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  • Is NRW About To Close Coed Y Brenin?
  • ohnohesback
    Free Member

    The Scottish GE results probably weren’t rigged as one; the discrepancies required to disenfranchise the SNP would be obvious, given the recent referendum result; and two; the Tories – knowing the fix was already in elsewhere – didn’t need to bother. Far better to have a northern bogey party to replace the wreckage of ‘Labour’…

    Free Member

    Which raises the interesting conundrum of an aggrieved UK citizen, denied their EU human rights by the UK government, and bounced out by the ‘new’ UKHRA taking their case directly to the EU in the hope of forcing the EU to impose its jurisdiction upon the UK…

    Free Member

    I wonder if the existing UKHRA legislation is ‘repeal proof’ under european law?

    Cameron might be biting off more than he can chew in trying to take the EU judiciary on.

    Free Member

    Why should the anger of those wronged directed against those who have wronged them be described as ‘irrational’ and ‘frothing’? Justified and smouldering would be a more apt description. But that’s drawing slightly off topic.

    Free Member

    Hopefully its a reattachment rather than a removal.

    Free Member

    I expect the SNP to let Cameron stew in his own juice.

    Free Member

    Ro5ey; What do you think will happen with regard to the grexit? Might it be as close as May 11th?

    Free Member

    Settle? PAH!

    At least Farage’s career is over!

    Free Member
    Free Member

    given the ‘Labour’ leadership election will drag on until the party conference you can expect Cameron to make hay in the next few months.

    Free Member

    An EU referendum is one hell of a risk for Cameron, given that the electorate may consider it to be a protest vote against the govt by then.

    Free Member

    Hang on in there Molegrips. I remember ’83 and ’87, but this feels worse.

    Today may be Theirs, but tomorrow will be ours.

    Free Member

    A lot of dystopian novels won’t need to be rewritten.

    Free Member

    Although you can expect some tory MPs to die during the course of the next parliament.

    Not enough of them, mind…

    Free Member

    I think the SNP should regard the result as a de facto vote for independence and push ahead regardless.

    Free Member

    70 years on a hostile ideology has sneaked up behind us…

    Free Member

    “It’ll be interesting to see if their rhetoric moved back to the centre to make them electable again or whether they’ll continue the suicidal shift further left.”

    WHAT?! ‘Labour’ now are further to the right than Thatcher was. This was the reason IMO they fell so far short: People wanted an alternative, not more of the same under a different brand.

    Free Member

    IIRC, if 5000 votes had been changed in the most marginal constituencies in 1992, Neil Kinnock would have won.

    So wurdling the result may not be that difficult…

    Yes, there is a predominant right-wing tint to UK politics, and I expected the lid-dems to be slaughtered, ‘Labour’ to underachieve, as well as struggle to escape the Blair-Brown legacy, and UKIP to be more or less irrelevant; but even so, the results don’t ring true to me. We’ve been – yet again – the victims of an electoral coup.

    Lizards 1 – Hope 0 (as ever)

    Free Member

    This country is fecked already, and has been for the last few decades

    Free Member

    Your relief may be short-lived when the contrived pre election boomlet stutters to a halt. Then you too might find yourself one of the new jewry.

    And did I mention the ghost at the feast? Greece’s continuing problems are by no means ‘solved’, May the 11th being the next crunch point. It may yet be the domino which wipes the smug grim of Cameron’s face.

    Free Member

    “Today they are wringing the bells; tomorrow they will be wringing their hands!” – Robert Walpole.

    Free Member

    There are many desperate people out there who have nothing to look forward to except their lives being made deliberately even worse by the new government. One day their forbearance is going to snap.

    Free Member

    It’s his own stupid fault, trying to out tory the tories. It’s a lesson ‘Labour’ stubbornly refuses to learn. No doubt his replacement will be just as inept.

    Whining? No, this time you might actually get some rioting…

    Free Member

    Can be sidestepped.

    Free Member

    Cameron gains a working majority for the eighteen months he’ll want to consolidate his position, then try again for another mandate.

    Free Member

    They were mad to get into bed with the tories the last time, yet it didn’t stop them. They have ben cut down to their minimum, so they really don’t have any more to lose by doing so.

    Free Member

    So what’s it to be; a minority Tory government with a wafer thin majority, or another coalition with the rump of the lib-dems?

    And surely this will reignite the smouldering Scottish Question.

    Free Member

    While around town today I looked at the crowds of people and wondered which of them had already voted to impose further misery on their poorer fellow citizens.

    Free Member

    …through the sight of the loaded RPG launcher you’re holding…

    Free Member

    Yes, Mrs Windsor and her representatives are completely apolitical…

    We’ll see in the next few days how non-poitical she is in regard to choosing the new government…

    Free Member

    I can’t understand why anyone should be entitled to weild power as a result of an accident of birth.

    With an unelected second chamber, the members of which outnumber the elected parliamentarians, and a hereditary head of state, it just goes to show how backward this nation really is, and far we have to progress.

    Free Member

    I predict the New Boss will be the same as the Old Bosses.

    Free Member

    It won’t matter; Lizard Woman will have the final say…

    Free Member

    The hatemongering cow ought to be ‘done’

    Free Member

    Yes. I refuse to participte in the fiction the UK is a democracy.

    Free Member

    The barb struck home! :)

    Free Member

    Ten years ago STW wasn’t so far up its harris with middle class wood burning Audi twattery.

    Free Member

    Admit it; all you tories get wood over being able to express your prejudices and impose abject nisery upon other, poorer people; yet thanks to the anonymity of the ballot box, not be held to account for it.

    Oh, and despite railing against government handouts, you’re quite happy to accept the little rewards thrown your way for supporting the anchor (rhyming slang) party.

    Dogspurts the lot of you!

    Free Member

    Should’ve been Chardonay or Cherelle.

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