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  • Nonsense
    Free Member

    If you re-read my original post I agreed that the service you got was well below what it should have been. I also think the police can do a much better job.

    What annoys me is the kind of stuff I have to deal with on a daily basis, some of it really really nasty, and I deal with it well. Then you come on a MOUNTAIN BIKING FORUM and there are loads of posts slagging off the ENTIRE police service because of one or two incidents. I guess it's too much to ask to expect a bit of perspective from an internet forum.

    thomthumb – I was off duty on my way to work and someone damaged my car. What exactly are you suggesting I should have done? Ignored it then cruised the streets waiting for billy burglar at 1 in the afternoon on my own time? By the way I have personally been involved in putting away numerous robbers, burglars, car theives, sex offenders, murderers etc etc etc. But I'm sure that's irrelevant?

    Free Member

    I do the job, and I do it very well thanks, as do a few others on here. But I think most people would rather quote the daily mail as scripture, than listen to anyone that knows what they are talking about. Typical reactionary nonsense being spouted in debate about the police shocker!

    Free Member

    What a rational and reasoned debate this is. STW wins again …

    Free Member

    Just to clarify – if it's a non-residential burglary then at the very least an officer should attend to take the report and request the attendence of a SOCO. The only reason this wouldn't happen is if all the units were busy dealing with other calls. If you have a finite number of resources you have to prioritise. Unfortunately a person being robbed in the street, or someones house being broken in to, or someone being assaulted would all take priority over a business premises being burgled. I think that where the police really fall down is not explaining to people why it may take some time to see them. Unless of course everyone wants to pay loads more tax, or be charged for certain services like the NHS. Certain forces are much worse than others.

    Free Member

    binners, you are basing your entire rant on one really poor experience of the police. Suggesting that the every police officer in the UK is useless is going a little bit overboard. I'm guessing you weren't in London on 7/7? Or perhaps you've not had first hand experience of the resources and commitment that go into a murder enquiry? Or experienced what it's like to have people throw beer bottles at you whilst trying to resuscitate someone who's been stabbed? Or perhaps you are right, they are all useless whinging idiots.

    Free Member

    Wrightyson can I ask which force this is? Phone up the local station and ask to speak to the duty officer or duty sergeant and say you want to make a formal complaint. They will probably arrange for someone to attend immediately. Sometimes the police run out of resources very quickly if there has been a major incident for example. At the very least they should have called you to apologise and rearrange a suitable time to attend.

    Free Member

    Why not just use chain lube? Finish Line Wet seems to work perfectly for me.

    Free Member

    jhw – just for the record I frequently ride in central London and I agree entirely. I could give numerous examples when I've had a quiet word in the ear of some drivers. Including a police officer I might add.

    Free Member

    jhw – a few things.

    1. I don't work in Shoreditch so it wasn't me guv'nor. I'm usually very nice and very pro cyclist (hence me being on a cycling forum).

    2. You clearly haven't read the post properly. I was stationary in traffic, having left a gap for vehicles coming out of a NO ENTRY on my left. So no I wasn't blocking anyone, especially people doing an illegal right turn from the opposite direction.

    3. I live about 35 miles away from my place of work so it's quite a long bike ride home up the M11. Especially after a 10 hour night shift. I didn't realise I'm not allowed to drive cars because I visit bike related websites?

    Sort what out? The actions of people I don't know and have never met? Or am I missing something? If you have an issue with the way you have been dealt with by an officer, I suggest you make a formal complaint. They won't change otherwise. I don't think you're directing your anger at the right person.

    Deluded – I don't do IRB's anymore I'm on WBA ;)

    Free Member

    DenDennis – I'm not an expert but I believe that under freedom of information and data protection legislation you may be able to request a copy of footage from the local authority if you believe you are shown on it. Please don't take my word for it though as I frequently talk out of my arse.

    Free Member

    bigyinn – not a chance

    Free Member

    BigDummy because it's a reportable RTC I'm obliged to get it reported. Given my job I have very little discretion if I'm involved in any way. I also didn't want her to go straight to a where there's a blame there's a claim joint pretending she'd been hurt and that it was my fault in any way.

    Free Member

    You would need to call the fuzz as it's a reportable RTC. And don't call me Shirley.

    Free Member

    I prefer the "respect my authoritaaaa" approach of Officer Cartman.

    Free Member

    I asked her for her details and some ID and told her that it was probably best that i sent her a bill for the damage, rather than giving her a summons for riding a pedal cycle without due care. Then I had to go to work and get someone to report the bloody collision to cover me. Got the council CCTV as well, which I have to say looks very funny.

    I felt smug and I was nice to her! Go me!

    Free Member

    I had MK's on my genesis hardtail and they are the OE crappy rubber versions. I run Crossmark 2.25 60a on the back and Ardent/Advantage 2.25 on the front of my bikes. Great combo, fast and grippy and the rear always lets go before the front. Not the best in winter though.

    Free Member

    I think we should all call it Lorraine. Avoids confusion.

    Free Member

    It's not that bad … and I used to work on a murder investigation team in Harlow. Bishop's Stortford is a nice town though. Lived there for 6 years.

    Free Member

    Get on the bus, train or M11 5 mins up the road to Bishop's Stortford. Lemon Tree is very nice, or try here

    Free Member

    Try if you want one on 0%. They are going to be doing the HD as well. I had my finger hovering over a large white HD and a set of FOX 36's but found out my wife was pregnant with our first child. So it's endless sleepless nights, worry, poo, and poverty instead. Happy days.

    Free Member

    2.25 60a Advantage on the front and 2.25 60a Crossmark on the rear in the summer. Either 2.25 60a Advantage or Bonty MudX 2.0 both ends the rest of the year, ground depending. Best combos I've found so far. Want to try Rubber Queens but I'd need to sell a kidney.

    Free Member

    It's self catering but we were here last time. I'd stay there again.

    Free Member

    I'm a bit slow …

    And it's a crappy iPhone picture … I'll get my coat …

    Free Member

    For balance, power was never a problem for me and I know people who have had cheaper Juicy's running problem free for ages. However I know of four people who have had massive issues with Juicy Carbons and Ultimates, me included. Bleeding was never a problem, but pad clearance was, they always rubbed within 10 minutes of adjusting them. They also had very poor modulation, either on or off, very little in between. Fisher have now had my brakes for over 6 weeks and may have lost them. This is after trying to charge me more than the price of a new set of brakes for a 'service'.

    Free Member

    Surely a man with pink hubs and headset can't be complaining about the colour of his forks ;) They are very nice looking forks either way.

    Free Member

    I'll never buy another Avid product after the service I experienced from Fishers. Still haven't got my brakes back after they told me I'd have to pay over £200 to have them serviced when they self-destructed at Innerleithen causing me to crash so badly I needed hospital treatment. Moved over to Magura Louise Carbons which have been flawless.

    Free Member

    I've got the Uvex as well and it's really good. I much prefer it to my E2. I also had a Bell Variant that I really liked.

    Free Member

    I may be repeating what has already been said but I'm too lazy to read everything. OP is not talking about doube de-clutching he's talking about a boosted gear change. double de-clutching is the same but the clutch is depressed twice with the extra revs being applied whilst the gearbox is in neutral. Boosted gear change is where you match the engine speed to the appropriate gear when changing down. Double de-clutch is only really needed on crappy old gearboxes to slip the gear in as described above by a few people i think. I learnt how to do both on my police driving courses, becomes second nature suprisingly quickly.

    Free Member

    Don't know of any force that allows work experience because of the cost to the force of vetting students. As stated above you can go out on patrol for a shift usually. Contact the recruitment dept of your home force and ask.

    Free Member

    I've got both. Found very little difference comfort wise between the two, although the ti obviously weighs less and seems to creak less too.

    Free Member

    Get a life? Good old Interweb constructive discussion. Yes I got them serviced and I bled them regularly as well. I'm not blaming Fishers for the pin falling loose, just the fact that they haven't been very helpful since. I'm just saying that the service they offered was pretty rubbish. Maybe I've been spoilt by some of the other MTB companies I've dealt with in the past … Hope for example. I can't see how charging £219 for a service, on a brake set I could buy now for £260 is reasonable? Just seems a little bit bonkers. I also never said I wanted it all fixed under warranty. Thanks to those who have given constructive suggestions for DIY rescue remedies.

    Free Member

    Depends what you want really. Oban is a nice town to spend a couple of days in. Glencoe is still one of the most stunningly beautiful areas I've ever been to. Skye is amazing as well.

    Free Member

    West Coast of Scotland if you can be bothered with the travelling. But Cornwall to Scotland is a long slog ;)

    Free Member

    Go back to the police and make a complaint of harrassment against the girl if any of the abuse and/or bullying has happened on more than one occassion. Unfortunately with juveniles the hands of the police are often tied as regards charging/court/cautions as the Home Office is very prescriptive. I certainly wouldn't recommend going round his house or you might be the one that ends up in the cells, as hard as it is to resist. I'd also let the school/college (assuming they are at the same school/college) know what is happening. Also make sure you speak to your local neighbourhood officer who is likely to take more of an interest than a response officer. If you are unhappy with the police response then write a letter to the Superintendent at your local station.

    Free Member

    I'm sure if you ask him, he would blame the police …

    Free Member

    Lizard skins charge grips are the best Ive used by a mile. Really comfy but still loads of feel, come in lock on or hairspray flavours.

    Free Member

    Have you asked at Chelmer Cycles? I ride over at Danbury every now and again.

    Free Member

    Cats are rubbish. Get a dog……….Or a Llama.

    Free Member

    Depends what you class a terrorist as. But no, the most common terrorist groups out there could not get anywhere near a viable nuclear device.

    A so called dirty bomb however….

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