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  • The First Women’s Red Bull Rampage Is Underway
  • nicko74
    Full Member

    – I tend to use Outlook as my file storage – this means I have to often remember who I sent something to instead of navigating to a directory. I keep trying to set up folders, but it’s such a big task I get overwhelmed

    This seems like the biggest of the issues you mention. Presumably you do have a central repository somewhere for the key files etc?

    If not, start one. It doesn’t have to be right first time, but just start a folder “Work -> Projects -> *project name/ ref*” and start putting the key documents in there. You can copy and paste key emails into it too (stakeholder decisions or whatever) and so on.

    Once the project’s finished, go back through and check if there are any other essential documents that might be needed in future that aren’t in there, and add them in. Then file it under “Work -> Completed Projects” or similar.

    Keep doing that for every project, and over time it will get easier; muscle memory will kick in, you’ll spot better ways to keep it tidy and ticking along, etc.

    Other than that I just live on lists. There are project management type platforms (Asana, Clickup etc); tbh the way we use them is generally to have a list of all the tasks and subtasks required, enter the date they’re required, and who’s responsible. Not sure it’s the most effective way of using them, mind.

    Full Member

    The bloke was injured at work. His facial injuries look quite serious to me. Why would he not receive compensation from his employers? Presumably their health and safety was not adequate.

    He was driving an open-top 3-wheeler Morgan, and the accident apparently involved it being upside down pretty much on his head. So yeah, fair to say their health and safety was pretty deficient!

    Full Member

    KramerFree Member
    Rule 5 definitely applies too.

    “Rule #5: never trust a fart on a dicky stomach, or if over 55”  – that one??

    Full Member

    You do get into the habit of ‘riding light’ and constantly scanning for the best lines.
    This, I don’t particularly grip the bars so much as I keep my hands floating round them, for the really high frequency stuff that helps. It’s a different technique for sure.

    It’s an interesting discussion. Bikeradar had a ‘debate’ a couple of months back about whether ebikes are ruining trails (their conclusion was no they’re not, get with the program grandad); but they missed the point that you ride a trail differently. Hardtail (and short-travel bikes) make you work for the speed, you pick a line and move the bike around to keep it flowing. Longer-travel FS it seems you just roll straight through/ over everything, gathering speed as you go and wondering where the excitement went.

    Full Member

    RustyNissanPrairieFull Member
    Opened the thread hoping Guy Garvey pretentious hour had been canned. It spoils my Sunday afternoon tinkering and fettling sessions.

    I went to see Elbow live last month, and tbh he’s not much better at his own concerts…

    Full Member

    Listening this morning while walking the dog, I do think Nick Grimshaw’s not quite the right type of presenter for 6Music – a bit too Radio 1ish, chattering about his dinner party at the weekend etc. He’s fairly inoffensive though, and the music was beyond reproach – it being Skank Holiday Monday n ting.

    Full Member

    Which Shimano document are you using? There’s various types and the dealer installation one is required for detailed information.

    Dealer manual for the rear mech, which is broadly fine, but not entirely clear – and also says chain length should be big ring to big sprocket +2 links…

    Full Member

    @countzero: great summary, and I’m a big fan myself. It really exudes solidity, proper GADA watch, especially with the Tegimenting. And although I didn’t like the bracelet at first I’m growing to like it. The clasp isn’t the best, but it all works, and looks pretty versatile.

    It’s pretty dense for its size though, heavier and more robust than a CasiOak; my suspicion is a stretchy or NATO-style strap might not be the best as the weight would shift around on your wrist.

    Full Member


    Great, thanks! The Shimano manual doesn’t have a huge amount of detail, and depending which installation guide you watch online, some recommend cabling first, others chain first.

    Chain length should be… run chain round largest sprocket, chainring + 4-5 links, right?

    Full Member

    I’m still working at The Boys S4, and it does feel like work tbh. Clearly they’re trying to tee things up for the final season, but the pacing is so all over the shop. Ep1/2 – actual stuff happens. Ep3/4/5 – nothing happens, so instead there are diversions with flying sheep, dying people not dying, and randomly bringing in events from the TV show as if you remember seeing them.

    Definitely not impressed

    Full Member

    Are you all running these cables with full-length outers? Nobody using a high-end inner cable with split/ interrupted outers?

    Full Member

    onehundredthidiotFull Member
    Hermitage castle because it’s a proper fortress.

    That is impressive!

    Edo Castle

    The picture is actual just a part of the Edo complex (Fujimi Yagura) which covered acres and acres, and must have been astonishing to behold

    Ye-es, but the signs around it all say “this section burned down in 1635 and was rebuilt in 1638. It burned down again in 1642 and was rebuilt in 1643. It burned down again in 1654 and was rebuilt… (etc)” – so it maybe wasn’t the best at being an actual castle!

    My castle-love comes from primary school history classes, which mainly focused on the early sort (motte and bailey) and then bashed straight into the concentric castles mainly found in Wales for suppressing the revolting locals.

    So Beaumaris is the daddy. Conwy is a personal favourite just because living in the NW we used to go past it fairly regularly. Caernarfon is pretty good too.

    Also shout out to Jaisalmer in Rajasthan, built in the 12th Century in the middle of the desert. Hot as balls, but really pretty cool

    Full Member

    I’ve been running ASHP in an old Georgian house for nearly a year now. At the time of designing it, it was really striking how few people actually *know* ASHP properly – we had architects basically sucking their teeth and saying it wouldn’t work because the house isn’t insulated enough and is too damp; other architects saying of course it’ll work it’s ASHP and therefore a magic bullet; various folks saying it needs to run the whole time otherwise it’s pointless, and so on.

    Not sure what to report, but I got a mechanical engineer to run the numbers on U-values, volume, hot water needs to come up with the size of heating system we’d need, and we got a heatpump to fit that.

    It took a couple of weeks for the house to warm through when we first turned it on; and the bills the first few months were a bit eye opening (€600/ month every month), but it’s warm, pretty consistent and actually not that expensive to run overall

    Full Member

    I’m in Ireland, where the bank situation is dire (3 bank oligopoly, monthly fees on every bank account), so a lot of folk use Revolut as their main account. It just works, tbh; I travel a bunch in the UK as well, and never any issues.

    They offer fee-free forex up to a point (€1k a month, on weekdays only), and then add a small fee (0.25%?) on top at weekends and when you’re past that €1k mark. One issue to note is that in some countries local banks don’t recognise Revolut as a valid recipient bank account – so if you go to pay your Revolut account from your local bank, you may find it says “bank not recognised” or similar. Worth checking in the countries you may be using it.

    As someone else said, Wise is also very good – very reliable and just works.

    Full Member

    That is really missing the point. I like full fat coke. It’s no worse or better than the sugar free alternatives that are just as bad

    Its the main foods that people eat that are full of fat, sugar, salt etc

    “Sugar-free” soft drinks are absolutely vile stuff. As noted by a couple of folks, aspartame is horrendous stuff and really bad for the body; fructose syrup also does awful things in large volumes too. And “main foods” vs “large quantities of soft drinks” is a false distinction.

    The basics are pretty simple. Regardless of how it’s done, healthy food has to be cheaper, and unhealthy food has to be priced to reflect the full cost not just of production but of the health effects of it. Random example, but it’s like chewing gum – how is that only £2 a pack when it can cost far more to remove the stuff from pavements?

    Exercise is a tougher nut to crack – those who ‘get’ it will generally lean towards doing exercise, at least occasionally. Those who don’t see the point can’t be convinced that it’s worthwhile; they have to be encouraged through behavioural economics etc

    Full Member

    Question for the watch clan. Anyone know where to get a replacement spring for a butterfly clasp? It’s for my Sinn; Sinn themselves said I’d need to buy a replacement (c£200), but on closer inspection it’s just that the spring at the middle of the clasp has broken.

    3mm long, about 1mm diameter, about 8 coils of wire in it.


    Full Member

    Cool, one less step to have to do.

    Which given how much I’m bodging other steps on this rebuild, is a good thing!

    Full Member

    If X shut tomorrow the ‘traditional media’ would be way more **** than a group of needy semi celebs

    Interesting point, and I do agree. But they don’t see it like that: they primarily view X as a threat because it’s “stealing” their ad revenues. Most of the newspapers have seen declining circulation in the past two decades, and sharply declining ad revenue as well. And they’ve seen digital giants generating significant ad revenue, and so believe that if Twitter went away they’d all benefit because advertisers would go back to them.

    It’s pretty much all bunk, but it is a very real and driving belief in print/ ‘traditional’ media these days.

    Full Member

    Ah, bugger, I was worried that might be the case.

    there’s absolutely no way it will be “easier” to drill out the cable stops than it will be to run the cables the way they’re designed to be

    I’m not sure about this. Cables used to be essentially consumable – you’d run them 2 seasons and then get so much grot in them that indexing would drop out and you’d have to redo the whole cable run. My old Gore RideOn cables changed that, as I ran them for 10+ years with minimal maintenance; but required opening up the shifter to install the Gore cable inner (narrower diameter to fit the liner), which isn’t trivial.

    But I’ve taken note, and will check out some other options!

    Full Member

    This thread ignores many other faulty publications and platforms to make its point and that is a bit disingenuous.

    Personally I think it’s better moderates stay on these platforms and challenge stuff where possible.

    Not just this thread. It’s in “traditional” media’s interests to pretend social media are the root of all the world’s ills, but even so, the narrative everywhere is that proper media is OK, it’s that nasty social media that’s causing all this.

    I’m not sure that’s quite correct. I’m fairly sure that there’s evidence that people become radicalised by what is shown to them over time, especially on social media.

    mmm… would like to see it if you can find it. There’s obviously correlation (people with extreme views consume extreme content), but causation has always been tough to prove. The other thing is it would be very good to see the same research done around established media – the Express, Daily Hatemail, Fox News etc. In fact, it has been done for Fox News, and the research found that people’s views did become less extreme once they were weaned off the supposedly “trusted” effluent it spouts.

    Because there’s 2 parts to it really: there’s the views and content that are published (on each channel); there’s then the perceived reliability and trustworthiness of that content. And where most people do accept that social media just people sharing a worldview, the Hatemail, Fox News etc make out that these are “facts”, and people are significantly more likely to believe it’s the truth – and thus to buy into what’s being peddled.

    Full Member

    Putoline (or, as some wag on another thread called it, Plutoline!) –  a tub I’ve used 5-6 times over the last 3 years or so.

    Full Member

    I’ve got a new 11 speed chain to wax this week while the OH’s away. I’ve never got round to getting a chip fat fryer for it, just heat the tin on the stove, carefully place chain in, shooffle gently for a few minutes, carefully take out, leave to dry on cardboard.

    Dumb question, how vital is it to degrease first with meths/ white spirit etc? And how thoroughly are we talking?

    Full Member

    Thanks everyone for the guidance, appreciate it! I’d assumed the cable guides would be steel welded onto the Ti frame, but I guess we shall see…

    letmetalktomarkFull Member
    My 2 cents …

    with either drilling out ( or cutting off the end of ? ) the stops or using the adapters above you will likely not have the tension over the span as to not need a cable tie or similar in the middle.

    I found this recently using some of the above adapters (albeit from the early noughties) and needed a stick on cable guide.

    Just so I understand – you mean if I cut the stops off, the cable will slap about on the frame? Or something else?

    I had thought of the former, so was thinking drilling would be a better bet.

    Full Member

    25 minutes? I’m not watching that!

    Full Member

    the-muffin-manFull Member
    The choice to share hate is down to the sharer.

    Bingo. And actually they’re kinda similar in some ways – the HateMail gives a platform to hateful people who spew bile and lies; Twitter gives a platform to people who share lies.

    The difference is that normal everyday people have always spread lies and rumours and racism – you might be amazed to know that race riots happened before Twitter existed (I know! Isn’t history mad!), and slander and libel existed before Twitter (what what?!). It’s just a big megaphone, and most people know there’s no trust attached to the platform itself.

    Whereas the Daily HateMail has made – and continues to make, every day – a decision to actively hire and pay people who spew racist lies, and a decision to pursue race-based campaigns; and as a newspaper it has a degree of implicit trust.

    Full Member

    Pretty sure there’s a song about that…

    Full Member

    How far you riding? If nothing else, they’re gonna be more prone to punctures than not cracked ones…

    But I noticed the same on my 2 road bikes, both need both tyres cracking. My question is, they’ve been stored in the same place as (and for less time) than my MTB, but my MTB tyres are fine. What’s the difference – difference compound??

    Full Member

    Is it that different from demanding satisfaction (ooer missus) and all that? In the old duelling days, you’d demand satisfaction. Now you can demand an apology (and get told where to shove it)

    Full Member

    binnersFull Member
    Cole Palmer has just signed a contract with Chelsea for 9 years.

    Do you reckon players agents are just sending contracts through and they’re just signing them off without reading them?

    Pretty much! the hedge fund clowns (not Boehly, the other guys who binned Poch) basically just see the players as assets, so longer contract = greater asset value, in their minds. How tf you get a squad of 55 players into a manageable team is beyond them

    Full Member

    The issue is that Scotland is a renewable energy powerhouse, with the wind potential alone being huge; but the amount of electricity it can produce already outstrips both the demand in Scotland and the capacity of existing powerlines to take it elsewhere in the UK.

    Planning rules (and Nimbyism) being what they are, this is the only way the UK realistically shifts further to renewable energy.

    Full Member

    That Epic Evo pricing makes me think I should get one just because I’ll never see a deal that good again. And I wasn’t even looking for a new bike!

    Full Member

    binnersFull Member
    They now have a squad of over 50 players and they’re trying to sign more, taking their spending to over 1.5 billion since Ted Lasso turned up.

    And the fact that they’ve got a Lidl-version Pep is so perfectly in keeping too.

    Full Member

    This is a fantastic piece, I absolutely love it. Bhutan had been on my wishlist for a long time, and I finally visited for my honeymoon 10 years ago. We only saw the area around the tourist triangle (Thimpu, Paro and Punakha), but we spent enough time hiking and exploring to really get a feel for the place.

    More broadly, on various trips in the foothills of the Himalayas I’ve often wondered about the scope for biking, as there are often little footpaths and trails down through the hillsides – on the train down from Shimla, the roads around Dharamsala and the like. Honestly, I’m inclined to tell the OH we need to save up to get back to Bhutan again, and this time convince Drukair to let me take my bike along…

    Full Member

    Good question. I got mine direct from Sinn sight unseen – or at least not having tried it in the flesh! It was a bit of a gamble, but I’ve always been really pleased with it

    Full Member

    scratchFree Member
    Can anyone tell me what Chelsea’s recruitment strategy is? They can only pick 25 and have 7 loaned? Are they stocking up under 21s that don’t count? How are any of them going to increase in value if they’re only playing every 4th game?

    It’s an absolute shambles. They’ve let Gallagher go for peanuts*, supposedly are trying to force Chalobah out the door… and are now looking to add Joao Felix to the squad, at great expense. I mean, there’s being the team we can all enjoy laughing it, and then there’s whatever this is.

    *sounds like the deal may be at risk, but they desperately need it go through

    Full Member

    For me, having a playlist ready to go on my headphones. Sometimes the legs just feel heavy and the body just doesn’t feel on it. Sometimes the splits show it’s all in my head; but on the days when it’s really not going to plan, half a dozen tracks of something loud really help: Thunderstruck, Killing in the Name, Crazy Train, Paranoid, stuff like that. Even if it doesn’t make me faster, it gets my head in it.

    YMMV of course!

    Full Member

    Oh, duh, meant to ask: has anyone tried a MN-style strap on a dive watch, and how do you find it works? I’ve had watches on NATO straps before and frankly found the weight of the watch head felt unbalanced – the strap just letting it wang around on my wrist in a way that a bracelet or rubber strap wouldn’t

    Full Member

    With spectacular timing (2 years and 2 weeks after I got it – with a 2 year warranty), the butterfly clasp for my Sinn U50’s rubber strap has shat itself. Got an email in to Sinn to see about repairing it, but in the meantime I’ve swapped it back onto the OEM bracelet.

    It’s funny how different it looks on the bracelet compared to the (red) OEM silicone strap – much more understated, like a proper tool watch. Weirdly I think the pointier hands would work better with the bracelet though,  where the blocky hands look good with the strap


    Full Member

    Blazin-saddlesFull Member
    Full disclosure Nicko – I also have a Black Bay Pro GMT…

    hehe… how do you find it? Do you have separate use cases for it and the Pelagos?

    The Pelagos 39 is probably the one Tudor that I have a hankering for and reckon I’d really love to have. Fortunately my Sinn U50 kinda prevents me having to worry about it…

    Full Member

    Ah jeez, not good news then!

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