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  • Fresh Goods Friday 672 – The Metal Mullets Edition
  • ohnohesback
    Free Member

    So Osborne is going to make his speech in Edinburgh. That sort of bullying hectoring arrogance is going to do the Yes campaign no end of good.

    Free Member

    Not a data site, but the Midlands Storm Chasers facebook group is worth looking at.

    Free Member

    If the flood victims are nice middle class people they’ll get official sympathy. If they are working, or non-working class people then they’ll be blamed for living inan area prone to flooding as often as once-in-two-hundred years.

    Free Member

    Even the forested parts of the South Downs are a quagmire. It’s really no fun at this time of year.

    Free Member

    How does Skype make a profit? Do the calls get preceeded by adverts? I know you can buy Skype vouchers for low-cost calls to landlines and mobiles but I still wonder how the whole thing keeps going.

    Free Member

    Interesting that the SNP were able to capitalise on this speech as a sign of Westminster panic. It would take a particular kind of incompetence to overturn the 60% majority in favour of the union, but I wonder if Dave couldn’t just do it… At any rate this will go dowwn as a banana skin. Better just to stay out of it and let the SNP mess it up.

    Free Member

    ….world, and Clarkonisms; eg: golfists.

    Free Member

    The state commoditises you and you don’t care? Baaaaaaa…

    Free Member

    David Cameron will be along shortly to tell us to wear an extra wetsuit.

    Free Member

    Yes, laugh all you want. One day it won’t be funny.

    Free Member

    Just wait until the criminals duplicated the technology. You wouldn’t be able to drive away from them…

    Free Member


    Free Member

    The coalition will hand out some mops and buckets and tell the flood affected to get on with it themselves and stop expecting the state to help them.

    Why call in the army? So it appears as if they are doing sometging.

    Free Member

    It’s good news week
    Someone’s dropped a bomb somewhere
    Contaminating atmosphere
    And blackening the sky

    It’s good news week
    Someone’s found a way to give
    The rotting dead a will to live
    Go on and never die

    Have you heard the news
    What did it say?
    Who’s won that race?
    What’s the weather like today?

    It’s good news week
    Families shake the need for gold
    By stimulating birth control
    We’re wanting less to eat

    It’s good news week
    Doctors finding many ways
    Of wrapping brains on metal trays
    To keep us from the heat

    Free Member

    Oh the poor dear! She should stop expecting taxpaywrs to subsidise her occupancy of a dwelling with too many bedrooms and learn to live within her means.

    Free Member

    Don’t forget that with 15 months to go the election we’re going to get drenched with coalition propaganda BS relying on selective use of questionable statistics. As Ben said, six years on the economy is still effectively on state life support, and there are ominous signs that another bust is on the way…

    Free Member

    I’m astonished how much water the soil has absorbed recently; though If I were to tread on my sodden veg plot in a vain attempt to weed it I’m sure that a spring would erupt wherever I trod. How much more can it take? This is bound to have an adverse effect on arable farmers.

    Free Member

    Jesus wept! I thought I’d seen p!enty of snide bitterness in the readers’comments on the Portsnouth News website, but this goes far beyond what even they can stoop to! Would some of the low comments apply to a mountain biker suffering a similar head injury? Thirteen years ago I might have been in a similar situation; fortunately my concussion wasn’t severe enough (just) to warrant my airlifting to the regional trauma centre, but it was a borderline call… I made a full recovery, but I could so easily have been in a far worse state.

    Just remember; there for the grace of god or fate go you..

    Free Member

    I find it bizarre that anyone would agitate so strongly for closer ties to the EU.

    Free Member

    edited now. effing google keyboard!

    Free Member

    Are they a Scottish couple? If so tell them that the answer to everything is independence.

    Free Member

    The BBC a soft propaganda outlet for the government? Who would have thought it?!

    Free Member

    Or chains actually designed to last.

    Free Member

    If you can’t actively oppose evil you can at least try to counter it by doing good.

    Free Member

    Map!in, or your local outdoorsy shop.

    Free Member

    An interesting point, this. What can you do? Raise awareness of the issues and facts you feel strongly about. Comment in support of people who share your views and put their head above the parapet to express them on local newspaper comments sections so that they don’t feel alone and isolated in having that viewpoint. Challenge the prejudices of those who hold them… Or in the words of Depeche Mode…

    You can’t change the world
    But you can change the facts
    And when you change the facts
    You change points of view
    If you change points of view
    You may change a vote
    And when you change a vote
    You may change the world

    I’ve got my own project which I hope will come to fruition this year. Whether it turns out to be good or evil remains to be seen.

    Free Member

    Despite my repeated lessons, my technophobic Dad has problems using his phone. Go and visit him.

    Free Member

    Cameron doesn’t need to bother or worry about Scottish independence; it isn’t going to happen, with the vote being at worst 40% for – 60% against. He just needs to stand far away and watch Salmond and the SNP implode after the vote.

    Free Member

    Humans may sleep but the artificial life that we can create don’t. Imagine active avitatrs reproducing at an exponential rate, all generating data…

    Free Member

    I like the idea of the NSA’s servers melting under the overload. Let’s do it!

    Free Member

    It’s not over ’till it’s over.

    “MPs could seek to reinsert the proposal in the bill when it returns to the Commons.

    After debate on the report stage of the bill, the legislation still has to go through its third reading in the House of Lords.

    The House of Commons will then consider any amendments made by the Lords before the bill can be sent for Royal Assent – when the Queen signs bills into law.”

    And if all else fails the Parliament Act could be invoked…

    Free Member

    Ohhhh-oh the guns of Brixton…

    Free Member

    The entire bill or that individual clause?

    I’m sure that it will return in an amended form.

    Free Member

    Allow TJ back and he can reply as much as he wants to.

    Free Member

    And this from the coalition that was ‘commited to restoring our freedoms’…

    In other news, voters will now have to show proof of ID before casting their ballot. It’s the time tunnel… time tunnel… time tunnel… and we’re back in 2003!

    Free Member

    To clarify the uniform issue; the MPs were issued with civillian police overalls. That was the major reason for the furore at the time about the police identifying numbers not being publicly displayed at Orgreave and other clashes.

    Free Member

    A poor year? They’ve been getting away with murder, aided and abetted by their lib-dem henchmen.

    Free Member

    I hate to say this but…. You’re doomed!

    Free Member

    They were recognised by family members.

    Free Member

    It’s a well-known fact among the miners and their supporters that non-uniformed military police were seconded to support the civillian forces during the atrike.

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