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  • oldbloke
    Free Member

    Just fix them. Elixir Rs here which had stuck pistons after 4 years of neglectful use. Bled and cleaned up, absolutely fine.

    Yeah, if you can spec Shimano in the first place, great, but no reason to chuck Avids away just because maintenance takes a little longer once in a blue moon.

    Free Member

    Given that you’re supposed to declare health issues and surrender your licence if you’re not fit to drive, I don’t see why knowingly driving with a health issue which would lose you your licence isn’t considered as driving without a licence.

    Before this came to light I was having the same debate with my parents over one of them continuing to drive despite clearly suffering from conditions which should see a licence handed in.

    Maybe that’s where the DVLA reluctance comes from – it opens a can of worms on all the self certifying drivers who shouldn’t still be drivers.

    Free Member

    12 Sept for Labour leadership results

    Free Member

    gooooooooood griiiiief

    Don’t worry – there are quite a few of us up here who don’t think like that.

    Although this is in danger of becoming another Scottish thread, I’m not so sure Mr Corbyn couldn’t win back space from the SNP. Quite a few of my friends are long term Labour voters who had become disillusioned with the party. They voted SNP only because the Independence question had been “settled for a generation”, Ed didn’t inspire them and the LibDems as the usual protest party in that scenario had become an embarrassment. They won’t be too hard for Labour to retrieve them as the SNP response to its majority has led to some regrets already.

    Free Member

    I’m not sure where you get all that from Northwind. No backpedalling nor arguing black is white. I’ve given you more of the logic for interpreting the language as I have but that’s it and explained what a credible politician would have said to achieve the same anti-GM message while leaving room to avoid negative business or political consequences later.

    I’m afraid I don’t understand your reasoning for why a ban is somehow inherently flexible, but I’m not going to be rude about and I can’t imagine Mr Lochead is going to care what either of us think.

    Free Member

    This is getting pretty absurd tbh, of course it doesn’t- it can be changed in future, like any other government policy.

    It feels like you just want to find fault and aren’t too bothered if what you say makes any sense

    Now you’re just being rude. After some time (in the past) as a Director of a public body trying to apply the various soundbites emanating from politicians I’m painfully familiar with how they work.

    Of course future change is possible, but any policy statement and the nature of the language used is taken as a statement of intent and direction which is why there’s been so much adverse reaction to it from several sectors. It will influence investment decisions and the ability of research institutes to attract work and expertise. And by putting a ban in place, the political cost of a changed policy is high. A stated policy which allows room to wriggle is what politicians like if they have any inclination to change later.

    That’s why I find fault with the notion of cutting off possibility unnecessarily. Had Mr Lochead stated that the use of any GM in Scotland would require the passing of the most stringent set of precautionary principles then there’d have been no complaint from me.

    Free Member

    “Scotland is known around the world for our beautiful natural environment – and banning growing genetically modified crops will protect and further enhance our clean, green status”. Richard Lochead

    A moratorium and / or a set of tests to pass first would mean future possibility. A ban doesn’t.

    Free Member

    Northwind – “Not persuaded” is absolutely clear. It means no unless persuaded and the rest makes it a statement about the present, leaving the opportunity for the future to be different. This new position removes the possibility of persuasion being possible in future, no matter the evidence of safety or benefit. That’s a major change.

    Free Member

    I think Natural England may already know as they’re listed as the contributor with the information on the directgov website.


    Free Member

    Oh comei]on[/i]. Elected government delivers on longstanding pledge and you say “we didn’t get a choice!” What level of choice would satisfy you?

    As I pointed out somewhere up above, it was not mentioned in the SNP’s 2011 manifesto. Nor was it a commitment in the independence white paper. I’m not sure how that makes it long standing or something on which consultation has been adequate.

    Free Member

    Ramblers website says it is from Section 59 of Wildlide & Countryside Act 1981

    Free Member

    It was, after all, in the SNP manifesto for the 2015 GE

    Usually I’d buy that logic, but this a Scottish Government decision. None of those making it were elected at the 2015 GE. GM isn’t mentioned in the 2011 manifesto on which they were elected.

    To counter the cynicism on the point above about it making money so its OK, the 2011 manifesto comments on Universities include increasing their economic contribution and on food & drink economics is a key point. The politicians know the money matters.

    I say that despite not being a fan of GM, just like I’m not a fan of battery farmed chicken, but blanket exclusion of a technology rather than reviewing any output from it on a case by case basis just seems wrong.

    Free Member

    who wants a proper job when you can bodge it

    In my case, me! The previous owner of our house had a joint in the bathroom plumbing bodged together with two layers of tiles holding it in place. I found this out when I took the old tiles off…

    Free Member

    In the past I’ve stuck a little tuna mayo over pasta in a freezer bag so I could just squeeze bits out when I needed it. Tortilla wrap doesn’t go mushy like bread. flapjack rather than cereal bars. Too much dried stuff doesn’t really work for me as my stomach rebels. Anything soft which has some moisture content seems to work better, but everyone is different.

    Free Member

    But not all companies have reached the auto enrolment staging dates. Worth asking when your current employer’s staging date is as that’ll give you an idea how long you have to wait for their scheme to exist.

    Free Member

    Don’t know about laws, but they certainly seem to have party rules to stop anyone with principles getting anywhere.

    Free Member

    Just noticed you saying you intend to stay in the van if possible.
    If you want to be further north than Scotroute’s Achmelvich suggestion (which is bang on) then the campsite at Scourie is pretty good and 200m from the pub.

    Free Member

    To add a little to the routes suggested by others:

    If you go to Achiltibuie, stop at Achnahaird beach for a swim.
    Take the wee coast road north and take a run in to and up Suilven from Inverkirkaig
    Or if you like the ice age landscape near fortwilliam and fancy a bit more landscape, come back to the main road from Achiltiebuie and visit bits of the highland geopark just south of Elphin
    Take the wee coast road from Lochinver north via Stoer and round the S edge of Edrachilles Bay. Then imagine it on bikes.
    Stop at Kylesku Hotel for seafood eating
    Visit Handa island, road to ferry heads off a few miles N of Scourie.
    Walk in to Sandwood Bay
    Stop at Torrisdale Bay if you’ve a spare 10 mins.

    Edit: 10 mins after Scotroutes – should have known…

    Free Member

    I’m always amazed when these threads come up how many people with families manage to fit all these other pastimes in. I’ll always choose to spend my spare time with my family.

    They’re not mutually exclusive. Fortunately my kids want to join me fell running, climbing & kayaking as well as biking. That’s ace.

    Free Member

    Does a man who doesn’t know whats happening make comments like those he made in October 2014?

    My Dad was lucid, chatty and active in October 2014. Now he can’t remember who his family is, is irrational, aggressive (through frustration) and totally mentally lost. So, yes, it is possible.

    nickc’s comment on how the press work is pretty much my experience. In fact press releases are created with quotes from people that are deemed to be appropriate leader type statements in the circumstances. They may or may not have said them but probably approved the draft written by others.

    Free Member

    Is there a swimming club with beginner sessions?

    Free Member

    Find a club. As well as trying lots of different boats and places to paddle you’d learn lots and meet other people to paddle with.

    BCU find a club page[/url]

    Free Member

    As a frequency business flyer I’m in favour of Heathrow getting a 3rd runway, it’s the only well run airport in the country

    I beg to differ. I was forced, through work, to go through Heathrow for years. Lost luggage and missed connections (even with 2 hrs to connect) were routine. Then I switched to going through Frankfurt or Amsterdam and never had another problem.

    If Heathrow’s the best answer then we’re asking the wrong question.

    Free Member

    I’ve used Richard Loudon at Simpson Marwick for over 20 years. Not cheapest but very effective if you want someone to do more than just process the paperwork.

    Free Member

    OK so what would you do with massive tracts of the Highlands?

    Repopulate the glens and work them like they used to.
    Do you think you might be being a little harsh to require the selection of people to live remotely in unserviced accommodation scraping a basic existence from the land by hand?

    Free Member

    There’s balance in all things though – per CountZero, today I saw a pair of Skuas taking out a gull. attacked it, took it down to water level and ripped it to pieces. Do you need some Skuas in that there London?

    Free Member

    After the Virginia Tech shootings, the shooter was described as having “an unholy quantity of ammunition”. So I asked a former Bishop of Edinburgh what a holy amount of ammunition might have been. He suggested anything from the plagues.

    So maybe the Pope is saying arms dealers are lacking in imagination or ambition with bullets and bombs. For a real biblical seal of approval they need to up their game and do Death of the Firstborn, Deceased Livestock, Locusts etc.

    Free Member

    Many fights over correcting the ineptitude which seems to be standard both in personal and corporate tax.
    I gave up using the phones as the letters I got from them were more use in showing them how useless they were. Two offices contradicting each other, that sort of thing.
    It all gets sorted if you can face the hassle and time.

    Free Member

    All tricky stuff but it is what kids do. What works for some may not work for others, but what worked for us:
    My wife and I had to be on the same line constantly. That’s the first line they try and break.

    They had different interests but I asked them each what they really wanted out of sport – the deal for each was that I’d help, but there was a minimum they’d have to put in too and I’d do more the more interest each showed. That bit might help you if your daughter shows more commitment than your son. Can you supervise team skills sessions where you don’t have to kick the ball if he agrees to do more sessions?

    What was my time – they had to acknowledge my need for exercise and to do things just to hold my body together if they wanted me to use it to do sport with them.

    Seems to work and there’s next to no argument now.

    Free Member

    Southside if you want to be city-ish.
    Short bike or sensible run to Haymarket.
    Arthur’s Seat, Blackford Hill, Braid Hills all close by. Pentlands not entirely silly from the door.
    Or if you go from work, Corstorphine Hill is bike or run without leaving you a stupid distance home.

    Free Member

    Aye, sorry Stoner.

    No, the kids don’t laugh. They just wear their own.

    Free Member

    I’m with Binners on the crocs. Liner washable, warm, pretty hard wearing, kids don’t laugh, wife doesn’t borrow. That last point makes them good enough for me.

    Free Member

    Long time ago I was employed through an agency on something which went on longer than planned with the agency getting their fee. Employer and I negotiated with the agency an end point for their payment. Seemed the best way for everyone to move on.

    Free Member

    You will pay £20,000 x 18% x 40% = £1,440 pa

    As I understand it, it doesn’t matter how much you are over the 40% bracket
    Not quite.
    £20k x 18% will be the taxable benefit = £3600.
    Using OP’s numbers, if his pay comes to £3400 below the 40% band, that £3400 will be taxed at 20% and he’ll only pay 40% on the £200 falling into the 40% band.

    Free Member

    The car benefit gets added to your income, so if it was just £200 into the band of 40%, you’d only get billed 40% on that £200. The rest would be at the lower rate.

    Free Member

    Honestly don’t think these are relevant comparisons

    It was in relation to the concern of having to avoid areas for traffic congestion. I’m fully aware of how difficult Orange order marches are. Or worse, going on the Irish ferries with the kids when the NI based fans were going to or from Old Firm matches.

    Free Member

    ‘Tis the run up to 12 July, so they’re all out.
    And then after that date, there’ll be next to none and everyone else gets a go. It isn’t anything like as bad as the Edinburgh Festival – 4 weeks of almost gridlock.

    Free Member

    It is a local authority issue.
    Glasgow capped the number of parades and created new rules on marshalling which should cut down the number by increasing the obligation on organisers. Probably worth seeing how well that works.

    Free Member

    You don’t think it’s disproportionate?

    Some people love marching, some people don’t. Orange Order loves marching. Ancient Order of Hibernian barely manages to carry on existing, let alone march. Either arrange more other events, campaign to cut some orange ones out or let people get on with their marching. Not a lot of other options.

    Free Member

    That’s Strathclyde though – half the country lives in Strathclyde.

    You have to live with it just the same way everyone else has to live with closed road Sportives, Critical Mass, Pedal on Parliament, Edinburgh Festival and all the other events that cities host. Marches need permission, so if you don’t like them, object.

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