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  • Got a Local Trails Group? Tell Stans’!
  • ohnohesback
    Free Member

    Why don’t they make safety-critical structures from the same stuff that they make New Look leggingz from?

    Free Member

    Can you hear that thwapping noise in the distance getting louder?…

    Free Member

    What seperates the mag from the forum is the varied nature of the forum contributers, the mag is just too samey and cliquey.

    Free Member

    Was the BBQ far away from civilization? Or was it in your garden? If the latter it is inexcusable, you have an electrical device designed to cook meat not a few steps away…

    Free Member

    I’ve not seen it but is the whole premise is that aliens attacked a previous mission?

    Free Member

    You’re all happy to have your money given to parties who you don’t support and who may be actively hostile to your interests?

    Free Member

    It is always a given that the tories are funded by big business and that what is left of labour are funded by the unions, you can’t get much more transparent than that!

    What this plan would do would be to isolate the the parties from the consequences of their actions, for example if the lib-dems get utterly slaughtered, as they should do, and their grass roots support refuses to fund them it means that the party could, and should, go broke. That won’t happen with a permanent supply of scarce taxpayers’ money.

    And what if the BNP qualifies for state aid?

    Free Member

    There are some tender people and mods here…

    Free Member

    Well the housebuilders did alright.

    Free Member

    Shout “I TOLD YOU SO!”

    Free Member

    Who by then will have forgotten all about the tax increase…

    Free Member

    And the demographic most likely to die before the next election…

    Free Member

    Proper SunTour XC Pro.friction thumbies.

    Free Member

    No, yes, no.

    Free Member

    Glad to be of service.

    Not just there for the doomed moments of life…

    Free Member

    Unfortunately, yes!

    Free Member

    Was that town Chichester?

    Free Member

    The Jeremy Kyle Show.

    Free Member

    BID/Price-Drop TV.

    Free Member

    Leggings on women. Especially larger women.

    Free Member

    I predict that a small increase already planned in the taxable threshold for most earners will be hyped to high heaven and more than offset by a top-end giveaway, and that few people will notice or care about it.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    I won’t fight you for them, you’re welcome to them!

    Free Member

    And embarrasing!

    Free Member

    Or an alternative to ID cards…

    Free Member

    Flip-flops, two steps closer to the Jeremy Kyle show…

    Free Member

    I have contributed twice to the print mag. I don’t think I’ll ever live it down.

    Free Member

    I can’t remember as I was a kid in the early 1970s when I saw it in Arundel. It had quite an effect on our whole family…

    Free Member

    That depends what you consider to be harassment.

    Free Member

    One day it will be our turn, and you won’t be laughing then…

    Stock up while you still can.

    Free Member

    Capitalism is the exploitation of man by man and communism is exactly the opposite.

    Free Member

    I’ve lost my appetite.

    Free Member

    I agree. If I were smashed up in an RTC (and I have been) being adressed by the right name or title is the least of my worries.

    Free Member

    The iO has a suspension fork. I’d like a ride-away-from-the-shop rigid bike. It’d be great for winter rides and general purpose on/off road commuting. Go on Genesis, give it a try

    Free Member

    I use stubby bar ends on risers, and I don’t give a **** if it seems unstylish to others. I wanted a different hand position on the long road rides to the trails.

    Free Member

    They’ll fall for the Great Windpower Con…

    Free Member

    Then let me elaborate. As the late Patrick McGoohan said in the Prisoner “I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, briefed, debriefed or numbered!” he also said “I will not make any deals with you, my life is my own.” Nor will I be prodded by pop-ups or have my web-browsing habits used to bombard me with adverts from companies that I have no intention of doing business with, my shopping habits are my own affair as well, I won’t have shoddy little shops trying to get me to buy that which I wouldn’t otherwise buy with Their miserable loyalty cards. It’s my attitude to life. One that you may understand and sympathise with, or not. That is your choice. But I beleive that you either have privacy or you don’t. And I choose not to have other people knowing my business.

    Free Member

    No we don’t. Look what happened when the private sector got involved with the railways.

    Free Member

    Any chance of a Fortitude 26″ being released? I’d be interested and I’m sure there would be a market for it…

    Free Member

    What exactly have the Lib-Dems vetoed?

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