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  • Fresh Goods Friday 719: The Jewelled Skeleton Edition
  • ohnohesback
    Free Member

    They’re on Facebook as well.

    Free Member

    It was most likely an image of a real person, though not Jesus. Around the time the shroud was radiocarbon dated to (c1200 CE) there was a thriving industry based on pilgrimages and veneration of holy relics. It isn’t beyond the realms of possibility that a recently deceased or unfortunate live person was scourged and crucified, then wrapped in a shroud in order to create another artifact.

    Free Member

    Obviously in the case of the church shooting there was a threat. How many lives might have been saved had the gunman been shot by armed citizens as soon as he began his rampage? The same question could justifiably be asked of the terrorist attack on the Texas Mohammad art exhibition.

    What do you call an unarmed person? – A victim!

    Free Member

    There is nothing irrational in wanting a gun to defend yourself against those who are armed and mean you harm.

    Free Member

    There are plenty of SF stories by amateur writers to be found on Wattpad, though many of them aren’t that good. But look hard enough and you will find some diamonds in the dirt.

    Free Member

    Asus MemoPad?

    Free Member

    The Aldi instant cup soups (45p per four pack) aren’t bad when you have a full range of varieties to choose from, rather than only a whole box full of tomato flavour. Their supplies can be a bit hit and miss in that regard so stock up while you can.

    Free Member

    Meatsters! – Pepperami style snack sausages, a strip of five individually pouched 25g servings is yours for £1.15. These are proper trucker zombie apocalypse nibbles, and despite being found in the chilled section they don’t need refrigeration, they’ll sit happily in your pack for months.

    Free Member

    Long Pork?

    Free Member

    “Week by week you can build your very own working AK47…”

    Free Member

    Do you get a clip of ammo as a cover mount?

    Free Member

    It isn’t helped when one suffers ambush adverts while browsing here.

    Free Member

    You’re all missing out the continuing costs of the endless QE, both now and in the future.

    Free Member

    Because I find visible facial piercings disgusting. I have seen food serving staff with them and chosen to eat elsewhere.

    Free Member

    Why would anyone in their right mind want to have a hole poked through their nose?

    Free Member

    For me the forum has just got too middle class first world problems to be interesting.

    Free Member

    The human body is a living rebuttal of the Intelligent Design theory.

    Free Member

    Pre 2000 I remember payg mobile customers having to buy ‘line rental’ in addition to paying for their calls. That died a death when Orange introduced the “There’s no Ouch in our vouchers…” campaign. Now it seems the telcos are trying to revert back to those dark days.

    Free Member

    This began soon after the recent wave of consolidation in the UK mobile sector. I’ve recently investigated the tarriffs available and found EE, Voda, and O2 were all at it because it guarantees the greedy bastards a continual drip feed of income from an unsophisticated customer base who don’t know any better.

    The only alternatives appear to be MVNOs or Three for the traditional pre pay option.

    Free Member

    The ‘Jeremy Kyle’ just dont give a sh- I’ll just pick lyrics from a rhyming dictionary piped dross which is played in the 99p Store.

    Free Member

    Chronicle of a Doomed Man, or perhaps Wake Me Up When Its Over.

    Free Member

    Not that it will make the slightest bit of difference to the Dubai debacle. That will keep on grinding on…

    Free Member

    Yes, I’m well wise to the ‘brewed in the UK’ scam…

    Free Member

    How long before Singletrack goes online only?

    Free Member

    Who was John Nash?

    Free Member

    How about paying for a £2 per person ‘early bird’ pass to get the first sight of the stalls before the 8am opening?

    Free Member

    So you’d be happy to pay an admission fee for Tesco?

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Could he have chipoed past the limiter?

    Anyway, I was told it is possible to wring 85mph out of an FS1E…

    Free Member

    Buy or build a proper house ffs!

    Free Member

    Have you eaten during the ride? You really need to.

    Free Member

    No good deed goes unpunished. The whistleblower is probably going to get crapped on from a great height…

    Free Member

    3D violet/purple?

    Free Member

    Was probably tipped the wink by the union bloc that even by 2020 – or perhaps sooner – a ‘visibly ethnic minority person’ would stand even less of a chance of leading the ruins of the ‘labour’ party to Downing Street given the sort of nasty social attitudes which would have been inculated by then…

    Sad but true.

    Free Member

    Excellent news. And while they’re at it they can crack down on spam texts and telemarketers.

    Free Member

    They’ll be rump party in control of a few local authorities; nothing more.

    Free Member

    Wait and see if it proves to be true.

    Free Member

    To make absolutely sure those few marginalised independent voices of integrity who remain are silenced. But given the rampant dumbing down which has taken place, they need not worry. What passes for my BBC local radio station (BBC Sussex) has featured ‘stories’ about a dog eating shoelaces and kittens with too many toes in its morning ‘news’ programme. As for BBC Radio Solent, the last time I listened I could feel the pain of brain cells dying.

    Hammer the effing stake through its heart, and quickly!

    Free Member

    Yes; and how would the Beeb handle a similar story now? Far more timidly if at all I’d venture.

    Free Member

    The state the Beeb has fallen to, I wouldn’t miss it if it went. In a sea of media the BBC is a fast melting iceberg.

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