@trail_rat: That sucks, I’d reckon that’s more to do with mistakes in the frame designs than anything to do with Scandium alloying.
@njee and hmanchester: Actually, Scandium is a very potent aluminium grain refiner, meaning that it increases the strength of the alloy to a large extent. In fact: “Scandium provides the highest increment of strengthening per atomic percent of any alloying element when added to aluminum” Thus when used in an already strong alloy such as 7075, you end up with a very sturdy material. And no, none of this, including the quote, was taken from the KCNC website or anywhere else which sells or markets Scandium.
Also, I doubt bicycle components contain anything like ~1% Scandium, as it goes for ~£180 a gram. Fortunately, something more like 0.1% still does the trick 😉