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  • Starling Cycles Mega Murmur review
  • nickhit3
    Free Member

    *over PA in aircraft hanger

    “…whos gonna pay for it..?!!!”

    “john at number 14”

    Free Member

    so will he be banned again as a repeat offender? I mean, the C word… jeez. not an asterisk in sight to protect its modesty. asking for a friend.

    Free Member

    starting a gofundme for your family km79 to cope with the loss. RIP.

    Free Member

    haha brilliant

    Free Member

    **** petrol

    absolutely not. Other seabirds are preferred.

    Free Member

    So what’s the conclusion?

    calling the OP a snowflake? hasn’t happened yet.

    Free Member

    You now know where you went wrong. You have been told by a moderator that he despite your previous warnings he felt your punishment was harsh.

    What more do you want from this thread.

    i dont even know anymore

    Free Member

    I’d recommend trying to get over this and move on with your life pal.

    you must find yourself saying this alot on STW.

    This – its something people forget. I think the forum policy on swearing is too harsh. However the rules are the rules so you have two choices – accept them or leave.

    I have no problem with rules on forums. That this one is full of holes and makes no sense to the average user is my issue and i felt it was worth bringing it up here on the forum, it turns out this is the only way i got my answer(s). I emailed the moderators and got no response. I was shown in the two emails from the moderators where i had sworn, but not shown why what I did was worse than anyone else who was swearing even when i asked.

    The truth is, if you don’t like it tough shit.

    thats quite the catch all. great.

    Free Member

    Holly Valance?

    Free Member

    Sure, it’s:

    Richard Stilgoe

    ok i laughed. bravo.

    but lets be real for a moment, it’s pretty clear that “mods have always made it clear which language has been unacceptable” is categorically not the case, not to a regular user. If you just want to laugh about it then great. I’d rather hope you were more interested in making this forum better for us all. It’s clearly a serious issue when you’re happy to expel someone for 7 days who was ironically carefully self censoring to avoid causing offence.

    Free Member

    but contrary to the OP’s claims the mods have always made it clear which language has been unacceptable.

    have they? can you link me to this list? I’d be keen to see it.

    Free Member

    Ah, fair point. There’s a bit more info on the T&Cs page.

    “There is a swear filter on the site that will capture what we consider to be the most offensive vocabulary but any attempt to evade this swear filter will result in that post or thread being deleted. Repeat offenders will be banned. Our swear filter is not exhaustive and the moderators reserve the right to moderate any language regardless of its inclusion or otherwise in the swear filter library.”

    Indeed. As it happened, I had plenty time to retrospectively read this and other gems within the T&C’s over the 7 day ban. I hold my hand up to not reading the T&C’s of the site after creating my account whenever that was, and took my lead from the generally adult tone of the discussions i have read over many hours on STW- that contain swearing on a regular basis.

    If I may, I would politely suggest coalescing your approach to this issue. By your own admission it is all over the map and you struggle with limited resources running the site which has my sympathy. Warning emails which were innocently filtered in my case were missed and auto deleted, a PM via the site would have been immediately visible for instance (I don’t know if this is possible), and a shorter term ban would have made more sense. I want to be constructive here, as it seems others above share my confusion.

    Free Member

    You’ve received three “swear filter avoidance” warnings since June, the third one at the end of October stating “Next time will result in some time off from the Forum.” That will be why the ban was issued.


    Getting a warning for self-censoring shouldn’t happen


    Anyway, Cougar thank you for the response, it sheds light on the issue i had. I hope you can see where i was coming from regarding the inconsistencies in how your filtering works.

    The fact that ‘****’ is preferable to display to forum users as opposed to ‘s*ear f*lter a*oidance’ (for instance) is still puzzling to me but there you go. I hope it proves useful if and when this is reviwed.

    FWIW, I only have recieved two emails from Singletrack moderators over the last year. Having looked at my inboxes again, they all went into ‘junk’ as a suspected mailing list email(s) and I think previous emails were auto deleted as i never saw them in time.

    When i reference ‘no evidence’ I should clarify, that it was not made clear to me what swear filter avoidance was. I was told i had avoided a swear filter in posts that contained (or were surrounded by) other swear words in plain sight as i understood it. I emailed for a response on the day of the ban highlighting the apparent hypocrisy and my confusion here, but did not receive an answer. I want to use this forum but this has been poorly handled and been confusing- as above comments reflect.

    Free Member

    Most radio is absolutely awful, but nothing …. NOTHING…. can possibly be as tie-curlingly awful as Adrian Chiles on 5Live.

    He makes me want to remove my own ears with a pair of bolt croppers

    If the BBC had secured an unpresidented global coup and that **** was given an interview with god, but only had one question, to unravel the mysteries of creation, find a cure for cancer, he would definitely ask him what his favourite biscuit was.

    I don’t mind five live, but as soon as his thick-as-mince drawl comes on, i’d Happily smash my DAB radio into a thousand pieces rather than listen to another second of it

    so true.

    i dont understand why they cant just keep the sport on 5live Sport extra, where it should be.

    Free Member

    If i have caused offence I wholeheartedly apologise
    Fixed that for you.

    “finger wagging”

    exhibit A.


    Free Member

    But a well placed swear word does indeed add gravity to the sentence.

    that’s all it was, genuinely.

    I am aware it was lazy language, Im not in school anymore. But to be honest i use a forum about bikes and nonsense to unwind like i assume most here (i know, the irony..) not to have my language pithily deconstructed by some one who loves a bit of finger waggling.

    Free Member

    ‘Hand’ presumably refers to some level of proficiency.

    i am good at swearing, is this what you mean?


    as others seemingly are pointing out, there is a flaw in how this banning is metered out in relation to ‘swear avoidance’

    If i knew I could have just typed out the entire swearword, and not more onerously substitute letters for asterisks, then i would have done that. To my knowledge this is not detailed anywhere.

    Banning for 7 days for swearing when actually typing the swearword in full would not have instigated a ban is weird and irksome.

    Free Member

    for the record, I was told this was not my first offence for swearing. I received a email polite reminder some months ago to not mention the use of certain popular browser extensions which i was NOT aware was verboten. I was guilty in that instance. I was then banned for 7 days for ‘repeated swear filter avoidance’. No evidence was supplied of my errors. I was just left confused as to what constituted avoidance.

    replies above, have clarified this. thank you.

    Free Member

    Wait so you’re allowed to have a word automatically replaced with stars but if you type the stars in the first place that’s swear filter avoidance?

    this is exactly my confusion

    a week! that is disproportionate.


    Free Member

    You can be an Old Hand or Naive.
    Not both.

    Explain brexit voting demographics then.. ;)

    Free Member

    Was the context of the avoidance a personal insult against another poster rather than just a general railing at how shitty the world is?

    It was not directed at another individual. The swear was an ‘exasperated statement’ used in agreement with the OP of the thread that triggered the ban.

    Free Member

    Along with the “don’t question the unquestionable course”.
    You may receive further bans you silly ****

    indeed, its a dangerous game i’m playing (it would seem) but i mention it with good intentions. I was pretty surprised to be banned that all.

    Free Member

    I have just ordered something from the states. From their FAQ

    We guarantee delivery for all international shipments and will send replacements at our expense if a shipment goes astray. Be aware that ‘Standard’ shipments via APC originate via the U.S. Postal Service and tracking information may be unreliable once the parcel exits the U.S.

    So it seems once it leaves the US it’s a free for all. Which seeing as shipping is $2, so not a fully tracked service, I can’t really complain.

    ta for that Jamie, this is almost exactly what i have seen at my end. The t/c from my vendor were lacking this type of info for me- would explain alot! It’s still poor that this is even a problem given how long international shipping has been happening, its a blow that its a lottery like this. no one wins!

    Free Member

    well i suppose there’s still a chance I might luck out and end up with two of what i want. Replacement ordered by vendor today.

    What i find puzzling that a company like APC Logistics, can offer door to door international shipping but not find their own package after the “first four scans only” have been gathered. So i can see it entered a warehouse here, packed here, left here, and …..silence. ‘Sorry you’re SOL, we cant track after that point sir’. It’s weird to me that a parcel can effectively become completely invisible-to the customer AND the shipping company responsible- if no further tracking information is collected from the item. Apparently, even if I asked, they cant even locate it to the nearest continent or tell me its last known location. WTF is that about?

    Free Member

    UPDATE: just spoke to a very helpful person (genuinely) at the local sorting office who FWIW have had a great track record over the years, and was told there is no trace against my address and no pending HMRC charges in process that i’m likely to find soon. They informed me that a customs delay is typically only a matter of days.

    id vote for that . last thing i brought into uk took 3 weeks to clear customs …… it was E bike batteries i guess they were checking it wasnt big bang things.

    Trail Rat, was that a US purchase like mine?

    Free Member

    Home many 1st time buyers are buying properties upto £300K, Scottish threshold was £145K.

    ours was 242k, 15 months ago. HTB limit was 250k iirc, that equity loan helped us over the line including help from family.

    Free Member

    Canning stamp duty is a nice incentive for first time buyers. I was one 12 months ago. Wish I could get those thousands back.. wish also, they’d do something about the ground rent scam. F all about that since the review concluded.

    Free Member

    im in the same boat. cant stand cricket or any other sport broadcast in a similar volume but generally enjoy the 4% of BBC5live that isnt f’ing sport. And Chiles… man alive. why am i listening to it again?

    Free Member

    that thread title is the antidote to clickbait.

    Free Member

    That guy really needs to improve his sound quality. This is quite hard going even on headphones.

    true dat. I haven’t heard this one yet but there’s a few patchy ones in his catalogue. Hope that picks up for him, some skype ones are bad which isn’t his fault per se but its a bummer when its clearly distracting in the long form structure of his content. A bit OT here but the HktPodcast has some great content but I find on occasion Davy to be a little grating ( i know, that a dickish comment)- but i cant put my finger on it as an avid podcast user.Perhaps i’m just jealous lol He doesn’t profess to be the best at it- quite the opposite, but sometimes i feel he doesn’t get the best out of his guests. The one with the photographer ‘Mad Dog’ Boris was brilliant though and id still urge people to check them out.

    Free Member

    Personally until this thread i’ve never heard of you, i don’t want one of your bikes, i don’t really care…. but don’t slate this place without being informed.

    good way to endear people to the forum.

    Your wholesome examples are indeed true, and bring a tear to my cold dead eye, but be real: they represent exceptions to the rule. I myself have asked and received helpful honest assistance on the odd thing from time to time but the majority of the time things are derailed with memes and a few forum members who hold some sort of status over everyone else or some shit like that. This thread alone is chapter in verse on the worst of STW. Some people doing something different and its the old “who shouts the loudest wins” its pathetic.

    Free Member

    You cant preach about negativity and then dish it out in droves to any criticism and its especially ironic considering how negative you are about the bike industry.

    dat sentence doe

    but you have full control over how you conduct yourselves online.

    They do, and seemingly they’re choosing do dish out proportional responses to the tsunami of bullshit they’re receiving from time to time. Seems like an entirely fair position to me. Why should they just take it?

    Free Member

    are Burgtec Ridewide’s in your budget?

    Free Member

    This place. What a shit show.

    Free Member

    Cranked, you lost your vallient support there by comparing supporters of the guys to ‘Donald Trump supporters’

    Nicely done. Smh.

    Free Member

    I have no issue with how they conduct themselves. It’s their choice and I’ve not seen anything without a tongue firmly in their cheek. Should they just bend over and take all the hate? Is that your solution?

    Twice now something has been brought up about a ‘missing tshirt’ which when I watched a live video they hosted- as they update most days- was resolved with good humor, they customer in question was as far as his responses showed, was happy. Public shaming is a hell of an allegation. Got any sources there?

    Free Member

    “Brewdog are a pretty shitty company though, exploiting the people who made them big and using their cash to crush smaller businesses”

    I rest my case. Ffs STW. I’m done haha.

    Free Member

    That moment when a post goes way out of its depth. Ben is more niche than these guys could dream of being.

    Cool story. “I’m in the industry and I’ve never heard of them.. I’m not missing much” is a surprising and arrogant statement imo- it’s a funny way to throw shade on another company who have arguably had a significant media presence in the last 12 months, I’m sure he’s a big deal in his niche industry though. It’s staggering why so many people won’t entertain something different in this supposedly progressive sport and it’s poor to see that attitude from someone so respected if I’m led to believe the lovely brown nosing of your post there.

    The same attitude crops up when ppl mention Brewdog. Two guys who now own a billion £ company whilst all around people are falling over themselves to take the piss. I’m sure they’re losing sleep about that.

    Free Member

    I think the OP should follow his heart. The STW faithful follow their heads and all end up riding the same bikes just with different colours.. so to that end, those who followed the likes of Brooklyn and bought into that, now can look back on what was a genuinely interesting time in mtb technology-all be it brief.

    The dummy spitting here is predictably terrible and plays right into the ethos they seem to be cultivating. People are allowed to take risks. Why chose to piss on their chips? There’s room for everyone. The amount of handwringing that goes on here about the newest bikes from the big brands to me just shows how crazy the situation is. Just because someone wants to make a purchance with their heart isn’t a crime. I think it’s a good thing there are some people out there looking to disrupt things. Christ knows we don’t need to see another Santacruz out there.

    Well, I’m in the industry and I’ve never heard of them. Doesn’t sound like I’m missing much

    Really? Sounds like you need to refresh your industry sources. Or get a new industry. I’m joking I’m sure you’re a big deal at Go Outdoors or something (I’m joking calm down) but it’s statements like that that are a gift to the ethos of what these boys are doing. They’re not in this for a laugh as far as I can see, they both have families and responsibilities like the rest of us- unlike most though, they’re doing something about the issues in the ‘industry’ . Such classic Britishness to crap on success. Op, do it!

    Free Member

    Brilliant, must be an age thing but I found the program quite moving. The shots surrounding the final appearance at Cambrai were humbling I thought. It was sad that it seemed to be not part of an official French commemoration but perhaps that was asking too much with the diary. Embarrassing that the police/HSE of the town of Lincoln of all places spoiled the party- surely there would have been a way around that? The friking thing does LESS than walking speed at full chat.

    The Last Post always gets me too. Tears were rolling.

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