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  • Anyone for Semis? Fort William World Cup DH results & talking points
  • Nonsense
    Free Member

    Used the stanley knife and the whole process including bleeding was really easy. Have to say the fittings they supply make for a very tidy hose run.

    Free Member

    Just to clarify I’m nothing whatsoever to do with organising these “tours” I just got the email.

    Free Member

    As has been said already. Folding pocket knife with a blade more than 3 1/2 inches is illegal UNLESS you have a reasonable excuse. Don’t listen to the Daily Mail version of the points and blades legislation. If it’s a picnic knife and you are on a picnic it’s not illegal. Equally a screwdriver could fall within the definition, but unlikely if you are using it to tighten screws.

    Free Member

    My best friend has an apartment in Sardinia so it’s a yes from me. I think an English version would sell, probably not just to English riders either. I’ve climbed in Sardinia and always wished I had my bike with me. Sun, beaches, biking and amazing food. What’s not to like!?

    Free Member

    You could try giving Fisher Outdoor a call? They distribute SRAM/Rockshox stuff in the UK.

    Free Member

    Make sure you get a remote model. I had a lever activated Joplin and it was a real pain. Gravity droppers are heavy, ugly but work well. Hilo posts are supposed to be pretty good or I think there is a Pure Racing KS post with a piggyback that will fit skinny seatposts.

    Free Member

    I had a 2.1 on the back which flatted all the time as the sidewalls are so fragile. I’ve got 2.25’s both ends now which are much more sturdy. No flats in the last year running ghetto tubeless.

    Free Member

    I’m still waiting for some actual evidence of the huge cover-up by the police? Other than a slightly retarded HOME OFFICE pathologist doing a shoddy job on the first PM? If you read the IPCC report and the coroners report you’d see that the police gathered huge amounts of evidence and information. How else do you think the CPS are in a position to charge him?

    Now did anyone hear that story on the radio about Elvis shagging JFK at Roswell?

    Free Member

    That makes sense. I think I’m going to have to just strip it all down and start from stage one with some fresh tape and rim strips.

    Free Member

    You really don’t want a full on downhill/freeride bike for the PDS. Although it’s lift assisted you still need to be able to pedal the thing up and along some hills. The last sections of the PDS I rode on a 120mm full suss with 140mm forks. If I go again I’d be looking at something with 160mm travel max, regardless of how big you are. The fact you aren’t used to downhill or freeride is likely to make u much lighter on the bike because you probably won’t attempt big drops or doubles. If you really want a coil shock have a look at a 2nd hand Heckler, Orange 5 or Specialized Pitch and buy a new shock. The frames are fairly bombproof and will easily take the strain of a plus size gent.

    Free Member

    At the risk of rising to the bait and regurgitating the helmet argument….

    I’ve been hospitalised with concussion and snapped another helmet almost in half. If I hadn’t been wearing one I might be dead. Which in my experience, is a lot worse than being warm.

    Free Member

    If there is an outstanding warrant for arrest it would have been issued by a court. If they are wanted for a criminal offence then there wouldn’t be a warrant. In either circumstance a CRB check wouldn’t tell you. It only holds details of criminal convictions, cautions etc. That information would be available to the police through the PNC and internal warrant databases within each police force. So in short, you wouldn’t be able to find out if the person was wanted unless the police told you so and in order to trace them, or it was published in the media. They also wouldn’t tell you if they had been arrested unless you had a lawful reason to know. The legislation surrounding the disclosure of criminal convictions changes a fair bit (search Sarah’s law on google).

    Free Member

    My Trek Remedy with all the bling off my old bike. Best bike I’ve owned. I’ll be adding a Reverb seatpost soon hopefully.

    I have a steel Genesis hardtail as well, which mainly gets used for commuting and winter stuff.

    Free Member

    Either Maxxis Ardent 2.25 60a folding or Maxxis High Roller 2.35 60a folding on the front and Maxxis Crossmark 2.25 60a out back. Fast rolling, light, grippy in the right places, works great throughout the warmer months.

    Free Member

    I bought a 2010 Remedy 7 in the sale just for the frame. Swapped all the bits over from my old bike and it’s flipping brilliant! I’m 6’1 and I went for the 19.5 which is just about right. If I were you I would try the next size up after that as well. Trek’s size up very small so you really wouldn’t want to go any smaller than the 19.5.

    Pic and spec on this thread

    Free Member

    Fred – did you follow any of the Stockwell enquiry? You make it sound like the firearms officers set out that morning with the express intention of shooting an entirely innocent member of the public in the head numerous times. Get a grip.

    Free Member

    Depends on the circumstances. It’s more likely than not bravado and willy waving in front of colleagues by inexperienced probationers. But I would probably tell them to wind their necks in. If they said something like that in the hearing of protesters during a protest I’d shout at them very loudly. It’s just stupid and unnecessarily provocative.

    What seems to get missed are that the dynamics and psychology of a proper public order situation are very hard to get your head round. Often very decent people do extraordinarily stupid things when swept along by the crowd. Witness the idiot that lobbed a fire extinguisher at police from the top of a large building. People lose their cool on both sides of the fence.

    Don’t get me wrong. I don’t think the police are perfect by quite a margin. There are some real tools who work for the police and it does seem to have a habit of attracting those types. However, the majority of officers really are decent, honest people who do it for the right reasons. I’m now going to try and make sure I never read anything or comment on anything about the police on this website ever again. Good night all.

    Free Member

    Any of you actually have any idea what police officers do on a daily basis and the kinds of incidents they have to deal with? You know, things like suicides, rapes, road traffic accidents, stabbings, shootings, child abuse, domestic violence. Any idea that the detection rates for serious crime in the UK are pretty much the highest in the world (bar some of the Scandinavian countries, which to be honest, are much nicer and more liberal than here). I’m a police officer. I’m not thick, I have a good degree from a good university. I’ve never hurt anyone unless I absolutely had to in order to defend myself or someone else. I’m not racist, or sexist, or a fascist. I joined the police to help people and I’ve helped hundreds of them. I’ve had my jaw broken. I was on duty during the 7/7 bombings. I’ve been threatened with knives, guns and dirty needles. I’ve been spat on, kicked, punched and had people try and bite me for doing my job. I’ve comforted people after telling them their loved ones have died. Then I come on here to read about mountain biking, but end up reading about what an utter C*&t I am instead. Oh and what tyre do I need to ride my gnarcore lite retro hardtail on gravel driveways and crazy paving.

    I’m all for informed and balanced debate, but it’s totally lacking from most people here. It’s much easier to find negative things to say about anyone or any organisation if it’s all you are looking for. Imagine if we all started slagging off IT consultants. This place would either turn in to the Marie Celeste or need a UN no-fly zone.

    And no I wasn’t one of the coppers mentioned by the OP.

    Free Member

    Quite entertaining. But watching lots of ill-informed, knee jerk ranting always is. Trouble is, most people are incapable of listening to the other side of a story. Much easier to interpret events according to your own ideology or particular political leaning. Not sure why so many people enjoy getting angry about so many things, based on so little information? Must be exhausting.

    Free Member

    Have you thought about a small Trek Remedy? They size up quite small, burly enough for the alps but still light. My large Remedy with XT/ Fox float 150mm is just over 28lbs. Will happily take 36’s or Lyrics if you want even more bounce. It’s easily the best riding and most versatile bike I’ve owned.

    Free Member

    Yeah! It’s the fault of the police that stuff gets nicked. They all sit around doing nothing, wasting our tax money. Selfish barstewards. All those empty prisons need filling up with coppers. Or beat them up with rolled up copies of the daily mail smeared in bile and misguided vitriol!

    Free Member

    Too lazy to read the previous posts but I used to work as a technical advisor for the buying department of a large outdoor equipment retailer if that makes a difference?

    1. Don’t buy a 2nd hand harness. No way of telling how it’s been treated or how many falls it’s taken.

    2. Try loads on and get the one that fits the best and feels most comfortable. Do not buy a harness without hanging in it. If the shop doesn’t let you do this, go somewhere else.

    3. Black Diamond Bod is cheap and very good. If its comfy, buy one.

    Free Member

    For proper Mexican food and if you ever find yourself in Canterbury try Cafe Des Amis Du Mexique. Or if you’re in Londinium try Wahaca on Chandos Place. YUUUUUUMMMMMY

    Free Member


    Free Member

    It’s possible that it’s one of the following:

    1. Lack of over-inflated sense of social standing

    2. Under tamped poncing

    3. Loose band wagon jumping

    Have you tried either of these methods?

    1. Kettle and Nescafe?

    2. Bashing it really hard?

    P.S This is a wind up.

    Free Member

    Nobby Nics

    Free Member

    Thanks. I’ll investigate the stinger and re-think the chainring setup.

    Free Member

    Babystyle Oyster for us. Which magazine best buy, reasonable price, works with maxi-cosi car seats. Been great so far.

    Free Member

    Toombsy I might be interested depending on price. My folks are only round the corner. Can you mail me Jake(DOT)collie@gmail(DOT)com?

    Free Member

    Loved my ’08 Mount Vision, the quad link suspension was great. The frames are slightly heavy, but I’m 6’1 and near on 14 1/2 stone so no point having a skinny whippet bike.

    Free Member

    I’m sure loads of people will say Morzine. It was good when I went but a little too heavy on full downhill type runs. Anyone been to Sainte Foy?

    Free Member

    Pimp tha Yeti bruv!

    Mondeo is a better drive in the dry though.

    Free Member

    +1 for 2.25 Advantage front and 2.25 Crossmark on the back. Crap in clay/mud though.

    Free Member

    Tell her to write down every time he calls, the time and content. She needs to go to the police and make a complaint of harrassment and make it clear he is threatening her. They HAVE to do something about it.

    Free Member

    Contrary to popular belief sentencing guidelines are fairly strict. To get 6 months he’s likely to have a bucket load of previous convictions. I’m sure community orders are likely to have been tried and failed already.

    Free Member

    2.25 is the best choice. I found the 2.1 exception too fragile and the 2.4 is mahoosive. I run a 2.25 crossmark on the back for a bit of free speed. Mud X in winter though.

    Free Member

    The violence started before any protesters were contained! As for officers hiding their numbers at the recent fees protest, that’s an utter fallacy. They have them on the back of their helmets in neon yellow letters for a start!

    You can’t suggest that violence towards the police is justified because they are being detained, then in the same breath condemn officers for using violence after having breeze blocks and fencing thrown at their heads. Try for at least a trace of balanced argument? Go on, see if you can? It’s not a star wars script. It just isn’t as black and white as you seem to suggest, no matter how worthy the cause.

    Free Member

    No it can’t. I know I’m thick. I also never mentioned anyone being exempt from accountability. If any officer acted inappropriately they should get what’s coming.

    Free Member

    As usual the reasonable well thought out and well informed opinion gets lost in the STW appendage waving contest. There is some staggeringly Ill informed comments about police tactics on the day however. I still fail to see how violence towards the police, many of whom probably support the legitimate and peaceful protesters views, can be justified? Any violence or injury to anyone is regrettable. Most of the violence originated from groups who’s only aim was to injure police officers and destroy property. Thats not legitimate protest however you dress it up or however worthy you think the cause is. The police contained the crowd AFTER they had deviated from the agreed route in sight and sound of the houses of parliament and AFTER the numbers involved in acts of violence had reached levels that couldn’t be dealt with any other way. I think certain individuals are blinded by their own perceived intellectual brilliance, you could almost call it ideological extremism. And yes I was there.

    Free Member

    MX5 has to be the choice. Panda 100hp is a great little car but doubt you’ll find one for a grand.

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