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  • 502 Club Raffle no.5 Vallon, Specialized Fjällräven Bundle Worth over £750
  • nwilko
    Free Member

    loads around at half day..3-4hrs..
    Borrowdale Bash (Keswick)
    Tour of Coniston inc packamoor
    Hodge Close / Hawkshead / Grizedale great singletrack..
    Grizedale Grunt..
    Elterwater / Ambleside / Hodge Close

    please dont visit the lakes and do eitehr of the trail centres, the natural riding is awsome…

    Free Member

    Having skipped through the USDA summary last night other than 1 failed cortisone test (which following an alleged between the team & UCI/ tour organisors was cleared up ???) Lance as to his original statement has never failed a drugs test..
    This would seem to be key, all samples provided when tested to the in use standard of the day PASSED..
    His defence prior to pulling out of the farce was that you never caught me..
    Given USDA’s entire evidence is not possible to prove scientifically (and this was the mechanism in place at the time) they must accept that Lance’s records stand today.
    The most telling thing about all the statements the USDA have collated is that it paints a picture where the suggestion is ALL Pro’s at that time knew it was happening and were either also doping personally or turning a blind eye.
    Thus is USDA wish to stand on the moral high ground then all Pro’s in the tours in question would need to be reviewed in the same light by the UCI PRIOR to removing Lance’s victorys and handing them to ANY Cyclist that is confirmed as 100% clean beyond all question otherwise all they have achieved is to victimise one individual.
    Their will be no winners in any of this other than the laywers, as all that can be argued is “to what rigour must the USDA demonstrate guilt” not is / was LA clean.
    The sport has moved on (slightly) but all medics / team managers / riders will always attempt to eek out all possible gains that are legal, in the same way F1 keeps having rule changes over interpretation of the rules pro cycling will never be morally clean of performance enhancing drugs.

    Free Member

    fold bike, put in bike bag, carry in via front door :D
    but its a bike sir, what is the problem..

    a mate of mine commuted part of his journey on a folder then took the bus for the rest, was refused access onto bus once due to no bikes (even when folded and stored with prams / luggage etc..

    saw same miserable rules is rules driver a while later with bike in bag and was then no issue..

    Rules is Rules… :roll:

    Free Member

    pretty heavy,
    frame can only be described as dead feeling (i had a cotic soul as well at one point) and the i0 just felt dead in comparison.
    used for commuting and hacking around town its fine.
    but if i wanted a bike for off road and singlespeed i’d look elsewhere..

    Free Member

    the doc linked by Neal can be concluded from one single extract;

    “It will nevertheless be appropriate to initiate research on materials and designs that would
    postpone the collapse of the building so as to extend the time available for evacuation, provide
    a hardened and better insulated stairwell, or even prevent collapse in the case of a less severe
    attack such as an off-center impact or the impact of an aircraft containing little fuel.”

    Essentially tall buildings cannot be built in a manner that can prevent collapse if a sufficiently large plane hits the bulding whilst carry a shed load of fuel (whilst making the building desirable for habitation, ie readily available access to daylight through windows.

    Free Member

    ones dead and has no ability for defence (however guilty or immoral his crimes “could be”)

    the other has tired of the witch hunt and has refused to comment / partake anyfurther (much to the fury of the witch hunt posses.
    At worst if guilty Lance did nothing more than play the same game as many others in prof.. cycling and cheated himself / his sponsors / some of his peers.

    I dont see how sexual abuse in anyway can be compared to SPORT ?
    Maybe you could pop into a local centre that tries to help victims of sexual abuse and ask their views on Lance ?
    Please report back on here with your findings..

    Free Member

    i think consipracy theories are the “conspiracy”..
    much as the victorians used the popularity of that sill game of football to control the oiks of the working class.
    today the powers that be (those scary hidden ones) spend a teeny bit of cash by putting shacky phone movie clips on you tube such that the loonies in society with nothing to do but scour the net, spend their time staying at home (where they can do no harm) chatting to like minded muppets..
    Thus lots of potential wrong doers stay indoors and all is well with the world..
    Best bit is they then create an online petition forum for the conspiracy nuts to use in the misguided belief that ticking a box and adding your email id onto an online for is actually a democratic act and will have any effect..
    Awsome, the internet and consipracy theories must be the cheapest way of controlling certain scary elements of society with them not even realising they are being controlled.
    WWW > information or disinformation ?? 8O

    Free Member

    He’s had that link already but won’t read it because it has words not pictures


    Free Member

    which part of that days events are you hoping to find were a conspiracy / faked / act of god ???

    given the day was a precursor to two completely miserable military campaings that will never achieve anything long term (sadly given the losses inflicted on our troops)

    who was to gain from knocking down a chuffin huge building ?

    much more intresting than trying to debate civil engineering & materials science..

    Conspicary – who ?
    why ?
    to what gain ?

    maybe it was the BBC ? they could have hidden all the paperwork that would have outed Jimmy Saville (and tarnished their reputation) so they flew it on concorde to NY hid it in WT7 and blew it up…

    Free Member

    try reading some of this….

    considering how many members of NY-FD were lost in the collapse of the twin towers, it would be somewhat incredulous to get the NY-FD on-side to fake their statements and withdrawl from WT7 due to their own observations..

    Also take particular note regarding the key elements of poor foundation design / sub ground level void / structural weakness @ floor 5-7.

    Regarding how severe the fire was observed in some footage in comparison to a structure twice the height of differing construction methods is of irrelevance.

    Building damaged from falling materials from WT1&2 collapse.
    Buildings sub optimal foundation structure potentially suffers damage due to ground propogated shockwave from collapse of WT1&2.
    Building suffers further fire damage that goes largely unchecked.
    NY-FD observe bulging @ concern of structural integrity.
    NY-FD observe audible structural failure and move out.
    Building collpses in direction identified by Isacc Newton same as his apple.

    Apart from the above im with you must be a conspiracy… :roll:

    Free Member

    thisisnotaspoon – Member

    My tuppence after having to endure 600miles in a diesel this weekend.

    Petrol – floor it and revs x torque = power; simples! If you try and set off from 20mph in 5th of course nothing happens, knock it into 3rd though and shit leaves the shovel.

    Diesel, floor it, and the engine thinks about it, makes a whirring sound, anddddddddddddddddddd nothing. Then you drop a few gears, floor it again, it thinks about it, makes a whirring sound and then sets off like an overweight Labrador, then you run into the rev limiter at 4000 and have to repeat the process again.

    The saving grace of diesel is it seems to do the same mpg whether you thrash it or cruise. This is a product of slightly more efficient combustion and the above mentioned turbo lag means that airflow is only vaguely correlated to what your right foot is doing, if you built in throttle response that slow into a petrol ECU it’d probably be efficient too.

    1) try using the gearstick..
    2) diesels run massively lean at all times, their not throttled in the 1st place, turbo lag is a function of lower engine speed / gas velocity. A twin sequential CRD can be made to deliver torque across as wider range as a petrol and more of it (for a given capacity) just takes more cost than somewhat archaic hence cheap petrol engines.

    Free Member

    hybrids before getting carried away, start looking into the effcy of conversion (ie how much fuel you have to burn to charge a battery to get back in electric use) its not a good equation, unless you drive it like you stole it in non electric form to gain lots of regen braking charge, but who would by a hybrid and then deliberatley drive aggresively to improve economy, most likley buyer will drive conservatively and hence get little regen and burn loads of fuel charging a batt which then gives back less energy than that burned to create it :roll:.
    Full plug in better, but you shift the carbon burn somewhere else.
    Stop-Start systems, a sales pitch to claim improved MPG when your not actually moving anywhere ?? maybe use the bus / bike on journeys where a stop-start car is worth having as the fact your not moving implies the car is not a good choice in the 1st place.

    Free Member

    cruise not economical..

    think of a generator or a piece of plant machinery thats used to create electricity or hydraulic pressure they are wherever possible run at a constant load / torque output, the load applied and the torque produced are set to the most fuel efficient operating condition.
    On a diesel the amount of fuel burnt = torque produced, as the gradient (hills) or wind changes so the load changes, if you then try and maintain a fixed road speed the amount of torque required to maintain the same speed also changes IE you force the engine into more inefficient operating areas of its cycle..
    Drive with the accel pedal and half an eye on the tacho and an ear on the engine note (and avoid loading it) change gear to maintain a moderat engine speed matched to a low loading and you will burn the least amount of fuel on your journey.
    Cruise is great for maintaining a set speed but rubbish at economy (esp if on a manual and incapable of making gear shifts automatically as you regulary end up in high load conditions).
    same logic with petrol but delivered torque not directly proportional to torque..

    Free Member

    your plumber is lazy and wants the easiest fit possible.
    coldest area of room (in conventional hoese build) will be under windows, cold air sinks by putting you rads under windows the heat from the rad is pushed up and out into the room and then sinks back down to the flow >>convection<<.
    If the windows are shut airflow around doors is a draft and not convection, shut the door and no draft / no heat exchange. take his argument to the ultimate and you would only fit 1 rad in the house and leave all doors open.
    Also avoid micro bore pipe (its cack low flow rates / prone to silting), get a proper system full size pipes / rads under windows soldered joints. If he wont quote for this go elsewhere, anything else is false economy.

    Free Member

    had a crappy week at work and the title of this thread alone has rasied a small
    thanks :lol:

    as to your question,
    sadly i must admit no i havent.. :|

    Free Member

    cant we start rendering fatties down to make green fuels ?
    would be more beneficial to society as a whole,

    Free Member

    I was 100% serious.. many today believe they can have everything now and mortgages at 6times salary are a great indication of this madness.

    Also look at all the junk you can waste money on today that didnt exist 20-30yrs ago, mobiles, ISP’s, subscription TV, pizza deliveries the list goes on and on.. and most are of these new items are luxuries not necessities but still people on decent incomes waste their money and then whinge at the cost of living in the next sentence..
    Thread has run its course nothing new to add..

    What tyres for aspirational middle classes ?

    Free Member

    Sometimes, I think people just dont know when they have it good.
    You are spending 30% of your income on your rent – thats remarkably cheap. When I first moved from my parents, I was paying £260/month (1987), and was taking home £90ish a week – whats that 70%?.
    I survived, and could go out at the weekends too.
    Even now, my mortgage is around £350, and income around £800, so 40% of my income, yet I dont complain at all, and dont feel I have a limited lifestyle. I just dont waste money,I only go out once a one week, a 1 wk holiday a year, stick with the same bike, only replacing parts when they wear out etc.

    You need to sort out your priorities, you either want a nice house, or, live your life spending your income on frivolities, you cannot do both unless you are earning a fortune.

    i contenst your last point… many people are stupid and live on credit, thus you can do both…and maybe get to appear on jeremy kyles show..

    Free Member

    OP.. speak to your parents, you will find that it was normal back in the 60s/70s to SAVE MONEY to buy things, credit wasnt available and you could only borrow a max of 3 to 3.5times your income on a mortgage and that is what people did. Very little property ladder climbing the 80s had yet to come..
    Me and the missis had our 1st child at 22/24yrs old at the time we had saved for a deposit 5% and borrowed the rest to buy a house that took around 1/3 of our income (this is normal) and has been for years.
    Property for normal working class ppl is available at resonable prices for most its just that many think of themselves as above working class and just cant live in a 30s terrace house same as they must have a BWM/Audi/Ipad/Iphone…
    Your stressing about nothing, enjoy life and avoid credit buying consumer tat like phones/tablets/cars..

    Free Member

    except the splitter will be made of plastic..
    its a thermal camera as already mentioned several times – you are seeing heat not sparks.

    Free Member

    anything by leyzene

    Free Member

    Raven is pretty sticky for a trail centre, lots of real singeltrack with no cambered shale/chippings a great ride but the miles arent as easy as at other trail centres (but great fun/secnery), once you join the gorlech thats like any other welsh trail centre and an easier ride.. was their mid week a fortnight ago once i left the carpark didnt see a soul for 5.5hrs till i got back to the carpark.
    Enjoy its a great ride..

    Free Member

    if the fate of mankind will be communicated through wikipedia & youtube we deserve damnation.. :lol:

    as for arguing over who’s better informed on a MTB forum :roll:

    Free Member

    Free Member

    if the weather is what happens day to day..

    but the climate is the averaging of the weather over a very long time..

    isnt the actual argument between scientists how long this averaging period should be, given that not too long ago in the earths history their was an ice age it stands to reason that you could no doubt show anything from the same data set just by increasing / decreasing the time base used to average over..

    hopefully dry & sunny tomorrow for a bike ride..

    Free Member

    Handbrakes are for parking only. You shouldn’t need to use them for taking off even up moderate inclines.


    stop using footbrake, move into neutral release clutch pedal, apply handbrake release footbrake..

    wait for lights to change,

    feed handbrake out whilst taking up drive / releasing clutch thus preventing roll back into cars behind..
    Tis only a mechanical lever with some bowden cable and a couple of cams pushing the caliper pistons onto the pads & clamping discs..
    and electronic systems normally have a drive away release function..

    Free Member

    Handbrakes are for parking only. You shouldn’t need to use them for taking off even up moderate inclines.


    stop using footbrake, move into neutral release clutch pedal, apply handbrake release footbrake..

    wait for lights to change,

    feed handbrake out whilst taking up drive / releasing clutch thus preventing roll back into cars behind..
    Tis only a mechanical lever with some bowden cable and a couple of cams pushing the caliper pistons onto the pads & clamping discs..
    and electronic systems normally have a drive away release function..

    Free Member

    MT500 spray baggies, waterproof arse, normal breathable front…dry enough for all but winter riding (as less sweaty), have some 3/4 events and can only wear them in winter as they are so warm.

    Free Member

    a bike in car would be treated as personal effects (unless specifically excluded in conditions) on your car insurance policy but is probably limited to ~£200-£300 limit.

    contnets insurance may exclude bike full stop.

    if contents insurance does include bike, conditions may be barmy such as “removed forcibly from building”, “removed forcibly from street furniture”, somtimes camping cover is provided along lines of “if stolen whilst away from home eg camping providing practical efforts to secure to an immovable object was made and loss was in location of your tent whilst you are present and force was used to remove covered”..

    I would expect that MOST car, home policys will not actually pay out on loss that covers the value of any decent bike from within car…
    due to some form of excclusion.

    Free Member

    as for campsite owner having no idea on electric regs.. not surprised, last week campsite bod mowed through my cable (when powered) and has bought me a replacement that has 1.5mmSq cores that doesnt even meet UK regs or the regs on their own (camping & caravanning club) website.
    2 phone calls today to customer services has got me as far as, “im afraid i dont have the authority to reimburse your for the correct lead you have bought yourself and dont understand why the one we sent you is no good” ???

    Free Member

    campsites are looking for a unit with integrated RCD, ie the user cant get power through any 240v outlet in their (tent/van/campervan) without it being protected by their own RCD, so your plug in seperate RCD will potentially be disliked (if seen by campsite bod).
    Go outdoors do a combined 3 or 4 way RCD socket combo with 10 / 25m lead ready to go this will be accepted on Caravan Club and Camping & Caravan Clb sites anything less may give you problems.

    Make sure any lead is 3 core 2.5mm2 cable, some cheaper cables are only 1.5mmsq cable which has a max rating of only 16a (some campsites can provide 16a continous prior to tripping the overload out) you dont want your cable overheating if colied before the power trips. 2.5mm Sq cable is rated at 20amp continuous and if your lead is 25m will suffer less volt drop also…

    Free Member

    run a SWB T4 2.5tdi, similar running costs to my old mondeo 2l petrol and similar width/length.
    LWB will be a pain if you have to parallel park or park in multistory carparks as it will be too long for loads of places and end up collecting parking scrapes from others parrking next to beside it.
    their expensive to buy and we avoid using ours if off shopping or parking in town as it will only get bumped by some careless twonk so we use the wifes fiesta that doesnt matter the same..

    gearing is shorter than any car youve driven, by the time your moving you need 2nd gear else you run out of torque as engine speed is too high so you endd up making more gearchanges in city driving and need to work the vehicle harder to keep with car traffic (but they arent any slower) although cornering is boat like (roll & understeer)..

    My T4 is lowered and running uprated shocs, rear antiroll bar, wider lower profile tyres and handles really well for a van but can still be embaressed by any 1.2l hatchback.

    More relaxing to drive though.

    Free Member

    yet to find a shop that would take your complaint seriously why should a forum seller wait for anyone to send their payment and loose a potential sale..

    2nd hand sales on the web are now a pain, far two many young uns that have grown up with ebay as their early buying / selling experience with no concept of decency..

    prior the net and mobiles you used free adds or the local shop window and someone came round your house to view & pay for something they actually wanted.. web is full of many selling junk overpriced and many wanting to buy for nothing as and when suits them with no thought for anyone but themselves..

    rant poor, try the same complaint in your local supermarket and get a reality check, you want you pay, if not please move on..

    Free Member

    ive yet to see a bike thats stickered up as being designed by a car manufacturer look anything but complete sheet…
    normally heavy, low spec and only deserved of window space in argos..
    but that porker is minging…
    only a complete wonker would ride that… should shift loads to 911 buyers then..

    Free Member

    staveley / kentmere ? garburn pass??
    less walkers.. not sure where youd fit a pub in halfway though.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    prepare for major disapointment with parcel farce unless you have a business account they wont take a bike box (too big).. their max dimensions are stupidly small for joe public, bike frame yes.. bike box no chance..

    Free Member

    OP.. just leave it and move on..
    amazed that a fellow cyclist (OP) believes that any cyclist should move out of the roadway to allow clear passage for a motorist, if the bikes weren’t going to use the left filter lane to join another road they shouldn’t be in it (even if it does make your drive 30seconds quicker).

    read the highway code and accept that it does apply to you and your in the wrong.
    Overtake safely or not at all.
    Bikes abreast only force a motorist to overtake as defined by the highway code (ie pass as though you are passing a slow moving car) leave sufficient room such that should cyclist fall off you dont run them down.

    Ive no doubt wasted the time its took to right this as have most others on this thread but at least we tried.. Maybe you should give up road cycling ?

    Free Member

    The following recipe can be followed to make one generic motorcyclist..

    Take a generic pedal cyclist which jumps red lights, hops onto / off pavements as it suits.

    Take general “motorist” from car normally having lack of patience, hatred of all other road users.

    Add bike with engine, allow modified cyclist to now also travel at twice the highest UK speed limit..

    da da.. a motorcyclist..

    ps. not all cyclists or motorists fit “general stereotypes” given than many do its no wonder that many motorcyclists are also complete twunts..

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