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  • The First Women’s Red Bull Rampage Is Underway
  • njee20
    Free Member

    Every time I do a Myers-Briggs test I get different results. I’m variously an ESTJ, ENTJ, and that link pegs me as an ISFP, which is literally the opposite of my ‘normal’ result!

    Free Member

    Why do you beat yourself up about it? Start there if you want to change it. I absolutely won’t routinely do work at the weekend, but occasionally needs must and I’ll do the odd bit. I will answer an email on holiday if it comes in and can be quickly dealt with, because that’s easier. My motivations are selfish. Deal with something now, and I don’t have to do it when I get back from holiday, by which time it could have escalated.

    If you’re just getting needlessly pulled into work conversations during your down time then separate the device – if you use your personal phone for work get them to buy you a work one you can turn off. If they genuinely expect you to casually work at weekends they’re a crap company and a new job is the only answer.

    Free Member

    Yes if I’d engaged my brain I’d have realised that, apologies! Saved yourself £100!

    Free Member

    Charger too. That’s £100.

    Free Member

    That has a bearing, and makes things significantly messier!

    Free Member

    A vlookup on a reference table is likely neater when you’ve got tens of possible answers; otherwise you get a very long nested if formula.

    You say ‘keywords’, is the full value of column A what you’re looking for, or if it says “red coat” are you looking for the column B value based only on the fact it contains “red”?

    Free Member

    I think they made a but too much of the busy aspect. I go that way pretty regularly and its not really that bad…… The trains in a fairly deep cutting and its away from any stations plus its a 30mph section of the A27 through town.

    Not seen the previous week yet.

    A29, and it’s a couple of hundred yards from Pulborough station, and the house is basically at track level. 8 trains an hour, so not insanely busy, but enough to put people off living so close. its just down the road from me, so enjoyed watching it. I warmed to the guy, she annoyed me. The bus ruins it. Thought as much IRL!

    Free Member

    As ever, there’s some very strange advice on here.

    …So you’ll just add to it with your own specific opinion?

    As most have said, It depends entirely on the organisation and industry. I’ve turned up in a suit before and felt like a massive **** for being grossly overdressed. The whole smart-casual thing would appear to be a sensible middle ground.

    Free Member

    Apple Pay is unlimited, but actual contactless is limited to £45.

    Free Member

    Although I recall Jordie Lunn died just out riding with some mates rather than trying something totally insane.

    Free Member

    A grand would get some decent speakers, give you a lot more pleasure than shiny appendages of conspicuous consumption.

    But it’s not a present for WCA, and his missus probably isn’t fussed by speakers. I know I wouldn’t be.

    Free Member

    You can see how worn yours are, they’ve got a much deeper curve.

    I wouldn’t pay £34 on spares for some 10 year old pedals though, I’d just buy new ones.

    Free Member

    ^^ this

    Surely you mean chiropodist…? I mean I guess it could be a displaced sensation from something in your back, but seems unlikely…

    Free Member

    Yeah I agree he’s got way better. Pleased to have DC as second man too, rather than Billy Monger. Bahrain was awful.

    Free Member

    Ended up with Hastings Premier (or whatever their ‘premium’ product is called), after Pedalcover’s renewal skyrocketed, combined with the introduction of the discounted payouts for bikes over 5 years old. I only really had one which was really worthwhile. Shame, liked their ethos, but it seems much like M&S 10 years ago the underwriter soon realised that being the insurer of choice for people with lots of expensive bikes is not lucrative!

    Free Member

    I’ve got Clear Black Iridium lenses in Radars and Jawbones. I use them exactly as you say, in low light rides, including full dark night riding. I never use them in summer, as I prefer a ‘proper’ tint. They’re useful to have though.

    They don’t work in cars FWIW, the UV filter on the glass stops them changing.

    Free Member

    Play it safe. Put down the owner and the dog.

    Free Member

    You do realise the noise is artificial played through the speakers

    Of course, but that’s perfect. It sounds reasonable in the cabin, whilst still sounding like the nice quiet 4-cylinder engine it is to everyone on the outside. You do get more (real) noise from the exhaust too, which I find pleasing. I can pretend to be racing driver whilst bimbling to nursery at 30mph.

    Free Member

    Golf R – It has a button to make it noisy, and revvy and extra grippy what not, and on the rare occasions I get go to use even 10% of the performance it makes me smile lots.

    Free Member

    Nicholas here, but literally no one calls me that, not my parents, no one. Never have. Don’t mind having it for ‘formal’ use, but don’t really identify with as my name, I’m always Nick, to everyone. Or Richard, as someone once addressed me, multiple times, in an email. Despite my email address being

    Free Member

    We’ve got an Emma, I agree that it certainly warmer; although I notice it most when I get out and then get back in, rather than being hotter in bed, if that makes sense. Not had it through summer though, so we’ll see…

    It is very comfy I must say. Got the matching pillows too, they took a while to get used to, still not totally sure.

    Never pay full price, they have a perpetual 40-50% off for whatever reason.

    Free Member

    I’ve got those Wera allen keys, they’re lovely.

    I also ordered them though. And don’t have any Torx wrenches that I didn’t.

    Free Member

    If you do sumifs you need a statement for each row, which could be messy.

    I’d also create a new column of “IF Jones<CRC,Jones,CRC”, then Sumif on that.

    Free Member

    Got a replacement Far Sports rim arrived last week, £22 due in fees. I think I’ve always paid too. Way back when I had a frame get through with no fees, but everything since (2 frames, 3 sets of rims, 1 pair of wheels) have been charged. Light Bicycle, Far Sports, Deng Fu and random Ali Express sellers.

    Free Member

    Actually insurance for a pandemic, before there is one, isn’t expensive, but who would take that out!? There’s not been one of this scale since 1918!

    Now it’s obviously basically impossible to get.

    Agree that £10 “admin fee” seems excessive, why not say “less £10 to cover sunk costs and ensure the event can go ahead again another time”, which I’d be far happier to pay!

    Free Member

    Yeah conceptually I’d have delayed, but our vendor were so militant that it was today or never. I think if you can agree to that it’s definitely the lower stress option, even if it means short term disappointment. Thank you though, been a long time coming!

    Free Member

    We completed on a sale/purchase today, and I’ll be honest probably the most stressful day of my life!

    We managed to negoatiate getting the keys early (on Tuesday) because of the likelihood of movers not being able to deliver their service – they were booked to pack on Thursday and move us today.

    In the event they phoned on Wednesday and said they’d had a cancellation and could they come then, they moved the limited stuff we’d managed to throw in boxes (them packing was off the table). They came back yesterday morning and moved all the big stuff, but left us to move all the leftovers. It didn’t look like much, but my god there was so much stuff!

    Our vendor had always said (since accepting the offer) that he needed to complete by March 27th or the whole thing was off, house off the market, so with all our possessions in the house, and zero chance of getting them all back out again any time soon I basically shat myself when I read this thread last night.

    However… we’re in. I had Domino’s for dinner sent by my boss, and I’ve got a beer in hand. Me and mrs njee20 nearly got a divorce, and I’ve basically not spoken to mini njee20 to say anything other than “sit there and watch Ben & Holly, and don’t move” for about a week. But we’re in. I’m keen to never, ever do that again. It was a simple chain (we sold to first time buyers, and our vendors were moving out of a second home, and not buying), which helped. We moved about 200 yards, which helped with ferrying stuff. But jesus… just no, never again.

    Free Member

    I weigh a fair bit less than you, and my winter bike has 50mm carbon wheels. They’re fine. A bit ‘skittish’ in strong crosswinds, but not that bad at all.

    I’ve got Farsports rims on the summer bike too, and they’ve been great.

    Free Member

    £15 for the local village barber, £30 in London if I pop out at lunch. That gets a wash too, which is a gloriously relaxing thing.

    Only time I ever use cash too, as no barber shop ever seems to take cards. Not at all suspicious…

    Free Member

    They quite often hover near London Bridge, with the ‘back door’ open, bet the views are awesome!

    Free Member

    Even if the nationals uses A-lines the B-lines will be accessible. I’d agree it’s worth getting some practice in if you can.

    Free Member

    What are you designing?

    I like Fusion 360, for 3D modelling. Dunno if it’s any good if you’re designing house interiors.

    Free Member

    Love it. Two road bikes so fitted and it’s just awesome.

    Free Member

    Definitely 30.9.

    Free Member

    Immeasurably worse.

    Free Member

    Looks like it’s just a sticker. That’ll be reet.

    Free Member

    No wonder these parasites are getting bloated …

    Which parasites? Most councils are verging on destitute, and cutting funding for social care, libraries etc. Find me a council that’s got pots of money they don’t know what to do with. If they can raise some money in December to support for some services year round then I’m fine with that.

    We live in a capitalist society. You don’t want to eat out (or can’t afford to), don’t. Vendors don’t exist to provide free food for everyone as a Christmas treat. Luckily we’re not SE Asia, we have a more stable economy, less poverty, lower crime, longer life expectancy, better healthcare.

    Feel free to go back there, you can have all the cheap street food you want.

    Free Member

    Yep, I was a bit gutted when I saw this was a year old…

    Free Member

    The worst part in the wet is the period before anything happens. There is one, and it feels like it’s about 40 minutes. It’s scary when it’s because a car’s cut you up or something! Generally they’re acceptable. In the dry, no problem whatsoever IME.

    I had some old Bontragers which were truly woeful, some newer ones that were better, and some Chinese ones which are the best of the lot.

    Free Member

    I would fully expect them to either have an older frame available, or to provide everything you need to get you up and running. They should.

    I cracked the (carbon) chain stays on my Top Fuel a few years ago. They couldn’t get direct replacements. They offered me some aluminium stays and some carbon wheels as ‘compensation’, a replacement 29er frame and forks (but not wheels IIRC) or £2k off any bike in their range. I was happy.

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