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  • Concern for Kona as staff take down stand at Sea Otter
  • ohnohesback
    Free Member

    Not that the buffoon has any chance of becoming education secretary.

    The only reason I think there hasn’t been a revolt in the lower echelons of the PLP is because any likely candidates are waiting for the inevitable Miliband train crash to happen before picking up the pieces after the election, and of course having risen through the ‘Labour’ hierarchy in the last two decades they are cut from the same cloth.

    Maybe UKIP might paradoxically do the progressive movement a favour by causing the ‘Labour’ party to fragment and so opening a vacancy for a really progressive party to take its place.

    Free Member
    Free Member

    Some may consider this pleasurable, but I don’t.

    Free Member

    Enforced piped ‘music’.

    Free Member

    Dinny bint! Some women should not be allowed out of the kitchen, and Ms Bourne is one of them.

    Free Member

    Is it really that difficult to adjust the time twice a year?

    Free Member

    Have you all considered the effect that ebola might have on the supply chain? If you are concerned and haven’t done so already I’d consider doing your last minute prepping before the panic buying starts…

    Free Member

    Of course he is unworried; he’s got a seat in the Lords to look forward to.

    Free Member

    I think anyone still supporting the LDs after the last five years is suffering a severe case of

    Free Member

    It can equally said about LD voters now. Their entire election strategy will revolve around’ Yes it’s been grim, but without us it would’ve been far worse…’

    It won’t wash of course, and Clegg should’ve realised the fact when he got into bed with the Tories. So now, rather than be seen as heroes who did their best under the circumstances to work in a confidence and supply arrangement with the Tories for the good of the nation, but the Cons just couldn’t be kept under control… they find themselves skillfully manipulated into being the fall guy to take the brunt of the public’s anger come Polling Day.

    Yes, well done Nick! Now eat it up; you deserve all of what you’ll get.

    Free Member

    pwned with bombers!

    Free Member

    Or they could have reined in the Tories far more effectively by engaging in a ‘confidence and supply’ arrangement. But Clegg chose not to; instead being seduced by Cameron and the promise of power. The LDs in being Cameron’s airbag or condom have caught political AIDS, and like HIV, once you’ve got it, it’s for life.

    You’ve made your grubby bed, now lie in it.

    Free Member

    Don’t hold your breath…

    Free Member

    Never mind tuition fees; joining with the Tory attacks on the vulnerable is unforgivable. If there is any justice the LDs are dead men walking; but justice is a scarce commodity these days.

    Free Member

    There is no way Westminster will allow Scotland another referendum. The SNP will have to stand for Holyrood on the platform that a majority for them is an automatic endorsement of a Universal Declaration of Independence.

    And then it will get really meesy.

    Free Member

    Just ignore him; he’s probably the sort who wants to see unemployed people working down salt mines and eating vegetable peelings.

    Free Member

    When one reaches a certain age one should foreswear jeans in favour of a mature sartorial elegance.

    Free Member

    The BBC should pay us to watch and listen.

    Free Member

    Does that also apply to non TV owners who listen to BBC radio?

    Free Member

    I think the issue was less with the number plate but the presence of Jeremy Clarkson. If I saw him I’d be looking for something to throw at him.

    Free Member

    People object to Clarkson getting run out of town?

    Free Member

    And you can bet they’ll have loads of spiderlings and expect the state to keep them… I blame the left-wing teachers…

    Free Member

    And they get benefits as well as priority social housing…

    Free Member

    It looked a bit like my local pig farm (West Sussex).

    Free Member

    Where is that?

    Free Member

    Seems to me IS is doing everything the west wants them to do; play the part of an implacable enemy which has to be eradicated by military force (kerrrr-ching!) and at a cost to our liberties.

    I wonder who is really pulling IS’ strings? After all if they had released their hostages unharmed, and not gone on slaughtering rampages they would be in a far better position to argue that all they want to do is establish a strict but popular islamic state; examples of which already exist elsewhere in the region.

    Ponder that thought for a while; and ask yourself if David Cameron would be grieving for a working class taxi driver, living in the north, most likely not a Tory supporter, in other circumstances.

    Free Member

    It’s not lurking in a pocket or bag? Not been had away by someone? Perhaps it’s worth retracing your route?

    Free Member

    Of all the cars with all of the reg numbers, TG chose that one.

    Free Member

    If only this wasn’t contrived publicity seeking; if only the TG * can’t say that word here * faced a long footsore walk along a deserted pampas highway…

    Free Member

    Tesco Hudl?

    Free Member

    Daily Mail, Telegraph, Daily Express…

    Free Member

    Is it actually possible to end the UK’s adherence to the ECHR? It may be a case of being able to sign the convention, but not leave it; so no matter what laws the UK parliament may pass in this regard a UK or European citizen will still have redress to the European courts (via the judicial system of another EU member state if a UK court refuses to hear the case) with the judgement and remedies remaining binding on the UK govt, no matter how the choose to deem any judgement ‘advisory’.

    Free Member

    A husband and his wife are walking along Brighton beach when a seagull flying overhead poops, comprehensively splattering the man.
    “Do you want some tissue, luv?” asks the wife.
    “Nah, it’s too late dear.” says the husband. “It’s flown away!”

    Free Member

    Would the EU allow any UK govt to derogate from the EHCR?

    Free Member

    Inducement to commit fraud by misrepresentation is a criminal matter worthy of informing the police. If you get such a call take down as much phone number, company name, address, contact details, website, person calling data. “For my records; I like to know who I may be dealing with before I consider the matter further…” Then 101 it.

    Free Member

    More like the “Would you like to buy a bar of chocolate for a £?” at the till which really hacks me off?

    Free Member

    Been putting his needle in the wrong groove?

    Free Member

    You could always publish it on Wattpad, Figment, or similar sites.

    Free Member

    Because they are protected by heavy security and rarely go to places or meet people who may be potential threats. Oh, and there are few people with the guts or weapons to do the nation a favour.

    Free Member

    Would any old stuff sack do?

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