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    Well if we are discussing people that us westerners recognise, a brief non scientific poll of people I work with (predominantly Indian, Pakistani and Far Eastern) Obama, Ronaldo, Messi and Beckham are the most famous .

    It would appear that western politics barely registers for the vast majority of people but football does🤷🏻‍♂️

    Full Member

    Having been in a similar position recently I have just taken delivery of a Yamaha Tenere World Raid. Very rarely for me this is my second one as first got written off on the side of a bus but liked it so much that replaced it with the same but different colour.

    Basic electronics, enough power not to feel lacking, mega reliability from CP2 engine,comfortable (for me at 184cm) and well protected from elements.

    Massive range of 250-300 miles if you fill both tanks, so well balanced when on the move (although a wee bit of a handful to manoeuvre when off bike with a full tank).

    Will easily handle offroad work (do a YouTube search to see what they really can handle), so many accessories/modifications available.

    Very well built, feel quite quality ,and stand up to crash testing quite well 😂

    Possible downside is seat height, I have 32” inside leg and can flat foot if I place feet behind pegs but tiptoe if out board of pegs. I tend to mount the bike while it’s on side stand as well as much easier.

    Oh and the grips are terribly hard.

    I test rode a R1250 GSA and preferred the Tenere as an all rounder 🤷🏻‍♂️

    There are a few versions of the Tenere available so I would have a look and see if any of the others suit if the long range isn’t a major selling point for you (although you don’t have to fill both tanks all the time)

    Also some very good deals on previous years models just now👍

    Full Member

    Hmm, exactly what my requirements were so I got one if these about 2 months ago:

    Although at the time they were doing it for £500🤷🏻‍♂️ but 0% / buy now pay later deals lessen the blow of paying extra if that’s your thing.

    Very solid for a home machine as it’s not a folding one, can be as simple as you want ie on/run/off or various training tools.

    Only negative for me is nowhere to place a water bottle on it.

    Full Member

    Yeah works fine for me. Try setting it for 25 and see if it clicks and starts your boiler. When the boiler is on it will show a little flame on the display when you touch the button to light it up. Sounds like the ambient temperature where it is located is 19 possibly so not actually doing anything if set at 16🤷🏻‍♂️ That’s about the limit of my knowledge so hope you get it sorted👍

    Full Member

    Girlfriends cat is called Cheeky, I call it Landy cos it’s got such a short wheelbase.

    Full Member

    Thanks to all for the help👍

    As described above turned out to be Red A, Yellow B 

    Good to know people are willing to help a numpty out, Cheers😊

    Full Member


    Probably should mention that the new thermostat is battery powered so maybe doesn’t need a live feed? Dunno, I’m a bit of a numpty with these new fangled contraptions 😊

    Could probably get an electrician in but if it’s a simple thing I’d rather not.

    Full Member

    Sorry, second photo was too cropped🙄


    Full Member
    Full Member

    Well thanks for all the good info (and laughs😊)

    Bought the car today, good solid machine and the guy selling is a mechanic ( wife’s runaround) so took me through everything he has done and showed me what may need attention in the future!

    More likely to be needing some panel beating than mechanical intervention given who’s going to be driving it!

    Thanks all👍

    Full Member

    Ah, recognise many of the above unfortunately, mine have always been ocular.Long story,but motorcycle accident, stress/reduced mobility/depressed eating habits resulting in pre-diabetic levels of blood sugar and increase in eyeball pressure (glaucoma). Diet changes reducing sugar and carb / caffeine intake has reduced down to just light sensitivity/blind spots and slight confusion when it occurs as opposed to the mad ‘visions’/incapacitation previous. Shortly attending clinic to see how we address the glaucoma issue, hopefully no long term damage done.
    I did note that during an episode that when I testing my blood pressure it was off the chart.

    I would advise getting proper blood and eye testing carried out if you suffer and haven’t already, other underlying health issues could be contributing, and certainly don’t want to mess about with your sight.

    Full Member

    Ah, but almost nobody pays £40k + for a new car. They pay maybe £18k over 3 years and then get another new one.There’s a difference between list price and on the road price, the latter includes your first year luxury tax etc and is lumped in with your monthly payment. It’s all about the monthly’s 😉

    Full Member

    It’s a fair bit more nippy when your 50 than 22 speaking from experience 😂
    ( 2 x calf tattoos and a full sleeve in last year)

    Full Member

    Can’t comment on the 5, but had a 7 for a couple of years abuse in the Highlands with no issues. Replaced last month with a mint ex-demo 9.8 with 130 miles on it from Bailfe bikes for £4.5k and 0% finance. It’s definitely a big step above the 7. Maybe worth hunting out ex-demo deal at this time of year?

    Full Member

    Me personally, I would always prefer Feshie over Tromie anyway, I don’t find Tromie that nice a glen in comparison until right down towards the end even though it’s my local!

    I would rather go up Feshie, ford the river then down the other side and cross over to lower teaches of Tromie than do the whole Allt Bhran part but that’s just me!

    Full Member

    As usual @scotroutes has it nailed😊

    No need for me to add anything there, that’s a fair old loop there, just watch out for the crossing at Allt Bhrann if it pishes doon this week😉

    Full Member

    Virtual like button getting pressed furiously😊
    Don’t know you, never met you but followed whats been happening and beyond pleased things are getting better for you all👍

    Full Member

    Only times I’ve failed to unclip in an emergency has been the comedy slow speed OTB catching me out resulting in an impressive catapulting effect of bike over body!

    All the rest of my (many) crashes have resulted in momentum and body contortions unclipping me anyway, and I don’t think they would have hurt any less had I been wearing flats!

    Full Member


    Na, but spent some time on the central many years ago.


    Yep, an extremely ironic piss taking username, nor am I a bear :)

    Full Member

    Offshore North Sea.27 years, only another 15 to go….

    *(Just Another F*****g Operator)

    Full Member

    ^no, do not do that.
    You do not want an escalation on this.
    The law is different in Scotland, accept the situation just now re access, don’t agree to pay more as of yet.

    Get a solicitor
    Get a solicitor
    Get a solicitor

    Not all solicitors are equal. Just because they claim to be a ‘family’ solicitor does not mean they are good. Ask people for recommendations.

    Non aggression is the key now.

    If you are wanting a recommendation for one (Inverness based) pm me.

    Full Member

    Sorry if that ^ seems negative, just my experience.

    Hope for the best, prepare for the worst :)

    Full Member

    Been there, had that done to me.

    Contact a solicitor asap.

    Polite solicitors letter asking that the original settlement agreement regarding the access to children is adhered to with an offer to arrange a mediation session through a recognized channel (ie up here in the Highlands it’s Family Mediation Highland) to discuss within a neutral environment, with trained and experienced personnel.

    A settlement agreement,although a legal document, is essentially what is say on the tin, an agreement. If the terms agreed upon are not adhered to, and the parties can not agree to revert back to them via mediation, then the only recourse at that point is to instigate court proceedings to obtain a court order regarding access arrangements. This is very expensive when children are involved and can easily run to the 10’s of thousands if the court orders independent reports to be provided prior to making a decision.

    Unfortunately just now your ex holds all the cards being the resident parent, and with no legal repercussions should she escalate and withdraw access. The worst thing that will happen to her is that a court imposes an order to grant you access.

    This is why it is imperative that you nip this in the bud quickly if possible as any length of separation from your children could have a detrimental effect on them and you, especially if she was to be the type of parent who would use the opportunity to ‘turn’ the children against you.

    At this stage you are not ‘threatening’ anything, but it may be enough to make her reconsider her position. Any decent family solicitor will be able to do this correctly, and it is essential that you involve one at this stage as if the worst happens and things deteriorate further you will be correctly advised with appropriate records of communications kept.

    At this point try not to make it about money,even if that is her driver,or emotion. It’s about the children and the long term effects on them that is important.Believe me, it does nobody any good in the short or long term to focus on anything other than that.

    Truly hope you can get this sorted out without escalation,I speak from experience. I couldn’t and never see 3 of my 4 children anymore. Every day a little piece of me dies because of it.

    If it gets escalated swallow your pride if required, compromise on the money if you can,keep a cool head, don’t ever think you are losing by doing this, as long as you keep your access and relationship with your children then you and they are the winners.

    Having said that, the information below may be of help.

    You really do not want to have the CMS involved, and do not engage with them until such time as there is no option otherwise.

    You can work out what the CMS calculated payments would be on the website, my ex made the mistake of going to them assuming she would get more money than was in our settlement agreement, turns out it was less and for a shorter duration.

    Also bear in mind that if she decides to go the pay and collect route via CMS you will pay an extra 20% (she will pay 4% as well) in fees. That’s right, the CMS will collect 24% of the money for themselves!

    Full Member

    Can’t be bothered watching? Rich guy, expensive Porsche, 3 months and £8K bill later…

    Full Member

    Scotland or England? Different rules apply.

    Full Member

    ^^^ Thank goodness your here to to make me realise what an absolute knob I am. Even though I have never met you and know nothing about you, I shall always be grateful to you for showing me the way to enlightenment🙄

    Full Member

    Aye, that’s maybe fair enough given the outcome!

    Although not like your regular buff, really tight material,layered up, covering a large area, certainly seemed a better option than the cloth ones most people seem to be wearing!

    Full Member


    When I say mask I actually use a buff. It’s a type that we are all issued with when going offshore for work as we have to wear them at all times when transferring via helicopter and when in any areas with other people as a condition of employment. They have some chemical impregnation (sorry can’t recall what) and are double layered. Worn right up over nose and ears, down over neck. Cheers

    Full Member

    ^exactly :)
    ^^ making a point about how quickly and easily this is spreading despite people (myself included)taking precautions ie masking up, keeping to distancing recommendations etc. Given I got it having spent less than 10 minutes in a shop adhering to the above it’s no wonder the positive figures are rocketing 🙄

    Full Member

    1 x -ve LFT on 26th,
    1 x -ve LFT on 2nd,
    2 x +ve LFT’s today (3rd)and feeling rough.
    Awaiting result of drive through PCR this evening.

    Absolutely NO contacts since 27th apart from being all masked up in Aviemore Tesco on 31st when it was rammed with holiday makers………

    Full Member

    ^^😅😅 shared (not)

    Full Member

    @FB-ATB needs more credit for that one :)

    Full Member

    Infinite Monkey Cage on Dreams

    Timely topic, just listened to this yesterday

    Full Member

    No. Don’t have any pets now due to working away but I always find myself saying good morning / afternoon to any horses / cows / dogs / larger creatures I pass when walking or cycling. Not sheep though, having spent many years on the periphery of sheep farming I consider them to be barely sentient.

    Full Member

    Ewan Bloody McGregor

    Full Member

    Eva Green and possibly a wee bit more Eva Green. Not just because she is pleasing to the eye.

    Also Gary Oldman, not quite as pleasing to the eye for my taste but very good imo.

    Full Member

    When the 45 year old platform your on 130 miles north east of Sumburgh is rolling about like a wee fishing boat you tend to have a very nervous nights sleep I can tell you ;)

    Full Member

    If you google my name (shared with actors and an animal trainer) over 16 million results appear. I haven’t bothered to go through them all to see where I rank but it’s not in the first 20 pages :)

    Full Member

    a waste of skin …

    Lower than a snakes belly…

    Usually preceded by ‘That c…s’

    Full Member

    More riding (distance and height) but definite decrease in fitness and it shows when back out on non assited bikes.

    Thats on a full fat bike, I am toying with going half fat as a compromise.

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