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  • BikePark Wales: New 33 year lease to bring many benefits
  • Nonsense
    Free Member

    Looks like a 3 to me

    Free Member

    There really are some utter simpletons on this site. I was one of the officers who dealt with the initial response to this tragic incident. This guy was found not guilty AT COURT by a JURY. The fact he was let off has nothing to do with the police. Sufficient evidence was gathered to charge him with manslaughter. You perhaps need to understand the judicial system a little better. And have a thought for the poor guy who died and the witnesses and emergency services who have to deal with incidents as harrowing and tragic as this on a daily basis.

    Rant over.

    Free Member

    Voldermort? Or Fred?

    Free Member

    Jump in a cab and get down to the Captain Kidd in Wapping. Great little pub.

    Free Member

    Shimano all the way. Much better than the Avid, Magura and Hopes I had previously. If you’re not too bothered about weight or bling then just get XT/SLX. Easy to bleed, loads of power and I’ve never managed to overheat them.

    Free Member

    I think a few of you are mixing up Qatada with Hamza. A few more of you clearly don’t understand the somewhat silly legal technicality he used to get bail. He will go. But will take time.

    Free Member

    Have one of these and it’s by far the easiest option. Heats the milk and does a bit frothy (for latte) and really frothy (for cappuccino.

    Free Member

    I think Lahore kebab house on Umberston street is the best personally.

    Free Member

    The only stuff that really helps reduce scarring (other than steroid injections) is called dermatix. Its hideously expensive but its prescribed by consultant dermatologists and has actual clinical results to back up the claims. A number of NHS trusts refuse to prescribe it due to cost though. Saying all that, my wife also swore by bio-oil during pregnancy and she’s stretch mark free.

    Free Member

    I got cheered on by a group of walkers last time I came down Rangers. Felt very strange.

    Free Member

    If every single driver was prosecuted on the say so of a single stranger things would get a little silly. By all means report it but what exactly do you expect to happen?

    Free Member

    I’d ask to speak to the officer investigating an tell them you have a photo. They’ll probably want to go and lift him and take a statement from you.

    Free Member

    It’s very technique based as well. I’ve had asthma since I was 2 and been hospitalised with it when I was younger. My lung function is actually very good when I don’t have a cold or chest infection and I usually hit between 680/700 on a peak flow. But if you don’t know the technique you’ll never hit your max. You can buy one from the chemist or borrow one from the doc to keep an eye on your measurements over a week or so.

    Free Member

    I wish

    Free Member

    I find it staggering how many people seem to think they know all about policing because they once watched Panorama, an episode of the Bill and are annoyed that the guy who nicked their lawnmower wasnt caught. Its a profession requiring training, skill and experience. The same as any other. I wouldnt profess to know how to carry out an apendectomy or fly an Apache. The specialist job I do within the police is incredibly rewarding and important but it will never be recognised in public and the modest rewards I signed up for are being taken away from me. Funnily enough that annoys me, the same as it would all the self-righteous, mis-informed big mouths on here. I got a very good degree and offered a well paid job in the City. Instead I chose to join up to help people. The current government and the mainstam media are slowly eroding what is consistently regarded as the best police service in the world. Sure its not perfect, but its still the best.

    Free Member

    Best allrounders I’ve used

    Hans Dampf 2.35 Trailstar front Pacestar rear

    Bontrager XR4 TLR

    Maxxis Advantage and Ardent 2.25 60a

    Rubber Queen 2.2 UST Black Chilli (yes it’s worth it)

    Free Member

    Lamb mince mixed with coriander, cayenne pepper, half onion very finely chopped, salt, pepper and a bit of cumin. Form it in to kebabs on skewers.

    Serve with very finely chopped red onion, coriander, chilli, red pepper and ripe mango mixed with lime juice as a salsa.

    Free Member

    Nobody mentioned the new Mazda CX-9? Or is it not Jimmy Choo enough?

    Free Member

    I love my 2010 frame and don’t have any issues with the rear shock blowing through the travel or being harsh. I have the standard DRCV RP2 on it, not sure if that makes any difference. The current frames are even nicer with a slightly slacker head angle and bolt through rear end. They aren’t niche or bling enough for your average STW’er though.

    Free Member

    Tell the debt recovery firm it’s disputed and you will only deal with the original company to whom the contract applied. Then tell the gym IN WRITING you were made unemployed and that an employee advised contracts were not enforced when you signed. It’s a breach of process, similar to misselling PPI. I’d be amazed if they bothered following it up with court action.

    Free Member

    I have a set of brand new MT4’s if you’re interested? No rotors or adaptors though. See my posting history for pics and email address.

    Free Member

    Pesto, Parma ham, mozzarella, rocket, sun dried toms, balsamic on ciabatta.

    Free Member

    Go up Llanberis path. Back down Rangers before cutting through Telegraph valley I think it’s called. Bit of carrying on the way up so make sure your shoes are ok for walking in. Might want some pads for the descent as bits are very rocky.

    Free Member

    Gorilla tape from Homebase works really well.

    Free Member

    Get some Hans Dampf instead. I gave up on RQ’s because of the above, shame because they are great otherwise.

    Free Member

    Lobster and burger. One near Green Park and a new one in Soho I think. They only have Lobster or Burger on the menu. Yum.

    Free Member

    Because you’re much bettererer and more clevererer than the rest of humanity. Stupid humans.

    Free Member

    There are a lot of people commenting on this thread with apparent authority who really don’t understand legal process or what has actually happened with the case. “The Police” haven’t gotten away with anything. There was no cover up. It was investigated by a completely independent body and the decision to charge was made by another completely independent body. Other police officers present at the time gave evidence against him. I agree what he did was abhorrent, but he didn’t kill the bloke on purpose and apparently had no clue as to his pre-existing medical condition. The major screw up was by a Home Office pathologist who has since been booted out. But how is that “The Polices” fault? Bit of common sense and perspective wouldn’t go amiss on this forum now and again. He couldn’t be charged with common assault because there is a 6 month statutory limit on prosecution for summary offences. That was an IPCC and CPS decision. He was charged with manslaughter, bit you have to prove a direct causal link between his actions and the death of the victim. The Jury either felt this didn’t happen or that he used reasonable force in the middle of a public order situation.

    Free Member

    Has anyone read that famous book by Joseph Heller?

    Free Member

    From the first page …

    “theres a big surprise its not like the police have a history of murdering innocent people and then being let off or anything….. imagine if hed done something really bad like stolen a bottle of water”

    Deaths in police custody are investigated just as rigorously as any other suspicious death, if not more so. The fact police officers haven’t been convicted might possibly mean they haven’t comitted a criminal offence. They may have been professionally negligent in certain circumstances. But there is a significant difference there. It’s easy to quote raw stats without fully understanding the process or circumstances behind them. But don’t let that stop you chaps. The ‘client groups’ that come to police attention tend to be slightly more prone to early death than the general public.

    Free Member

    Murder means intentionally killing someone. This isn’t what happened by anyone’s twisted, ideologically motivated, personally warped, conspiracy theorist, misinformed, or idiotic sense of reality. I would bet my dog he gets sacked though.

    Free Member

    I have a Remedy with a slackset. Best bike I’ve owned. I rode a Zesty for a weekend and found it a little bit sluggish and inert feeling. I like the DRCV shock on the Remedy as it’s quite ‘pert’ until you dig deeper in to the travel, where it just sucks everything up. Horses for courses I suppose.

    Free Member

    Chainset is probably a porker, depending on the rings. Those Hayes brakes aren’t very light either from memory of my old set

    Free Member

    Ditch the Avids! Most troublesome brakes ever. Shimano SLX/XT or if you’re filthy rich a set of Magura MT8’s would look awesome on that build.

    Free Member

    Came past my house yesterday. I thought the way it was policed was fantastic. Friendly and interactive, including the Met escort team in grey. I was very disinterested in the whole thing, but found I actually really quite enjoyed it. May have helped that my 2yr old was waving a flag and shouting “f*ck f*ck” instead of “flap flap* at all the policemen. He’s convinced all flags and winged animals make this noise.

    Free Member

    They are all perfectly reasonable bikes. However if it was my money, I would probably be buying a bike in the sale or second hand. For £650 you could get something which wouldnt need to be upgraded for a long while and would be significantly lighter than the ones you listed.

    Free Member

    I think my brain has finally failed after being invaded by my 2yr old. I thought you said toddlers as opposed traders. Very confusing.

    Free Member

    You can get an adapter from Hope which let’s you run 1/18 forks in a tapered headset. Merlin have some great prices on Revelations.

    Free Member

    Although I’m urinating in to a hurricane I’ll do it anyhow.

    The Met have a dedicated team of officers to takle organised pedal cycle theft and have done for quite a while.

    The reality is that although your bike theft may feel like the most important thing in the world. It isn’t. A huge amount o work is done that isn’t visible to the public and the police HAVE to prioritise resource where they will have greatest impact and on crime that the government and public feel is most important. Like dwelling burglary, rape, domestic violence, murder, terrorism and robbery for example. If the police had unlimited resources they would throw everything at tackling all sorts of crime. But they don’t. The police tend (for some inexplicable reason) to get blamed when the CPS decide not to charge, the courts hand out a community sentence, or mental health/probation fail to properly manage an offender. They also get almost no credit for the good work that does go on, because the Daily Mail prefer to print horseshit. But don’t worry, the chronic underinvestment in public services by the current government will make it all better. Spelling mistakes courtesy of Apple Inc.

    Free Member

    Iran as a country is totally bonkers and is run by people who are bonkers. They openly state they want to destroy Israel, they arm extremists in Iraq, Pakistan, Yemen and Aghanistan. If they gained a nuclear capability it would be a really bad thing for everyone. Regardless of how twatty Israeli and US foreign policy is or has been.

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