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  • Nipper99
    Free Member

    I think Jambaworld is something like this:

    Free Member

    100 plus seats?

    Free Member

    Ah ha, the ‘PDF file so it must be true’ strategy. Remind me to try that with the District Judge in the morning.

    Free Member

    Its a legal opinion and nothing more. There’s no doubt numerous other opinions that say otherwise.

    Free Member

    EFTA cop out is I think the best that we can hope for. I would of course be happy to pitch up in Brussels in 10 days time and beg forgiveness!

    The arrogance of the likes of Fallon this morning is quite breathtaking.

    Free Member

    Is ‘bloody difficult woman’ the same as ‘bloody ignorant woman’.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    I read she was summoned before the 1922 who told her to ditch those advisors.

    Does this result which was largely a brexit endorsement now nullify the referendum? What on earth basis is she going to be negotiating from, she’s not even going to be taken seriously.

    Will we be staying in now in all but name.

    Free Member

    I did just look up the definition of ‘landslide victory’ just to make sure – does a move from a majority administration to a minority administration qualify.



    Mrs Trellis
    N. Wales

    A landslide victory is an electoral victory in a political system, when one candidate or party receives an overwhelming majority of the votes or seats in the elected body, thus all but utterly eliminating the opponents.

    Free Member

    I used to vote Plaid in the past but will be voting Labour this time. I have actually warmed to JC – without belittling the historical circumstances with the rise of the hard right in this country this feels like a bit of a 1945 moment – certainly in my lifetime anyway.

    Free Member

    Thanks for that link Cougar – I’ll give that a go.

    Free Member

    Sometimes it won’t let me get past the log in page and then sometimes it will get to the normal screen but not allow any of the applications to run when you click an icon.

    I think it is windows 8.1.

    Free Member

    reject western values

    What does that even mean? Just over 50% of those who voted last June did that (or my perception of those value). I would probably find this QT lot equally contemptible as those who committed the atrocities in London and Manchester – can we intern them aswell?

    Free Member

    Polaris were doing some in their sale for £11.00.

    Free Member

    OK so we can blame ourselves for the terrorism in our own country?!

    To some degree.

    What about the Muslim child abusers/rape gangs in Rotherham and Oxford etc etc etc? How is that our fault???

    Like Jimmy Saville, Rolf Harris etc. I don’t think child abuse etc. is a wholly exclusive Muslim issue.

    Free Member

    Or he could seek injunctive relief if he wanted to prevent any ongoing civil trespass.

    Free Member

    if you look at the movies from just after ww2, they tended to avoid the carnage, no one really wanted to see reality, to close to home, too many knew what war meant

    Seen Night Will Fall?

    Free Member
    Free Member

    Sorry to hear this – I feel quite deflated.

    Free Member

    I’m not going to bother unless I have to at some point.

    Free Member

    As ever, nail on head even if a bit dated.

    Free Member

    I remember his bobsleigh bruises live. Even the dog looks embarrassed. :D

    Free Member

    I thought it wouldn’t be that easy.

    Free Member

    There used to be glut of old USAF truck and pickups around in the 1980’s (lived not too far from what was then Upper Heyford).

    Mate had one of these (Dodge):

    beast of a thing and bombproof.

    These were also popular with the local farmers (Chevy).

    Free Member

    Louise Redknapp?

    Free Member

    There are advantages to trusts and you might want to consider of you or the Mrs dies and the remaining partner remarries and the have more kids, what then.

    You can make provision for that in your will.

    Free Member

    Why do you need a trust – is this guy a will writer by any chance.

    Free Member

    Completely unfounded of course but my level of cynicism and having a similar view of Tories as Aneurin Bevan the whole Manchester catastrophe is something panning out like a Francis Urquhart plot.

    Free Member

    Where’s AB when you need him. With apologies to

    “the bovine and phlegmatic Anglo-Saxons.”

    from the Guardian July 1948 – organised spivvery has always been the best description of the Tories.

    “The eyes of the world are turning to Great Britain. We now have the moral leadership of the world, and before many years are over we shall have people coming here as to a modern Mecca, learning from us in the twentieth century as they learned from us in the seventeenth,” said Mr Aneurin Bevan, Minister of Health, at a Labour rally in Manchester yesterday.

    The meeting was called to celebrate the anniversary of Labour’s accession to power. The Labour party, he said, would win the 1950 election because successful Toryism and an intelligent electorate were a contradiction in terms. His own experiences ensured that no amount of cajolery could eradicate from his heart a deep burning hatred of the Tory party. “So far as I am concerned they are lower than vermin,” he went on. “They condemned millions of people to semi-starvation. I warn you young men and women, do not listen to what they are saying, do not listen to the seductions of Lord Woolton. They have not changed, or if they have they are slightly worse.”

    The Government decided the issues in accordance with the best principles, he said: “The weak first; and the strong next.” Mr. Churchill preferred a free-for-all, but what was Toryism except organised Spivvery?

    As a result of controls, the well-to-do had not been able to build houses, but ordinary men and women were moving into their own homes. Progress could not be made without pain. People who campaigned against controls were conducting an immoral campaign. There was a kind of schizophrenia in the country, so that people reading newspapers and hearing talk in luxury hotels got an entirely different conception of what was happening, which did not square with the statistics. The bodies and spirits of the people were being built up – but the Government’s efforts could not be sustained except by the energies and labour of the people. Production must be raised to make the new legislative reforms a living reality.

    The Government never promised in 1945 that everybody was going to be better off. It knew some were worse off to-day, but it always intended they should be.

    [Bevan’s “vermin” remark – one of the most famous jibes in politics – was adroitly turned against the Attlee government by Tory speakers, who pretended it insulted their voters rather than policy makers. However, Bevan merely retorted that men of Celtic fire were needed to bring about great reforms like the new NHS. That was why, he explained, Welshmen were put in charge instead of “the bovine and phlegmatic Anglo-Saxons.”]

    Free Member

    Please don’t go buying from a breeder:

    Free Member

    A bit to the South of you but the track around the Usk reservoir is very popular with families. I am sure there would be similar in the Elan Valley.

    Free Member

    No such thing as consent by default.

    It sounds very much that this relates to a notice served by the local authority when the building was condemned – not a restrictive covenant in the normal sense of the word.

    I purchased a building for a client recently that had such a notice but it was in one of the schedules to the local searches.

    You can either ask for the seller to provide the policy (they may already have taken one out on their purchase and they generally last for the benefit of successors in title) or ask your solicitor to do his job properly and identify the entry and ask the local authority to remove the notice.

    Free Member

    Not a one liner as such. The Inbetweeners having just reached mid Wales. The Camping Trip episode.

    Jay: this cow was standing up firing milk out of it t**s

    Will: udders

    Jay: yeah, there were loads of them.


    Free Member

    Just think:

    C_iSvXTU0AEWxNV by jamesanderson2010[/url], on Flickr

    I wouldn’t be without them though. We just put away some money each month toward vets bills and costs rather than insurance. Normal annual inoculations flea treatments worming etc. Check your local Cats Protection who will have loads in need of a good home.

    Free Member

    Give your house to the kids
    2. Pay them the market rent
    3. Don’t die for 7 years

    That would be a very bad idea for many potential reasons if its your home. See 3.3 in particular.

    Free Member

    Thanks OP – enjoyed that :D

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