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  • Bike Check: Ministry Cycles CNC Protoype
  • offthebrakes
    Free Member

    Good work Mike. I’ll be there.

    Free Member

    If you want lower gears then go for it. Who cares what suits other people? It’s your bike and your riding.

    I went from a 26er with 22:34 lowest ratio to a 29er with 24:36 at the bottom. Occasionally I miss the lower gear, and as I’m hoping to do an event with very long very steep climbs, I’m looking to get a 22t ring.

    Like you, I’m light, and I also like to spin small gears rather than grind larger ones. I won’t be worrying what anyone else uses :)

    Free Member

    Did anyone hear the bit of commentary during the men’s XC where they said there were rumours of a new wheel size between 650B and 29?

    For the kittens’ sake, I really hope they were joking :)

    Free Member

    I took part in some testing for Four4th when they were developing the green LEDs – comparing the green LEDs and the standard LEDs back to back.

    I found the green LEDs gave better definition and less glare back off the trail. They were particularly good in the twilight period before it is fully dark where I tend to find standard LEDs struggle a bit.

    Funnily enough –

    I find halogen headlights easier to see by than modern discharge or LED.

    – they felt somewhat halogen-like in this respect (albeit unsurprisingly far more powerful than my ancient halogen light). The beam colour is warmer than standard LEDs, it seems more yellow than green when projected onto the terrain (which is largely green anyway) – although looking directly at the LEDs they are definitely green!

    Most other riders doing the test seemed to agree, although one rider who needs fairly strong glasses felt the opposite, so they are not for everyone. Four4th do have demo sets you can try so it is well worth contacting them to find out.

    As others have said, mixing a green helmet light with a standard bar light or vice versa doesn’t really give much benefit, so if you are supplementing an existing light then bear this in mind.

    I’m not claiming to be unbiased as I race for Four4th so obviously I would recommend the lights, but when it came to choosing green vs standard (with my own money!), I went for green without hesitation.

    Hope that helps, but if you’ve got any questions then just give Four4th a shout, Del is happy to chat at length about this kind of stuff.

    Free Member

    You were carrying a lot more beard this year Stan – ruined your otherwise perfectly aerodynamic form :D

    Free Member

    I thought the course was great, more fun and slightly faster than last year (although I was in much worse shape and eventually conked out around 10:30pm).

    Thanks to everyone who worked so hard to get the race on, and all the racers who were so polite, I didn’t hear a single angry word all race.

    Great piece of speaking about TAG JV – please everyone get behind TAG and involved in the future of MTBing locally :)

    Free Member

    Looks stunning!

    Next year I will try and make one of these events – this one clashes with 12:12 unfortunately.

    Free Member

    Some great natural riding in the area too though. If you have time and a GPS I’d be doing Loop of Llyn Cowlyd

    I did that route a couple of weeks back! Really enjoyed it on a sweltering hot afternoon, although being from the South I don’t get much practice riding rocks – by the end my rock-skills had progressed from “pitiful” to “poor”.

    The road descent to Trefriw was a strange finish to a MTB ride, dropping nearly 400m on tarmac. Great fun for a road though, loose, very steep, loads of hairpins, would be scary on a road bike. Would also make an epic road climb!

    As for Penmachno, holds up very well in the wet, one of my favourite trail centres.

    Free Member

    I did this on my CX, nice route, took 4.5hrs and I took in a loop of QECP to break it up.
    The start of the routes ok, then the signs go a bit off on the small road section, then you’re fine from then on.
    Theres a website covering it all and that’s where I got my info from.
    Worth doing in a “bit of fun” way.

    Yeah, I enjoyed most of the Shipwright’s Way (although I didn’t do the whole thing). Two things to bear in mind for anyone trying it:

    1. The section through Bordon is not completed yet so you’ll have to plan your own route (not that difficult)
    2. The rail crossing just east of Tankerdale Farm was closed for construction, so the alternate route alongside the A3 is probably the best bet – not sure when the rail crossing will re-open.

    Can’t say I enjoyed the rest of my ride though. Was still pretty tired from a few days in Snowdonia but was too stubborn to abandon and ploughed on, feeling pretty feeble the whole way and taking 2 hours longer than I’d hoped.

    Some good ideas here – will try some of these next year!

    Free Member

    I just try and remember whether I enjoyed a ride or not.

    Luckily my memory is quite poor so after a few years I have a whole load of “new” rides to try (again) :)

    Free Member

    Well there’s the Shipwright’s Way from just outside Farnham to Portsmouth, and the Downs Link from Guildford to Shoreham.

    Both around the 50 mile mark, neither are terribly exciting on their own (the Downs Link is mainly disused railway line), but you can link them up with other stuff.

    A couple of weeks ago I did a big loop consisting of the Shipwright’s Way as far south as QE Park, then the SDW east to Botolphs, Downs Link north to Guildford and then NDW back to the start. Worked out about 120 miles in total, was a pretty big day out in the end!

    Free Member

    Solo for me too. Not feeling terribly energetic or motivated right now!

    Free Member

    Does it work with Eurosport Player yet?

    Free Member

    Still trying to figure out if the pro race route has changed as well – anyone know?

    Was planning on getting the train into Dorking and watch them climbing Ranmore Common Road (twice), but if its been removed then obviously I won’t bother.

    Free Member

    Cracking ride and brilliant weather for it – so jealous!

    Free Member

    He’s at the bottom of Butser Hill at 12:20, having started at 18:14. Whether he gets the SS record or not it’s looking like a mighty effort!

    Free Member

    I’m pretty sure it is elapsed time :)

    Free Member

    Tools – you’ve got it right. Crank puller to get the cranks off, the BB tool you’ve linked to (plus an adjustable spanner) to remove old BB and install the new one.

    I’ve got the same BB as the one you’ve listed, it’s lasted ok so far. Just make sure you get the right shell width and axle width (i.e. check the old one).

    Free Member

    Trailbreak Chilterns event from Woodcote on 2nd August?

    Free Member

    Thanks all.

    Free Member

    Hmmm – Berwyns looks good. What/where is the Wayfarer’s?

    Free Member

    The Ramillies Park route to the footbridge is the one I would use too.

    But it’s a long diversion and considerably less suitable than the existing route.

    Along with the MOD’s recent decision to enforce their interpretation of the byelaws on the training areas, it’s a pretty depressing time for cycling in the area :(

    Free Member

    You beat me by approximately the length of one faff at 12:12 last year, so you aren’t the worst offender ;) (although probably you were simply faster)

    Let me know if you’re doing the TCW again this summer and you’d like company!

    Free Member

    That’s a pretty tough target :) Especially as I think Rob Dean’s record was on the “old” route (i.e. Warnford not Exton, and not the Eastbourne extension) although I could be wrong. Are you going unsupported?

    Shout if you need any help, I’ve got a Satmap with the 1:25k OS map card for the whole route if you need it.

    Have thought about the double a few times myself, not sure I ever will though and def not this year! Might need to pick your brains again about Trans-Cambrian though, that could well be on the agenda…

    Free Member

    Don’t rely on the yellow lines too much – they are a guide, but adjust the cable tension until you get all the shifts working reasonably smoothly.

    Re-installed my Alfine 8 last week and it took me about 20 mins riding around and fiddling with the barrel adjuster to get it right – the yellow lines are now close but not completely aligned.

    Free Member

    Good luck Mark! Have you got a target time in mind?

    Free Member

    Fair enough.

    Was it a Whyte 29C? Must check mine, although I’ve got an XT front mech and not had many problems.

    Free Member

    I find that they help delay cramp, but as trail_rat says, push too hard and it will get you sooner or later.

    One benefit of the flavoured tabs is that they are a bit less tedious to drink than water, so I tend to stay better hydrated due to drinking more.

    Free Member

    Don’t know the answer, but when I had an issue with my Whyte I submitted a question using the support form on their website and got an answer within an hour or two.

    Might be worth asking there and perhaps they’ll just send you one?

    Free Member

    Thanks to all who showed up for a photocall with the local paper last night!

    Unfortunately the landowner has now set up some 8ft high metal barriers at the North Camp end of the contentious section, with hinges and a gate-stop. Clearly his next step will be to attach the missing gate and lock all users out completely :(

    Free Member

    Tempted, if I can find a CX bike in time!

    Free Member

    Not been on this myself but a few friends have, quite a while ago but I think they are still going: MBMB 3 countries tour

    Free Member

    Driving up from Hampshire on Friday to stay with relatives in Sheffield so I can watch stage 2.

    I don’t know whether the M1 will be thronged with billions of others doing the same, or just the usual billions doing regular stuff.

    Free Member

    As per shortcut’s answers, except his lap times are for team riders.

    45 mins per lap average gets you 17 laps as a solo, only one person managed that last year.

    50 mins to an hour is probably more realistic for your first solo effort, depending on your fitness obviously. And that’s assuming it’s dry.

    Good luck, it’s a cracking event :)

    Free Member

    Soloed it every year since it started, planning to do the same this year!

    What sort of advice are you after?

    Free Member

    Chiba Gel Comfort Mitts for me, whenever I eventually wear them out I just buy more. I do quite a lot of long rides and like plenty of padding.

    Free Member

    Brilliant, really enjoyed reading them all. Well done that man.

    Free Member

    I’ll have a look later.

    Free Member

    I’ll be raising it at Rushmoor Cycle Forum. Hoping to get the CTC involved, there’s a journo on the case too.

    Free Member

    I’m a local Hampshire resident.

    Do the County Council have the power to create a PROW by force? Anyone know the legal position?

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