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  • A Spectator’s Guide To Red Bull Rampage
  • nwilko
    Free Member

    Throughout this pandemic ive come here to find a source of key info thats not hyped and does NOT raise my anxiety in the way mainstream news does.
    Sadly due to recent new members posting from a conspiracy or selfish free market is all we need viewpoint ive now lost my sole source of valuable information.

    Best wishes all – stay safe – do not feed trolls.

    Free Member

    I have issue with the nimby statements coming out of both peaks and lakes national parks given the revisions regarding travel to excercise. Seems to be great at riling locals into belief that the hills are for them. Mrt have rather stupidly got themselves pulled in, a simple sentence or too about the reduced coverage sold in a positive light of steps to take to be safer would be far better. The parks need to accept that ouside social distancing is the new norm and safer than inside. The honey spot car park how different to your local supermarket. The argument its rife here youd be stupid to come here is also daft id be travelling from the midlands just as bad, but im not visiting your shops, care homes or hospitals. I literally need nothing but the fells and moors. These organisations and nimbys are gonna have a right problem with their stated position of its not safe yet. Please if theirs no vacine their is no binay measure of safe only managed risk. If they fail to act responsible and welcome social distance now when their non essential shops are shut IE theirs little to offer anyone wanting to walk round ambleside, keswick, Bakewell. once we get to next stage and most shops open they will truly swamped with hordes of tourists and have made no incremental steps to develop their social plans.
    So disappointed in the nimby mob rule all this is creating, dosent make we want to make any effort to support their business in the future.

    Free Member

    Totally not loving the hate being put out by lakes no, peaks np and forest comission. Really shows how those lucky few view city dwellers and tourists. Weve a far bigger problem if social distancing in the countryside dosent work given the Gov’t drive to get us back to work and yet these bodies would rather spread hate and encourage mob rule where locals feel vindicated in their message. How can we spread out and us all our open spaces if the priveledge few try to lock the majority out of their locality. Shameful.

    Free Member

    Dvla will not register poptop’s as motorcaravan anymore.
    Even vw CALIFORNIA are now registered as mpv’s.
    So if you want to drive at car speeds legally make sure you convert a shuttle or velle that has M1 type appoval on the v5, m1 being type approved as passenger carrying.

    Free Member

    as an alternative approach.. dont ride in large groups, popular mtb areas (lakes, peaks etc) on a weekend with numerous large groups all armoured up barreling down trails dont look good to the rest of humanity. collectively we as a group come across as load, in your face, self entitled and aggressive (simply by our numbers, speeds and armour/helmets)..
    try riding solo, in a group of 2 or 3.
    with a bit less body armour
    in some more subtle clothing,
    blend into the outdoors..
    just by being in a smaller group we will come across as less intimidating, slow down, expect the unexpected and smile..
    + latch the damn gates.
    if on a cheeky mission, be even slower, inconspicous, smile more, avoid weekends, avoid popular times for walkers (on their trails)
    and take your rubbish home.
    Any dog can be trained – no dog is stupid – its poor behavior is a mark of poor ownership.
    Dog ownership increasing claims – source of that claim or just keyboard warrior.
    Anyone can be an arse.
    Smile & dont be and arse.
    And if you fall off cos you didnt anticipate the dog behaving like a dog – thats your fail.
    1/10 and -10 points for suggesting this all on footpath then claiming its orrelevant.

    To OP i fully expect group in question.
    Large group = fail.
    on footpath = fail.
    on footpath at timeframe with high chance of other users = fail.
    group failed to slow / avoid walker with dog after seeing both parties ahead – fail
    riders in stupid matching club / shop kit
    riders wearing more armour than a stormtrooper
    due to large size of group 3rd party within group has oversized gonads and shouts at dog owner cos hes da man ! = fail

    in concusion,
    dog was being dog
    bikers fail to be civil
    biker has enlarged gonads due to being part of group outnumbering dog walker and gets aggressive
    maybe all in group should stick to trail centres

    Free Member

    Ride my soul “like a fanny”, rode my od trance “like a fanny” and no doubt look like a fanny on my levo.. but have an ear to ear grin and have as much fun uphil as downhill covering twice the distance as before. I love fanny..😮

    Free Member

    Chased a creak on my old full suss for ages, suspected suspension bearings, replaced no diff. Shock bushing no difference. Seat rails swapped saddle from hardtail no difference. Get so fed up i just ride hardtail. Swapped the full sus pedals onto another bike and creak. Turned out the axle of the 540s was dry as hell, regreased quiet as a mouse..

    Free Member

    To think what started as a tory gamble to win the last election has now become a suicidal disaster labour are happy to allow to happen for their precious 4yrs in power.
    Utter ideological madness.

    Free Member

    Op you did 100% the right thing, make sure youre kids are both clear they did the right rhing.
    To all those suggesting emergency tape warning triangles get a grip of yourself.
    If someone is stupid enough to try and pass a trail blocked by a bike they are a fe##’wit.
    As an earleir poster stated ppl came close to driving into a police car with flashing lights.. what use is your tape or other tat clipped to your bike.
    Their is always some ignorant selfish git that dosent want their ride ruined, it dosent matter if your bleeding out your femoral artery youve spoilt their day and need to let you know.
    Be safe assume everyone is out to kill you and either ignore them and their selfish nature or take some bombers too them, wee in their shoes and bury them under a new trail feature.
    You cant live life believing idiots can be convinced of reason. They live in a different reality.
    OP and kids hope your all back out on trails and your kids can get at many ppl are d###s.

    Free Member

    Sandbags on a dam wall and pumping out like mad.
    A prayer for no more rain is as valid.
    This dont look good outcome..

    Free Member

    Whoever’s responsible for maintaining the dam is in major problem.
    The still images and video here..
    Clearly show some sizeable plants growing on the spillway which given their size must have roots which pass completely through the concrete skin of the spillway.
    The fact the plants arent being washed away in the video despite the volume of water passing by suggests the roots are sizeable.
    Failure of the joints between the seperate concrete slabs allowing the clay earth underneath to be washed away eventually leading to the slabs failling themselves.
    Maintenance failure will be pretty hard to talk their way out of.

    Free Member

    Chocked up emotionally at STW response stuff like this makes this place so special. Donated some cash, ive a week off work in mid September and can gladly donate my time and labour.

    Free Member

    If i was selling it and became aware of your unease id sack you off as troublemaker end of.
    If you won the bidding war stand by your offer and pay the bill. Dont mess with other ppls lives.

    Free Member

    So you had a garage you already kept a mbike in.
    Were concerned enough about its weak security to pay for a new high security door to be fitted.
    Then found the new door made it too hard to get the bike in or out.
    And have resolved the 2nd problem by fitting a classically low security garage door that also needs a repaint.
    Are you not know in a worse position than before you decided you had crap security back at step 1.
    If this is a win in any way your clearly David Cameron and have decided a referendum on EU membership is a worthwhile gamble as potentially destroying the UK is on balance worth another few years in power as PM.

    Free Member

    having recently bought an Evo i would add that the assist speed limit is a good thing and should be left alone.
    derestricting as the discussion shows on here between MTBers is contentious and will only be seen as confirmation from members of the public / councils that EMTB’s should not be allowed on trails (after all fellow MTBers cant agree).
    the speeds you can attain uphil are as many have said well below unassiated downhill speeds and make technical climbs a new fun challenge BUT are unexpected by other trail users.
    Argument to remove or increase the allowable speed assist limit is 100% likely to only go one way – a lower limit or outright ban of EMTB use away from paved roads (as the USA is evolving).
    Any argument that the derestriction is needed due to the way the assist is lost on safety grounds is rubbish – be honest and just state i want to go faster and cant be bothered to pedal.
    The wider public and council / govmt will assume the worst and legislate for the minority that act inappropriately.
    EMTB does not need a disabled rider or old rider to be of value its just a different experience.
    I find it has more flow throughout the whole ride, not better just different.
    Im not competing with anyone, but comments on here and in wider world with regard to derestriction are a sad measure of the me me me nature of todays world.
    Derestriction sits in the same category as needing a 500hp car to accelerate away from danger – you know your wrong, you know your self indulgent and self centred and cant face the reality.

    Free Member

    Main stealers well known for using low grade oil, ok spec for fixed 12month intervals on vehicles configured for long life service intervals but charging customer for the expensive long life spec. Well know rip off in VAG networks. Given increasing uptake of pcp deals and customers getting rid of car sooner the dealer knows the engine will last the warranty period and they get to cream some extra profit from a duped customer. Next owner pays out a few years later by then outside dealer network.
    Brakes of full electric smaller in size than combustion engine equiv so wear still a problem, equally given Joe public drive like morons and won’t ever drive smoothly in case someone pulls in front of the the braking events will be as large as today’s cars.
    Dealerships pay a premium for their franchise, yet pay the service guys a pittance regardless of brand, anyone happy enough to justify cost of new car is fair game for extortion it could be argued I guess.

    Free Member

    Anyone changing a car every few years is kidding themselves their doing it for the environment or baby robins. The cleanest car Is the one you have now, the energy expended in its production being far greater than the fuel you will burn in its lifetime.
    Diesel has sadly allowed us to buy ever bigger heavier cars that are too fuel inefficient with a petrol engine.
    Direct injection patrols are far worse for NOx than their older port injection designs but the DI is a major facilitator of increased fuel efficiency. Further DI petrol is far worse for particulates so you need to fit particulate filters and all the pressure sensors to diagnose a block filter, and more egr to get keep NOx down and reduce the rate the filter fills up at.
    Every week on here is someone asking for advice on their next car for a 3,5,7 mile commute FFS use your bike, a bus this is meant to be a cycling forum.
    If cyclists wish to drive for such short journeys and see all the energy usage for their next new car as a good choice what hope for mankind when most don’t even cycle.

    Free Member

    Big pickup, drivers no doubt a murderer or rapist.

    Free Member

    if its a T5 their known to split intercoolers..
    black smoke = lack of air to burn the diesel.
    egr wont impact visible smoke

    Free Member

    find a new girlfriend
    all other options are delaying tactics…

    Free Member

    injectors on Pug HDI need coding to the ECU.
    EGR on HDi known to suffer condensation build up which shorts our EGR power and also (varies between vehicles as to how ECU power is shared) kills fuel pressure/temp charge pressure. this causes warning message, phantom stumbles (normally on tip-out) and stalls.

    if not serviced religiusly the oil thickens and clogs turbo oil feed gauze (as earlier post) and kills turbo which is then often ingested killing the engine.

    The HDi is a failry stressed engine and should have annual service regardless of mileage. Stupid long life oil and extended service intervals kills these things (and all other engines).

    If your garage does not have citroen PSA diagnostic software they are p***ing in the wind as the french in their wisdom use any old fault codes in relation to physical faults and dont give too hoots..

    find a citroen / diesel independent garage that has the experience to diagnose. parts for HDi’s are not cheap and randomly throwing parts at it wont fix it.

    Free Member

    Most tyre places will measure camber,castor and toe.
    But then tell you they can only adjust the toe on the front.
    Find a specialist alignment centre that will adjust it all if needed and ask for before and after printouts.
    Kwickfit ats national tyre will only adjust front toe, don’t use them.
    Castor and camber is not quick to adjust and the manufacturer often dosent provide adjustment for rear toe,camber.

    Modern fwd / awd cars with wide low profile tyres eat front tyres as so much is asked of them.
    Full lock and check inner edges once a month..

    As for straddling speed bumps being the cause don’t be daft a tyre will rotate once over the speed bump not significant in total mileage.
    Less of the load pedal, lower cornering speeds will save your tyres but that’s not a normal driving style for Mr audi It seems.

    Free Member

    forget the vapour barrier it will never seal airborne moisture out, but will succed in trapping the moisture that condenses out onto the metal, your insulated and sealed area will be very damp.
    it needs to breath.
    spray wwaxoi or similar in lower 6inch of all panels before you put any insulation in.
    any fibourous material can become sodden fibreglass/sheepswool/recyc l e plastic all the same if sat in water.
    ive used solid insulation board for lower few inches and all wet areas like inside doors, then sheepswool above.
    ply line and carpet, job done.
    if fitting a fridge and wanting flush to units t4 or t5 normally need foil bubblewrap insulation and no ply line to recess fridge sufficiently.

    Free Member

    What use is a shed the size of a melon ?

    Free Member

    As many people seem to start a conversation today with negative intentions, don’t get it.. if you can’t accept everyone is different thankfully you will always be grumpy and out for confrontation.
    I live life on a basis that if I can’t have a positive interaction with someone particularly a stranger then ranting about their lack of bell, dog sniffing my bag I abandoned in a public place, someone tailgating, queue jumping etc unless you are going to physically beat your opinion into them all you will do is wind them up, ignore idiots, smile live your life..

    But then without being miserable and out for confrontation many internet warriors would be at a loss..

    Free Member

    Awsome event, addictive viewing, to all those involved and that took part,well done… nuts the lot of you – best wishes.

    Free Member

    Major factor in increased spring breakages is modern car design rising rate springs are becoming the norm,reducing the diameter of the spring at the same time as reducing the thickness in the last 15% of the spring gives a nice compliant ride initially that stiffness up under cornering. All great for ride but a really poor design for robustness. Compare a fiesta front spring mk 5 and its rising rate and regularly fails, earlier versions no problem.
    In the past only the pig tails used to fail and often not noticed by driver or at MOT time, these days the pig tail extends far into the spring so the fatigue point is further up and the car needs a new spring.
    State of the road is a factor as is driving style but design also a major issue, much like lower on-board wishbone bushes (track control arms) that are today bolted vertically, great for driving dynamics compared to a horizontal secured Bush with no lateral compliance but now a new common failure mode of Bush to arm bonding failure meaning New arms for MOT.
    Ever sportier sales bumpf is reducing the longevity of today’s cars.

    Free Member

    get to quacks or hospital i had the same after being hit by car mirror, self treated with a split but after waiting 6 weeks when i took off splint finger still cant be fully straightened, xrays then showed bone fragment with tendon had reattched to finger at joint making finger unable to flex.
    you need an xray to confirm if it is treatable with a splint.

    Free Member

    unless you are going to drag a car driver from their car and beat em to their senses any converstaion is a waste of your time.
    youtube seems to be full of angry cyclists looking for altercation.
    drivers dont care.
    ride defensively and ignore em,
    hop on pavement get past then back on the road would have saved all the anger.

    Free Member

    avoid driving with engine under high load at low road speed, such as 4th gear 1300rpm in town, the DMF has to absorb lots of oscillation which wears it out.
    keep the engine speed up and load down for long DMF life.

    Free Member

    bin leters, they chose the depth of survey when they bought it.
    not your problem.

    Free Member

    the fact your asking suggests you believe shes at fault, suck it up be honest save a lot of time and advise the wife its her fault, get the claim sorted quick and reap good vibes.
    or waste lots of time add to everyone elses policy cost, make more money for parasitic lawyers and get it reduced to 50:50 which will still have the same effect on your policy renewal / claim record in future.
    you have nothing to gain.

    Free Member

    Glad your ok,
    i havent read any post but the OP’s – however i expect >50% of the posts have already blamed you for the incident. 8O

    Free Member

    i give in,
    the laws of physics and designing vehicles to be inherently safe in the real world is obviously worth nothing on STW.

    You are all far better drivers then the industry designs vehicles for.

    I presume you are also persecuted by laws on speeding / parking etc..

    Free Member

    dpf actually makes more health issues as particulates remaining can travel deep into lungs compared to particle size pre dpf.
    another case of misguided legislation similar to death of lean burn gas engines.

    Free Member

    visual dpf check, and existing smoke test.
    particulate testing is far too expensive and requires specific drive cycle under load which is not practical for uk mot.

    Free Member

    if you have more grip at front in fwd you can gain speed nice and easy in a straight line and as you are just pulling the rears along in a straight line you get no feedback that you have already exceeded the capability of yiur rear low grip summer tyre.
    until you try to turn and find the back of the car comes around on, you are now a passenger in an uncontrollable car.
    that is why you want more grip at the back as it defaults your car to a safe limited speed and does not rely on the belief you are a finnish rally driver on a rally stage.

    Free Member

    so if not being fat is outside the possible realms of people eating less and moving more,

    please explain how the human body is capable of not meeting one of the most fundamental laws of physics.

    Energy cannot be created !
    It can however be transformed into other forms of energy.

    What you eat and do not burn will result in excess / increased weight.

    You see yourself daily in the mirror, you buy ever bigger clothes and yet still people claim that its not in their control.. accept the facts many people in society do not care and wish to find an excuse for their lack of personal responsibility.

    Please explain why the science is incorrect.
    How does the human body create energy that was not at some point consumed – i truly do not understand.

    Free Member

    Eat Less Move More – the only way to stay / get in shape..

    if you choose to not move much and like eating food YOU are the reason YOU are FAT..

    the difference between mankind and the animal kingdom is meant to include presence of cognitive thought process so unless you are actually an animal you should be capable of accepting that endlessly putting food in your mouth is the reason you are fat.

    not the price of food, or the weather, or your genes
    just your ignorance that you could be in control of your health but choose not to care for yourself.

    Free Member

    World is sadly full of twunts, many of which drive a car..
    Less people cycle than drive so your very likely to meet a twunt driving a car when you on your bike.
    The same ppl will push past you in a supermarket,
    Leave their trolley blocking the isle,
    Be rude and answer their phone in the middle of a conversation they initiated with you,
    Not control their kids ever.
    Moan about teacher training days and then take their kids out of school for 2weeks to goto Florida/ skiing..

    Can’t change them, just ignore, most of society is not worth anytime nor effort.

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