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  • Who won the Surly Grappler in 502 Club Raffle?
  • odannyboy
    Free Member

    one other angle matt.with the NHS dont expect them to wait on you hand and foot. you will need to hassle doctors, nurses etc.if something seems wrong or odd, shout up!!it sadly is a case of who shouts lodest get the most attention.if someone is meant to "come back and see you in five min" once it gets to 6 or 7 mins go looking.its easy to be overlooked and this is one of the most inportant events in your life.ask questions of everyone and every procedure.
    (i may sound paranoid, but its based on history)

    Free Member

    thatnjs CG. i have found out more lies are going on behind my back whilst she has been all "amicable" and smilie with me.still been in contact with the guy my text tho.she wants her cake and to eat it, while i wait in the side lines to be there for her to come back to if she fancies.sod that. i now want a deff end to it. it will be hard and it will hurt to start with.
    she doesnt work so will need benefites so yes csa may get involded.
    i just dont want to say or do anything daft that could trip me up and then they start to cane me and i wont me able to change it.
    agree about the DD. her older kids were like that and they used to screw up all the could never count on any money being there untill you had spent it.

    Free Member

    yep i know there admin is non hoping we could just sort something out amicably and not get them involved.i havent moved out as i cant afford it.wish i could tho.dont want to be around her at all now.

    why is it so bad if i did? what if i went to live on a mates sofa for a couple of weeks but still kept the money coming into the house?

    Free Member

    if suzi perry was involved then there can be nothing to complain about.mind you here figure smothered in body armour is not inspiring.
    when will she do a review of suntan oil in the bahamas.that would get some ratings… 😉

    Free Member

    fwiw my wife is evil when pregnant. both times she was the same.nastry,vicious,sinical and all the time tired moody, cant sleep all of which just fueled the problem.
    some preggy women and friends she met at the same time said things like "i was sad when i actually gave birth,it was so nice being pregnant"
    my wife hated every minute of it and made sure the rest of the world shared her pain!
    the second the baby and placenta came out,bang back to her old self.
    she used to say things like "i feel you should go out im so angry, its best for both of us!"etc etc.

    Free Member

    Que lobster puns!

    Free Member

    i saw a white student girl about 22 with shoulder length light coloured dreads yesterday in town.
    she stood out from the crowd.
    she gave me the horn.

    Free Member

    imho the higher the volume and the better quality your hifi, the more the low quality starts to stand out with mp3 files and the like.
    i pods are great on earphones on a noisy train, but not so hot on a quality home set up..

    Free Member

    just enjoy spending time with her.she might actualy fancy the pants of you but something may be holding her back. either talk to her slowly and without any pressure about why she feels the way she does, or just be mates and she may well change her mind in the future. dont chase her too much tho.if you seem desperate youll look like a right dick and she will deff loose interest.
    at the end of the day youve got another posabilty on the cards so chill out!

    Free Member

    is that it! ive read all six pages to come to this! omg.
    i was waiting for a beautiful happy ending!?
    learn alesson from me kit,nothing ventured, nothing gained.
    get amungst it.fill your boots!
    learn from this and stop being shy.

    Free Member

    in a nice way (unlike some posters) try not to obsess about it.its a slippery slope.try to were redundant and you got through it back into survived! gain confidence from could do it again!

    Free Member

    about 7 as an average.whats weirder is when i was younger i could lie in and go back to sleep for hours.whole mornings if ness. i know cannot in any way, shape or form go back to sleep after 6-7 in the morning…but i also can go to sleep in seconds at night.head hits pillow and its good night vienna!
    i think quality sleep beats quantity.when my kids first arrived and kept taking at random through the night…jees….thats punishment!

    Free Member

    when you say zones do you mean a kind of "average" heart rate you reach and then try to remain or sustain whilst exercising?

    Free Member

    mrs toast, your post is very interesting. i kind of think the same.we could have split at any time and were always throwing the threat of divorce at each fact it was loosing weight as we had said it so much it didnt really mean anything anymore.sad isnt it.but yes i think she prob deff doesnt have the balls to just choose to end it.she has been divorced once and never wanted that to happen again..
    thing is i am intrigued as to weahter this could help us "break the cycle" so to speak.we get on great when its good.we took the kids out the other day and had a great time.on a day to day basis, it now seems ok as we both dont see to be stressed any more?weird?

    Free Member

    OK so hora…good points sir.yes ive been crap for approx three years.i used to be wet pathertic, didnt have an opinion etc.i changed a lot 18 months ago and "found myself" she likes the new me more but old habits die hard.she is very very critical and by her admission regualry puts me down unfairly.we both built up a wall of resentment to the point (i think) where resentment was the default setting even before anything happened it was presumed the other party would do it wrong,badly,late etc etc.
    i do belive its highly unlikely sha would do this again.i know what you will all say and yes anything is possible,but i still say unlikely.
    we joked once that we are just like pete and pammy from gavin and stacey, and then i thought thats actually not funny cos we are. 😯
    whats so strange is my mood and feeling change almost every five hours or so,i hate her, then pity her, then miss her,then something else.i guess this will change in time as its only five days ago so still really early.
    ironically we have had mental sex twice since she told me and lots of cuddles and long calm chats, but i still just feel suspicious that she hasnt begged me to forgive her etc.she has apologised quite humbally twice.
    im sleeping in another room and on sat night she said she did i want to sleep back in our bed if i wanted to?i declined and then she got all moody with me because i said no.i read that as her being upset at my decline but im sure you will all say she has a damn cheek to "offer"

    Free Member

    cheers all for is beneficial.
    got to go and try and do some work now…i will be back soon for more tho

    Free Member

    too tall, that is very very good advise…and would have worked…before this..

    Free Member

    there is a general opinion that im feeling here.what i dont get i why i "think" it would be ok to forgive her.why will i consider this when otheres havent? am i just weak or do i appreciate the closeness we did have wasnt all bad…when im away from her i can be angry and strong but when she is there i just loose those feelings?
    this is so hard..

    Free Member

    nols, thats a very eye opening way of looking at it…

    Free Member

    "Telling ya mate, you're storing up a whole heap of anger that will manifest itself at some point in the future"

    This is my main worry.i thought there would be more people on here who have "been there"…

    Free Member

    she was acting so weird.was suddenly really into me and sex with me.she was crazy and i was over the moon.i questioned it but she just bull shitted me etc.she says she wanted me becuse she felt so good as i said when upset that when we were shagging she was thinking of him.but she swears blind it wasnt so and he just made her feel alive and special etc and so she wanted me.
    then loads of text messages etc etc.then suddenly she is all depressed and crying all the time.i kept pushing for an answer and being really supportive which made her crack and she fessed up.

    Free Member

    i have to say im with you TJ. im 34 and shes 36.we have been together for 11 years but we have always been turbulent.we fought violently to star with got over that after a year and it got better but we have always bikkered and sniped.i never want to go back to bikkereing.that is a deff no. our sex life has been mediocre for some years and we have been taking each other for granted for years to.the kids and little money made it really crap at times(she also has three older kids who live with us so we botha re carrying five in total)
    it could be a huge kick up the bum.but it could keep hurting.i also think give it a go again.whats the worst that could be on my own…thats about to happen anyway.maybe one last go at it after we both have had the shock of our lives…?

    Free Member

    "Neither have been making the effort? OK, why have YOU not been making the effort? Relationships are a two way street. If you had made more effort would your wife have reciprocated accordlingly? Have you been negelctful? Be honest with yourself before sitting down with her."

    chers coyote, you pretty right there man.

    we have had the most honest,baring your soul chats about this.i fact all we do is talk non stop about it.calmly as well which is really weird..

    Free Member

    yep we have two kids.
    my gut feeling is to forgive.i consoled her first when she told took twenty mins or more for it to sink in and then i broke down.
    i found an email that is to a friend stating what happened and he got cold feet before it became sex.
    we have previously been to relate and sexual counceling to try and improve the relationship.relate helped a little bit.
    she says she felt an amazing spark with this guy that we never have had.i think that it would always be exciting as its breaking the rules and the spark would go in time.she thinks he was "the one"
    it could trigger something good to come out of going to change my behaviour and be a bigger better man from now on regardless of where i end up..

    Free Member

    year its the modern not arguing over genres….

    Free Member


    Free Member

    sorry to hijack this, but who are rated for tatoo's here in the uk? who where are the top names?

    Free Member

    would be ideal hora..mind you you woulndt ever get a ticket, it would be sold out 6 months in advance!

    Free Member

    do the women all tend to be "desperate i cant get a man types?"
    are they all after mr wonderful to live happily ever after or are some just …well you know.."up for it"??..ahem. 😉

    Free Member

    tiger-roach…yeah and i must remember to wear my rolex..

    Free Member

    have paid £35 with a mates rates discount down from £45 at a swanky place.was a better 'do' but not worth the extra..

    Free Member

    cambridge barbers, £12.00 for a not too special "scalping" and no booby action at all, only fellas! 😥

    Free Member

    near barmouth. are you local to there molgrips?

    Free Member

    she needs to be in bed by midnight….and if not, she should come home! 😆

    Free Member

    want to go on holiday to cardigan bay area but some one may want to come home eariler. so id drop them at a station and then train them to london.( quickly and simply, id hope)

    Free Member

    slightly different but at my work many people need to go on "manual handling" courses. basically lifting stuff!

    the wife could do with a little "manual handling" experience imho! 😉

    Free Member

    a remote from virgin directly would probably cost the same as lady surgery i recon!they wouldnt give me a free one would they!?

    just wondered if the other sources would work without any sort of set up?

    Free Member

    in east anglia it hasnt been below 18-20 for about two months and has peaked at 32 on some days with min night temps of 15 on a cool one to 20 on a hot one.
    mind you the hot nights get on my tits after a while,i just cant sleep well.

    Free Member

    lol at uplink 😆

    Free Member

    what wrong with climbing on a fire road?
    are the decents good fun?
    "Do Nant y Aran or Penmachno instead though" what the rough distance of these from coedy?

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