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  • Spanish Bikepacking Diary – Day Three Continued
  • ohnohesback
    Free Member

    Unless of course, you are beyond wifi range, or want to store your data privately, in a resillient form you can keep with you and connect directly to other devices…

    The potential customer is always right.

    Is the release daste confirmed? There is the usual frenzy of often innaccurate internet speculation; some, if not all as a result of Google’s publicity machine. It’s just another p1ss off. Just release the expletive deleted software when it is ready; no teasing BS.

    Free Member

    I’m not expecting anything for a fortnight, and then the supposed ‘upgrade’ will make my device run more slowly. Just have ONE fully tested and debugged iteration per year…

    Free Member

    Given the UK’s beligerent foreign policy of recent years will the UN step in and impose sanctions against us for bulding this reactor as they have with Iran and North Korea?

    Free Member

    There is a limit to how much make-believe money can be thrown at the problem. Eventually the bankers feast their piggy little eyes on the last source of real money they can grasp; our savings.

    Free Member

    The average property has only one gas pipe and one electricity line. Why is there a cosy little ogopoly of utility companies? Nationalise the lot, and have one electricity company and one gas company offering one cheapest tariff. At a stroke we could be free of the deliberately confgusing obscurificaction of tariffs and all those irritating little botherers trying to churn the market.

    Free Member

    I wonder if the NPS will restore the formation?

    Free Member

    There were as many reasons to boycott London 2012 as there are to boycott Sochi 2014. In the end there will be some platitudes mouthed, maybe a severe finger wagged, and the mad parade will continue as before.

    Free Member

    Leopard print on anything but a real live leopard.

    Free Member

    Move along now! There’s nothing to see here! The can has been kicked further along the road…

    Free Member

    But enough about Evans; what about Macca?

    Free Member

    Jaw’s Revenge for some mindless carnage.

    Free Member

    Kwis Packham.

    But the hatered is enitrely rational as not only is he incredibly irritating, he also supports S**th*mpt*n football Club.

    Free Member

    It’s remarkable in this day and age that the BBC can compel people to pay for a service that they neither watch nor want. The present TV licence should have been replaced with a subscription dongle when tv went digital. It would be interesting to see the results of ‘market testing’ the BBC when the audience is given a choice as to whether to fund it without compulsion.

    Free Member

    The importers of cheap world cup tat will sigh with relief and anticipation.

    Free Member

    what sized wheels and tyres on the bus go round and round?

    Free Member

    Kenyucky fried gristle is counted as food?

    Free Member

    All I can suggest is an elaborate bow tied around its neck.

    Free Member

    A Trojan rabbit!

    Free Member

    “Oh thank you Darling! A wooden giraffe! Just what I always wanted! Where can you login on it to catch up with the latest BGT goss?”

    Free Member

    They are all psychotic, hormonal, bunny boilers. All of them.

    Free Member

    How do you intend to wrap it?

    Free Member

    I thought the power to ban resided with the Chief Constable or the Home Secretary.

    Free Member

    In one of those rent a storage places?

    Free Member

    Poundland or the 99p store?

    Free Member

    I suspect at some point we will need to, using robot mining equipment.

    Free Member

    Why? Do you want travel chaos, rolling power cuts, shortages in the supermarkets, increased mortality among the vulnerable groups in society, a depressed economy, and the tabloids as well as BBC going into weather sensationalism overload?

    Anyway, as the tabloids are predicting it, it is less likely to happen.

    Free Member

    “pulled the trigger” Did you buy one or shoot one?

    Free Member

    Fire, the wheel, and writing are pretty important as well.

    Free Member

    Yes, mankind really did reach beyond our grasp. That moment will probably mark our apogee as a species.

    Free Member

    It could’ve been worse. At least it ewasn’t a weaver fish or stingrasy.

    Free Member

    I tried making a doc available offline on Google Drive. It did not want to allow it, and took a very long time to let me know so. Cloud storage and multiple access is all very well, but the default assumption should be that not everyone can be, or wants to be connected all of the time.

    Free Member

    You need to be online to use Google docs. Android Open Office doesn’t work for me. But above all else, DON’T! I repeat DON’T! use Kingsoft Office. It is utter crap.

    Free Member

    Isn’t there a way of the regulators being able to access the call records? Either the sent records of the companies involved, or your telco’s recieved call records if you allow them permission?

    Free Member

    Or don’t build any more new roads, allow the traffic to reach saturation point, and then a process of ‘natural selection’ will discourage those who really don’t need to travel, thus freeing the roads for those who do.

    Free Member

    So it’s OK to pollute as long as you’re rich enough to afford it?

    Free Member

    It was a success in its aim of transferring another tranche of taxpayers’ money to the private sector and not getting the results expected. But never mind… More culls next year chaps?

    Free Member

    It’s an underclass protest directed at the cosy middle class Hugh Stanley-Whatshisname wannabes who think they’re getting rusticly back to nature with their faux survivalist woodburners… so you thought you’d be safe, snug and warm while we froze in fuel poverty, did yer? You’ve been shitting on us recently, so it’s only fair we repay you in the sane coin…

    Free Member

    Have the kids learn to scavenge for scraps and wild foods, it’ll be good training for their future lifestyles.

    Free Member

    His early works collected in The Bachman Books. And Cell.

    Free Member

    We are a third world nation: we just haven’t noticed yet. What I find most depressing about this week’s news is the extent to which supposedly intellegent people repeat the propaganda they are fed. Imagine it: actually being dumb enough to stand for being lectured by multi-millionaires, whose fortunes are made from speculation; telling you that your living standards are too high for their tastes, or that you’re not productive enough…

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