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  • ohnohesback
    Free Member

    Yes, the thread that used to hold them up, doesn’t.

    Free Member

    They’ve unravelled around the elasticated hem. It’s not the only example of M&S poor construction self-destructing; their trousers go at the leg seems and the turn ups.

    Free Member

    The other reason for passing on M&S is that the quality has gone through the floor. As with so much of their stuff it’s the weak thread and poor construction which lets them down. I might try ASDA or Sainsburys’ or even Matalan next…

    Free Member

    I’m not concerned at the cost, but the wisdom of repatriation and using one of the only two isolation beds available; as well as the risk – however slight – of importing the disease here. Wouldn’t it be far better to have flown whatever equipment was needed there to aid not only him, but all the other cases?

    Free Member

    Maybe it’ll be kind enough not to affect you as well.

    Free Member

    If you do decide to get one then it has to be in white with cream upholstery. It won’t look dirty and naff the moment you leave the dealer, honest… And if you ask nicely they’ll throw in a tube of orange fake tan for the missus.

    Free Member

    And no sense of style.

    Free Member

    People will laugh at you.

    Free Member

    You fail to understand how deeply christianity is embedded in the American psyche. I know a few Bible belt dwellers, and though they are really nice people they are religious to an extent you wouldn’t believe possible, as well as having a uniquely americentric outlook.

    Free Member

    A well know store has been making bikes that no one in their right mind would want to filch for many years now.

    Free Member

    ‘taint just bulls. I’ve kept a wary distance from cows getting involved in fights or stampeding.

    Free Member

    I don’t think it’s that cold yet.

    Free Member

    The line has to be drawn somewhere. But only too often these days people don’t draw a line…

    Free Member

    OK then, let’s be having your phone number. After all you have nothing to fear by sharing it…

    Free Member

    As an African proverb runs; “Progress does not always go in a forward direction.”

    Free Member

    Forty years ago the idea of people voluntarily broadcasting to all and sundry their movements and innermost thoughts would have been an Orwellian nightmare. Have as little to do with Facebook as possible and DON’T use their messaging app.

    Free Member

    The risk Cameron takes in sounding so belicose is drawing attention to his lack of means of doing anything. It would be rather ermbarrassing to be reminded of the cuts to the carrier, Harrier, and Nimrod forces which happened during the tenure of this government.

    Free Member
    Free Member

    Soylent Green.

    Free Member

    Why not use our navy to break the Israeli blockade of Gaza?

    Free Member

    Humanitarian bombing is a contradiction. No doubt many innocent people are going to be mistaken for ISIS fighters and given some love from above…

    Free Member

    Split the difference; the centre of this decayed ETS will travel along the channel causing an average summer gale and some outbreaks of heavy rain. We won’t die; we are not doomed.

    Free Member

    Thatcher, Blair, and the ConDems; did they do anything good?

    How many Britons would prefer to live in some version of the Cuban system?

    Free Member

    Don’t forget a space blanket.

    As for not needing a screwdriver, how do you adjust your mechs if they go iffy mid ride?

    Free Member

    There are always people who will defend the indefensible.

    Free Member

    I go there now and then to remind myself why I shouldn’t go there.

    Free Member

    Given the amount of bodily flesh displayed by non-muslims at this time of the year, and much of it distasteful to non-muslims as well, I think the majority of muslims are remarkably forebearing.

    Free Member

    You’re more at risk from pandemic influenza than Ebola. In order for the disease to worry me it would firstly have to change its vector from contact with infected body fluids to airborne transmission, and then reduce its lethality to 10% or less (For comparison the 1918 Spanish Flu had a 2.5% mortality rate)

    So for the time being The Doomster isn’t worried…

    Free Member

    Have a look around some of the ‘alternative’ ie. not Amazon or Smashwords book sharing sites and see what you can download for free.

    Free Member

    Sh*mano BBs have always been disposablke items.

    Free Member

    You have a bath, don’tyou?

    Free Member

    It’s the marketing and change for the sake of it to another incompatible standard that irks me; not to mention the thought of all the obsolescent 29″ and 27″ created.

    And not content with doing it once the b’stards did it twice…

    Free Member

    That stranded 650b rider could’ve tried a 26″ tube; butyl being an elastic material it would stretch to fit. But sadly this generation has been so brainwashed by consumerism they wouldn’t think in the creative way we old skool riders would.

    Yes,I’m old and cynical…

    Free Member

    IMO the perceived movement away from MTB to road is a symptom of the cycle industry shooting themselves in the foot with the needless attempts to foist two wheel size standards on consumers in an established market for the sake of change when 26″ works perfectly well. Given the choice of buying into a wheel standard that may well be transitory or a set of settled road bike standards, why would anyone take the risk of making the wrong choice?

    I predict a backlash against it all within the next couple of years with a resurgence of high end 26″ bikes and components. If not, then the industry will end up throttling the goose that has laid it so many golden eggs over the last thirty years.

    And no, I’m not expecting to see 900c road wheels appearing…

    Free Member

    If it sounds to good to be true it usually is.

    Free Member

    Is everyone using Sh*mano? If not two sets of rear wheels compatible for either Campag or Sh*mano would have to be carried.

    Free Member
    Free Member

    Crocs: Two steps closer to Jeremy Kyle.

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