Forum Replies Created

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  • New Second Generation Geometron G1: Even More Adjustable
  • ohnohesback
    Free Member

    Wasn’t CH struggling to survive in France until the attack? Now with the French govt and Google bankrolling them for the moment, their sting has been well and truly drawn.

    Free Member

    Effing darts! They keep postponing the Kate Humble volcano programme because of it.

    Free Member

    Orbot and Orweb.

    Free Member

    “….the very foundation of our nation.”

    More like a national embarrassment.

    Free Member

    Give it a couple of hours and the news will be airbrushed.

    Free Member

    The lovable dog always escapes alive and unhurt.

    Free Member

    Bugger all actually.

    Free Member

    Are they stopped by TPS registration?

    Free Member

    The alternative links with China are a given. With Russian raw materials and Chinese capacity, together they would make a formidable trading bloc – which the West would antagonise at its peril.

    Free Member

    So how does Russia respond to this latest provocation by the west?

    I don’t think it will be nicely…

    Free Member

    Wasn’t there a film made a while ago about the assassination of George W Bush?

    Free Member

    Portsmouth trumps all.

    Free Member

    Both Premier and non-Premier users should have the expectation the back button working. It is one thing to pay for enhanced functionality but quite another to be expected to cough-up for the services you would consider to be fundemental.

    In business your reputation and image are everything. The forum is a direct reflection of the ST magazine business in general. If something isn’t right, it matters, and ought to be put right as quickly as possible.

    Free Member

    You said it Dragon!

    This forum would be nothing without the input of we forumites; that is our ‘payment’. So how about giving us a little R.E.S.P.E.C.T and sorting the issue out?

    Free Member

    It’s called Mission Creep and it’s just the way the Americans got quagmired in Vietnam.

    Free Member

    Drip some new engine oil through any holes in the frame then twirl the frame around to ensure an even coating over the internal surfaces.

    Free Member

    Sadly it will remain an ‘aspiration’ as much as the planned manned return to the Moon. Eventually there will be humans back on the Moon and landing on Mars, but NASA won’t be leading the mission.

    Free Member

    Well the nosey buggers can f- right off! Anyone who trys hassling me for my receipt will wish they hadn’t!

    Free Member

    I shake my head in disbelief at the OP. Have you never heard of the word No?

    Free Member

    So Westminster attempting to rewrite the Scottish Parliament’s rules in order to prevent it acting unilaterally? I can imagine how that would go down north of the border!

    I forsee another referrundum before 2020. The Indy issue is far from over and next time I believe – hope – the Nats will win.

    Free Member

    You think Blair is left of centre?!

    Free Member

    What sized shoes for…?

    Free Member

    Ask the real Cheshire Police for help?

    Free Member

    The answer is that you can never be sure; but being open source those with the skill can check and examine it for weaknesses.

    Free Member

    Is it not time this thread was brought to a dignified close? There can be other threads started at opportune times to discuss devo issues.

    Free Member

    We really need a back button which works!

    Free Member

    “Honey, I don’t pay for what I get for free!”

    Free Member

    For it all to be over and done with.

    Free Member

    If only he could comment…

    Free Member

    The shockwaves from the October 1987 stock market were still rippling through the economy. Any time when lenders will offer 5X joint income loans you can be certain another property slump is bound to follow. And the “we’re all too clued-up to let prices fall – we’ll Buy the Dip!” argument? Perleeaze!… That could’ve been said in 2006. We all should be much wiser but seemingly there are still some True Believers out there… P.T Barnum was indeed right…

    Free Member

    I had one arrive in my spam folder purportedly coming from Apple with the strapline my Apple ID had been suspended. As I don’t have an Apple ID, or any Apple products, nor would I want them, I deleted it at once.

    Yet obviously the email had been tagged as spam; so why was it even delivered? I wonder how my email address came to the spambot’s attention?

    Free Member

    Why in God’s name would anyone in a sane frame of mind pre-order anything?

    Free Member

    Nothing about wheel sizes or planes on conveyors.

    Free Member

    Randomly mixing capital and lower case letters boils my piss as much as x**s.

    Free Member

    I have a spare. I was just curious.

    Free Member

    How short your memories are…

    Free Member

    I’m thunderstruck.

    Free Member

    Portillo is still a ****, but whoever is responsible for the irritating ‘music’ on GRJ is a worse ****.

    Free Member

    Remind us that we’re not as high and mighty as we think we are.

    Free Member

    As a protection against a runaway government.

Viewing 40 posts - 281 through 320 (of 3,432 total)