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  • Marine Cabirou Joins Monster Energy
  • ohnohesback
    Free Member

    Was it a fox or cat?

    Free Member


    Free Member

    That brings back some memories! There was the Dr Who Wheel in Space and also a film from the 1950s. It’s inspiring to see that part of science fiction become science fact.

    Free Member

    Thread hijack.

    I’m looking for help in identifying a rear LED light. I can’t tell you anything about it apart from the fact that when I saw it in flashing mode, instead of blinking on and off, it pulsed from a bright light to a still brighter light. Any ideas what it may be?

    Free Member

    Good riddance to Peacocks and Bon Marche! The trouble is that the chavettes will waddle over to New Look for their disposable leggingz.

    And how did Past Times last this long?

    Free Member

    Will they salvage the ship and rename it or scrap it?

    Free Member

    I’d like to try the WS or similar razors but the last time I tried a razor blade the blade holder, which was made of plastic, broke after a few months. are there any all-metal razor blade holders available?

    Free Member
    Free Member

    It’s a crying shame we can’t tax the school run. Bigger bratwagon = more tax. Incentives to those walking, cycling and using the bus.

    If the schools are within walking distance, if cycling to school in an urban environment isn’t too risky, if the bus fits in with your work patterns…

    Free Member

    Audi Quattro?

    Free Member


    Free Member

    The old Britania was supposed to be a ‘dual use’ vessel, to be able to be quickly converted into a hospital ship in times of war. Come the Falklands war and oh dear! it didn’t use the right sort of marine diesel so it couldn’t be sent into harm’s way.

    Free Member

    Dear Sir,

    I have been writing to various firms for some time looking for work & somebody very kindly gave me your name. I have taken the liberty of writing to you because I have a slight speech impediment when talking to strangers over the phone but feel that with the correct training I would be able to overcome this.

    As well as stuttering I am slightly disabled but feel sure this will not prejudice you against granting me an interview. Due to illness in recent years I have lost the use of my left arm & leg. Well to be perfectly honest I have had them removed. In normal circumstances this would not prove too much of a problem but unfortunately I was left handed & get dizzy balancing on one leg. You might wonder how I am able to type so well with the remaining finger on my right hand. For the past two years I have attended a special school for the handicapped & the deaf, (I am also slightly hard of hearing) where I learned to type holding a pencil between my teeth. Bad luck has caught up with me again however, as my dentist tells me shortly have to have all my teeth removed.

    One point that might be against me is my wheelchair, I have tried using crutches, but only having one arm makes things a little difficult. Although I can balance on one leg, it has taken a lot of practice to be able to walk in a straight line. When I first got my wheelchair, & having only one arm, I used to go around in circles. I feel sure that I have not been successful at other interviews because of my chair & the tyre marks it made on polished floors. Because of this I would be willing to leave my chair outside & drag myself along the office floor should you need me to run messages.

    Should my application be successful this would be my first job. If I could earn my own living I could buy a few luxuries such as a new tyre for my wheelchair & a lead free pencil to hold in my mouth for typing. The doctor says it was probably lead poising that made me partially blind in my good remaining eye.

    Could I also mention that I would also need a power near my desk to recharge my heart pace-maker as the battery is getting rather weak. I would be willing to have the cost of this deducted from my wages along with the cost of strengthening the floor joists to take the weight of my portable kidney machine. I do not know whether you prefer a male or female for the job but my surgeon says he could snip off a bit more here & there as required.

    Yours sincerely,

    P.S. sum wun rote this fore me cos eye am dislecksic.

    Free Member

    The Nissan Juke or was it Joke?

    Free Member

    I’m sure that people will.

    Free Member

    “God save the Queen… ‘coz tourists are money….”

    Free Member

    We are only a democracy because Mrs Windsor allows it…

    Free Member

    Ask a loaded question and you’ll get the answer you seek.

    Free Member

    And we cock a snook at those North Koreans who worship their dynastic head of state…

    Free Member

    You would be in trouble. I think the offence would be ‘Administering a Noxious Substance’ or just plain old Assualt or ABH.

    Free Member

    Cheesy puffs! PAH! Royster’s Steak flavour crisps are what you need….

    Free Member

    Your logonid is well chosen.

    In an Elvis style “whythankyouverymuch…”

    Free Member

    Whenever they want to, as long as they don’t expect continuing ‘transitional payments’ from we english to ease them into independance. Oh, and they can shoulder their fair share of the UK deficit as well…

    Free Member

    The fashion for many TV programmes, and even the news, to use glaucomic filters, bleached images, and incessant background music.

    Free Member

    They will use a special scottish MTB wheel standard..

    Free Member

    I heard a union leader say on Radio Four this morning that if ‘labour’ were too timid to oppose the cuts and didn’t want to be the opposition that the union movement would have to look elsewhere… well it’s taken them long enough to realise…

    History shows that a timid Labour/TU movement that is a pale imitation of the Tories will remain a weak opposition.

    Free Member

    But are they any different to the sad cases outside Apple shops at midnight waiting for the release of their latest trinket?

    Free Member

    In the end we all die, so you may as well eat what you want, drink what you want, smoke what you want, and enjoy yourself. The ‘experts’ can go do one…

    Free Member

    Reading the Daily Mail can give you cancer…

    Free Member

    Please explain what is meant by the term ‘Big Hitter’. Does it refer to a good cricketing innings? Is something to do with downhill mountain biking? Or perhaps it’s something else entirely…

    Free Member

    There is good reason to complain about TG, it is utter crap.

    Free Member

    They both ate live rodents in the style of V’s (the original 1984 series) Diana.

    Free Member

    Perhaps I meant secession.

    Anyway, it could all turn very nasty…

    Free Member

    I didn’t think sharpening some blunt scissors by cutting baking foil with them would work, yet it did.

    Free Member

    You people leading soft, sheltered lives have obviously never enjoyed the cut and thrust of a football forum…

    Free Member

    Will existing forum users need to reregister when the ‘new’ forum launches?

    Free Member

    Is anything worn under the kilt?

    Nae, it’s all in perfect working order!

    Free Member

    The South will rise again…

    Free Member

    He was born Kenyan.

    Free Member

    Can you imagine a Scottish Citizenship Test?

    Examiner “When was the Act of Uinion?”

    Potential citizen “You askin’ me pal? You want a fight?”

    Examiner “Passed! Welcome to Scotland!”

Viewing 40 posts - 3,081 through 3,120 (of 3,432 total)