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  • The Bossnut is back! Calibre’s bargain bouncer goes 29
  • nsdog
    Free Member

    I think you are right, just found a similar explaination here

    Rayleigh scattering is the phenomenon that explains the color of the sky, where light of shorter wavelengths gets scattered by the air by the inverse of the fourth power of the wavelength as given in the comic. In the visibile spectrum, blue light has a wavelength of 450–495 nm while violet has a shorter wavelength of 380–450 nm. Violet light does indeed get scattered more than blue light, however the lower portion of the spectrum for sunlight consists of blue light and eyes are much more sensitive to blue light than violet light. This leaves the impression of a blue sky.

    Free Member

    Look forget the mirror question, what’s the answer to the blue/violet question?

    Free Member

    Sorry, game over.

    Free Member

    That is a great pic of a bloke having a wee.

    Free Member

    toys19 ex of this parish has an xs, he’s tiny though at 5.5 or something. If you are in Devon I expect toys might let you have a go on his.

    Can I ask why do you think the xs would be good and not the s?

    Free Member


    I guess I am too used to CRC, who’s search and sort ability is “almost” spot on. For those of us that like to mull over all the choices and compare every detail, these things are important.

    I’m sure I don’t need to tell you but it’s all about “reducing barriers to sales” innit.

    Free Member

    Slightly OT, but see that list, its symptomatic of whats wrong with your website. I tried to search for complete bikes last week, and it came back empty. I often carry out a succesful search (for other stuff) and then sort by price and everything dissapears.There are wierd goings on in your webspace….

    Free Member

    isn’t there a 27.2 lev?

    Free Member

    Boo hoo has nobody ever used the On One rigid fork then…

    Free Member

    my mate has a small covert, he is 5ft 5 & 3/4 . He is fine on it.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    I think dual crown legs is easy, as motorcycle forks are normally ground flat after coating, I imagine having another fork leg and csu would make that difficult as the job is rotary..

    Free Member

    A mate has just bought the Sarcen Zen 2 – Ok it’s not steel, but its uk designed, with pretty good spec. He got it for 570 delivered from Dave at

    Free Member

    A weightless bike that reads the terrain you are riding and adjusts its spec accordingly so when you transfer from dh to road, it morphs from a dh bike to a road bike etc. (With a manual override so you can spice things up).

    Free Member

    I’m fairly sure some of that stuff was filmed on the Woodburg. In fact I know where it is..

    Free Member

    toys19’s 18 month old daughter got CP last summer and was close to not making it, she had mild eczema and there is some interaction between the two. I would be very careful. My two kids had it around the same time and were OK, but the medical advice is not to do it.

    There is a vaccine, if mine didn’t have it at the same time , having seen toys19’s baby, I would have vaccinated my two.£120 not cheap

    Free Member

    Well I think perpetuating attitudes that people should

    adapt to one’s environment rather than go on a crusade to change it

    is actually a way of exerting homophobic pressure, maybe not on purpose, or in your case unwittingly, but perhaps you should think about your mistake instead of taking this entrenched position.

    Funny thing is I disagree with JY about this

    If you cannot see the stupidity of you banning women wearing something to “free them” then nothing i will say will convince you

    It’s like freeing a black slave in the middle of KKK country, great idea, but likely to lead to his rapid death. He is safer in the hands of his slave master. So he will likely choose to not be freed. So ti is with women and the burka, the social pressure from their own society is so enormous, along with conditioning that they think the burka thing is right. In fact they are being oppressed, so the brave step to ban it is a stroke of brilliance imho.

    Free Member

    And who decides that two women can’t hold hands on Cowley Road?

    Is it anyone who thinks they might be better advised not to?

    Free Member

    It might be a flaw but most switched on ladies of any sexual preference or feminist viewpoint will just allow men to carry on being chivalrous and use it to their advantage. No bad thing.

    Free Member

    Love the muslamic ray guns!

    Free Member

    “Binners Law” the 2012 version of Godwins law? Comparing a poster with the Taliban?

    Reductio ad Jihadium. I like it, very much.

    Free Member

    The “letter before action” might not be the same as your previous letter. Read about it, and do it, as it’s sort of a legal necessity as a prelude to small claims action.

    Writing a Letter Before Action works because it is a final notice of impending litigation.

    There is no official legal form that a Letter Before Action has to take, as a spokesman for the government agency the Trading Standards Institute explains. ”Include in the letter all the essential information: what the job was (invoice reference and date), how much is owed, for how long, and your payment information.

    You then set a final deadline for payment. This can be any reasonable period, from one week (it would be hard for payment to reach you in less than a week) to 30 days. 10 days is perfectly reasonable assuming you have already been waiting a long time for payment. But you can make it as long as you wish.

    Go on go on go on. Do it.

    Free Member

    don simon – Member
    Recorded delivery of said letter.

    Good point, well made.

    Free Member

    1) Speak to them
    2) Letter before action. here
    3) Small claims – do it online here.

    Free Member

    Here it is, written after the Grosvenor House Hotel incident in 2003. What footballers really want: Each other!

    Free Member

    There was an excellent article in the Guardian about 10 years ago over the practise of “roasting” which seemed to be a trend among footballers, and how it was really about unexpressed love for each other with the “roastee” as a prophylactic between them to prevent the perceived reputation damage due to any revelations about man love. If true it would seem there are many more gay men in sport than is revealed. TBH there must be as iirc the percentage of “out” homosexuals in society is much greater then the percentage among public figures.

    Hopefully this will normalise as the unenlightened are drummed out and eukated, 😆
    This would lead to more people having the courage to just be who they want to be rather than being afraid of societies perceptions.

    Free Member

    TBH Im really not interested in someone’s sexual orientation whatsoever. It makes no difference on a day to day basis to anyone but themselves and I fail to see why something so private needs to worn like a badge of honour.

    Exactly, it’s like judging people on whether they like marmalade or honey on their toast.

    Free Member

    Yeah, I guess there might be a distinction between the power of the object and how far it’s going. I just imagined that if I was controlling the airspace I’d quite like to know what was going in and out of it..

    Essentially these recreational astronauts are using weather balloons? Are they notifiable?

    edit just seen cougars reply. good find.

    If true, that’s actually quite scary, next time you are flying across the UK you might crash into a teenagers science project and die..

    Free Member

    I know that clever clogs, but it still has to pass through airspace that jumbo’s use right? They don’t umm magically jump from earth to orbit…

    Free Member

    Jeepers what with this and the ball shaving thread you lot are the biggest bunch of prudes ever.

    Tender parts are just normal and the sooner we get away from this religiously induced fear of showing or discussing our bits the better. Come on STW HTFU!

    Free Member

    To protect the good hard working teachers and not protect the incompetent, to work towards removing the red tape and allow the good teachers to teach.

    A person is only incompetent when the process proves them to be, the union ensures that the process is applied correctly. They don’t work to keep anyone who has been proven to be incompetent. It sounds like you have fallen for the Daily mail, where just because someone has been accused of being incompetent then they should be fired easily?? It needs to be difficult-ish otherwise innocent hard working types will lose their jobs when circumstances conspire to make them look incompetent.. (like crap heads who will blame their staff?)

    Free Member

    don simon – Member
    Don Simon – it would take the best part of a year to fire anyone in the public sector who was just underperforming (i.e. not some gross misconduct issue – just a bit rubbish). Especially if they are the member of a union.

    I am actually quite dismayed at this. In many areas there is a demand for excellence, yet in the futures of your children there is an acceptance of mediocre or lower. Further to this I am shocked but not surprised at the unions stance of not wanting to do anything about it.
    I’m not saying the govt is going about it the right way, just that currently by being too difficult to remove deadwood, surely something good teachers would want to see as a few rotten apples anre giving the good a bad name, your children’s education is going to suffer.

    In reality anyone in any job who has been there for more than a year is actually quite difficult to sack. Probably as difficult as a teacher. You can make teachers redundant using the same process as industry, and the competency process is just a formalisation of how it should be done in industry. The issue is that the perception in industry is that it is easy to to be fired, well it is if you are happy to roll over and take it, but with union backing anyone in industry can hang around easily as long as a teacher if they know how to play it.

    Free Member

    is this really a sackable offence?

    [pedant mode]No one was actually sacked. [/pedant mode]

    However I am able to inform you Ms Johnson and Miss Roberts have decided to relinquish their posts at Westcott Primary School from December 2011 and will pursue other opportunities.

    As I said before if they objected to their treatment then they could have gone through disciplinary and got the union to help them and then the courts could have decided if it was sackable.

    Free Member

    If my plumber posted derogatory comments about me or my friends on facebook then I would sack him. If I was an employer and an employee posted derogatory comments about my clients or other employees then I would probably sack him. Seems reasonable to me.

    Surely if the teachers in question thought this was unfair they could go to an employment tribunal and sort it out. But they were not even sacked, the resigned. Which goes back to angelisarvensis point and mine about how crap teachers leave, which undermines the statistics posted somewhat..

    Free Member

    On 23rd Dec last year two Primary teachers in Hull were forced to resign for comments they made to each other during a PRIVATE Facebook conversation.

    I’m not doubting you, but can you substantiate this so we can look at the facts for ourselves?

    edit seen the post above it wasn’t PRIVATE in any way..

    Free Member

    angalisarvensis edit please, otherwise will all feel sad for the state of education. Your/you’re and others..

    I don’t know an awful lot about this, but I’ve been told one of the reasons for moving to acadamies is that the standard teaching contract will not apply and it will be normal employment rules. So sacking will be automatically easier?

    Also the thing about not many teachers being sacked etc etc isn’t this down to the points made by angalisarvensis and others about
    i) hard to stay in job if crap
    ii) Competency procedures help people to improve rather than being dumped
    iii) teachers are “encouraged” to leave rather than facing competency so that they can have a life chance elsewhere?
    iv) more importantly the training and selection process weeds out the crap ones..

    Free Member

    What exactly are you not getting on with? Maybe some of the collective wisdom here can help you sort it out..

    I can offer you a tiny missive – mine, and a mates, air shocks blew through their travel easily, you set the sag right and it feels ok for the first 40-50% of travel and then just goes all squidgy on big hits. Then you whack the pressure up to deal with the big hits and its way too hard for smaller bumps etc..He is shall we say “big boned and I’m a bit of carthorse too. He got a smaller aircan for his rp23, and I just filled the aircan in mine with cut up tommy tippe cups to reduce the air volume until it felt right. Increased compression ratio changes the way the pressure ramps up as it gets to 75-100% travel.

    Free Member

    Or buy a hope split one, pushes on with yer fingers..

    Free Member

    It appears that you’ve contradicted yourself however doesn’t it??
    For a 45 degree turn there is only a 14mm change in the distance that my hand moves. That seems insignificant to me.

    Hugor, past experience tells me you have good grasp of logic, but you have misfired here. I don’t see any contradiction. I never commented on the significance of the size of the hand movement, I just calculated them to illustrate the argument. 😆

    In fact I left the assement of the significance up to you. To quote myself:

    You decide if its significant.

    Free Member

    No. I just think yours and others attitude on here smells a bit. If the cops thought like this no end of civil liberties types would go bonkers.

    Oh come on. Are you telling me he wouldn’t get you to help him write an advert then? Even if he didn’t know a thing about the model I can’t see him not putting any details at all such as the size or what kind of condition it’s in. You don’t need to know everything about a bike to appear genuine.

    Maybe we fell out.

    Again just because you think and do things in a certain way does not mean that others who do not are instantly thieves. In fact it reveals your own lack of intelligence, empathy and open mindedness.

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