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  • oakleymuppet
    Free Member

    Because people only care when it’s happening to someone that looks like them.

    Free Member

    Can’t we just go back to the age of sail and have longer statutory holidays or something in our new work from home world?

    Then those of us that really like to travel, don’t have to deal with drunk holidaying cretins.

    Free Member

    Global reach is not really the same as assembling a strike force though. If we patch together whatever we’ve got and hope the destroyers survive the perilously warm waters of the Red Sea on the way without their engines going kerblam, then who is looking after the home waters? The South Atlantic? The Cod War with those dastardly Icelanders?

    I can see your point.

    But that’s what NATO is for. We can’t have an American full spectrum capability without spending double what we do on defense. Instead the idea is that we bring specialist capability to whatever party our allies get involved with. We’re an island a long way from any enemies, sending a strike force to the South Pacific doesn’t leave us without any capability around our waters.

    Remember, it’s probably a good thing that we aren’t building too many large destroyers and submarines right now, in 10-20 years it’s going to be about saturating large areas with unmanned vessels – to protect a few large motherships such as aging carriers.

    Free Member

    Oh and Boris will be dead pleased to be extending the global reach into the Pacific with the carriers, but we have no fleet to accompany them. So we have to borrow some frigates and destroyers off the French/Danish/Canadians/whomever.

    There’s enough to put together a strike force if we had to, the fact that we operate alongside other nations destroyers and submarines is all about building interoperability with players who have the same interests as us.

    Free Member

    **** sakes, Empire 2.0. Our neighbors are literally 20 miles away, and this bunch of boneheads have a semi-on for wading about the Asia Pacific region with a carrier and some nuclear equipped subs. It’s really really pathetic. The sooner sections of this country get over the fact that weren’t not 1. a major power, or 2 that the empire has gone, the better.

    Even the Guardian agrees that keeping trade free in the South China sea is important – and it’s important to the many democratic and semi-democratic countries on the periphery of China. South East Asia is going to account for a huge amount of world trade over the next 50 years.

    That means aligning with smaller democratic/semi-democratic countries who have shared interests with us.

    But the economic and political forces pulling Whitehall back to the region are real, and not all built on an imperial nostalgia.

    Free Member

    Totally agreed but the explicit sexism and misogyny of Trump should, in my opinion, have trumped (hah) any degree of aholery. In my opinion.

    But in any case, the point I was trying to make is that ‘othering’ combined with power imbalance is probably behind much of the issue here.

    This is what I’ve been getting at, you can’t deal with violence against women without having a conversation about humanities ability to to “other” out groups and commit violence against them. As violence against women often stems from “othering” or dehumanizing them, it’s partly a derangement or consequence of our propensity to do that.

    Free Member

    The Vaccine is likely different. Perhaps a batch contains something at levels high enough to induce auto-antibodies – or not?

    You’d think QC would pick that up, but who knows – I’ve seen some almighty **** ups caught post-release in my time (which is admittedly not that long).

    Free Member

    How have we not mentioned…

    Free Member

    Didn’t see him as a villain at all. Just a man who had seen too much shit and his mind had snapped. Severe PTSD and no help available. Was he meant to be a villain?

    Maybe not a villain, but he was definitely the wrong un’ of the platoon. Even if it was PTSD, it was a strikingly off kilter portrayal.

    Free Member

    The MHRA would let us know, as TiRed alluded to you – it could quite easily be a batch related issue.

    Free Member

    Mads Mikkleson in Hannibal.

    Wes Chatham in The Expanse.

    Remi Malek in The Pacific.

    Free Member

    Apologies – individual national agencies working for varied governments have gone against the advice of their own European body (EMA). Pardon my confusion

    It’s the individual bodies that contribute and help design EMA policy – in the past that has included the MHRA who are as respected and if not more respected than the EMA. TiRed will quite happily give you his opinion of the EMA.

    It wouldn’t be the first time that individual regulatory agencies have gone against the EMA and it won’t be the last.

    Back to TiReds point about this vaccine being produced in different factories, there is that, there is also the fact that a lot of these facilities are operating in what is essentially a “surge” capacity – site heads won’t tell you they are but the manufacturing technicians will. This increases the propensity for manufacturing error. Which is partly why I have been very worried about the ability to keep this up. Europe’s pivot to Sputnik somewhat validates my thoughts on the matter.

    Free Member

    +1 TiRed

    I’ve worked in QA, alongside Qualified Persons Pharamcovigilance (QPPVs) and in injectables most of my career so agree with that assessment.

    Free Member

    They aren’t “governments” they are independent non-political agencies like the MHRA. We aren’t the only one with an independent medicines regulator.

    So somewhere down the line, communication has broken down.

    Free Member

    If I was a commentator eg Spiegelhalters piece in the Guardian, I’d be making a conscious decision to stay the **** out of this one, as to me it sounds like the facts have yet to be properly disseminated through the various agencies. This is one of those situations where either side could be properly embarrassed.

    Again, there are some very professional medicines authorities here, who I have deep respect for – who have halted the AZ vaccine.

    Free Member


    government policy

    Yes, leading to poor institutional power.

    Free Member

    Blimey, you only need to go to Leicester to find abject wage slavery benefiting clothing retailers. The blame is on the bosses not the workers.

    No, the blame is on government enforcement and poor institutional power.

    I love Paris but I don’t love seeing all those poor souls stranded in the streets and stations.

    Which is also, not an issue with neo-liberal migration per se – but how it is managed.

    Free Member

    That Norwegian press release up there refers to blood clots and brain haemorrhages as if they are the same type of problem. But they are of course polar opposites, one caused by too few platelets, the other by too many

    I’m probably wrong here as I’m just a biologist, but in DIC don’t you have disseminated clotting followed by bleeding as clotting factors and platelets are used up?

    Either way, I’m going to stick my head above the parapet and say that the French and German medicines authorities aren’t idiots.

    Free Member

    The neo-liberals love migration for providing cheap labour and reducing local labour rates

    Please evidence that it’s had any significant impact on all but the lowest wage bands, which could be improved by increasing the national minimum wage.

    whilst keeping up demand for housing and retail plus it’s good for divide-and-rule

    Oh yeah, as if that problem isn’t our nimbyism.

    The failure to integrate immigrants is very visible in its consequences in cities across Europe.

    Personally – I love London, Paris and Berlin as opposed to some shithole like Carlisle.

    Free Member

    They aren’t DVT incidents, it’s clots on the brain and low palette counts in young patients etc – according to a doctor from the Irish National Immunization Advisory Committee. That sounds like disseminated intravascular coagulation.

    Here is what the Norwegians are saying

    Free Member

    My understanding is that this isn’t basic pharmacovigilance that has spotted an increased trend in clotting incidents, but a small number of unusual cases in Norway in terms of age and type of clot.

    Free Member

    I read a statement today that essentially said “All men ‘benefit’ from violence against women, it reinforces the status quo of the expectancy of obedience, sex and power”. It’s a depressing thought, no? If we really want to change things, then don’t exceptionalise it to “psychos” or other it to “monsters”.

    Yup. Spot on.

    Free Member

    We appear to have stopped arguing. I agree with most of what TJ says – I just have a different view of humanity and the causes of violence to him.

    I have to issue with TJ as a person, I like his posts – he’s just got the wrong end of the stick about where my beliefs lie.

    He’s free to his opinions though I guess? My days of getting wound up with forum users are over.

    Free Member

    Psychotic killers are not products of culture or ideology. There is an awful lot of half-baked nonsense currently being discussed around this issue.

    Very few murders of women are carried out by sociopathic men, the vast majority of them are carried out by emotionally unstable men.

    And psychotic means delusional.

    serious violence

    its also the cat calling, the groping etc and also the fear of this happening. Its not just about getting thumped or raped – its also about the continual low level offensive behaviour

    Huge +1

    It comes down to empathy doesn’t it, try to imagine walking in the shoes of someone who doesn’t feel as secure physically. The fact than men are the majority of the victims of violence doesn’t mean to say that womens feelings on the matter can be invalidated.

    Free Member


    They probably view last nights protestors as being the same types of leftists that turn up to BLM marches. Stinks of protecting white-male conservative society.

    But I tend to see the worst in people, so I guess it could be because they were too chicken to try and arrest the fascists.

    Free Member

    I find myself agree with that summary Sandwich.

    Free Member

    TJ, you need to listen carefully here pal – just calling things out when you see it, won’t solve systemic society wide issues. There needs to be a deeper conversation about human violence.

    You’re confusing a misanthrope for a misogynist.

    Free Member

    So calling people out who cat call and comment and make women feel unsafe or uncomfortable is a help.


    Free Member

    To me it’s dangerous to bundle up the average male man child in with deranged psycho killers when discussing solutions to help those that can’t defend themselves. Both need dealing with. They are very different.


    But I reckon there’s a huge overlap on the venn diagram of women hating self-proclaimed incels and alt-right racists. The same pattern of placing your locus of control outside oneself leads to both belief system – and I’d place good money that both subcultures lead to increased attacks on their targets of hate. This is what society needs to be taught, there needs to be mindfulness taught at a young age.

    Free Member

    *edit – not the best analogy. I think ‘potentially violent’ is more the case than ‘intrinsically violent’


    Free Member

    If you’re justifying or have been co-opted into something, you’ve already gone wrong and you have lost or unburdened your own sense of self-responsibility.

    A baker, is a baker whether they decided to do it for fun or not.

    Free Member

    Every baby is born with no inbuilt knowledge of what a male or female is, the same way they don’t know the difference skin colour makes to a person.

    Agree with a lot of that.

    Humans are however, built in with an ability to dehumanise. As soon as you “other” women or minorities, you lay the foundations for violence.

    Like anything, it’s a complex mix of nature vs nurture.

    Society needs to gain a better understanding and awareness of dehumanisation and it’s use as a defence mechanism for the ego – eg “my life is shit – it must be the Jews, Women, Muslims, Romanians” etc and how we’re emotionally co-opted into state based violence that kills men, women and children.

    Free Member

    Said without any hint of irony there TJ.

    Free Member
    Free Member

    We agree to disagree. This is a disagreement over the human condition, I think all of us are capable of dehumanising others and either subjecting them to violence, justifying it or standing by without saying anything – and that’s something we have to be mindful of.

    You clearly have never dehumanised anyone, so we’ll leave it at that.

    Free Member

    You’re just serving to evidence my point there TJ, with that tone.

    Free Member

    More bullshit oakleymuppet. You are part of the problem

    Case in point.

    ?? Am I right in understanding that you are claiming that ‘most men’ are intrinsically violent?

    Most humans are capable of being co-opted into or justifying violence, again – I can’t see the surprise in that to be honest considering humanities illustrious history. Which I guess isn’t actually surprising as only a small minority of westerners have ever witnessed conflict.

    Free Member

    Please define ‘evil’ in the context of your claim?

    The narcissistic sociopatjs that Daz mentioned.

    Violence towards women is deeply intertwined with our species and societies ability to commit and justify violence against our-groups and their women and children.

    Free Member

    Dolphins are bastards as well


    But we must be careful not to anthropomorphize their behavior, whether it be cute, smart, or horrid.

    Free Member

    And yet the vast majority of us live our lives in the exact opposite manner you describe. All you’re doing is excusing the abhorrent actions of a minority by saying ‘it’s human nature’. It’s not, it’s the nature of a few bullies who use their aggression and narcissism to make everyone think it’s normal.

    The history of human conflict suggests that it’s not a minority who are predisposed and can be co-opted into violence under the right conditions. It’s men and women in general.

    If you “other” violence and claim that it’s a minority that take part in it, you excuse most men and if you think that it’s a tiny minority of narcissistic sociopaths who partake in violence – well you can’t cure evil so what’s the point of this discussion again?

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