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  • Pump Track Challenge Highlights – Crankworx Innsbruck 2021
  • ohnohesback
    Free Member

    “Ratcheting up the personality cult it builds around the Kim family, North Korea claimed that Kim Jong Il’s death generated a series of spectacular natural phenomena, creating a mysterious glow atop a revered mountain, cracking a sheet of ice on a lake with a loud roar and inspiring a crane to circle a statue of the nation’s founder before perching in a tree and drooping its head in sorrow.”

    Free Member

    Not with a bang but with a whimper…

    Free Member

    Arrr… it’s too late for that! I’ve had a nip of my sister’s lethal four month matured sloe gin…

    Free Member

    Given that the churches and the Salvation Army are manking on about minimum alcohol pricing again with a made-up survey I think that in the future I’ll be brewing my own…

    This is what ought to be done to those interfering nannies…

    Free Member

    Or you can take the experience of my brother, an insurance claims adjuster, who needs to carry a great amoutn of equipment around with him. He test drove a Ford and an AUDI equivalent, his gear fitted in the AUDI but not the Ford.

    Free Member

    Though the majority of it is due to bad design.

    Free Member

    I find many modern cars pointless. Those ones that look as if they have had a skip dropped on them. With low, sharpely downawrd sloping roofs, slitty little windows, tiny rear hatches, and such a discrepancy betwwen the bloated exterior and the lack of, and waste of interior space, together with the rearward visibilty problems so caused by those sort of designs. I wonder about the people who design, and drive those wheeled eyepokes.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Our head of state is a hereditary postion as well…

    Free Member

    The South Koreans are bricking themselves that Un will have to consolidate his postion by acting agressively vis a vis the South…

    Free Member

    So now there will be a outburst of mourning for an unelected, unaccountable head of state…

    It could never happen in the UK could it?

    Free Member

    Take it to your local A&E or walk-in centre.

    Free Member

    And don’t forget the ‘Death Star’ police camp/internemnt centre in Epping Forest…

    Free Member

    It’ll be a useful pretext to get the sheeple acclimatised to their policed future, the royal 60th aniiversary and the olympics in one year. The UK will be a different and less free nation by 2013…

    Free Member

    I thought that I was relatively ‘cold proof’, not any more it seems. I wonder if you can lose your adaption/hardening to cold weather over time?

    Free Member

    The more militarised the olympics become the more the unpleasant resonances with Berlin 1936…

    Free Member

    I don’t think it’ll lead to nuclear war. But hordes of impoverished southern europeans arriving at the channel coast?…


    Free Member

    You can never be too prepared…

    Better to be ready than caught out.

    Free Member

    You could try some ice spikes…

    Free Member

    That at least would be useful…

    Free Member

    Have you noticed how many Openreach vans there are around?…

    Suspicious innit?

    Free Member

    The legacy is the security-surveillance complex.

    Oh, and the olympic venues going to weeds and ruin…

    Free Member

    The point is the raison d’etre for sweeping security and surveillance powers, why else did B liar spend so much effort in bringing this unwanted junket here?

    Free Member

    LED lenser P3.

    Free Member

    60 years on the throne? You should eat more fruit dear! That’ll loosen you up…

    Free Member

    I’m expecting an announcement of special Olympic state of emergency powers, only temporarily mind…

    Free Member

    Balls isn’t stupid, just inept.

    Free Member

    ask yourself why Ed Balls Up is so spectacularly quiet (he shows some understanding here)

    Because he is clueless.

    Free Member

    Just strand Clarkson in a crowd of public sector workers armed with sharp tools…

    Free Member

    Why should we give the SNP the choice? Why not expel scotland from the union and see how well they’d cope as a little european vassel state? At a stroke we could rid ourselves of the scottish contamination of UK politcs!

    Free Member

    It was on Channel Five. Enough said.

    Free Member

    Look what I googled…

    Dear God…

    Free Member

    There is a difference between wearing cycling wear whiile cycling and looking like an absolute ****.

    Free Member

    So, adults wearing them? For goodness’ sake, No

    That’s what I think when I see much of what so-called adults wear. Some people just have no self-respect!

    Free Member

    You mean the sort of leopard spotted ones sold on BID-TV? Just like leggings, flip-flops, and crocs these are an infantalisation of adult clothing. A sign that those wearing them have slid still further down the scummy slope towards being full-on pond life…

    Free Member

    I’m sure that there is a chinese factory churning out authentic aged looking ‘vintage’ watches to be fed into the market.

    Free Member

    Perhaps the only way that western imperialism will be halted is for them to go to war and get a very bloody nose. Losing the Vietnam war shook US confidence for fifteen years.

    Free Member

    Iran won’t nuke us. Instead they will make an utter mess of the middle eastern oilfields and screw the western economies that way.

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