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  • Crankworx – What is it and why it should be on your bucket list
  • northernerindevon
    Full Member

    Another one for Viewranger here as well…

    Full Member

    Sweaty baldy here – another vote for a Buff.

    Full Member

    + 1 for Endura Cuttlefish.

    Full Member

    Sack it off and buy an Aeropress….

    Quicker, cleaner, easier and better brews. What’s not to like?

    Full Member

    A higgs-boson particle walks up to a Catholic church.

    The priest stops him at the door and says “I’m sorry, you can’t participate in our service today.”

    The higgs-boson particle says “What?! You can’t have mass without me!”

    Full Member

    Fat Chance Yo Eddy in aqua fade… I still check
    eBay & Retrobike regularly. 19″ if anyone has
    one going……

    Full Member

    +1 for the Raceface Turbine. Lovely. Use them on both my bikes. Light and stiff

    Full Member

    Big vote for Salsa Fliplocks. I was gutted to recently find out that they no longer do the Rasta ones. In a moment of improvisation, I bought a green set, a mate bought a red set and we are hoping to cannabalize an old gold set to make our own Rastas!

    Just so pretty, easy on the hand and secure. What more do you need??

    Full Member

    I use a Pedros blowout bag (the 2nd smallest one)which is pretty dinky and holds a tube, Crank Bros multitool, 2 tyre levers, a couple of those tiny LED ‘get me home’ blinky lights and some pliers.

    Its made of recycled inner tubes and the attachment system is great, it doesn’t move around at all and tucks up under the saddle rails and is most unobtrusive. The logo on the back is reflective too.

    Highly recommended!

    Full Member

    +1 for the Aquapac.

    Full Member

    Just a thought – could you fit a couple of the Middleburn cable oilers to something like the KS Lev at the point of installation?

    I thought they were a bit gimmicky but fitted some to the brake cables and the gear cables on my old Marin Mount Vision (pub / town / hack bike) and was really pleased with them. Roll the rubber donuts back, flush with GT85 or whatever every now and again. Kept things lovely and smooth.

    As I said, just a thought….

    I’m in the market for a dropper post and the KS Lev is in the lead – no nasty cable loop and 150mm drop.

    Full Member

    I can thoroughly recommend SLC Garage based over in Plympton. It’s run by a guy called Simon, with a great team behind him. They are members of the Good Garage Scheme and really reasonable on price and they are friendly too.

    My Defender goes regularly for servicing etc and they always have the ‘normal’ modern stuff but also work on cooler older stuff; MKII Escort rally cars, Jag E-type etc.

    They can be contacted on 01752 535327.

    Cheers, Paul

    ps – I am not involved with them financially – I just really rate them!

    Full Member

    Interesting that most seem to ride solo…

    I am in that category too, 98% of my time I am out solo. Suitably prepared. Usually tell someone where I’m off to but not always.

    I like riding with others but not in big groups – like others have mentioned the amount of faff drives me insane! I guess a factor is that I just don’t know that many people locally who ride properly. Plus I am a bit (quite, very!) antisocial and the escapism is always good. But I think my skill set runs a risk of stagnation, especially as I don’t always push my limits (especially on big, remote rides) – it’s that ‘what if….’ at the back of my mind that prevents me really pushing hard on the downhills. C’est la vie.

    TLDR – 98% solo, would like to ride with others a bit more often than I do.

    Full Member

    Plymouth is just rainy, grey and pretty chilly…

    Full Member

    +1 for Osprey kit. I have a Camelbak MULE for medium rides but the Osprey Talon 33 is brilliant for long days / epics / summer bivvying. The Osprey is much better fitting for riding in. Just bloomin’ great!

    Full Member

    Cheeky trails now….

    Full Member

    Aye, I frequently wash my M.U.L.E with no adverse effects…

    Full Member

    Get in! Building my first SS & also not out on a boat working. Count me in!! Charlie, sort out the weather and a bit of surf and we’re laughing!

    Full Member

    Havens here as well.

    I had the same concerns that you did but honestly, they are fine. Lovely rise, sweep, and look blingy as you like (especially with a set of clear Onza Ules on the ends!)

    Couple of big Dartmoor rocky descent stacks and there’s not a mark on them.

    Do it!

    Cheers, Paul

    Full Member

    +1 for druidh…

    So much neater to have it a la KS Lev.

    Plus – it’s likely to be megabucks even in terms of dropper posts.

    Full Member

    Neoair user here too – used on frosty Dartmoor nights in November last year and it’s been great. It might be obvious but for maximum comfort I pump it up hard, lie down then let the air out until I ‘squidge’ into it a bit.

    Having said this I have no experience of the other mats mentioned, just my Neoair.

    HTH, Paul

    Full Member

    Fat Chance Yo Eddy in aqua fade

    My old (’98) matt black Orange P7 custom build that some c***s stole weeks after I finished it.

    Merlin Titanium

    Klein Attitude (blue green fade paint job… noticing a theme here!)

    Fat Chance Ti Fat – with blue Ringle Zooka stem

    I’m hard now, that’s enough…..

    Full Member

    House of Pain and apples!

    Full Member

    +1 for CountZero – sometimes you have to give things a chance to shine &, my word, does 6 Music do that!! Although, one mans aural pleasure is another mans aural pain.

    I do have to confess to listening to and enjoying Steve Wright on Radio 2 as well – looks like it’s just me!!

    Full Member


    Hang in there fella, as you say as long as there are options there is hope. Your post has bought a tear to my eye bobbing around out here in the North Sea. I’ve never met anyone on this wonderful forum (yet) but today has reminded me why it is so great – for all the daftness and bickering we are a great, strong supportive community. We are all here for you. Hope you and Mrs mupetWrangler get some good news soon.

    Thinking of you, Paul

    Full Member


    Sorted and running smoothly. I have to admit to doing it the lazy way (just want to get out riding / lazy / short of patience!)

    Hope video useful too.

    Thanks to the collective, Paul

    Full Member

    Sweet photos Yunki, on a different PC and browser now. Can’t wait to get
    back and get out riding.

    Full Member

    They were serviced not so long ago and haven’t been ridden too much since then,
    so quite liking the lazyish route of leaving the lowers in situ and cracking on. Thanks for tips advice and opinions!

    all the best, Paul

    Full Member


    Cheers for that idea – hadn’t crossed my mind… Where did you get the new decals from? Looks a tidy job overall.

    Cheers, Paul

    Full Member

    Am I being retarded in some way? I can’t see the photos. Why would this be? I am on a shared computer and have tried in FireFox and IE. Had a gander in the forum help section but no avail… I ride Dartmoor a lot and wanted to be reminded of home!

    Thanks for any help and sorry if its me being a ‘tard

    Full Member

    [i]seal them using a chunky strip of rubber (anchovie sized)[/i]

    Excellent use of the fish sizing scale!

    Full Member

    Fantastic! I’ve been on a boat bobbing around the Northern North Sea for almost 5 weeks and it’s stuff like this that keeps me going. How did Parvels bags hold up – I have some on order and can’t wait to get home to test them. Is the seatpack you have a large size?

    Full Member

    I have driven (Landy) and ridden both these routes many times in the past.

    The number of greenlanes in England is deceasing rapidly and it is a shame. I’m always very friendly to other trail users whatever mode of transport I am using. In fact the grumpier the other party (walkers / ramblers…)appears to be the chirpier I become. Kill ’em with kindness!

    The irresponsible minority will always find a way to behave and drive like tw*ts regardless of the legal staus of a particular lane. It’s sad that all greenlaners are tarred with the same brush.

    Live and let live….

    Full Member

    Nice one, cheers for the tips. Plenty to go on.

    Full Member

    Though I was invincible on my tubeless setup on my first big ride out, sacked off the spare tube and tyre levers and patches. What do you know – big rocky Dartmoor descent and managed to put a 3″ rip in my back tyre. Cue 7 mile walk back to the Landy… Thankfully it was a lovely day but I did get bored of explaining my prediciment to every group of 10 Tors competitors I came across…. & there were many!!

    Now carry a tube and a cut up bit of old tyre ‘just in case’. Typically hasn’t happened since!

    Full Member

    My two pennyworth – I have a heavily modified ex military 90 as an ‘everyday’ driver (I work offshore so not really ‘everyday’ but its my only vehicle) and I love it – had it 10 years (many years of getting exactly as I want it) and as I often ride solo it’s great. I have a big subwoofer in the back (if you can’t go fast you may as well have good depth to your tunes!) and can still reasonably easily get a few bikes in, so long as you take the front wheels off.

    There are very few other vehicles I can think of (old Minis and VW Campers?) that have the same cameraderie – you’ll often get waved at by other Landies and if you ever have to stop on the motorway its quite likely that a fellow Landy might well stop for you. It’s always nice to get a wave!

    Ace for greenlaning,pay and play sites, camping, surfing remote spots, etc etc etc

    But, they are a bit quirky to drive and not to everyones taste. Best advice is to try one before you get your heart set on one…

    Cheers, Paul

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