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  • Fox 36 Float Factory GRIP2 Review
  • oakleymuppet
    Free Member

    It’s all the same WiFi network (via Lynkeys mesh WiFi) the lynksys app i can see the TV, and it’s connected via 2.4ghz (not 5).

    2.4 is generally shit unless you’re running a 3×3/4×4 mu-mimo type setup – 10er on it being because the tvs right up against the wall. If I place my somewhat costly 4×4 mu-mimo transmitter/receiver for my pc in the wrong place, even that can drop the 2.4 connection.

    What category ethernet cable were you using, have you plugged some ancient cat 3 cable into it?

    Free Member

    I suspect that you’re correct when you say that QE could be implemented in a more effective and equitable manner Daz.

    Free Member

    HAH! White noise has a flat frequency doesn’t it.

    Free Member

    Cherry picking companies that have done well during COVID is a strategy not without risks, depending on whether you think they’re overvalued.

    I’m mostly talking about tracker funds and managed equities funds, not people actively managing their own investments like you fin.

    Free Member

    Partly, if we weren’t implementing QE we’d be really **** though Daz.

    They’re also moving because they understand that the drop in equities was caused by a relatively short lived pandemic in terms of economic timelines. In the long term, equities go up – buying in at a low is just a natural part of the markets equilibrium.

    Free Member

    I see that investors in the US are switching from treasury bonds into equities; herd mentality in jumping on the bandwagon as share prices rise?

    And they should be

    If they are buying low and investing on a 5-20 year timeline they aren’t going to lose anything.

    values from 2021 into 2022 then it will collapse as there is little or no “real value”

    Expand please.

    Free Member

    Good coffeee and homemade cakes/pastries – what makes life interesting is variation, I’ve had enough of eating the same mass produced frozen cakes that are bought in by cafes.

    Dogs are welcome by me, the kids can **** off though.

    +1 never been given a headache by a dog, been given plenty of headaches by kids screaming 10-20hz white noise. :D

    Free Member


    How do you end up on the receiving end of inspections from both the FAA/CAA and the MHRA?

    Free Member

    I hear on the news today, that we’re first to approve the new vaccine but that Europe claim their checks are safer than ours.

    That’s political posturing – the MHRA are better than the French and German equivalents.

    The FDA, by contrast, is a slick professional organisation of full-time employees.

    +1 the people who stress me out the most are FDA inspectors. I’ve always found that their approach is that you are a criminal and you are guilty until proven innocent.

    Free Member

    mmm… but that’s another area where there isn’t universal agreement on the best solution. Whilst clearly we are heading to an electric world, digging up a finite resource to make Li batteries is not necessarily environmentally or strategically a perfect solution. Political intervention means we have this weird situation where its financially attractive for some company car owners to buy hybrids that will be used in a really inefficient way. There’s a significant number of people who think the government should be investing in (or encouraging business to invest in) hydrogen rather than lithium

    Again it’s not really the public who are leading calls for hydrogen, they are the political and business classes – just a different group of them. The general public don’t drive opinion making, those two classes and the media do. And whenever something sensible comes along like vaccines, seat belts, self-driving cars and cleaner energy forms – there are always, always members of the general public who resist it just because they skim read and regurgitate an article in the Daily Mail or infowars.

    Current li cars have an average lifetime co2 output of 125g/km – fuel cells have about 120g/km. Fuel cell emissions will only drop when hydrogen production is cleaner.

    Free Member

    So there’s a huge amount of plastic waste in single-use bioreactors – hopefully, the PR people will keep that out the press, cos it doesn’t fit with the eco arguments! FWIW I don’t think you can scale up to replacing a substantial part of the UK diet with little bioreactors – it’s not a few hundred milligrams of pharmaceutical per person we are talking about.

    Single use bioreactors are still better for the environment as you aren’t using a **** tonne of energy and chemicals during campaign cleans.

    I can quite easily see them replacing battery farming methods.

    Shipping materials around the world can in some circumstances be cleaner than sourcing locally as well. Especially if it means more land can be rewilded, without having to extra sites/supply that’s not actually needed.

    So you think it’s sensible that we all blindly follow the commercially led arguments that this is what’s good for us? Is questioning not, in fact, the healthy option – which forces the debate and evidence of the claims to come out and counter-arguments to be considered?

    If commercial business listened to the proles we’d all be driving around in v8 gas guzzlers with no seat belts. It’s not the public that’s driving the move to more economical and safer cars, it’s the business and political classes.

    Free Member

    Pretty sure the average Chinese person still puts out half to a third of the co2 that westerners are responsible for.

    Blaming population is just a convenient way to scapegoat the global poors/peasantry. As soon as UKIP latch on to that argument and synthesise nativism with conservationism/environmentalism we’re all ****.

    But yeah….oh noo Chynahhhhs coming to get us

    Free Member

    Nope. Far to late for that. Exploitation of our planets animals is one of the reasons there are too many of us present to achieve your above wishes.

    There’s not too many people, there’s just too many westerners.

    Free Member

    (scaled up lab grown meat is basically going to be a big biochemistry facility)?

    It’ll be more like a biologics facility, single use bioreactors – no need for as much steel and piping.

    Recyclable single use bioreactors are also in development.

    Free Member

    (Trump appears to be more popular than the Republican party, IYKWIM).

    As with all populist movements, the charismatic strong man leader is always more popular than the party.

    Free Member

    I really like Macs, as that sums up how the last month has felt.

    Not done it yet, still waiting on the new contract.

    Free Member

    An AVR for using a centre speaker with a tv and decoding 5.1 to 3.1

    Amp with optical input for stereo.

    I can’t tell the difference in sound quality between amps unless they’re really shit, so get the AVR – yes I’m an audiophile philistine but the EQ and bass management oftware that comes with even cheap Yamaha AVRs can make a huge difference to sound.

    Free Member

    Yes. Muppets!

    I should have thought of that.

    Free Member

    As recommended to me by a pilot….

    I think this is borderline though, they either won’t get it or I’ll end up in the Guardian.

    Free Member

    I want to get it – but had been hoping to hold out for a 3080/6800xt/Xbox Series X as my 1080 is getting long in the tooth. Proving hard to get one of any of those though.

    Free Member

    No they won’t. People will do it because they enjoy doing it.

    The level of adrenaline that the orchestra is showing at the end only ever comes with playing at or close to that level.

    People don’t whoop and holler at the end of Daves brass band playing the theme tune to Dads army in a Doncaster park.

    Free Member

    I wouldn’t bother to understand it Northwind, all you need to assume is that they are seditious agitators who in a different time would have had the full force of the state thrown at them.

    This is what happens when people decide that the actions of western governments highlighted by certain whistleblowers are equivalent to the actions of states run by people like Putin. The rot and degeneracy sets in.

    Free Member

    “Louise”…….well that explains everything.

    Free Member

    Where is this from?

    Yeah, I wonder if there are any interested parties within DHSC that you could pass this onto.

    The **** need swatting like flies, McCarthy had the right idea.

    Free Member

    I mean, that leaflet is insane but at the same time considering it’s been produced by a deranged lunatic that is a halfway competent disinformation leaflet. Needs some official looking Harvard referencing and the removal of the some of the more conspiracy based language and it’d be a great one.

    Free Member

    6 months

    Free Member

    no Paul I can’t.

    I read this in Hal 9000’s voice, I’m not sure why.

    I think I’m too used to dealing with Amazon.

    Free Member

    The Spice Girls launched an anti-division Brexit reuinion tour……bleughhhh

    Free Member

    Actually, good session players earn decent money.

    I should know, I’m the odd one out but the rest of my family are all musicians stretching back generations.

    People like Wayne Bergeron aren’t exactly poor, it’s just these days you either earn great money or **** all – there’s not much in between.

    This is what paying half decent money gets you….


    One day, when everything gets automated and pop music production is done skynet – humans will regret losing the ability to come together like that and produce art that is such a human endeavour and a shared and collective effort.

    Free Member

    People who weren’t top flight session musicians used to be able to be able to earn a passable wage when the music unions had more strength. What **** classical and jazz players were the loss of those and the introduction of shit amateurs into the live music scene – to both the detriment of the audience and the players.

    However I guess these days, most people are uncivilised cretins so they wouldn’t notice, why pay for a musician who got through music college when you can let Tim nice but dim who barely passed grade 6 play for free and still attract the same idiots.

    Free Member

    Would the youtube model be the way forward for artists? There are quite a few vloggers making decent amounts of money? Surely artists would make more money from a super open platform like youtube, where you can upload anything you want directly to it’s servers with artists paid through view based advertising revenues,

    Free Member

    I guess the public think that not being susceptible to a disease, whether by not getting it or getting it at asymptotic levels – means to them that they’re immune. Genetic, environmental, the innate immune system – none of these things are acquired immunity.

    I forget this place is the home to pedants…yes having innate immunity to fight off the disease and “being immune” are essentially the same thing.


    Or not having it for certain disease. I’ve read a few papers that show a strong innate immune system is partly involved in absolutely **** certain covid patients.

    They aren’t the same thing.

    Free Member

    Yeah, the innate immune system kicking in and fighting a disease off isn’t the same as being immune……in fact having a stronger innate immune system can in technical terms kill you to death when you get certain infections.

    I guess you could sort of have people who aren’t or are more susceptible to Covid because of an ACE2 mutation/polymorphism, I’m not what research has been done on that. Still isn’t being “immune” to the disease though.

    Free Member

    Going with Kerleys prediction, the rest of Europe will change but the British won’t because they’re car and status obsessed **** who will show up to the office just because of those two points.

    Free Member

    natural natural immunity is a fact, you understand that right? I mean, how do you think humans survived plagues and pandemics when medical science didn’t exist and couldn’t provide a cure?

    Says the person who clearly doesn’t understand medical science.

    Free Member

    Back in the proper lockdown you could move house or move into someone elses houses for at least a week or more for a valid reason like the house being uninhabitable or domestic abuse.

    Simply have your lad fill the bog up till the pipe bursts, claim it’s uninhabitable in a letter and email to the university and leave.

    Produce a copy of the letter to any copper who turns up on your door and tell them to jog on.

    Having said which, it would have been even more obvious to the people in charge of universities, but they just lied and obfuscated to save their own skins. They deliberately misled the very people who are paying them stacks of money for an education. Rather than looking after their charges, the Unis shafted them.

    Yup, people have been saying this for years and now Tory papers are shocked…shocked I tell you that Universities are being run like racketeering rings….now middle class kids are being ripped off.

    Free Member

    I’d say you’re lucky enough to be the exception, not the rule.

    That’s what I’m getting at.

    The instability and the Tories/Dominic cummings spaffing money at certain private companies for public projects has been an absolute boon for me.

    Free Member

    Thing is, my wages and the wages of certain other industries are **** sky rocketing – I’ve never been in more in demand. I’m starting to feel dirty like I’m part of some Tory club now….and yet when I try and tell people I know who are public sector workers that the Tories are **** them whilst some of us (including me) run off with all the **** money, they don’t want to hear.

    Then I get exasperated and consider going full mercenary and voting tory myself, might as well try and keep all the cash to myself if public money is going to be pissed up the wall on a no deal brexit.

    I don’t get it, I’ve always thought humans had a tendency towards irrational emotionally driven behaviour but I didn’t realise just how endemic it was. The midlands and the North have gone rapidly downhill since I moved down south in 2008, when I left it felt like there was a new level of affluence up and down the country. The 90’s had felt really poor in comparison, now I’ve returned it feels worse than it did in the 90s growing up. Instead of maybe 1/10 of the population looking downtrodden and dishevelled it’s 1/4 and the amount of homeless people seems to have increased exponentially.

    Free Member


    That was one pissed off director making the RA do that.

    Free Member

    Speaking to some Tory voting public sector workers today after they announced the pay freeze and all I got from them was that it was “for the greater good”….no understanding of economics…no idea just how many of us in the private sector earn obscene wages…. all I could think about was this….

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