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  • Making Up The Numbers Fort William World Champs Special
  • ohnohesback
    Free Member

    Just another example of the sickening and growing wealth divide.

    “…while american businessmen snap-up Van Goghs for the price of a hospital wing…” Nothing Ever Happens – Del Amitri.

    Free Member

    But the pound is based on a unified national economy with one political leadership. The euro is one currency to cover a number of divergent economies in various states of distress with a myriad of political leaders.

    What could possibly go wrong?

    Free Member

    Did I predict that? My memory isn’t what it used to be…

    IMO they can kick the can down the road only a certain number of times because each time they do so the can becomes heavier, the distance it travels shortens, and the foot that kicks it becomes more bruised. Despite the illusion of calm at the moment, the ECB’s base rate cut sounds like a panic measure to me. We are far from out of the woods yet.

    Free Member

    Women: How many pairs of shoes do they need? Isn’t one handbag enough?

    Free Member

    “A verbal agreement isn’t worth the paper it’s written on!” – Henry Ford.

    Free Member

    I find it incongruous that TV news journalists, apparently well supplied, can report live via satphone on a catastrophe of such proprtions where no one else supposedly can reach.

    Free Member

    Perhaps? Or maybe they want to downplay the event.

    Free Member

    After a couple of days without food he’ll be only too eager to eat meat.

    Free Member

    I toured Wylfa back in 1992. I’ve no idea if it is still possible to do so.

    Free Member

    Make Wicker Man effigies to burn, and imprison her successors within them.

    Free Member

    Now wash your mouth out with soap.

    Free Member

    The trouble with x**s is that it imposes itself upon those who don’t choose to celebrate it.

    Free Member

    As a southerner I get annoyed hearing announcers with geordie accents. Whastever happened to Received Pronounciation?

    Free Member

    I’ve suffered several severe concussions. It takes a while to fully recover. Take it easy.

    Free Member

    Surprisinghly I prefer the new layout. I would tweak a few things here and there but it’s working for me. What doesn’t work so well is the Android email app. Despite my trying I can’t sync my contacts across to it from my pc based account. Should I delete and reinastall the app or should I do something else instead?

    Free Member

    Like many things they are not what they once were. They taste more salty than beefy now.

    Free Member

    It’s Karma.

    Free Member

    Why not just give your pooch a traditional dog’s name? You wouldn’t name your children this way, would you?

    Free Member

    The kids can have their own accounts, that you as the supreme admin of the tablet microverse can set the limits to. You can buy the Google Play Prepaid vouchers if they want to buy apps or app upgrades.

    Free Member

    No pills.

    Free Member

    No smells.

    Free Member

    I think that hi-viz is now so pervasive that people ‘switch off’ and don’t notice it any more.

    Free Member

    I am an endless source of bitterness. There’s no risk of me running low…

    Free Member

    According to the Waily Excess another Killer Storm is on its way…

    Free Member

    The wind appears to have reached its choppy, flappy, gusty sustained peak here for the moment. MetO concerned about a possible sting in the tail of severe NW gusts at the back of the atorm. My roof timbers are creaking like a galleon at sea.

    Free Member

    This is the calm before the storm. Expect the worst of it from 05.00 tomorrow.

    Free Member

    One ‘gun’: The M58 Davy Crocket. One ‘bullet’: The twenty ton equivalent nuclear mortar round it fires. One target: A packed Palace of Westminster.

    Free Member

    What is the disaster that is supposed to do that to London? An earthquake?

    And those Protect and Survive illustrations bring back some memories.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    London needs all the blessings it can get.

    Free Member

    With CGI sharks in it as well?

    Free Member

    That’ll be the average wind speed. Gusts will reach higher speeds. The threshold for damage to buildings is 47mph and up. Depending on which part of London you live in you should be spared the worst of it as London is both inland, and the mass of buildings will attenuate the force of the wind.

    Will this storm be as severe as forecast? We won’t know until it hits. Living on the central south coast I’m sure I’ll find out.,. I’m prepped and waiting with both anticipation and trepidation.

    Free Member

    Monday morning is likely to be the most doomtastic.

    Free Member

    I’m sure there is rejoicing in the streets at the 0.01% rise in GDP.

    Free Member

    They weern’t unique in screwing up badly.

    Free Member

    I think most of those 300 convicted were ‘groomed’ by the security services. Which does raise the issue of who is really behind ‘terrorsim’.

    Free Member

    But when you need to replace an expired battery…

    Free Member

    I disabled Google Now. I don’t want it reasing my email or search history, I don’t want constantly annoying cards, and I’m not the sort of person who hands-off organising my life to an aop.

    Free Member

    Your 30th birthday feels like a train crash. Suddenly, YOU’RE OLD!

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