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  • New Second Generation Geometron G1: Even More Adjustable
  • nickhit3
    Free Member

    Literally no one saw this then?

    Free Member

    A big picture of knee-jerk mawkishness.

    jesus i thought i was cynical. how depressing.

    Free Member

    We got a junior acoustic set for our daughter (8) as it takes a much smaller footprint. I am 5’8” and don’t find it too small so perhaps you could look at one of those for the real drum experience (we avoided an electronic set for all the above reasons).

    (And it only cost us £120 sourced via her drum teacher – he checked it out and set it up for us too)

    not sure that would work for the OP given the noise, however it is a reasonable starting point to get experience with the set up and feel of acoustic. You can get dampening pads for the heads of most regular kits to turn any acoustic into a practice kit if it must be played with consideration for others.

    If i may add to my point above, I genuinely don’t think I would have carried on if my formative experience at home had been on an electric kit. I never had anything beyond a pad, a metronome and some sticks at home to keep the hands loose and i managed to become a gigging, writing and recording drummer for several years. I came to it later than many so not a precisely similar situation to yours SaxonRider, but it was moments with living and breathing drums in a room with a teacher and later my peers that it really clicked. A good teacher (qualified or otherwise) with a guitar and room with an acoustic kit is what i suspect will fuel his hunger to learn the instrument- even if its just 30/60 mins a week to begin will be so important. I wish id done more lessons not fewer looking back!

    Electric kits come into their own when you are perhaps putting songs together at a much later stage- or for composition ideas. As a pure practice tool? not so much, and they’re so often marketed as such which is wrong imo. Drums are an ensemble instrument, you need to learn to control a drum kit around others and i think you’d handicap yourself learning those foundations on electric- you cant rely on a volume knob or headphones in real life, and if and when Jr picks up a playing buddy or two and finds an acoustic kit in front of him, he’ll make enemies not friends. :wink: Alot of YouTube drum lesson content is often in lesson form on electric kits but its no coincidence its often fairly advanced playing that is being transcribed, dissected, or discussed- it assumes a good command of the instrument before you could easily transfer an electric lesson to an acoustic set. It also makes the life of the teacher easier for recording purposes.. going in cold as a beginner to an electric kit might be fun, but it would hamper the progression.

    lastly and most importantly, DON’T AVOID HEARING PROTECTION. There are brilliant inexpensive ear buds that will last and protect the little guys ears. Next to a vocalist, id argue the drummers hearing is the most important in any band- you’re constantly adjusting and listening to the whole band all the time and you cant do that if its all at 900db and you cant hear anything above yourself to begin with. My dad who was a drummer before me, drilled that into me and im so glad i did. He suffers with tinnitus after years gigging in the 60s and 70’s and its no joke.

    hope some of that helps!

    Free Member

    so.. oddly enough I learned on a high end Roland electric at a music school. It was great but had mesh heads and probably cost about 2k- so thats out of the question, but hopefully illustrates the level a music school or teacher might expect of an electric kit for learning. I’m self taught on acoustic and honestly- id spend the time getting him into lessons with a good teacher and/or booking regular rehearsal room time once a week etc. he will 100% get more out of it. Learning the ergonomics/set up/tuning/dynamics of an acoustic set is not possible with anything less. Even if its a beat up rehearsal room kit.

    Domestic electric kits are generally poor learning tools (imho) unless you’re reasonable proficient.And as other mention they ARE noisy. much more so than you’d imagine ESPECIALLY if not on a ground floor! The ergonomics are significantly different to acoustic kits and this is vital to understand I feel. The nature of the two is very different. In the same way you couldn’t really teach someone to ride a motorcycle (safely) if you handed them a only a bicycle. Crude analogy but i hope you see what I’m getting at.

    A good seat/throne, snare stand and pad for rudiments is important too if you want to buy something for home use. FWIW I don’t particularly subscribe to the ”must do rudiments” school but he’ll be a better drummer for longer if he does trust me!

    So looking for acoustic time- taught or otherwise- on an acousitc kit somewhere in town would be great for him. He’ll get more out of it i’d hope than on a sub par cramped electronic kit that might end up a costly clothes hanger..

    looking for space in a domestic setting for any time with an acoustic drum kit just isn’t feasible these days with the noise. Garages etc just are terrible for that. And, If he takes to it, he’s going to spend hundreds of hours in rehearsal rooms so the freedom that gives a drummer learning to control that instrument which has no volume control is unrivalled i think. Something to consider.

    Free Member

    They always miss out the bit where your gentleman’s package is sliced off and burnt before your eyes.

    They wouldn’t show that on the BBC either.

    it would fill the GBBO void. Just saying. “Great British Boll*ck Off”

    …it writes itself, I for one think its got legs. Unlike GF. Get Nick Knowles on the line will you?

    Free Member

    They were cut in 4 in various ways.

    Im not having it. I will report back in the morning with the aid of my child’s doll and possibly annotated photographs. Stand by.

    Free Member

    Yep, that is what you said, just providing the enlightened view that they are better

    If I may, I reserve the right to wrongheadedly make a poor buying decision upon considering the evidence your honour.

    Kidding aside, i do know they’re ‘better’- I’ve used bib tights successfully in the past before my riding discipline changed- but having looked around prior to posting, i didn’t actually think a bib option would be necessary for this application.

    Free Member

    hang on a sec, shouldn’t it be hung drawn and ‘fifths’ 2 arms, 2 legs.. and the head, torso? what gives? id Google it but I’m on lunch and don’t want to be fired.

    Free Member

    Remove top, take of straps, drop and commence. It’s not exactly rocket science there

    it was a joke, dont worry. thanks for the tip tho..!

    with the fact i ride with a base layer/ top/jacket/pack on the upper body, I would still argue that simply pulling down a waist band is easier than the bib…. if we’re going to go there lol

    Its been many a year since I’ve had to go for a dump in the wild, YMMV.

    in any case i mentioned in the OP, im NOT looking for bibs on this occasion… the padded liner seems to fit the bill for my needs so far.

    Free Member

    cheers Kayak23, they look decent just a tad long at 3/4 length.

    Free Member

    unless you need a poo.

    I’ll be honest, easy access for bowel evacuation is top of the list when purchasing any garment below the waist.

    Free Member

    especially as he killed Gwineth Paltrow too. Thought we’d finally nailed him with this..

    Free Member

    Decathlon, 700/900 if the budget stretches, 500 is fine if not.

    they look to fit the bill nicely, cheers! and yes, i hear you about the bib comfort issue, but i’m not typically doing huge miles with the type of riding i do (dh orientated) which i should have mentioned. might re consider though so i’ll look at some alternatives. cheers fellas.

    Free Member

    put a tarp down and hose it off after? or is that too sensible?

    Free Member

    My local authority has zip-tied plastic poppies to every single lamp post in the Borough. I’d rather that they spent that money on the people that the Royal British Legion raises money for TBH.

    surely the visibility and show of respect across that region has a greater value than any monetary amount?? can you be sure they are not donating/facilitating remembrance events in your area?

    hardly seems like the worst financial indiscretion a council could make. It’s part of a bigger picture is it not?

    Free Member

    So he should get rid of his facebook account instead of challenging these beliefs? Seems an odd stance.

    tbh its probably the fastest, least painful way the OP can move on with his life.

    Free Member

    primary school are having a competition for best Guy to be burnt at the fireworks evening

    Hope you’re top to the list… For your daughters sake, I hope this is a wind up.

    Free Member

    on, ton a singfe one

    Free Member

    Are the Dorset knights templar a right wing FB group or something?

    Free Member

    a snare drum owned by John Bonham.

    Free Member

    Pot noodles can be meated out a bit by adding a packet of crisps of your choice.

    who are you? Marco Pierre White?

    Free Member

    is there a suggestion that during your work you are abusing your position to increase the size/volume of these offcuts and failures

    to class: “right everybody, aprons on and gather round.. this morning, we’re taking a look at popular domestic fire starting materials”

    class: *goans “we did this last week sir..”

    *band saw starts.

    Free Member

    i wooden worry about it.

    Free Member

    having seen some of the coverage so far, it actually seems to be much more of a ‘big mountain’ event and more ‘natural’ in terms of the lines and features. Not sure i can watch live but will try too. It’s peaked my interest again!

    Free Member

    cant see why not. looked decent when i looked at one last week.

    Free Member

    Does that say more about the people you are friends with rather than the tool they use. Problem with social media is seems to be the people you are friends with these days.

    absolutely agree, and i concede some of it is a comment on who i know! Of course IRL, this is never an issue and i do still love and care for these people. FB though is so often a petrie dish for controversy imo- I think what im struggling to say though is that FB seemed to move towards a model that encouraged that constant regurgitation of information and not actual interaction.

    Free Member

    Its less of the effluent pipe FB was/is for me where anything seemingly goes.
    But is that just because of the people who are on it?

    seemingly was in my case! kidding aside, the way ppl used FB changed over the years I used it. It became as i saw it, a stick to beat people with and i disliked that aspect to the online presence of my nearest and dearest. Too much drama. And then you’re left reading about yet another baby or house move. Not much stimulation there beyond the obvious.

    The joy left FB for me, with a greater society shift to regurgitating political opinion – perhaps i just knew too many people of that ilk! It still has great value but the way information was surfacing was what pushed me away a the end. I’m interested in socializing- not stating at a noticeboard of reposted this and that. When you start blocking/unfriending some of the closest people to you- you know its time to step away.

    Free Member

    make sure it does metric sizes; my Uncle only had imperial sized and it used to cause all sorts of confusion.

    underappreciated post imo.

    Free Member

    But the problem there is that you’d have to take your friends with you. How did you manage that?

    No you don’t. You can start an account and start posting – in ‘isolation’ from FBa dn its algorithms. It is a distinct social platform of its own. You have to chose to link your FB contacts to bring them over if you want to do that – I very much didn’t and viewed it as a clean slate to start from at that time I moved off FB. Thus, out of my followers on IG, only a handful are former FB contacts who are hangovers from when I did use FB- and those people I know IRL as it happens. The images and content i see in my IG are closely tied to my interests and what I search for.

    I never advertised my presence on IG to my FB page when i had both- FWIW cross posting across social networks is generally considered a faux pas and is to be avoided. It gets old really quickly seeing the same content from the same person on three or more platforms instantaneously.

    I like the metaphor some one once used of the ‘coffee table’ version of ones life that IG generally represents. I try in most instances to curate my output as best I can in a manner that people might enjoy. Some of it is frivolous of course, but i try to make considered choices in my posts for the mood of the moment.

    Its less of the effluent pipe FB was/is for me where anything seemingly goes.

    Free Member

    Really? I choose the users I want to follow, whose pictures I enjoy looking at. I post pictures so others can enjoy mine (if they’re that way inclined). Sometimes people see my photos and ask me to take photos of them, so they find a photographer and I find a model. Not sure I see something to hate in all that.


    I binned FB as I mentioned above and transitioned to IG to get away from the way FB was showing me information. And i could start curating my own aesthetic on there and indulge in my interests which ironically i never did on FB. Perhaps i should have but i suspect like everyone else, most of my ‘friends’ online wouldn’t give two shits about my biking/drumming/etc.

    IG is easier to control and some of the content is creative and refreshing. It’s not perfect but there is an greater degree of control- and yes i know FB owns IG..

    Free Member

    slowly started blocking more and more people on FB including family members as I grew increasingly sick of their bullshit lives. decided it was time to stop, it was becoming frustrating. It had zero value in social interaction with distant friends. Indy Ref was the turning point for me- what was once frivolous became bitter and acrimonious. Instagram i enjoy because i can keep it focused to my interests. Twitter valuable to react with services and news outlets.

    Free Member

    in a new location

    same as last year iirc.

    Also, i don’t mean to be a debbie downer here but the last 2/3 years have been a struggle on the broadcast- watching live goes on for hours and hours. The weather is clearly an issue that cant be mitigated but its painful watching a rider adjust a pair of goggles for 20 minutes before every run whilst a helicopter interrupts the commentary before they drop in. Absolutely sucked all enthusiasm out of it for me. I’m a massive freeride fan but i always find this event hard to watch as a result- going to watch on replay this year.

    hearing professional idiot Brad ‘i cant believe they’re paying me for this’ Jay say “rear forks” live was obviously worth all that though.

    Free Member

    *accepts hugz*

    Free Member

    Adrian Chiles’s

    Free Member

    copy of the Quran? bring it with you, might be hard to find in Austria.

    Free Member

    i have no experience of log splitting- i have done it once, but all this talk is getting me envious. Never knew there was so much to it. I can see how some really get into the technology and techniques involved. Anyway, as you were.

    Free Member

    ha, some great shouts here. That homebrew looks amazing.

    Free Member

    Except, I’ve been in all day and no card through our letterbox so it’s probably in a neighbour’s bin not ours, I checked just in case.

    man, that is terrible. Been there before with Yodel but not just them. The last CRC delivery was ironically Yodel. Tossed my parcel over the fence..which was ‘ok’ in this instance as it was a downhill tyre after all but still.. the card i did get through the letterbox was illegible. I think he spelt ‘garden’ with an h and an f.

    their tracking also pretty bad- iirc you’re just a number in a drop off WITH NO TIME, so utterly meaningless :lol:

    Free Member

    How embarrassing, cant believe you posted that. That was a great session though. You had to be there.

    Free Member

    Stock screw up again, but this time shipped, but wrong item sent.

    that is annoying.

    CRC are certainly not what they were. I think the next time it might be looking like a German retailer getting my £££

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