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  • Trail Tales: Midges
  • officialtob
    Free Member

    mtbbatteries Lumenator +1 here.

    Personally cannot see any reason why I would ever need more light – plus they are only a smidgen over a ton.

    Free Member

    Work full time, single. Do about 150-200 miles a week on the MTB, many of those commuting. Really should be more.

    Free Member

    I grew up drinking unpasturised goats milk as a young kid.

    Still going strong :-)

    Free Member

    the ones I bought from Aldi a few months ago are perfect

    +1 for Aldi specials. Still going strong after a pretty crappy winter, and all for £8 I think. Can’t go wrong.

    Free Member

    I’ve definitely haddock enough of these fish puns now.

    Free Member

    they are now testing for high levels of teshorseterone…

    Ouch. That one hurt. Even more than mine.

    Free Member

    Despite all the recent news, Tesco have said their burger sales have remained Stable. They did, however, ask if I wanted anything on it. I said “yes please, a fiver each way”.

    Have to love a bit of horse canter….I mean banter.

    Ok, enough horsing around, back to work everybody.

    Free Member

    You’re right – FORCING it isn’t proposed… shows how much I am paying attention to it all haha :oops:

    Free Member

    Though, to be fair I never have understood why some gay couples seem so determined to work with a faith that rejects them


    As a gay male, I entered into a Civil Partnership two years ago – and had I have had the option of a ‘religious’ marriage then, I definitely would NOT have chosen it.

    Whilst I agree on legalising same-sex marriage, I personally dont agree on FORCING religious organisations to perform them – it should be something they WANT to do rather than HAVE to do. If I got ‘married’ in the future, I would just constantly be imagining a little invisible DC pointing a gun to the head of the vicar saying “MARRY THEM BIATCH, OR ELSE..!”.

    I have no idea whether I should care about this issue more than I actually do – but I am so sick of hearing about it now, and just want it to pass. Does that make me a bad gay?

    Free Member

    if those things sell shimano will be on the case soon

    Whose to say they aren’t already, deep within the depths of Shimano Towers…

    Free Member

    About 450 so far :-)

    Free Member

    Do you have a link by any chance?

    In the market for one myself this year….unless someone wanted to loan me one, for a fee of course! :-)

    Free Member

    mini eggs are the daddy of Easter related chocolate

    ^^^^ THIS.

    Free Member

    With people posting vids of their commute whilst shouting out car reg numbers – like some sort of demented car-spotter on speed

    ^^ Made me LOL on a Tuesday afternoon. Which is always a good thing.

    Free Member

    Is it wrong that my 2002 Bombers have never been serviced? Many many 000’s of of-road miles covered.

    Granted they feel like poop now, but the main reason for that is the valve on the left hand side is stuck – and so isn’t holding any air.

    Perfect enough for the commuter anyway :-)

    Free Member

    Neither, just bad taste.


    My vote is on a bit of both. :-)

    Free Member

    [unhelpful advice] Get an iPhone. Apple……it just works…. [/unhelpful advice]


    Free Member


    As above, I thought nice wide sticky tyres as soft as you dare were quite good on ice…….UNTIL my Marathon Winters arrived earlier in the week. NOTHING can beat actual bits of metal digging into the ice.

    EDIT: However until I can afford a cheap set of wheels as spares, swapping will be a bit of a pain. They say you don’t need to,but it just feels such a waste wearing the studs down on normally wet, non-icy roads.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Random. The post has now been deleted.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Improve your pedantry so you can be like other thrusting wannabe executives in this thread.


    Free Member

    I’ve got a bit paranoid about bike theft so press the start and stop button on my garmin
    Outside the local tesco 1 mile away

    Why don’t you use the privacy zone feature? Hides where you live/work within a 1 mile radius.

    Free Member

    8 mile commute down the Taff Trail/thro Cardiff, including cheeky singletrack in Bute park

    We must follow a very similar route. Got knocked by many a branch too, luckily the lumenator was on the bars today!

    Free Member

    10 miles commute in the ‘Red zone’ in South Wales. Didnt even have any spikes, just very soft knobblies – loved every second :D :D

    The thought of NOT having to rely on public transport later on brings me a little bit of warmth and happiness.

    Free Member

    Lots in sunny Cardiff, pelting down nicely.

    Free Member

    Also, 62 buck?!? WAT 0_o

    Glad it wasn’t just me.

    Free Member

    No snow currently in North Cardiff!

    Free Member

    I have no idea which model number I have – however I’ve had some Shimano SPDs on my bike for 10 years. Theyve done MANY 000’s of miles, and had some serious stick. Only attention they’ve had is a quick spray of GT85 every other week, if that!

    EDIT: I should add that I also bought them second hand…

    Free Member

    Thanks for all the tips, muchos appreciated!

    With regards to the (shameless :wink: ) plug globalti – that is a stunning looking bike, however I just dont have the cash available, and will probably go down the 0% finance route to be honest!

    So far, I’m most tempted with the cannondale from Pauls Cycles or a Ribble special.

    Also LOVING the rse lard tips too :-)

    Free Member

    Thanks TiRed. Can I just ask why I should get road shoes? I was just going to use my MTB Sidi’s – will I die? :-)

    Free Member

    Thanks for all the tips so far :-)

    Those ribble bikes look really good value – anyone got any experiences of them?

    With regards to overall fitness, am doing approx 150 miles a week on the MTB, so have a relatively good base – just need to build it up gradually now to being able to do 100 miles a day for 5 days.

    Sadly the ride organisers are insisting on road bikes only – because I’m so comfortable on the MTB I would have been tempted to try and use it!

    buy whatever bike is your favourite colour

    ^ my favourite advice so far :-) hehe

    Free Member

    It’s not unheard of to take your ferret ‘walkies’ in the north

    I saw a guy casually taking his sheep for a walk on Saturday. It was on a lead, and had a collar and everything. It was in Cardiff though, so explains it all. *cue sheep/wales related jokes*

    Free Member

    I bike a canal towpath very regularly at night and I’m running 600L minimum. That kind of power directly in your face is totally and utterly blinding. So, I see someone I tip my lights forward.

    Easy, it costs nothing to be courteous…
    ^^ This.

    End of thread.

    Free Member

    I only had 3 weeks off the bike over Xmas….but that, along with too much alcohol, food etc etc left me sweating on the way to work last week too!

    Free Member

    full sus road

    ^ sounds like an interesting road bike! :wink:

    I’m kind of going through a similar phase, but I think that’s mainly down to owning a crap bike that needs loads doing to it – and it’s just not that much of a pleasure to ride anymore. That, along with being too skint to fix it/replace it doesn’t help.

    That said, I am doing a 500 mile charity ride over 5 days in June – so it’s forcing me to keep getting on the saddle! And once I’m out I really enjoy it :-)

    Good luck, it will come back for sure – especially as the weather gets better now :-)

    Free Member

    My only niggle is that as you cycle between the different powers it goes from High to Off before going to Low, but I guess that’s a personal preference

    This doesnt happen on mine – I think it was changed last year at some point? I got mine in November I think, and to turn it off, you have to hold the button. If you keep pressing it, it just cycles nicely through the settings without turning off :-)

    Free Member

    This ‘us and them’ stuff is PATHETIC, and massively puts me (and probably a lot of other people) off the entire thing.

    We are all simply like-minded people who enjoy riding bikes. Simple. The snobbery is sickening sometimes.

    Free Member

    It works for some people and not for others, but smartphone apps such as “MyFitnessPal” are worth a look. Lets you log all your food and exercise, and even gives you pretty graphs to ogle at your progress.

    Good luck :-)

    Free Member

    Only got roadie action booked in for next year (which is strange seeing as I don’t even own a road bike yet!). Doing a 5 day 500 mile (supported) charity ride next summer from Edinburgh to Richmond….should be interesting. Then a few weeks later, jetting down to the Pyrenees for some ‘leisurely’ mountain action on the roads :-)

    Ps there are still places available on the charity ride if anyone’s interested! ;-)

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