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  • Freight Worse Than Death? Slopestyle on a Train!
  • northerntom
    Free Member

    car park at marin trail isn’t too far away, and sure you could pitch there for the night. steep ride back mind.

    otherwise you could probably just park outside up one of the side streets. it’s quiet area so should be fine.

    Free Member

    thanks – yeah will keep an eye out for the stanton and a bfe potentially. Would the stanton be suitable for pump track duties?

    I know i’m after something that doesn’t really exist, a pump track trail bike, so just need something in between.

    Free Member

    some genuinely good bikes out there now for £1500:×11-2017/rp-prod146562

    The nukeproof is a good buy, and would be a good all rounder, as would the Vitus. The cube isn’t a bad bike as well. If you have £1500 to spend, then spend that, the bike you’ll likely get will be a lot better than a £1k one.

    I know people have mentioned the bossnut, but you would soon be looking to replace the forks etc.

    Free Member

    You’re not far from coed y brenin or the marin or penmachno if you can drive. Otherwise there must be a lot around that way that’s not officially marked.

    Use strava heatmap, looks like theres some stuff near tyddyn mawr

    Free Member

    You clearly don’t understand – this isn’t anyone suing anybody for compensation, this is a criminal prosecution for alleged H&S offences.

    clearly I don’t……having skim read I didn’t realise.

    Free Member

    I’ve only ever marshalled once before, when I was injured and couldn’t ride a local race. This was for the now defunct Enduro1 events. I can’t remember the briefing itself, but assume from that it was lacking in almost everything. I was not even aware I was responsible for the h&s of competitors, and saw it as a day out, setting off my mates, chatting to riders and getting free entry into another round. Had I known at the time that there was a possibility I could be sued if anyone was injured, I most certainly would not have marshalled.

    I’ve raced several events organised by Mike, DH and Enduro. They have always been a good standard and I’ve never noticed marshalling being lacking, not that I likely would have noticed. I think the individual above making comments without justifying them is just unfair to Mike and the team, especially with the position they have found themselves in

    My view on this is that it’s a freak accident, and whilst I understand the family would like compensation due to the death, I personally think this is another example of a new ‘suing’ culture, driven largely by the US. If I was put in a similar situation, I’m not sure what my reaction would be, and whether I would look to be compensated.

    Free Member

    I got a £1500 fine for not paying enough tax in 2014/15 through the post a few days ago.

    It was there mistake, yet I have to pay the fine. I informed them I would be invoicing them for £1500 as an admin charge for paying the fine.

    They’re useless, and it’s no wonder, a number of friends work for HMRC and spend more time in the pub than anywhere else.

    Free Member

    if you did nightshift somewhere on weekends you could probably do quite well. you would be tired though.

    Air bnb your current house if you own it?

    Free Member

    or just get them to stick it in a box that’s used and not declare it like everyone does…..

    Free Member

    @Eskay – Wentwood is very much winch and plummet from what I can tell, even if i didn’t find much!

    I reckon Forest of Dean would be suitable if you’re looking for more XC routes.

    Free Member

    reminds me of my old Nukeproof mega, just with the top of the shock on the downtube instead.

    I don’t think it’s bad value for those that like this kind of thing, certainly a similar price to any top spec other brand bike.

    However, it’s not where I’d put £7.5k if I had to spend it on a bike.

    Free Member

    I’ve purchased a few bits of clothing from them. Jumper fell to bits within a few months and only been work a few times. Can stitch back up, but it’s not very nice anyway.

    Other clothing is average at best, and certainly there is a lot better out there now for cheaper.

    I bought some Rivelo roadie kit a few days ago, far better, and cheaper than howies.

    Free Member

    It’s not easy now, especially with all the main stream media influencing people that they need up to date equipment etc.

    Certainly over the last two or three years, the amount of top level British athletes winning seems to have dropped. Tahnee and Rachel are still up there, but in Enduro and DH, we don’t seem to be filling the top 10 like we were a few years ago (Although 1-2 at world champs last year’s says otherwise….)

    I still see quite a few younger guys out riding, being in my late 20’s, most of the guys I ride with are older, a few the same age, and only 1 or 2 that are younger.

    Free Member

    Ah, so I just have to work two extra hours a day and my salary will double! Miraculous

    Down with presenteeism! In my experience, a lot of the people who do stay in the office longer are suckers, and they often don’t get paid any more

    I completely agree, it’s about working smarter, not harder. Let me clarify my point, it’s not so much about hours in the office, more showing the willing to go the extra mile to show you want to progress.

    Work an extra 2 hours a day and get twice as much? How could that work? Salaried means an agreed amount for an agreed amount of time. If you are lucky you will get overtime, but it won’t be twice the salary for just 10 extra hours a week…a dream, yes, but as long as it is realised it will never be a reality

    I certainly don’t consider myself on a hourly wage. I get paid an annual salary to do a job, it often takes longer to do than the hours in my contract ‘suggest’. However, it’s give and take, I can leave early if I need to, as I show that I’m not taking the p1ss.

    My salary has more than doubled since I started work from graduating. I know several people who have tripled if not more. Three common themes between them all, intelligent, switched on, and hard working. None come from particularly wealthy backgrounds.

    Free Member

    I’ve worked for three big corporates, and none have affected me as far as I know….

    I seem to change between wanting to work bloody hard and get up the career ladder, to wanting to sack it all in and become a forest ranger. In reality, the forest ranger would have the shit to put up with as I do, just in a different way (general public, health and safety ect).

    I never understand why people only want to do 9-5. If you have to be there, you might as well work a bit harder and get paid a bit more. I would much prefer to work 8-6, get paid twice as much (if not more), and have nicer holidays (in my view), nicer house, nicer car. Most importantly though, be more fulfilled in my career.

    Free Member

    Ridden constantly for the last 6 years and am getting bored with riding the same trails,I”m in Bristol but have ridden all of the local and S Wales trails to the point of boredom,but don”t really have the inclination to spread my wings any further at the moment.

    I’d be very surprised if you’ve ridden everything. I always find that sometimes I get bored of riding certain areas, then one ride sparks my interest again. I still love getting out on my bike, and hope I continue to do so for a while yet.

    Free Member

    My main observation is that the main sponsor of the current GC leader have been planning the teams successful return for over a week. And have spent significant money with my company doing so…..well before it was guaranteed, or was it?

    Realistically, even when Froome lost the jersey, I don’t think many doubted he wouldn’t win. Especially with the TT coming up. I like Froom and like Team Sky, they have featured and nurtured some great British talent, and cyclings current popularity has a lot to do with them.

    Free Member

    madison flux is a great jacket, especially for 70 quid. Not very breathable but they never are.

    If it’s cold and wet, then wear a waterproof. If it’s warm, then just put up with being wet, as otherwise just get sweaty anyway.

    Free Member

    Depends on how long you’ll keep it for and how many miles you’ll do, but I don’t think you can look past the VW’s just for their residuals.

    Transit is better value for money, but you won’t see that when selling it. With the way transporters are going, you’ll probably lose very little on it in the first 2 or 3 years.

    Free Member

    DH is looking pretty overgrown atm especially in the middle portion – was up there today although still rideable – didn’t do the bottom part but I’d guess that’s likely to be worse.

    Tell me about it, basically everywhere was overgrown. Tried for a few hours, using strava, trailforks and our nose, but very little luck, rode one or two good trails, but most were very overgrown.

    Frustratingly, i think we missed out a lot as a mate went the dya before for an explore and found loads further down. May go another time and follow his gpx.

    Was sad to see a place with so much potential, and what were obviously some very good DH tracks back in the day in such disrepair. Maybe the local riders/builders are using wylie/machen more as only up the road.

    Also, a lot of motocross tracks about so would have thought anything built gets destroyed by them anyway.

    Free Member

    just warranty it and get a new one. The anodising went on mine within a few weeks of riding and then side to side and vertical play started soon after.

    Free Member


    not sure myself, that’s why I’ve asked! I would expect it’ll be winch and plummet rather than just trails.

    Free Member

    A Quantock Hello – Some indepth Qs about the area

    useful thread. I was at Triscombe last weekend and it’s great.

    Free Member

    Spec is extremely good. I would be tempted if I was closer. Had a quick look online and can’t see anything, and it would be quite obvious as it’s a distinctive bike.

    Not a fat bike fan, but purely for the enve bars/DI2 etc you would make decent money selling on.

    Free Member

    I got one on the cycle scheme in October 2015. Left that employer in June 16, haven’t heard a thing since.

    Just take it, it’s a nice bike which will likely always have a use so a waste of money giving it back.

    Free Member

    They are expensive, but as with all things, you can always pick up something cheap if you look hard enough. Whether it’s purchasing from bike-discount, or getting something dodge off ebay or aliexpress, or waiting for last year’s designs to be discounted.

    Polaris stuff can be very cheap, and great quality IME. CRC often have sales on products that get heavily discounted, you just need to wait sometimes.

    Great example, I bought a Maxxis shorty tyre recently as it was very well priced, even though I’m not using it likely for another few months. Buy your winter kit in the summer and summer kit in the winter and you’ll save a lot of money.

    Free Member

    Yeah, I can’t see this happening, other than maybe on managed estates (which has already happened in certain circumstances I believe, although I may have just made that up).

    Wolves, and especially bears, are big, dangerous animals, and as much as I love the romanticised thought of it, as soon as someone is killed by one, there would an uproar. I think we would be much better off improving the life of these animals in their current environments.

    Free Member

    have to agree the spec on the 8 is better than the 9.

    Shimano may be forcing manufacturers to stick 2×11 on bikes to try and keep front derailleurs in the market. Although I think europeans aren’t as obsessed with 1x as brits are.

    I do like the black, but the blue is also lovely looking so wouldn’t worry too much…

    Free Member

    New remedy get’s a fantastic review on – That would be the bike I would go for.

    Pop is all about the high speed rebound tune, I can make my Reign really playful if I back the high speed rebound off a bit.

    – is not particularly true. All bikes feel different, you can make a bike feel poppy relative to how it felt when it was not poppy.

    Treks have the best suspension I have ever ridden, over a number of different models, tracking, braking, pedaling etc, all extremely good.

    Free Member

    Nice surprise though as the stock 30T ring will be easier to shift on eBay now

    Don’t be so hasty, give it a few rides and you might fancy sticking the 30t back on.

    Free Member

    Lovely looking bike. think if i was buying a new 275 bike, this would be the one.

    Basically looks like a canyon Strive, but cheaper, better geometry, and similar spec for the cash.

    Free Member

    this has served me very well. Although did have to buy an extra socket set for it:

    still worked out cheaper than some of the other kits.

    Free Member

    I have carbon, alu and Steel.

    Honestly, if my carbon bike was made in alloy, I would have preferred that, even with the (minimal) weight penalty.

    I think more and more bikes will be made from steel, especially with geometry changes happening so often these days, take Starling cycles for example.

    Free Member

    I would suggest working out the route to work. Check it out on google maps and select the cycling option. Give yourself plenty of time to get there and enjoy it.

    Free Member

    Coming from north wales, we got a lot of Irish travellers that would come over every year. They often pitched up on the car park for my old school, and were incredibly aggressive, and eventually got moved on, after creating complete havoc.

    More recently a group decided to pitch up at a friends uncles restaurant, and set up camp on the field he owns next door. He requested they leave a number of times, until the police got involved. Still they refused to move. He ended up using his tractor to instead block them in, dug a massive trench at the entrance. They agreed to leave if he filled in the trench.

    Free Member

    I suppose if you find the nest, and it’s in the garden, couldn’t you dig it up?

    remove the turf to save it so you replace, and then dig the rest up and put elsewhere? or could just stick a hose down the entrance to the nest for an hour? Should kill most. Suppose if you get the queen, the rest will sod off.

    Free Member

    I find renthal kevlar lock on’s to be very good gloveless, especially with sweaty hands. Need a few months riding to bed in properly though, then they last for years.

    Free Member

    I had the same last night. Heavy rain followed by 25 degree plus weather has meant local trails are basically just undergrowth.

    Have considered these, and a lot of guys who ride gloveless are starting to us them, I also ride gloveless, but it’ll be a while before I invest if I do at all.

    May just avoid trails like this when they will be overgrown.

    Free Member

    we’ve just left BT and had nothing but bad experiences. I wouldn’t go back to them if it was free.

    I can’t not recommend them enough.

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