being at the top of the performance tree and with hybrid technology don’t make it a daft notion.

    Free Member

    Aren’t you forgetting Bugatti, Lamborghini and Porsche being brands they can use?

    Free Member

    bencooper – Member

    A Labour minority government without a formal SNP coalition coes not suit Alex Salmond

    Alex Salmond is no longer leader of the SNP.
    But he would in all probability be the leader of the SNP group at Westminster and so in charge of negotiations between Westminster parties from the SNP perspective. In all the talk about what NS says, it may have been forgotten she isn’t standing for Westminster. MPs will only make deals with MPs, so it is AS they’ll be dealing with. After the conduct of the referendum campaign, not sure how much appetite there will be for that in the Unionist parties.

    Edit: Jambalaya got there first…

    Free Member

    In the past 30?years, as obesity has rocketed, there has been little change in physical activity levels in the Western population

    That’s the bit in this research I don’t get. I find it hard to believe that activity levels have not dropped – perhaps it is in the collation of what is being measured as activity.

    Wiki on exercise trends Suggests downward trends of exercise in western economies.

    Free Member

    Political Darwin award in my constituency this week. How do such people get through candidate selection?

    Free Member

    Before you all decide to lynch him – at the (Scottish state Primary) school my wife teaches at there are already classes using the school from 8 am until after 6 pm.

    Athletics, archery, football, martial arts, fencing, music, swimming, dance, cricket, chess plus after school childcare clubs. Supported by a mix of paid for by parents and PTA plus parental volunteers. At the rates charged to the kids, some of the specialist coaches must be being subsidised by the council or their sport’s governing body to increase participation.

    The place is busy as a community resource all the time. Classrooms are locked after hours but the rest of the place is open for all the activities.

    Free Member

    I find it really odd to be agreeing with both Molgrips and Maxtorque – how is that possible?

    I am advocating setting speed limits to appropriate values to suit modern driving conditions

    Currently Edinburgh is trying to roll out almost blanket 20mph limits. I live in one of the early trial areas and whilst some streets make sense and see that limit stuck to, others do not and even the Police pay no attention to it.

    Out of interest, how many of those on this thread have driven the TT circuit? I’ve probably done 30+ laps and 180 anywhere without the roads being closed and marshalled is lunacy. There is just too much objective danger. Mr Martin is a pillock.

    Free Member

    I’m liking the choie of venue for the SNP manifesto launch. It’s at Ratho climbing centre no less

    A giant triumph of ambition over reality which managed to separate many fools from their cash until it all went tits up and had to be bailed out. And I thought you liked the SNP….

    Free Member

    In Scotland at least, nationalism is all about civic nationalism, not ethnic. It’s not in the slightest about blaming the English – and the fact that some English people insist on seeing it like that says a lot more about them than it does about Scotland

    Or not. I saw plenty of anti English narrative during the referendum campaign, however I think it is fair to say that it is different things to different people. To some it is about separation or distinction from an English identity. To others it is about celebrating a Scottish identity.

    As an Ulsterman, to be accused of being one of those “**** English ********” during that period wasn’t particularly pleasant.

    Free Member

    Charcoal definitely better.
    Gas really convenient for just doing a few things or avoiding having to stand outside too long in Feb or Nov. And better than the pan indoors because of the dripping fat being able to burn.
    3rd BBQ of the week tonight

    Free Member

    Some bits of it but not much. Mix of tarmac & gravel, but mostly gravel.

    Free Member

    Meat eating Webber BBQ owner here.

    Just buy it, cook him great food. He’ll enjoy it but feel the male urge to burn meat on open fire and take over cooking duties. Sorted.

    Free Member

    You have no time pressure here because August is so far away and there’s a risk in starting running when you’re heavy of injuries which hold you back. Perhaps use the bike to get aerobic fitness and lose some weight, but before you start running, get walking – fast and striding out – and slowly start to add short runs into the walk as you feel able.

    I found myself in a similar situation coming back from injuries. And having hurt myself trying to run too soon, that’s the approach that worked.

    Free Member

    Make it easy for yourself Leave this going and make time to ride the bike instead?

    Free Member

    There is no 60% tax band to scrap you doughnut! There is a 40% high rate tax band and a 45% additional tax band for folk over £150K. That’s it.

    That’s a little like berating someone for talking about Road Tax rather than VED rather than the point being raised.

    Can’t see it going though – it Tories were going to do it they’d have done it same time as the 45% rate and Labour brought it in so unlikely to delete it.

    Free Member

    These poor cars wait patiently for the owner’s offspring to turn up and take the owner out for a drive. At least, that’s what my Dad’s does.

    Free Member

    Really depends on things we can’t know now – how dry it has been beforehand, how fit you are, how early you start.

    It “should” be possible with early start and reasonable fitness.

    Free Member

    If it is labelled as Pink Salmon, there can’t be a species difference because Pink Salmon is one. But it is one of the most commonly caught and all over the place. So, it could well be that the cans came from two different fishery areas with the differences in calorie / fat content coming from the diet available to the fish caught in that area.

    Free Member

    It is a very long time since I was in that part of the world, but if you could use the train to get to the west, somewhere like Killarney or Tralee, travelling back vaguely by the coast would let you pass through the most scenic bits and might give you more of the wind at your back.

    Free Member

    As you are a Director in the Statutory sense, you need to be very clear about your responsibilities under the Companies Acts. There are lots, but key ones which matter here:
    > Exercising of reasonable care and diligence. You’re concerned, so you have to act.
    > Responsibility to maintain the books and records of the company. Even if your not the FD, you’re still responsible for the numbers. So, if he’s at it, consequences fall on you too.

    Those are just the headlines. First port of call – get a copy of his employment contract and see if there’s a difference between what he’s doing and his contract. Only then will you know if there is anything to be concerned about.

    Free Member

    My involvement in event organisation has been in different sports where events have very much been volunteer driven and club organised. And everyone was in a club which organised something. There seems to be a new breed of competitor who hasn’t come through that system and seems to think paying any form of entry fee entitles them to some form of gold plated experience. Clarity of what you get and what you don’t at point of entry seems to be the only way to deal with it.

    Free Member

    You spent 30k on a car (obv an R for that money), are too tight to then pay a main dealer to look after it, have a problem with uneven tyre wear, possibly a fault, possibly cos it’s had its ass ragged everywhere and then expect warranty!

    I’d say that’s a reasonable expectation because it hasn’t broken warranty terms.

    I challenged VW on the tyre wear on my Passat. They told me the tyre pressures listed in the manual were incorrect. I asked for a free tyre then please. Suddenly the tyre pressures were right after all.

    I have had to go through VW before after a dealer set my car on fire (really!). They got it sorted probably to better than it was before it went in. So I’ve had good and bad from them.

    Free Member

    I am versed on it BTW

    In which case rather than just ask everyone else their view how about detailing your own.

    I think the organiser cocked up by not listing cut off times but she overreacted to reasonable guidance. No one wins the argument.

    Free Member

    Hi didn’t. He told her that if she didn’t finish the first lap in decent time she wouldn’t be doing a second. She chose not to complete her first lap. Neither side comes out of it well.

    If you can be bothered, the debate is thoroughly covered on a thread on UK Climbing.

    Free Member

    There are several good routes up there if you’re prepared to look at an OS map and follow the dotted black lines. I’m not sure about passing on route info to places like this to people I don’t know because it is remote and needs to be ridden with an attitude to match. But, there’s some decent riding on sheet 9 and on the other side of the road from Quinag. Quinag itself wasn’t worth taking the bike up beyond the slabby bits and glenleireag is utterly missable.

    Free Member

    Simon pegg as rincewind.

    I had him pencilled in for Pteppic. And Natalie Portman as Ptraci

    Free Member

    Vimes the hardened, unreformed, former alcoholic bubbling under with unknowable rage, constantlyrunning from his demons and capable of incredible physical aggression – David bloody Jason?

    How about Ray Winstone then?

    Free Member

    Karl Pilkington as Twoflower
    Ian Richardson as Death

    Free Member

    You could look at this line of thought and see where it takes you: unhealthy or overstocked fish do not grow and small or unhealthy fish do not get good prices. Good welfare makes good economics.

    Free Member

    Which bit?

    You mentioned overstocking and lack of health. With things like the RSPCA saying 70% of UK salmon farming complies with their Freedom Food standard your suggestions seem a little out of date.

    Free Member

    It would be interesting to know where you get your information from gofasterstripes. This is no longer the 1980s.

    Free Member

    The reason I east some fish (sustainable fish, as advised by msc/fishonline) is because they’re not farmed.

    I’m not sure why some people are happy to have veg, fruit, cereals, meat farmed but not fish. Or think that farmed = unsustainable. You might be surprised how little fishmeal / oil goes into some farmed fish and just like any other foodstuff production standards and food quality vary.

    Free Member

    Elder one has a tiger onsie. Tried to persuade him to go as Hobbes from the Calvin & Hobbes cartoons. Apparently not. He’s gone as a Ninja expecting he’ll be able to find a book with one in it in the school library.

    Younger one has gone as Tintin, complete with quiff and an 18″ long Snowy. Not bad for no preparation.

    Free Member

    Use the train to get to Mallaig. Ride to Glenuig and back to corran ferry. Or the other way round.

    Further afield, the circuit from Lochinver clockwise around the coast through Drumbeg, main road to Loch Assynt and back to Lochinver.

    Free Member

    Sorry to hear that Doug. I’ve neck trouble although different causes (mostly being hit by a car) so different in nature but still needing changes to cope – I can’t ride on drops on the road bike so changed bars etc.

    I do find the turbo helpful as part of staying fit because whilst using it I can stretch, sit up and generally move around to get the right posture to help my neck in ways I can’t do when on road or trails. That may compromise the riding, but for me it helps both fitness and mobility. Just make sure you know what positions are good and bad for the neck before you start.

    Free Member

    I did nearly 20 years ago, but for climbing, working in Northumberland. And that’s where I met people who got me back into biking. Now back in Edinburgh but I don’t regret that move.

    There’s a difference between moving thinking it is permanent and moving for a time / experience / change.

    Free Member

    Usually whatever is cheap on deal extreme. Usually have a spare pair hanging around as the kids will always break something.

    Also use cheap safety specs something like these.

    Free Member

    Just getting out again. But taking one of the kids for his first trip round GT blue and watching the grins as he attacked every hill and berm before declaring “best day. ever.” That was special

    Free Member

    My guess is he is as consistent as he is logical.

    Jack McKee. Septuagenarian throwback to the dark days of tribal extremes where shouting bollocks garnered you a following. Fortunately that generation of politician hasn’t got long left.

    Free Member

    Could be wrong but I think the point was that you can only create a gap, you can’t stop other people taking it- all you can do then is create another which someone else may take. Sometimes it feels downright sketchy with people swarming to get into your 2-car-lengths

    Exactly what I meant NW

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