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  • nwill1
    Free Member

    Haha…wow come back to thread and this has to be the funniest thread of all time!!

    UFC fighters are not great martial artists, TKD fighters at a local level could beat all UFC fighters, no one in UFC knows how to kick, brilliant just brilliant!

    My only confusion is why wanmankylung and his pals haven’t wiped out the UFC in all divisons!? Not worth it I guess comptetetion isnt high enough?

    Oh yeah and why so many UFC fighters have come to the sport from TKD, I mean the UFC is over run with TKD fighters yet wrestlers, BJJ, K1, Judo fighters can’t hold there own but there are a couple of brawlers that started down the local pub! 😉

    Free Member

    Suggsey – to right Aldo hit Connor hard…the sting was taken out by Aldo being tagged plus Connor was going back.

    It goes back to what I said Aldo was scared and wanted a quick win…he wanted to do to Connor what Connor did to him in KO him and embarrass him. Got to take your hat off to Connor.

    I take my hat off to Connor here’s what he had to say on his Facebook page…classy in victory…

    Thank you for all the kind messages!
    I am extremely grateful and proud to be in the position I am in.

    To the naked eye it was 13 seconds, but to my team and my family it has been a lifetime of work to get to that 13 seconds.

    Congratulations to the staff at the UFC on a historic week in the sports history and an amazing 2015 for the company.
    It is an honor to be playing a part in this great companies continued growth and success and an honor to top off a phenomenal week in the sports history.

    Thank you to all the fans who travelled and made this week what it was!!
    The traveling Irish are untouchable when it comes to creating the atmosphere needed to make a week like this what it was!!
    I am forever blown away by the support of my country. We have changed the game forever!!!

    Respect to a great champion in Jose Aldo. The true greats will always overcome adversity.
    I wish him and his loyal team well on their journey back. Much respect.

    Thank you all!!!

    As for being juiced up…get over it just because road bike racing is full of noob head cheats not all sports are!

    Free Member

    That’s why Aldo got knocked the f*#k out…he went all in, he was in a panic to get in knock Connor out and get out, big difference is Aldo was moving in…Connor was moving out, could have damaged Connor if it would have landed flush but like Connor said “accuracy & timing beat power & speed” Aldo was all in power and speed Connor went for accuracy and timing”.

    Free Member

    Going back to the original point. Aldo was in a blind panic, couldn’t look at Connor, school boy error yes, may as well been me in there…dive…No.

    Coke…who knows, doubt it Connor gets his hi’s from knocking the shit outta folk in front of 000’s of fans!

    Free Member

    Pigface – back 10-15 years ago there were a fair few nutter but genuine athletes now, true sportsmen with a lot more respect than the likes of overpaid idiot footballers! Many fighters are Olympians, true martial artists and highly intelligent people, Chuck Lidell was an Account!!

    Free Member

    wanmankylung – you’ve answered the question…you know little of UFC. The guys are tough and it’s real right from grass roots MMA…in a sport where elite athletes train to cause maximum damage…sometimes folk will get knocked out quick (Connor has now had 4 in under 1 minute).

    As for doping I’m sure there is a fair bit in the sport but highly doubt Connor is. Is certainly a world apart for cycling an the trying is some of the best in the world by all accounts.

    Free Member

    Glad I got up…decent card…Rockhold fight was ace!

    Free Member

    Have you ever watched UfC before? Did you follow the lead up over the last 9 months.

    That was the result of the break down of an athletes mental game. Yeah undefeated for 10 years the guys not stepped in the octagon in over a year so he was going to have ‘ring rust’.

    Did you watch his body language, he stepping in the ring and did not lift his eyes from the floor, he could not look at Connor, he Flickr his eyes for 1/8th second in the stare down…he could not look at Connor.

    He came out scared and panicked, he was hoping to go out swing for the fences and catch Connor with the early KO…Connor was far too relaxed an controlled to have fell for that, Aldo opened himself up in his panic and a Connor did what he does…totally legit…I’m surprised Aldo even turned up if you can call it that!!!

    Free Member

    Less than £1500 will get you a very nicely specced 2nd hand Stanton Switchback…less than 1k will get you a very nicely specced Stanton Slackline.

    Depends if you want new or would be willing to go used and if you want 27.5″ or willing to consider 26″.

    Free Member

    What’s been dud about your RS? I’ve had 3 sets…so far so good.

    Free Member

    Born and bread 2 miles outside a ‘Dugly’ in Netherton.

    Love it at it ar.

    Some if my fav Black Country jokes…

    One day Ayli looked over his garden fence to see his pal Aynuk digging a hole.

    ” Wot yow dewin arr kid “asked Ayli
    ” Arm burryin the goldfish ay I ” Aynuk replied.
    ” Its a bloody big ole fer a fish ay it” said Ayli.
    ” Well its in yower cat ay it” said Aynuk !

    Free Member

    Have you seen the new Ti Sherpa!! (Sorry off topic)

    Personally I’d go Sherpa…I very nearly brought one till a deal on a Ti Slackline came up on here at the right price!

    Free Member

    TBH who ever brought it probably doesn’t need or will not miss the £60k so each to there own…there are people on the breadline that’s mouth would hit the floor if they knew the like of STW members were dropping £3k plus on multiple push bikes!

    Free Member

    Stanton Sherpa, again over budget but they do come up second hand lightly used for £350/£400

    Free Member

    It’s been said but shell out an extra few £££ on an Evoc FR, the back protector not only protects your back (not ha to test that yet!) but it helps it to sit flat an comfortable against your back without anything digging in you (tools etc).

    I used to hate ridding with a backpack found it a destraction when jumping and going over the rough but the Evoc just does not move it’s ace, seems to distribute the weight well too with the lower strap.

    Free Member

    Not got one myself…have a Slackline but I’d recommend joining the Stanton Owners group on FB if your on there. Loads of folks running the, some really nice builds. A few meets arranged through there too.

    Free Member

    I was really torn between a Solaris and a Stanton Sherpa I started assembling parts and ended up buying a 26″ Ti bike!! Doh …I’ve been no use at all but they do look amazing!!

    Free Member

    Not sure how much you will have spent when all said and done but I would avoid trying to ‘polish a turd’. Not trying to be rude but I would consider one of two options:

    1) Save up until you have about £800, for that price you will be able to get a high end 26″ bike fit for a multitude of ridding. We’re talking Cotic Soul/Bfe Stanton Slackline Dialled Alpine/Prince Albert Genisis Altitude/Alptitude etc. For that I’d expect excellent condition with Reverb dropper/good wheels (hope/crossmax) and a set of Pikes, and yes these prices are out there I seen many!

    2) Buy a great second hand frame and buy your build kit around that buy once buy right if you buy 100mm forks and decide at a later date to get a Soal/Bfe etc your bound to want 120/140mm forks.

    If not you may risk sending a lot on the GT only to decide you want to upgrade again and lose most of theoney you’ve spent. Sorry probably not what you wanted to hear but honest advise.

    Free Member

    I read the OP and thought Stanton…then read the first reply!!

    I was contemplating either the 29″ Stanton Sherpa as an XC bike…but was still torn between that or the 26″ Stanton Slackline (easier to swap everything over).

    The a Ti Slackline came up on here at a good price. Haven’t looked back, great bike. 631 Steel is Just shy of £400 new, much much cheaper 2nd, that’s where my money would go.

    If you want much more XC focused maybe Cotic Soul 2nd hand however observation is that the Mk3 frames (tapered/dropper compatible) seem to be a bargain as a complete and pricey as frame only!!

    Free Member

    Don’t panic you won’t become Arnie over the matter of a few months!! 😉

    Free Member

    I think you’d be silly not to get 2nd hand 26″ at that budget..

    Free Member

    Big compound exercises…they’re tough but will achieve the required results quicker than anything else…

    Dead Lift
    Bench Press
    Military Press
    Pull Up

    Get your form right from the get go, loads of workouts online of how to mix and match these exercises and load of vids on You Tube to show you the move and correct form.

    Forget isolated moves they’re just for show not building the solid core strength you desire.

    Free Member

    Just checked back, cheers gelert much appreciated…I will proceed as planned.

    Free Member

    Is it around the red blue or black? I was planning ridding there Sunday but I may avoid if it’s going to be crazy busy!!

    Free Member

    I think your crazy…that’s the first thing I would have seen on that frame and checked it out, given the scratch/dent etc I would have walked away or discussed further discount. He accepted it after seeing it, buyers remorse.

    He’s laughing all the way to the bank “what was I doing buying that bike for that price…can’t believe he took it back!”

    Free Member

    If you would take 26″ they’d be some great options.

    There was a YT wicked pro on here the other week loaded with bos suss great condition for £1k.

    A higher spec 26″ will be better than a lower spec 27.5″ IMO.

    Free Member

    I buy/sell face to face on anything £50 plus for this very reason.

    If I brought something and missed something as others have said my bad! I would take it on the chin, if I missed it the seller probably did too and so assume it was sold in good faith.

    If I sold something and they missed something then generally that’s why they were allowed to inspect it, your ad looks genuine to me with more photos than most…you allowed a good inspection and he was happy with it, it’s his problem now he needs to accept it.

    Personally I think if you got £1400 it was a damm good price for you for what looks like a very well used DH bike. But he saw the ad, saw the pics, inspected the bike and paid the cash. I think he’s a chancer or has buyers remorse due to the price he paid!!

    Free Member

    Any thing over £50 for me and it’s collect and pay cash only! Not had any problems thus far but only sold 25-30 things over a few years.

    I’ve read of people sending forks out and getting a box sent back with bits of wood to the same weight…they tell PayPal/eBay they returned the item and have a proof of return that matches in weight to the original item!


    Free Member

    BMW’s are not on the list, if I could have an estate BMW or Audi I’d be all over it…way above my station mind!!

    Free Member

    Drac…are you referring to the GTD Hatch?

    The Estate is not an option neither is the GTE. Got to say though although the eastate looks great in the image it looks a little dull in the flesh IMO.

    BMW’s are a no. I’m also assuming from a tax stand point they’ll only put tax up on though buying if the CO2 is confirmed as higher than initially assumed!

    Free Member

    ads678 ^^^ that’s a Black Country Joke…get it right!

    Free Member

    I ordered something a few weeks ago. No problems came in a reasonable timescale.

    Free Member

    I personally believe it comes down to fitness, it’s always going to be easier on a feather light road bike with less resistance from the tyres. I personally find the technique very easy but if I do too much soon get burnt out, I now find myself climbing seated more for this reason, however it is quicker and gear for short sharp climbs off-road too. I guess I need to just crack on and do it more to build upon my fitness!!

    Free Member

    Mines two years old, not serviced, had a fair amount of use, it now had an inch of sag online retailer ha asked I send it back for them to inspect for warrenty, hoping for a new one 🙂

    Free Member

    Jam bo +1

    I have a Ti HT, Stanton Slackline, brought it 2nd hand off a guy on here, I won’t say how much but if you search my history you’ll see it…it was not much money for hell of a lot of bike, Pikes, Reverb, Crossmax, XT! I’m fortunate that I also have a Five. Wouldn’t like I be without either, the Ti for XC/trail the FS for the rough stuff!

    If I couldn’t keep both and was in your situation money being the factor I’d buy a 26″ Five second hand, they’re going for £550-£650 from what I’ve seen, run the Ti in te summer, FS in winter, they both have their merits and would probably be great in different ways, if you can stretch to £1250 you could buy an ace 2nd hand Five, the bottom has fallen out of the 2nd hand 26″ market but they’re still great bikes just 1.5″ slower 😉

    Free Member

    One thing prepares you for fighting…fighting, time in the ring, did ameture kick boxing for a few years (late teens/early 20’s).

    Forget traing twice a week, get to a local club train 2 hours a night and run before work in the mornings as well, ask the local club to allow you to spare, getting used to being hit and not turning you head or flinching is very important.

    Train hard fight easy…have fun!

    Free Member

    I own an Orange, a Stanton and a Charge all british brands and love them all, also have a fair amount of Hope parts on each!

    Free Member

    Great 26ers are still great but they’re not cool and no one wants them there are bargains everywhere, bikes such as the YT Wicked Ltd with Bos suspension on the for sale forum…couple of years ago no one could get them they were in such high demand…the guy on here I looking for £1k or reasonable offers, if I didn’t already have a few great bikes I’d be all over the thing!!

    Speare wheels, tyres etc…well, watch this space , some say they’ll alerted be made but with less choice, I’m hoping there’ll be plenty around for a while but if you want to be cool spend £4k on an equivilent bike I’m sure you’ll go a whole lot quicker!!

    Free Member

    Cheers leegee will look at doing that.

    Free Member

    Thanks for all the replies, looks like the Gorilla tape is okay and works but like the look of the stuff Daffy linked I even better, will also be a little cheaper than Stans as I have a few sets to sort.

    As for Andylc’s comment, yes I have a few £000’s worth of bikes but have brought and built them mostly new but saved 000’s on RRP, Reverb £130 new, just brought some new Pikes £340 etc so yeah every £ I can save is a bonus! Yes I was looking at a £10 saving but that’s enough to buy the fluid! The question was not so much about cost but product effectiveness, if it was as good or better I’d go for the cheaper every time on something like rim tape that is hidden away. I’m sure it would be nice to live in a world where I didn’t need look at prices, the day that happens will be the day I’ve got too much money.

    PS my bikes are very nice and probably much cheaper than what others have paid for what I would consider a lower quality/standard, I could neither afford not justify biking equipment at RRP!

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