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  • Fresh Goods Friday 704 – The Nadir E Me Edition
  • NikNak7890
    Free Member

    forlorn hope – Member

    mike bordin

    I first read that as Mike Harding!

    For me, it'd be Buddy Rich.

    Free Member

    I'm unlikely to read a book using an "eReader", as I like hold a book in my hands, feeling the paper.

    As a technology, I think it's an important step. For news, Educational or resource documents, it's perfect, because it can be searchable for that particular piece of information you're looking for, but I doubt it's ringing the death knell for books.

    Free Member
    Free Member


    3 hours a day? For a 10 month old?

    That's WAY too much physical exercise for a dog so young.

    Free Member

    mtbfix – Member
    I'm inclined to say that this is a question you should have asked prior to acquiring said dog. You need lots of time and patience and all the other things mentioned above. Persevere with the training or you'll end up with a dog like my parents'.

    Are your parents VERY naughty?

    Free Member

    As Kitz says, very intelligent but very sensitive.

    They don't necessarily need A LOT of physical exercise (although once they're adults, they'll definitely take it), but they DO need a lot of mental exercise/ stimulation. It's very easy to wear out a BC, but it's not with physical exercise (they'll just get fitter) you need to work their brain.

    When they're young 12 weeks – 12 months, limit the physical exercise (or you'll be damaging their joints) but MAX out on the supervised socialisation and training/ mental stimulation; sit/ stay, recall, "find your toys" etc.

    Free Member

    Cheers Darren! 😀

    Free Member

    russjp – Member

    Take 5 mins to read this –

    It's a postie view on whats happening within the company, and trust me its spot on

    From someone else who works for RM, his statistical "facts" aren't very accurate.
    Mail volumes ARE down.
    He mentions a national agreement on ‘pay and modernisation’, and then complains about the implementation new practices agreed by the very same union.

    He is correct when he talks about inept RM management though. A large percentage of managers have come up through the ranks through a system of nepotism and "do you fancy having a go". They have little or no training on how to manage, with zero qualifications on the subject. There is almost no information being cascaded down about modernisation plans, I suspect there aren't many, and most are made up on a whim.
    He is also correct about the pension deficit. RM had such a large pot of money they were in fear of a fine for holding too large a purse. In their infinite wisdom, RM decided to have a 13 year holiday from contributions (note WE didn't get one).
    This very quickly turned into a deficit and RM were forced by PostCom to pay the deficit back within 20 years – and in order to do that they have to pay £300m a year on top of their contributions; making them now practically bankrupt.

    I have zero faith in RM management, but national strikes will drive the businesses that ARE keeping us afloat away. As an aside, I had an email from Wiggle to say that because of the planned strikes, they've decided to move to Citylink 😐

    Free Member

    glenh – Member

    Frame patches to stop cable rub. £6 for 6!!

    A roll of Duck tape is 1/2 that price! 😉

    Free Member

    tang – Member

    wiggle were doing 1/2(what use is 1/2?) a powerlink for £1.99, i bought one by mistake. lbs 99p for a whole one.

    I made that very same mistake!

    Free Member

    I concur, a new cassette is probably required.

    By spinning your pedals at an easy pace, or upside down won't pull the chain hard into the cassette, but once you start climbing, the chainlinks won't be able to sit correctly in the cassette because of the gaps created by the wear.

    As a rule you should change the cassette every 2nd chain, assuming (as Mike points out) you haven't let the chain become overly worn.

    Free Member


    …Stick it up your arse!!!!

    Free Member

    Man on Fire gets my vote 😉

    Free Member

    Been looking for one for ages.

    mark.m.jordan AT gM4il dot com

    Cheers 🙂

    Free Member

    I use it.

    Good for checking live race updates, plus getting the low-down without the media spin!

    Free Member

    Free Member

    😆 😆 😆

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    Free Member

    Dogs (like kids) are born a blank sheet, it's what we do with them afterwards is what makes them what they are.

    What I was trying to say (badly) is that specific breeds, don't necessarily make nasty aggressive dogs, we turn them that way.

    I will admit though that, like people, there are the odd individuals that are mentally unstable, and should be put down.
    We have a close friend that is petrified of Bulldogs, Staffies, Rotties etc, but will think nothing of defending Border Collies & Terriers as perfectly safe.
    Dogs are Dogs. Some are brought up to be lovely, some are not.

    I'd be interested to see what the breed of dogs were, as the article doesn't actually mention it.

    Free Member

    evilollie – Member

    I bow to your wisdom … Not

    When you workdogs for a living and have titled dogs in competative sport I will listen to you .

    i HAVE worked dogs, and placed first in MANY obedience competitions, and what anagallis_arvensis says is correct and complete sense.

    The Domestication of pit bull terriers, The Japanese Tosa, The Dogo Argentino and The Fila Brazileiro, was banned because of Ellie Lawrenson being mauled to death.
    An absolute tragedy I agree, and the putting down of the dog and prosecution of the owners was the correct thing to do; but the killers of Jamie Bulger got 8 years and new lives to start again. Owning children wasn't banned, and the parents weren't prosecuted, far from it, they were moved to new homes with new identities.

    Border Collies are the 2nd most rescued breed (2nd to Greyhounds) often because of their boredom levels, coming out in snapping and attacking people/animals.

    Dogs (like kids) are born a blank sheet, it's what we do with them afterwards is what makes them what they are.

    Free Member
    Free Member

    Fantastic to hear they've already got 90% of it out, and gone.

    As ThePurist says, only 10% left, and that's gonna struggle to put up a fight against the wall of strength you and Meg are showing.

    If you have the strength to read, try thumbing through these, as you should find them a great help:

    It's not about the Bike

    Live Strong: Inspirational Stories from Cancer Survivors

    Manly "you're doing well" bear-hug to you, and a gentle "you're doing a great job" to Meg.

    Free Member

    I'll add my 2 penneth.

    Was (deliberately) run down last June, and my Consultant didn't agree with me that I had a non-union fracture until the end of October. Had a plate put in with 9 screws.
    Over the last 6 months had 4 of the screws start pulling out of the bone, so went in for more surgery on Saturday to remove the whole lot.

    Now sitting recuperating, waiting for the all clear to get back on my bike and plan this winter's Snowboarding trip.

    Free Member

    abductee – Member

    That's the same as isnt it?

    Is it any good or is a piece of plastic c**p that will break on first use?

    Looks almost identical. I don't have O/S bars, and fits fine on my regulars.
    Coulda's right though, it's fixed, so there's no ability to point elsewhere.

    Free Member

    Markie – Member

    Chrissie Wellington. Incredible achievement – and she broke the other competitors on the cycle.

    For me, Chrissie should get Sports Personality of the year this year. When she started on the Pro circuit 2 years ago, she wasn't taken seriously! "Look at me now…" 8)

    Free Member

    I've been using this, and am very happy with:

    Free Member

    I did some hunting around, and found the most respected charger was the Pila IBC charger.

    It seemed to get very good reviews on

    I got mine from here:

    Free Member

    Great news Megan, and thanks for taking the time to let us know; we're all rooting for you guys.

    Free Member

    What is happening – they've voted that they would go out on strike if asked

    when is it happening – they've not decided yet as they're waiting for Royal Mail management's response.
    They're likely to make an announcement the early part of next week.

    Normal service – anyone's guess, probably AFTER Christmas

    In the next few weeks – Sorting offices are backing up, so don't expect normal service from a 1st class stamp
    If you send special delivery it bypasses the regular channels but obviously costs more

    This is becoming a final fight to the death, "there can be only one!" So don't expect it to be pretty or over quickly.

    Free Member

    I've been rocking Schwable Marathon Plus for the last few years without a single puncture, and that's miraculous on Surrey roads!

    Free Member

    I concur.

    I work for the business (not a postie 😉 ) and the general concensus is that it'll be a yes vote.
    Absolute madness in my opinion. Trouble is, those of us not in the union think the senior management team are little better than the shower of sh1t union "leaders"!!!

    Free Member

    Throwing these into the fold:

    Helmet mount version:
    Bar mounted:

    Free Member

    CaptainFlashheart – Member

    marty – Member
    you look like the lovechild of gary fisher and mike gatting!

    Keyboard/Beer interface!

    😆 😆 😆

    Free Member

    Can find work at 13?

    Some people still have Chimneys you know! 😉

    Free Member

    I opened this up wondering, do I really want to see what they get up to on "Fist night"!

    Free Member

    Mate, they're putting you under because they know they can cut this thing out of you and cure you.
    As soon as you're up and running we will be organising the stag doo to end ALL stag doos for you! 😉

    Free Member

    It depends how much debris you have on the roads around you.

    Around this way, the best thing I've found are Schwable Marathon Plus. Heavy duty, but VERY puncture resistant!

    Free Member

    I also got mine from Dealextreme.

    The batteries are special 18650's so you also need a charger for them:



    US-UK plug adapter:


    Free Member

    Could also be a leaking oil pressure switch.

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