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  • Fresh Goods Friday 707: The Spot of Bother Edition
  • officerfriendly
    Free Member

    I really love my Cove STD, haven’t really even had a chance to take it out yet (trails been too wet!) so I’m in no position to offer any input, but man I’m 40kg and it’s a tad too heavy for me :(

    Free Member

    I usually buy multipacks of stainless steel hex bolts from toolstation, roughly 50 for £2.50 depending on size, or there’s a boltintheblue on ebay, every size you could want, from stem bolts to water bottle cage bolts. There’s also the ghetto tubeless brew which is said to be superior to stans on mtbr forums though I haven’t tried it myself! Thanks DonCorleoni, will try printing out a fork mudguard template! (:

    Free Member

    This thread, jesus christ…

    On the Mutz, does anyone know how much the UK pricing is? (:

    Free Member

    Looks like a damn nice alternative to the Salsa Beargrease and those ebay carbon frames..

    Free Member

    How come no one’s mentioned this yet? On One Lurcher Carbon £279

    EDIT: ignore me

    Free Member

    Thanks anyway :)

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Thanks chapaking I’ll be sure to do that!

    Free Member

    Really wanted one! :( someone let us know if this pops back up again will ya? :)

    Free Member

    Think I might be able to get an enabler fork instead?

    Free Member

    @bonesetter before you do check out epicyclo’s, they’re amazing! I would totally get these on my muk if I had the money ;)

    Free Member


    Free Member

    I meant my question about being a nutjob. But yeah just forget it, I got it all worked out now anyway. And dude you were being a dick.

    Free Member

    That must be nice, to have an infinite amount of money at your disposal.

    What the **** are you talking about?

    You should definitely go there and sign up for the next one

    Where is there?

    Free Member

    Do the bikes with racks and Brooks saddles fitted belong to your parents? You’d get torn a new one by your peer group if you rode such things, surely?

    umm I don’t hang around with this lot

    i should be at Aston on Thursday

    Sorry, I didn’t go to Aston, it’s quite far and I was a bit worried it might be too wet! I did go to Whippendale woods in search of the jumps there (with no luck!) but my Cove is now caked in mud! :D

    Perhaps before creating a mega beast for conquering the great canyon gaps of the south east and riding off the trails (normally a no anyway as you damage the ground) try riding some of the amazing trails in the UK. You have hundreds of miles of bridleways, trail centres everywhere, the likes of Bike Park Wales that would probably suit the cove down to the ground etc.

    You’ve got a real good point there! I’m definetely going to try and hit Aston! If you’ve got any reccomendations near NW London, I’d love some (:

    And I really think I’m in the complete wrong place here. As in STW. Man I really need to find some people my age to do crazy shit with. And y’all never answered my question!

    Free Member

    IMO it’s not worth bothering with the non 120 Surly tyres

    How is it not worth bothering with the non 120 Surly tyres? I honestly do not understand what you are talking about??? I have 27tpi Knards, Nate and Larry and they’re fine?

    Free Member

    I’m almost 100% sure that this is a fairly obvious troll after that last vivid story, but a little part of me keeps making me read this thread whenever anything is posted…

    On the off chance you are serious, go and ride your bike. Take the rack off of it and go and do one of the many first class trail centres in the country, that’ll be a good place to start. After you’ve found out how good biking actually is you’ll probably stop getting notions to build ridiculous looking fatbikes.
    Well to be honest, I just had a really cool experience that I thought I’d share. I do realise I do tend to go off a bit, but ah well. It’s hilarious yet quite concerning, the fact that you all keep thinking I’m trolling. Really concerning. It makes me wonder how I come across. I’m not too good at expressing how I feel through the internet, and I guess my enthusiasm probably makes me look a bit nutty! It’s still concerning though! Well I have Thurs and Fri off school, I was thinking of going down to Aston Hill, I’ve heard really good things about it, even though it does look a bit meh. I’ll see how the rack does (: Maybe I’ll see about the Fatbike, but I’m still building it! I figured out what kinda frame I need too, so I guess we can shut this thread down?

    That’s what I thought on seeing the ECR, it’s great. So great I scanned passed the Cove with a rack on the back. If I wore a hat I’d doff it. Fredism is a good thing and usually takes ~40 years of cycling to achieve, you’re halfway there already

    Haha thanks, I LOVE the ECR, it’s really awesome! And just an fyi, all my bikes I bought/built with my own money (which I earned), which I’m pretty proud of. I mean I’m no spoilt brat. The ECR is awesome! It’s like an earth rover. For roaming the earth! It’s even got a Dynamo, so like fully self sufficient. If you wanted to, you could put 3 1.5l bottles on it, a dozen pack of energy bars in the back military bag (ww2 btw!) and just cycle back to the ends of the earth! (cornwall!) It really is kinda magical. I just want to go back there, and just camp under the stars. It’d be really amazing. I think I should find a girl to go with! I want someone like Lael! I’m talking about Nicholas Carman’s Gypsybytrade blog if anyone doesn’t know what I’m on about, it’s the most amazing blog ever! And he has an ECR :D Well it’s pretty much because of him I have one though!
    God, I ramble on! What is Fredism?

    Woooah, wait a minute, there’s only one other person on here that I’ve seen do back-to-front smiley things….and that’s Cougar.

    Nah…it couldn’t be.

    Could it?

    Either that or you’re a free thinking, reasonably articulate (for your generation ) nutjob. If that is your living room, or that of a significant other, this option does all tie up.

    Or a troll.

    I really hope it’s the nutjob.
    Hey man, that kinda hurts okay. I mean I get I come across as a bit nutty but I think that’s just because I can’t express my enthuisiam properly! And jesus christ, the comments on my living room! It’s not even that bad, my mum just likes purple! What really gets me though is how much you guys remember what I say! That’s kinda sweet haha :D

    Edit: why do you all think I’m a nutjob? I’m really curious

    Free Member

    It would be the definition of free ride
    Not seeing anything fat out there

    HOLY SHIT. That is AMAZING. God, that looks like so much fun. That’s the kinda riding I really want to do!!! Are there any places like that in the UK? I live NW London, but I’m up for travelling! (rack on cove!) That is seriously amazing though. I really want to do some kind of riding. The hilarious thing is, even though I’ve got some pretty decent bikes, I haven’t actually ridden them much at all. I mean that is kinda the point LOL. Most fun I’ve ever had on my bike was in Cornwall, story time? I disassembled my ECR completely to get it to fit in the boot lol, and just went exploring the country in it, which was pretty amazing, it’s beautiful. I went in search of the ocean, it was a couple of miles from where I was, and I asked some locals, and I’m pretty sure they sent me off in the complete opposite direction. The weird thing was they were like 80 and seemed to be dead serious :/ but the beach was west and they told me to go east! I just decided to keep going west, managed to see the ocean in the distance and came across one of those country paths. I followed it down, and man it got steep. Like seriously steep. I started going very, very fast on a blind trail, I couldn’t see what was coming up. It was scary as hell, but incredibly exciting. And then it started to get even steeper, and before I knew it, I was going so fast and I couldn’t even stop because it was so slippery, the only thing I could do was hold on for dear life. I was going at least 30mph, bouncing all over the place on my ECR, it was crazy. Probably the craziest thing I’ve ever done in my life. And boy was it fun. I felt so alive. I was lucky, it didn’t end too badly, it could’ve been waay worse! The whole thing was just huge rocks with overgrown thorns and a stream flowing down. It was almost impossible to walk up because it was so slippery! That’s pretty much the most riding I’ve done though. I really really want to do some freeriding, it looks like insane fun! The coolest thing was though, I finally managed to find the ocean in cornwall, and it was like the most amazing thing I’ve ever seen. I felt like I was on the edge of the world. It was breathtaking!

    I’m growing fond of Mr Friendly’s posts, from his Nascar Orange 5 for sale to that Cove which just makes me smile and think there is hope for his generation…. and I never tire of seeing that living room!

    Aww thank you! It’s nice to hear something nice! (:

    Salsa Bucksaw is 32lb. Carbon one is approx 300g lighter…

    What on earth is the point? I really don’t get the point of losing 300g…

    I’m still trying to work out what you would be carrying to require that rack on your cove.

    Can you give us a sort of idea what terrain this Fat DH bike will be used on?

    Me too tbh! I just wanted to be able to go to far out places on it, and still be able to carry like food + water, and my full face helmet (: Well, the whole point is for it to be able to be a freeride bike off the trails. Weird since I haven’t ridden my actual freeride bike yes I know I have an obession with the bikes themselves…But I’m still building it! I’m getting some Monster Ts which I’m going to get crowns and steerer tube machined so that it’s 150mm wide, enough room for a 5″ bud with a 1.5″ steerer tube. It’d be so crazy which is why I’m so desperate to do it! Won’t be cheap though lol

    No ones offended (I think), that rack on the cove is a bit bonkers though!
    More real life bonkersness (with pics or it didn’t happen) and less calling people a dick when they point out the flaws in your bonkers plans.

    Good (: Yeah, LBS said the same thing but they came round haha! More real life bonkersness? Are you trying to say I should post bonkers stuff I do here with pictures? haha that’s funny, I didn’t really think anyone would actually care hence me just asking questions and not posting any actual content. Most of the stuff I post is met with a lot of uncalled for sarcasm LOL before I’ve even started being silly so I don’t think I want to do that. If I post anything it’d prob be on mtbr. I will deff post my downhill fatty when it’s finished though! (on mtbr) and he was being a bit of dick:

    Why not go for the super monster t, what with money, sense and weight seemingly being no object?

    troll senses tingling….

    I think you may have to vastly expand your definition of ‘alright’

    and for the love of god if you don’t want to read this shit nobody is making you!

    Free Member

    I want a full fat! I’ve figured out how to make the forks, just need to find a frame now. And no, I do not wish to pick apart my Cove (:

    You do seem to spend a lot of time on here asking really ‘out there’ questions, then presumably eventualy coming to your senses/reading the responses. Either that or you’re writing this whilst eating your snare caught rabbit on day 100 of your self sufficient fat cargo bike adventure.

    Hahaha that’s funny xD But fair enough lol. I’m just asking curious questions! To be honest I’m really suprised you guys actually remembered all the questions I asked so kudos for that! And I am definitely going to go bikepacking sometime! I signed up for DoE as well, so hopefully I’ll find some people to go with and learn how to actually do it all. And I can’t even remember why I wanted a Cargo Fatbike LOL. But one thing is for sure, I am definitely building a downhill fatbike! Best wishes (:


    Putting a bit more thought into your questions and acting on the responses might make people keener to contribute constructive advice. If you actualy built that cargo fat bike first, or went on that bivi trip, then people might be more inclined to provide input to your next scheme, otherwise they’re just spending time giving you information for no reason.

    Okay, good point, I’ll bear that in mind (: I’m sorry if I’ve offended anyone?

    Free Member

    Right. Thank you Tom, for picking apart every word I said. Really, thank you. I don’t get why you have to be such a dick about it.

    @Jameso who doesn’t want to go into orbit? :D

    Free Member

    You’d have to extend the BB shell to accommodate a longer crank axle. Find your last thread on this subject and have a look at cynic-als homebuilt FS fatbike and have a very good look at it. Check how how much rear travel there is, how close the tyre is to the seat tube and the height of the BB. Then ask Al how tall he is….

    Don’t think it’s possible to extend the bb shell, it would run out of thread? I asked on mtbr and finally got an answer – you use a standard size bb and a long (say 100mm) crankset and use a ton of spacers! Don’t know how I didn’t see that! He actually offered it to me, and I was going to buy it, but I kind of wanted something a bit more…I’ll have another look at it though! In terms of the geo, I just figured I’d buy a full suspension frame, then just remake the back end based on the original – work with a frame builder?

    Does it even need a modified rear end, why not try just a fat front? You get the added grip/footprint/rollover/whatever it is you think you need in the place where it’ll make the most difference. Then you can consider whether the pros outweigh the cons enough for the rear.

    Use your cove? That way you know it’s the tyres making the difference, rather than any changes in the geo. that and you’ll save a bit, which is good as from what youve said this is going to be very expensive, for what’s just an experiment.

    Well I want it to be a full fat. To get it to fit on the Cove the steerer tube of the monster Ts will have to be remade to 1.5″. That could actually be very interesting! I have to get it remade anyway, why not 1.5″? xD 150mm wide, 1.5″ Monster Ts on a Double Wall 80mm rim with a 5″ Surly Bud. I think I’m going to wet myself hahaha Oh and I’m not too worried about the money, as long as it comes out alright!

    So what is your definition of “Seriously Off the Trails” are we talking Rampage or boggy hillsides?

    Not quite sure what Rampage is but let’s go with that. I just want to be able to thrash it down off anything, unlike my Cove which is only decent on the actual Trails.

    Does anyone have any reccomendations of a frame to use? It needs a 1.5″ headset, 83mm bb and at 6″ of rear travel.

    Free Member

    Just an fyi, Marge Lites somehow fit on my 1×1 with room to spare! Currently running stretched nobby nics (:

    Free Member

    @Paceman I seriously don’t get the fatbike haters. What is their deal? I mean it’s one thing to not like the ride of the bike, it’s another to just keep bashing the bike online. Just what is the point???

    Free Member

    What happened Frosty? And @bigdean that was exactly what I was going to do! Similair to the Snowzocchi build posted on the interwebs a whileback, grab some Monster Ts, and widen the whole thing up by getting new crowns and steerer fabricated – it all bolts on as far as I can see :) my concern is in the frame! Like I said even if I can get a new swingarm built, how would it clear the standard bb? And regarding the Cargo bike, I just got an ECR which I’m very happy with! (:

    Free Member

    @rocketdog not sure if you’re being sarky but I’ll take it as a compliment! The guys at the LBS wouldn’t stop going on about how ridiculous it was, I just wanted a way to carry some stuff, there’s no good places here so I have to cycle quite a bit and therefore carry quite a bit too!

    @Northwind, thanks for explaining you’ve totally got it!

    @Mikewsmith I think it would be very good actually, my mukluk is superb, I just want that kind of grip on a freeride bike, and be able to go seriously off the trails!

    I don’t know if I didn’t word it properly, but in my question I meant the front end of the frame, not the bike. As in which frame would be ideal? I was going to get a rear end built for it, could even get the dropouts built at 190mm wide but I still don’t quite know how it’ll clear the tyre, with the frame being standard bb size?

    Free Member

    Got a photo somewhere of your current bike setup with the ECR? Have you worked out how much space you have between the bottom of your saddle and the current rear tyre, then worked out the diameter of a 26×5″ tyre and added on the amount of suspension travel you are after? Or, alternatively, worked out how high the BB will need to be to accommodate that amount of travel?

    No I haven’t worked any of that out! I was under the assumption that upon getting a frame, I could simply contract a framebuilder to build a back end based on the old one, just slighly longer and much wider? Here’s a pic if it helps! I included one of my freeride bike which is probably a better reference point, espcially seeing that the ECR is a medium!

    Risse Racing do a fatbike Trixxxy fork, travel is down to 3.8″ though. Apparently Dorado’s work without modification but not 100% sure!

    The Trixxy looks pretty cool! And I honestly do not believe that lol

    Free Member

    The thing I’ve found though is that in the mud, you get such a wide footprint, giving you a much wide foot in the mud, resulting in very good grip. Though that’s just my experience!

    Free Member

    Oh my bad, I forgot to mention, I’m 5″5 but still growing haha :) oh and if it’s reinforced it should be fine?

    Free Member

    @Scotroutes, fair enough, but it’s something I really want and I think I can make it work. I mean I think I could make the Snowzocchi forks no prob, I know someone who can help machine me all the bits, maybe even a 135mm 20mm front hub! And then, build a rear end from scratch as opposed to rewelding an old one for max strength, though I’m not sure who to ask about that, some reccomendations would be very helpful! My worry is which front end to use and whether it’ll be able to clear the tyre. I mean, the rear end would(could) even be built to 190mm, but I’m not sure if that’d be worse.

    @AlexSimon, that is a brilliant point! I mean unless I can get the extra travel, it’s not really worth it is it? And I was under the impression that those were modified Dorados, no way would a DUC32 be able to fit big fat larries!

    Free Member

    Probably is, I wouldn’t really want to run 5″ though, most probably 4″. And well, I currently have top end Cove STD with Totems, Fox DHX 5, the lot but the thing is, even with the Maxxis Minion 2.5″s, it really struggles off the trail. I mean the slightest branch will send you flying, its got no real foot in the ground. But whereas with my fatbikes I don’t need a trail, it just rolls over pretty much anything. Hence me wanting that crazy grip and footprint, on a freeride bike so I can thrash it beyond the trails ;)

    Free Member

    @TomHoward, sod off with the fatbike hate, it’s what I want, and it would be damn awesome

    @Alex Simon, what do you mean, need to be differnt. Would the forks in question not be functional? I was going to go with the Snozocchi Method, with some old high travel DC bombers! Yeah, must be a blast!

    Free Member

    I don’t get why they dropped ison if they don’t actually have another distributor. It’s a joke.

    Free Member

    Bedmaker that is just beautiful!

    Free Member

    @Jimjam, not sure exactly yet, 20 miles or so probably at least!

    , that is a very good point! I think we’ll just have to see haha

    , that is a brilliant idea!!! I’m going to do that, thank you so much :D

    it is not about the money!

    Free Member

    @Trail_rat Nice! I love single speed, can’t run anything but! I think it’s the way the drivetrain feels, super tight and incredibly efficient, nothing comes close to that true SS feel! Even my touring bike (ECR) is single speed (: always considered getting in IGH but damn, I’m broke now! Just built up a semi fat 3″ Surly 1×1 with Candy Apple red Marge Lite rims, Maverick SC32s and more wingbars! and I don’t know how on earth you’ve got nates on SC32s, on mine, the end to end gap is just under 4″ and that’s end to end, no way is nate going to be happy in there! I’m running Rolling Darryls, that may be why?

    @tazzymtb awww is that almost a compliment? :D I love how awesome the rasta theme looks but then again I’m not a 40 yo man :D

    Free Member

    Trailrat is that a rohloff? And those cables look gorgeous haha :D

    Free Member

    Here you go Tazzy, couldn’t help myself from posting it here… :D

    Free Member

    Compared to the Surly frames, the On One’s are amazingly value! I would buy one if it wasn’t for the limited tyre clearance which I guess is why you buy a Surly :roll:

    Free Member

    I do really agree with you Rusty Spanner, I really do like their frames, but it’s such a shame about the pricing…

    Free Member

    Well said brianp, and no dirtyrider it doesn’t really help! I have an ECR (and a 1×1) which is amazing, but that was £650, absolutely ridiculous. Thankfully I managed to find it used, but still a heck of a lot of money

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