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  • Orbea Rallon gets more travel, more dropper, more storage
  • odannyboy
    Free Member

    no, lensfield rd used to be the spread eagle years ago.
    regent st is more central town and a pint in a pub with a dj on a sat night on regent st would be….about £4.00 fair play in my book. 😉

    Free Member

    thread says "in the uk"

    "the snug" in cambridge- do not go there!!
    they have lefee on tap so i thought "oh never see that on draught and its not that cheap in bottles(even in the supermarket)so draught is always cheaper isnt it?
    had a pint of it (and the crafty buggers do table service in there so you dont know till youre leaving, how much you actually will be paying)
    £5.50!! wtf. i was reeling for hours!
    just to explain this is a quite pub, on the outskirts of central town on a week night.disgusting.

    Free Member

    ive seen these in other halfords stores. why the deluge of unneeded unwanted frames??? as far as i know you can buy/they dont sell bare frames.
    warranty claim items??

    Free Member

    google burkini or burquini. ill say no more.
    then google the story about the french swimming pool and burkini…

    guys jogged past me once and tripped up and fell to the ground.he immediattly does ten press ups and tried to make out he had meant to do it!cracked me up for hours.

    someone in my town felt the urge to write "appocalypse now" on a high up chimmney, only thing is they spelt appocalypse wrongly so stopped and did a second (now correct) attempt below.both have been there for
    years… 😆

    on my commute to work i saw a lot of colorful characters mainly in the rougher part of was a guy who casually passed me on a pink fold up ladies shopper was warm so he was in t shirt and jeans like me
    but also a full balaclava! only had eye holes!i thought it was a wind up (or a really low budget bank raid!) untill i saw him again a week later 😯

    i could go on.i love nutty people!

    Free Member

    if male pants – boxer or y front?
    if female – silky or lacey? lacey help pull the dirt off better perhaps? 😆

    Free Member

    ps should read hardcore not harcore. 😳

    Free Member

    kinky i belive

    be careful where and how you type that tho……

    Free Member

    my saddle doesnt cause any numbness but its flat and hard so like riding on a block of wood.makes my pelvic bones sore.cant see that much could be worse than what i have…

    Free Member

    little spoon 😯

    Free Member

    so as an overview of posts so far, howies is bit to expensive and some have had indifferent quality.this was my whole point in the beginning.
    it not the price so much as what you get for it.i dont like the idea of marketing bods thinking, ok all the people will love this so lets ad a few technical features(merino wool etc) some good pics in the brochures and then whack the price right up and people will then presume its the best available cos its so expensive. its then bought by…people like me who want performance from there goods and skint them selves to get it(but dont) or x5 drivers (que whole new rant)who fritter away loads of cash cos it makes them look like rugged outdoors types…

    just to add, i dont mind spending loads of money..for some thing that performs or lasts. im also with cinnamon girl and her comment!!

    Free Member

    im saying there t shirts for a get what you pay for, but anything over £20 is to much imho.
    i get idave's point is about value for money really but £20 for a single colour t shirt?
    the best is the "hand me down jacket" so called i belive because you willo wn it so long etc etc
    plain ,black cotton coach jacket type thing.simple plain ,good all rounder.
    but over £400! come on thats got to be based on the label and will be bought by…lets say..well off types who arnt worried about money
    but frankly its not ACTUALLY worth £400 to any one with any common sense??

    Free Member

    this is the chat forum….get it …chat
    …not the blindingly obvious forum…

    Free Member

    s'pose you wont get cold on those night rides now,
    handle bar mounted radiator…

    Free Member

    "Your friends are crap if you need drugs of any sort to achieve a good time. However a good beer with friends you can be sober with is usually more fun! "

    just to clarify i was only talking about beer, not drugs
    although alcohol is a drug technically so your comment is sort of contradictory really.

    Free Member

    @realised I was doing this as well. Then I realised I was just drinking to make the people I was with more acceptable. They were almost certainly doing the same.@

    It really gets my goat how people today always bang on about drinking like its some sort of evil nazi behaviour. excessive drinking is bad, as is excessive drugs etc etc.modeation and self control count for a lot.just cos i drink a beer, dont label be as having no self control and those who are tea total are the only ones in control!
    most people in and aroud us have elements that can annoy us ,worry us or bug us.we can also all feel shy, intimidated, self concious from time to time. so whats so bad with abunch of people kicking back, relaxing all forgetting there trobles and other peoples and having a good time?
    lifes hard we all deserve to relax now and again and i dont see my way as a crime…

    anyway face book…. i like it but it worries me.sems too open to people finding pics they couldnt/shouldnt in the traditional way, eg coming round your house etc.also i belive all the main security restrictions are switched off to start with and you have to put them on.shouldnt it be the other way round?

    also if you delete your profile, try reinstating it again later.everything pops back just as it was before deletion…

    Free Member

    best/cheapest source for oil??

    Free Member

    "Alison Hargreaves the mountaineer climbed the North Face of the Eiger at 6mths gestation"
    and more fool her!

    yes im not a woman but i do have numerous children and we have also been through a miscarriage, so,

    keep riding, but dont be a have the rest of your life to get back in shape….

    Free Member

    cheers retro33 thats helpful.anyone know where i could find the exact brakedown for my reba's? RS web page im guessing

    what's the minimum maintanece? im thinking the scrapper seals are where the cr@p mainly gets in so do they need to be cleaned more often or is it a case that if you are having them appart you may as well do oil also?

    Free Member

    come on, there must be more!

    Free Member

    vulcan will be over cambridge on 20th of this month.mid to late afternoon.

    Free Member

    replace his stock of gum with some blue mouth gum from a joke shop etc.sit back.enjoy.

    Free Member

    the wonderous kelly can do no wrong i my eyes….
    tight lycra could have made things even more appealing to the capital..
    and me.yummm

    Free Member

    getting a cheeky flash of a womans thong/knickers when your walking/cycling/shopping behind them.

    the random weirdo's in your town who compleatly go against convention/sense.

    second the random odd shuffle sequence on ipod that just keeps playing the exact songs your in the mood for.

    hearing a two stroke mx bike on full chat in the distance

    the smell of chipshops in the distance, on the evening air.

    top fuel dragsters launching

    when a classic tune comes on the radio,that you havent heard for donkeys
    as your driving along and it brings memorys back as you crank it up and just grin 🙂

    Free Member

    so your winkle is mundane?
    mines not.its outstanding! 😉

    Free Member

    bout time someone came up with a rival site…

    Free Member

    slightly seperate question, but how do people become tatoo artists?
    do you start as a tatoo fan and then get into doing them on people or start as an artist who does pictures then move on to doing them on peoples
    are there any tatooists out there who do them but have none on there bodies?
    always amazes me how people get straight lines on ( moveable ) skin??

    Free Member

    people who mix up brought and bought.
    " i went to the shop and brought a paper"

    why did you bring a paper to the paper shop???!!!

    Free Member

    the one about trailside pooing etticate (sorry for spelling)was great…

    Free Member

    ref sheppie hills cannodale..

    id dont get the older cannondale frame and new halo rims??
    sorry but why mix old and new?i dont get it. sorry.
    can understand restoring to original spec or riding a new bike,
    but mixing both?? 😕

    Free Member

    mostly wearing,
    next to nothing a few weeks back…

    now wearing,
    everything i own…

    Free Member

    roach- that sounds exactly like the stuff i was thinking-cheers.any brand recommendations? do you need to spend a fortune

    captjon-dont even go there!

    Free Member


    its dry and straw like apparently, how can this be avoided on a daily basis?

    Free Member

    this is in the view of "average" xc and trail riding

    Free Member

    take the maxle out and give er a good smear of grease. popped mine out 7 days after a wet ride and it was scabby already,the black coating on they does nowt to protect it!

    Free Member

    like i said run and run….
    i conceed you are all correct 50% is unlikelly and a few percent is more probable

    yes i am a penis…. 🙄

    Free Member

    what i meant was theres a 50/50 chance that if you buy an item you will
    a) keep it
    b) not keep it.

    this is just going to run and run isnt it?
    i think ill just shut up now…..

    Free Member

    i used to work for porsche and i think there exteamely underrated for a porsche.there not a rear enguined 911, so many claim there not a "real" porsche.its like bikes really and all the snobbery that goes with the end of the day its up to you.there much cheaper than 911 ownership and the 968's have excellent weight distibution and good allround power.there also not to exotic to be fixed buy an average mechanic. manuals are best and convertables are mega money for what they are.look out for bodged accident repairs and the ticky cams on top of the engine can mean trouble with the varable valve timing i belive…otherwise good practial sports car.

    Free Member

    i couldnt get the page to open…

    Free Member

    Love this.
    i have yet to tell my father in law the cost of my bike as i belive he would think id lost my mind ( and its entry level)

    you tell work mates the cost of your bike and say " well its only a such and such and only cost xxx as im just starting out. then they walk off with that look of "hes getting paid to much"

    Free Member

    "run of the mill"
    gopping i say…

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