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  • Trail Tales: Midges
  • ohnohesback
    Free Member

    DAB is itself a ‘red herring’ and a technological cul-de-sac, given the increasing ubiquity of 3/4g/Wi-Fi.

    Anyway; can’t you do without radio for your holiday, or use ye olde world bande radio?

    Free Member

    Are there times when shops don’t have ongoing ‘sales’.

    Free Member

    “ninja skillz”? Obviously the MS spell checker isn’t working.

    Free Member

    You lost the moment you bought anything from that place. Return the item and get your money back.

    I’ve noticed similar sharp practice from Tesco regarding misleading shelf label promotions; and also Mountain Whorehouse coming up on the rails. The latter being notorious for offering items at double the price of equivelents sold elsewhere and ‘reducing’ them by 50% back to the price they expect to sell at in any case. The local branch were at it again this week with a ‘half price sale’. On enquiring I was informed this did not mean the ‘discount’ prices were further halved.

    Free Member

    Anyone who spells haters with a z replacing the ending s deserves to be flogged. It’s neither big nor clever.

    As for Clarkson; has the investigation been concluded? It shouldn’t take too long to establish the facts of the case.

    Free Member

    It will end at some point. Just because it makes money doesn’t mean it has to be made. Scrapping it may, and I stress the may, give the Beeb the kick up the arse it so desperately needs.

    Free Member

    Given the franchise was worn through in any case, the Beeb ought to take this opportunity to quietly put it out of its misery.

    Free Member

    ‘S global warming, innit?

    Free Member

    Can you block certain keywords as well?

    Free Member

    A survival kit container?

    Free Member

    2006 Giant XTC. Now singlespeeded.

    It will be my last bike.

    Free Member

    Yes. One day they are bound to become compulsory.

    Free Member

    No. I find the whole smart watch/fitness band craze somewhat sinister.

    Free Member

    Yes. UKIP give the reasoned opposition to the European Superstate a bad name.

    Free Member

    Why are these sites allowed to trade? Shut them all down I say!

    Free Member

    Both he and Charles the 1st lacked the force of arms to enforce their will or claim to the throne.

    Free Member

    In theory she could; because state power resides in the monarch, who vests their authority to the government of the day. Many people believe we live in a democracy; but we don’t. Instead the UK (the clue is in the ‘Kingdom’ part of the name) is a constitutional monarchy, with the rights we think of as inalienable only granted to us by the monarch’s good will; the product of an unwritten, informal series of ‘understandings’ developed over time as to how we should be governed.

    With a stroke of a royal pen the monarch could abrogate the whole process; and what’s to stop them?

    Free Member

    I don’t know. What I can be certain of is if you use that bloody Samsung whistle tone, some day some one some where will snap and force your phone so deep in a bodily orifice that a group of grim-faced surgeons will tell you there is no chance of safely removing it.

    Free Member

    The Beeb is a corporation; and as for it’s news coverage and agenda, it’s becoming more ‘Radio Pyongyan’ as time passes.

    What the BBC should be doing is providing a high quality core service of TV and radio. I’d scrap radios 1, 1Xtra, 2, and 5, as well as convert the local radio into regional services. As for TV, dump the likes of Eastenders, Top Gear, and Flog It to concentrate on the BBC2/4 output. This could probably be contained within one or two channels with the surplus being auctioned to help fund the Beeb.

    Free Member

    Cut the licence fee by 50% and make the Beeb live within its means.

    Free Member

    Yes. Any form of surveillance implies a hierarchical relationship between the surveiller and the surveilee. The surveiller decides what is acceptable conduct and uses their surveillance to detect that which they object to, with the intention of punishing the behavior they consider to be ‘unacceptable’. Over time what is considered ‘acceptable’ is bound to change, with the goal posts being arbitrarily moved to include activity which was previously considered to be innocuous…

    But if you have nothing to hide you have nothing to fear, so keep on nibbling the grass…

    Free Member

    Any programme with the word ‘American’,’battles’ or ‘wars’ in the title.

    Free Member

    Breezer bikes.

    Free Member

    Fat Tec.

    Not to forget Macaw tyres.

    Free Member

    Anyone who deliberately spells a word which should end with an ‘s’ with a z deserves to be flogged to within an inch of their lives.

    Free Member

    I’m surprised the bears are still airworthy after all these years.

    Free Member

    How did you get ‘signed up’ for the texts in the first place?

    If the network won’t reimburse you, maybe you need to refer the scam to the police?

    Free Member

    Country file and Top Gear in one evening. I’ll be giving the Beeb a wide berth.

    Free Member

    These days that’s not a hard feat to accomplish.

    Free Member

    I venture Cleggeron have ruined more lives than Howard Marks.

    Free Member

    Are Syriza ‘extreme left’? I doubt it.

    Free Member

    Dump it near a rookery.

    Free Member

    After a cache partition wipe and hard factory reset I think – I hope – that it’s finally fixed.

    Free Member

    Thank you Houns; I shall try that addresss.

    Free Member

    It will be interesting and instructive to see what action – if any – UKIP take against him.

    Free Member

    Ah! That’s more like it! Back to the way it was apart from the comma being moved across to the left hand side.

    Free Member

    Thanks, but there appears to be no holo dark… Bloody Google! Change for change’s sake.

    Free Member

    How did you change the keyboard colour?

    Just updated to 5.02. It works, but hasn’t addressed the laggy problems. It’s hardly an earth shattering development.

    Free Member

    Amazing isn’t it, how those who are the most vehemently opposed to a safety net for others are the first out with the begging bowl for themselves.

    Free Member

    As a Nexus owner I say go for the Samsung.

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