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  • Mintel predicts £1 billion new bike sales this year
  • ohnohesback
    Free Member

    It’s exponential.

    Free Member

    Nuking Pompey is urban regeneration.

    Free Member

    If you live that close you may be within the Ground Defence Area and so forcibly evicted in the build-up to war.

    Free Member

    Interesting reading on this subject is War Plan UK by Duncan Campbell.

    Free Member

    Had the UK been in the euro we’d have been bailing out the broken southern european ecomomies as well, and soon joining them…

    As for the rate cut, it’s panicked desperation. The eurozone is sliding back into the recession it had barely clawed it’s way back out of, and now the next ripples of the Crash of ’08 are in train to hit us. No it wasn’t ‘solved’, it can never be ‘solved’; far from being over and done it has only just begun…

    Free Member

    Again the sheeple mentality asserts itself. Those of you who wish your online activities to be private don’t need to justify yourselves.

    Free Member

    Whenever there have been recent power cuts, many shops have found themselves hamstrung.

    Free Member

    It’s open source as well, so independent security audits are possible.

    Free Member

    I’m ready already.

    Free Member

    I’d turn the question around and question who the **** are the govt, supposedly the servants of the people, to mass surveil and treat everyone as potential suspects?

    Free Member

    Food on the shelves? For how long when the panic begins?

    Free Member

    The more people who use it, the better. Safety in numbers and all that.. It will improve and evolve over time.

    Free Member

    Your supermarket; the one with the electricly operated automatic doors, and the electronic tills, reliant on electronic stock control and logistics systems to deliver those foods and products produced with the aid of electricity…

    Free Member

    No; it’s just typical crap DAB.

    Free Member

    Are they Airwave towers, or a similar secure microwave goverment emergency comms system?

    Free Member

    An interesting point about being ‘average’. There are extensions available for Firefox that make you more ‘average’.

    Free Member

    Is it any more bizarre than Obama being awarded the Nobel Peace Prize scant weeks after taking power?

    Thery’ve not asked him to return it yet…

    As for GQ, it’s just a waste of trees.

    Free Member

    Gumber Farm, near Arundel?

    Free Member

    The West needs to look at itself in the mirror and ask why does NATO still exist 25 years after the fall of the Berlin Wall, and why the EU is so intent on expanding eastwards.

    Free Member

    Aldi or Lidl special buys when available?

    Free Member

    Singlespeeders use clumps of grass or suitable leaves if they are available.

    Free Member

    Both Sky and ITV are dire, but the Beeb is eager to join them in their battle for the cud-chewing viewer.

    Free Member

    My, they have been busy…

    But it’s the dumbed down programming and the jungle drumming news which are the real issues.

    Free Member

    It was Bill Grundy as I recall…

    But back to the original point, the BBC has a proven history of this sort of thing so why should we regard it as being impartial and independent when it is neither?

    Free Member

    Had the Kings informed the hospital of their intent to remove their child the hospital would have applied for a ‘Protection Order’.

    Free Member

    At present any momentum is in the UKIP direction, and they aren’t socialists!

    All the better reason for Scotland to break the Westminster stranglehold around its neck. Imagine how you Scots will feel when the austerity axe starts to swing; you had the chance to detach yourself from it, but you were too chicken to take it… Oh well, we’re all in this together…

    Free Member

    Why wouldn’t Westminster cut the Scottish block grant after a No vote?

    Free Member

    A link in the Wattpad forum.

    Free Member

    So you can voluntarily choose a Henry in preference rather than having the decision dictated to you.

    Free Member

    Stockpile your high-powered kettles now.

    Free Member

    I’m not sure if you’ve been alive enough time for this, but think back to the eighties when Thatcher used Scotland as a laboratory for the Poll Tax; introducing it a year earlier, just because she could. Or consider what will happen after a No vote when Cameron is back in Downing Street for another five years; imagine what he will do…

    An independent Scotland could avoid this.

    Never again… Vote Yes.

    Free Member

    In people, animals, buildings, the ground…

    Free Member

    Time for a cull of the middle class ****.

    Free Member

    Maybe the IS militants could make themselves useful in that regard? Meanwhile I watched a brief segment of 2012 but soon turned it off in disgust.

    Free Member

    So when Dave and his glove puppet ‘thrash out’ yet another counter terrorism strategy and draconian law in responseover the weekend, I wonder if this is what our children will be taught in school?

    Free Member

    Cheap Casio.

    Free Member

    Electric bikes are the work of the Devil.

    Free Member

    It says a lot about UKIP that tories feel at home there…

    Free Member

    Just remember this is the public’s space, not their private fiefdom to close at their whim.

    And those barriers would be no use against a drone… It would be good to see them repaid in their own coin.

Viewing 40 posts - 521 through 560 (of 3,432 total)